
Jeff's Wish List

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September 2024


"On Libya and budget, President Obama votes 'present'"

So says Barone.

Here’s the thing, though. Why wouldn’t he?

If his health care “reform” stands, he and his cronies have effectively turned the US into a soft socialist country — one that will perforce move increasingly leftward as more people are “nudged” into voting their economic interests — and it is all by design. The dollar is weak. Unemployment and debt are soaring, making cuts to services is seen as politically dicey for timid Republicans afraid of a conservative/classically liberal message. And soon the government will bankrupt the insurance industries, forcing a movement to switch to a single payer system.

That’s some fine Cloward-Piven work for two years. If the President wants to sit back, have a smoke, and have Sheryl Crow lip sync for he and his buddies, well, by gosh, he’s earned it!

Libya? Yeah, that’s what all the youth voters are concerned about. The budget? Right. Like the youth vote has any understanding of how wealth is made and why it distributes how it does in a capitalist system.

The GOP cuts funds to the poor and the struggling and busts unions. Obama just wants you all to live in a fat-reduced, green-driven utopia where health care is free and you as a government worker should have a right to take whatever you can from anybody else so long as you pay your union dues.

Message sold.

And the next tee time approaches.

236 Replies to “"On Libya and budget, President Obama votes 'present'"”

  1. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Those poor Libyan rebels are the unluckiest SOB’s on Earth.
    They had the front page of every newspaper worldwide, and growing public sympathy for their cause against the despotic Khaddafy, but then….Japan has an earthquake, and a massive tsunami, and the Libyans were forgotten, ignored, and now, slaughtered.

    Somewhere the souls of thousands of Iraqi Shiites, murdered by Saddam’s troops after the West ignored their uprising after the first Gulf war, weep in sympathy.

    So goes the Arab world…..

  2. newrouter says:

    Deconstructing Obama
    Feb 17, 2011

    Kansas City (MO) Public Library | Plaza Branch

    Jack Cashill questions whether President Obama wrote his memoir, Dreams from My Father. Mr. Cashill argues that Barack Obama was assisted in the writing of his 1995 memoir by Bill Ayers and contends that the president’s life story is different than the one presented in his biography. Jack .. Read More


  3. alppuccino says:

    I think the Libyans suffered more with the rise in temperature in the Greater D.C. area. That along with the FedEx Cup heating up on the PGA tour and what do you get? “You know, I should have been on the tour.” “Yes Mr. President, you’re that good.” “I am that good.”

    What a dick. I don’t want to hurt any would-be golfers feelings, but at most public pools you have to demonstrate a minimum aptitude before they’ll let you jump in.

    If they did that for golf, Obama would definitely have to stay in the baby pool.

  4. Jeff G. says:

    The GOP fought against a tax hike.

    Lord knows how many jobs were created or saved because of that.

    Beyond that, the GOP doesn’t believe the role of the government is to create jobs outside government jobs, which they’d like to see fewer of. What they want is to free up the private sector to create jobs.

    See how that works, evergreen? The government isn’t the genesis of all and every in our ideological world.

  5. newrouter says:

    “Name a single bill Republicans have proposed that would “create jobs””

    WASHINGTON | Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:49pm EST

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Republicans in the House of Representatives said on Thursday they would seek to combat rising oil and gasoline prices with a series of bills this year aimed at spurring domestic energy production.


  6. alppuccino says:

    Ha! Good one evergreen! The Republicans have gained the House having been previously controlled by Democrats for the last four years, During which the Dems had the Senate, House and Executive which if I recall correctly were all racked and pinioned together, focusing like lasers on jobs, and failing miserably.

    But now evergreen has the secret!!! They had no one to blame but themselves so jobs couldn’t possibly have been a pressing issue during their unchallenged power even though it was the focus of their 3-headed trident of a laser. But now! Now that the Repubs have the House majority, we really need jobs! And failure is a direct reflection on the Repubs inaction for these last 3 months.

    Never mind the extension of the current tax rate. Start pulling jobs out of thin air Republicans! C’mon! You know that’s what government is for. We’re all just full scholarship athletes at the University of America and it’s you Republicans’ job to pay us $2000 a week to turn the gym lights on and off.


  7. alppuccino says:

    Cut taxes, stand back.

    That’s it then?

    Well, that and exterminate people who think the government should “create” jobs. Yes.

  8. JHoward says:

    If his health care “reform” stands, he and his cronies have effectively turned the US into a soft socialist country — one that will perforce move increasingly leftward as more people are “nudged” into voting their economic interests — and it is all by design. The dollar is weak. Unemployment and debt are soaring, making cuts to services politically dicey for timid Republicans afraid of a conservative/classically liberal message. And soon the government will bankrupt the insurance industries, forcing a movement to switch to a single payer system.

    That’s some fine Cloward-Piven work for two years.

    And there you have it. This is reality, at this time, during this historical cycle, and in this Administration’s grasp. If you want a working perspective, leftists, there it is. Deal.

    Which means all that unmitigated bullshit about tax-cutting Republicans hating babies and little fluffy kitties is unmitigated bullshit.

    The country is insolvent. The present system cannot but fall. Your social government is to blame.

  9. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Those poor Libyan rebels are the unluckiest SOB’s on Earth.

    Those poor dumb SOB’s made their own luck when they called on Bush to save them instead of Teh Won.

    Name a single bill Republicans have proposed that would “create jobs”.

    Who needs jobs when you can just have some Bureau of Labor Statistics functionary define the size of the labor force down. Full Employment AND a permanent dependent class!

    But thank you for reminding us that is the role of the Republican party to save the Democrat party from its own excesses.

  10. Jeff G. says:

    Cut taxes, stand back.

    That’s it then?

    No. Getting rid of a lot of onerous regulation helps as well. Opening up drilling and refinery, mining, etc.

    Of course, the Dems have helped too by providing us with all those out of work people to fill the hiring pool!

  11. JHoward says:

    Granted, actually legislating is hard work, but it’s been few months now.

    What’s the hold up?

    A century of creeping fail.

    But anyway, legislating what? A money-wasting solution to a state of money-wasting socialist fail brought about by what your site host just spelled out for you?

  12. dicentra says:

    That’s some fine Cloward-Piven work for two years.

    What a bully you are, Jeff! Frances Fox Piven is a frail octogenarian and her husband is mouldering in the grave.

    How could they POSSIBLY be a threat to the country? You could flatten Piven with your pinky toe and not even notice.


  13. McGehee says:

    Cut taxes, stand back.

    Farther back, you’re still too close.

    Keep backing away.

    Just step over that guardrail there and keep going back…

  14. cranky-d says:

    Actually, evergreen, one must cut spending as well as taxes, including business taxes, and also cut regulation if one wants to have more jobs.

    Basically, we want smaller government, which encompasses all those things I mentioned. That will create the climate for jobs. One cannot create private sector jobs, one can only encourage their creation.

  15. McGehee says:

    Getting rid of a lot of onerous regulation helps as well.

    Oops. I interpreted evergrunt’s “stand back” part as meaning essentially that.

    Heaven knows I should never apply malicious reinterpretation against a troll who has done nothing but exactly that (however subtly — after all, that’s what the strawman approach is) since piping up in this thread.

  16. SDN says:

    evergreen, when the government is creating artificial shortages by forbidding drilling and refinery construction, that’s not a free market. But you know this, and are just another liberal troll.

  17. cranky-d says:

    This new one isn’t going to last very long.

  18. alppuccino says:

    Oh wait. This pine cone head is laboring under the belief in Nancy Pelosi’s psychotic rant about how unemployment insurance creates jobs because it increases demand for necessities.

    A true waste of oxygen if there ever was one.

  19. JHoward says:

    implying oil and gasoline prices aren’t the result of free market speculation.

    Sounds more like populist appeasement, which has nothing to do with creating jobs.

    Last I checked they were a component of just what your generous site host has pointed out: Specifically concerning oil and gas prices, the result of decimating the North American supply by official federal action. And yes, you could say this policy is aimed at appeasing those hostile to American success and global autonomy.

    But I repeat myself.

    So I guess you’re a dishonest troll then. “Alphie” is it?

  20. alppuccino says:

    4. There are still people who think like evergreen

  21. alppuccino says:

    Sure seems like Alphie.

  22. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Anyone else think evergreen writes like RD? Or is playing “guess the troll” too LGF 2.0?

  23. irongrampa says:

    I mentioned long ago that Troll University was having problems with student caliber, and we now see the results. Plus it’s a searing indictment of our public schools, that they can’t even turn out a competent troll candidate.


  24. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Quick! Ban him! For the EPISTEMIC CLOSURE!!!!!

  25. Matty O says:


    All I can add is hearty ‘hail victory’!

  26. cranky-d says:

    evergreen is definitely one of our classic trolls. It has an alphie kind of feeling.

  27. JHoward says:

    Because dishonesty and denial are so, so effective, cranky-d. Smart, edgy, and convincing.

  28. Jeff G. says:

    I’m betting on Willie.

  29. newrouter says:

    Three Republican lawmakers have joined the bandwagon of opponents of Environmental Protection Agency regulation of climate-altering gases. Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Representatives Fred Upton of Michigan and Ed Whitfield of Kentucky are circulating a draft of a bill dubbed the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 that takes aim squarely at the E.P.A.’s authority to impose limits on emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases.

    Their bill joins several other efforts in Congress to curtail or delay the agency’s plans to issue greenhouse gas regulations, rules that these opponents believe will raise energy costs, drive manufacturers offshore and strangle the economic recovery.


  30. Jeff G. says:

    Ah yes, onerous regulation.

    I guess we’ll see the end of that shortly.

    Just like when we saw abortion outlawed, gay marriage prohibited and the borders being secured.

    Maybe, maybe not. But some of us will continue to push for it. And change reps that don’t represent our interests.

    That’s what we do rather than deface buildings, threaten lives, and beat peace drums while trying to “do over” a lost election.

  31. Jeff G. says:


    Pay no attention to the moratoriums, the EPA machinations, the environmental lobby, or any of that.


  32. Joe says:

    Libya is a bit dicey because Italy will block use of its bases for any no-fly zone and doing it from a carrier alone (while possible) requires some commitment. Gates has given da One some cover by urging restraint. And the Administration seems clueless on whether the rebels are better or worse than Mommar.

    I am surprised Obama is not deferring to the French on this. Maybe they can lead a no-fly zone.

  33. motionview says:

    Name a single bill Republicans have proposed that would “create jobs”.
    Republican House Control. When Newt took over in Jan 1995 there were 132.038M employed Americans. By Jan 2007 that had grown to 153.133M employed Americans, for 21M new jobs.
    Democrat House Control, Jan 2007 153.133M Jan 2011 153.353M. The four year total was 220K new jobs.
    Recap: Under a Republican House 21M jobs were created over 12 years, 1.75 MILLION new jobs per year. Democrats 55 THOUSAND new jobs per year.

    US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Seasonally Adjusted Civilian Employment, LNS11000000

  34. Jeff G. says:

    Sure, motionview.

    But, like, you’re overlooking BOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHH!

  35. Ernst Schreiber says:

    The Name of The BOOOOSH! is a ward against your threatening facts and figures, motionview.

  36. Ernst Schreiber says:

    It works better when you say it like Jeff.

  37. JHoward says:

    There’s something impossibly perverse about looking to a miniscule population of freaks in a faraway place to, in the popular venacular, “create jobs”.

    Wasn’t it this pack of thieves and liars that put us in the position of needing to “create jobs” in the most robust per-capita economy the world has ever seen?

    I mean until it was destroyed by an infinitude of interlocking feedback loops, all aimed at deceit and graft in some fashion or another.

    Yes, let’s have these people “create jobs” in the finest jobs-creating natural system possible.

  38. Joe says:

    Wasn’t BP big in Libya? Anything British is bad, except when Obama is cutting a side deal with a corporation on global warming stuff. Oh wait, da One does not like the French either.

  39. JHoward says:

    Democracy is a wonderful thing.

    So is not bullshitting folks, tacitly claiming to have a point when you do not. Integrity is a wonderful thing.

  40. A fine scotch says:

    Please pay no attention to the Typing Telephone Pole. Please. Let’s focus on Jeff’s post.

  41. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Depends on what “it” is. Those Wisconsin senators are very ikely to be recalled in a “do over”.

    1.) They have to have served a full year before they could be legally recalled.

    2.) You’re an idiot.

  42. newrouter says:

    “Those Wisconsin senators are very ikely to be recalled in a “do over”.”

    dream on skippy time is on their side

  43. Squid says:

    C’mon, scotch — surely we can handle swatting a new troll and shining a light on the catastrophic consequences of Progressive “leadership” at the same time! It’s not like we lack practice at either.

  44. Bob Reed says:

    Which, as everyone knows, are seasonal and timed to coincide exactly with upswings in the Kenyan president’s popularity…

    Well actually, there more timed to coincide with the downtrends in Obama’s popularity.

    Which explains his BS presser the other day where he spouted all of the lies regarding how the O!ministration is spurring on the most domestic oil production-EVAH!

    He, like all you lefties, are worried that high gas prices will be rightly blamed on ObaMao, who in the past has openly said he wants high gas prices, and will open the electorate’s eyes to the epic failure of his non-existent energy policy.

    And underscore his failed economic policies.

  45. Bob Reed says:

    there = they’re

  46. alppuccino says:

    Those Wisconsin senators are very ikely to be recalled in a “do over”.

    8 from each party are eligible. So if they all flip it would be 19 Rebups to 14 dems. Same as it is now. Hey LYBD! You’re right! He is an idiot!

  47. Squid says:

    So which one of you guys is playing the troll this week? I mean, evergreen? It’s too perfect! It encapsulates the unending bad faith arguments of our historical pests; the assertion that our every thought and deed should be devoted to saving a planet that does everything it can to kill us; and the cockiness and sneering condescension of the recent graduate whose had time to absorb all the talking points and shallow theory, but no time to learn just how wrong the theory is when it runs into the real world.

    No actual troll could combine a nom de troll of such subtlety and elegance with a “LOOK! BUNNIES!” distraction of such obviousness and simplicity.

    Where’s Locke? I’ll bet it’s him.

  48. alppuccino says:

    There is no downtrend. Your argument is invalid.

    You’re right Squid. And this proves it.

    (and you’re still a bastard :^D)

  49. alppuccino says:

    .. that’s a parenthesis, not a double chin.

  50. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Bob @ 53:

    To throw another log on that fire, Obama based his oil “production” claims in his presser based not on actual production, but rather Ken Salazar’s report/ comments on the NUMBER of rigs currently in the Gulf. Most of which are not producing/ or currently not allowed to produce jack and will get tugged off to the coast of Brazil shortly.

    Good take down piece.

  51. A fine scotch says:

    Squid, I know swatting trolls is fun. But I’ve seen waaaaaay too many good posts threadjacked by attention seeking, info deflecting whores and we let them get away with it. c/f happyshoes, alfie, monky, et. al.

  52. Abe Froman says:

    Who let the dancing monkey in?

  53. A fine scotch says:

    And, yes, I changed the spelling or name of the thread-jackers intentionally. They’re the kind of douchebags who google their own names and would beat off to the fact that we’re still talking about them…

  54. A fine scotch says:

    That’s ok, evergreen. My comments weren’t aimed at you. They were aimed at the regulars here.

  55. Jeff G. says:

    Which, as everyone knows, are seasonal and timed to coincide exactly with upswings in the Kenyan president’s popularity…

    I don’t even know what this is supposed to mean.

    Look, if others here want to “debate” with you, good on them. From my perspective, you’re nothing more than a distraction. I don’t care a whit about what you think. I don’t feel the need to convince you. I don’t feel the need to counter your slippery attempts to lie about the pernicious affects your side is having on the country, on liberty, on freedom. Leftism is showing itself to be what people like me have always said it was; that our country seems to need to refresh itself by relearning the lesson every 30 years or so is a shame, but then, that’s a result of our unwillingness to fix the underlying problems that keep the leftism so entrenched in our society.

    Best outcome from Obama’s presidency? A return to disco clothing. Worst outcome? Sweaters, ennui, giant attack bunnies, and drunk, beer-swilling hillbillies pissing in the closets during White House overnights. And socialism in perpetuity.

  56. Lamontyoubigdummy says:


    Poor fella. So desperate for some Republican “comeuppance”. Pesky elections and such. Our little resident rear view mirror air freshener simply misses the point.

    Although, I think missing the point is kinda his bag.

    Anyway, something for his patchouli & union army to consider (man, this is gonna sting):

    Even assuming that Democrats can get one or two recalls to a vote, it won’t change the composition of the state Senate, and the Assembly’s Republican majority and Governor will block any efforts made by a Democratic majority in the Senate anyway.

    And that assumes that voters will get enthusiastic about recalls at all. Most of them are probably glad to see an end to the circus at this point and have little stomach for another. Also, the timing of the election is rather telling, too. Any recall would come at the end of summer, well after Walker and the legislature pass the next budget. Assuming Walker balances the budget without too many layoffs, no new taxes, and reasonable trims to spending, Wisconsin voters might be pretty pleased with that outcome — certainly enough to let Walker and his legislative majorities manage another budget cycle undisturbed.

  57. Squid says:

    For those of you joining the game in progress, here’s a quick look at the first half highlights:

    Jeff: Premise for discussion — Obama & Co have done so much damage to the country, so effectively, and with so little pushback from the GOP, that they don’t even have to try any more.
    Troll: Distraction! What have the GOP done to promote job growth?
    Response: Here. Have a list.
    Troll: Statement of overly simplified principle.
    Response: Actually, that’s pretty close. Bravo!
    Troll: Distraction! Speculation in petroleum commodities; energy prices are unrelated to employment and economic growth.
    Response: Response regarding artificial barriers to production; barely stifled laughter and eye-rolling.
    Troll: Distraction! Why hasn’t the GOP accomplished every other plank in their platform already?
    Response: Rome wasn’t built in a day.
    Troll: Distraction! We’re gonna recall those Senators in WI! For Democracy!
    Response: You must mean the ones who ran away in order to thwart the wishes of the people who voted their peers out of office last election. Good one!
    Hall Monitor: Can we get back to talking about how Obama & Co have screwed the nation so effectively that they’re happy just sitting back and watching it all fall down?

    And now, we return you to the game already in progress…

  58. Silver Whistle says:

    Best outcome from Obama’s presidency? A return to disco clothing.

    I always thought he was Napoleon Dynamite, without the dance moves.

  59. bh says:

    It’s RD.

  60. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Best outcome is disco clothing?!

    Nah uh. Fuck that shit. If that’s the good scenario, impeach him right now.

    I look awful in polyester.

    Look, I’ll put this up on the bedroom wall or whatever, but that’s it man.

    Sand. Line. Drawn.

  61. Silver Whistle says:

    Everyone apart from Michael Jai White looks awful in polyester, LYBD. Unless you got the ‘fro to match?

  62. Jeff G. says:

    You made an assertion that makes no sense.

    If there’s some well-timed lib conspiracy to raise gas and oil prices you should at least cite some evidence.

    I don’t recall saying a thing about well-timed conspiracies. What we’re seeing is part of the base “progressive” package. No need to upgrade to the conspiracy package.

    As for the chalkboard, shove it up your ass sideways.

  63. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    -If there’s some well-timed lib conspiracy to raise gas and oil prices you should at least cite some evidence.-


    Hit the link @ #60 sport.

    Or Google “ANWAR drilling democrats oppose”. Or “North Dakota Gas & Oil Fields Democrats oppose”.

    And if that’s too much work, how ’bout the fucking Gulf moratorium?

    Well timed enough for ya?


  64. cranky-d says:

    Well, I can certainly see there’s a certain slant to the commentary around here.

    I blame George Bush.

  65. newrouter says:

    fat rino watch

    Is This Why Christie Didn’t Join ObamaCare Suit?

    So, Christie “derides” ObamaCare? I honestly didn’t know that. He certainly hasn’t made it a key issue, also failing to join the many states that sued over it. On the other hand, his application for $39 million under it was treated “favorably” – and they’re already after another $40 million for this year. Hmm, New Jersey is second only to California in terms of the dollars it received from it to prop up its ailing public worker health insurance fund.


  66. JHoward says:

    Can we get back to talking why an emergency stimulus was even necessary in the first place?

    You first.

  67. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Can we get back to talking why an emergency stimulus was even necessary in the first place?

    Never let a crisis go to waste?

  68. Carin says:

    Can we get back to talking why an emergency stimulus was even necessary in the first place

    Was it necessary?

  69. newrouter says:

    “If you’re going to draw lines, you need a chalk board.”

    why when you have an epa administrator with years of having her head up the arse of the environmental lobby?

  70. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Nah, it was Lamont.

    You big dummy.

    Hat’s off to you sir. Powerful zing. I am humiliated. While you have yet to respond to even one fact presented, I shall nonetheless raise my beer to you, your superior wit, and ultimate grasp of all things knowable. As it should be. After all, you’re a liberal, and rightly know what is best for us all.

    O/T: can you really leave a text tag open and blow up the intertubes? Cuz, if so, next up? Fun at Democratic Underground with unclosed “strike” tags.

    Look! All the heads go ‘splodey!

  71. newrouter says:

    “Bush bragged about getting folks homes for cheap”

    source or is that beneath you

  72. newrouter says:

    “Deregulation of complex derivatives led to an over-optimistic real estate market, which eventually crashed.”


  73. JHoward says:

    Deregulation of complex derivatives led to an over-optimistic real estate market, which eventually crashed.

    Assuming you mean that to be a broad and meaningful perspective, bullshit.

    (If not Alphie, then thor. Smells like his teen spirit.)

  74. JHoward says:

    Bush bragged about getting folks homes for cheap, etc.

    If by “Bush” you mean FM & FM, righto.

    So, bullshit.

  75. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    -JHoward – Deregulation of complex derivatives led to an over-optimistic real estate market, which eventually crashed.

    Bush bragged about getting folks homes for cheap, etc.-

    Oh. My. God.









    You pick up your Chinet plate and march your ass down to the kiddie table.

    Good grief. We NEVER get good trolls.

  76. LBascom says:

    I kinda like the way Obama has handled the recent Middle East unrest. I got no problem with what we’re doing in Libya for example; nothing.

    We don’t have to stick our nose in everybodys business.

    And yes, I’m aware it’s due to his clueless foreign policy, and he’s a disaster as president, but still…

  77. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Evergreenworthy oversimplification: The gubmint offers to buy bad paper and suddenly there’s a market for bad paper.

    bad market!

  78. Mr B says:

    Two things caught my eye on a quick recent search. One,Paul Ryan dings the Tea party at Politico. And Two is below.

    Ideally, the Republicans will take this second route — acknowledging the unpleasant realities of the federal budget and presenting the serious and specific fiscal reform plan that they have promised the American public.

    A good place to start would be to give closer consideration to the recommendations of the bipartisan Bowles-Simpson and Rivlin-Domenici commissions. They put everything on the table, including defense cuts and tax reforms that increase revenues by limiting tax “entitlements” — federal subsidies administered through the tax code. The commissions also include savings from Social Security and Medicare reform, but for those programs the focus must be on cumulative savings stretching beyond the 10-year window.

    Republicans have criticized the President for failing to incorporate more of the policy recommendations of his own fiscal commission in his proposed budget. The question now is whether they will do any better.

    I’m going to cut the guy some slack for dissing me; because I think he knows what the hell he is doing. Or at least, what I think he is going to try and do. I wonder if he is laughing at the 105Bn for Obamacare compared to the big picture? I wish I knew.

  79. newrouter says:

    “Some of you people seem to have been raised in a wicker basket of ideology.”

    yea equating “Bush bragged about getting folks homes for cheap” with that clip could get you work at mediamatters

  80. Abe Froman says:

    Some of you people seem to have been raised in a wicker basket of ideology.

    Possibly the gayest stab at an insult ever.

  81. JHoward says:

    Bush on home ownership

    In other words, a tacit endorsement of middle-of-the-road soft socialism from the era immediately preceding the market collapse guaranteed by of American socialism in the grip of a failed and fraudulent system of currency.

    Which is to say, FM & FM. I.e., monetary Cloward-Piven. And back on topic we go!

    Oh, you’re good, alphie, not that anybody over here in Realityville needed the validation.

  82. newrouter says:

    “The Concord Coalition was founded in 1992 by the late former Senator Paul Tsongas (D-Mass.), former Senator Warren Rudman (R-N.H.), and former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson. Former Senator Bob Kerrey (D-Ne.) was named a co-chair of the Concord Coalition in January 2002. ”

    maybe an update – the no labels coalition

  83. Mr B says:

    Nice catch Newrouter.

  84. JD says:

    “Evergreen” is a cock gobblin’ gutter slut what eats boogerz and buggerz goats.

  85. Pellegri says:

    Oo, can I jump on this bandwagon, too?

    Can we get back to talking why an emergency stimulus was even necessary in the first place?

    It was necessary?

  86. JHoward says:


    Wow but you’re dim.

  87. John Bradley says:

    Some of you people seem to have been raised in a wicker basket of ideology

    Oh yeah?!?

    Well… I’m wicker and you are glue. Your words get those unpleasant red lines on the back of their thighs when they sit on me for too long during shorts-wearing weather… and stick to you.

  88. LBascom says:

    Sarah Palin is going to be in a congressional primary debate?


    Methinks alphie is drunk.

  89. JD says:

    So far, idiot-boy RD/meya/inyourface/pfar/blah blah blah has hit about 7 boilerplate leftist canards. Next should be gitmo, torture, AGW, Koch brothers, and RACISTS, not necessarily in that order.

  90. newrouter says:

    “Which is to say I can’t wait for Sarah Palin to denigrate the current congress as “elites” in a primary debate.”

    running on empty

  91. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    -A wicker basket of ideology-

    I’ll take evergreen’s college major for $1000, Alex.

    Mr. B,

    While they were being politicians (stroke each other and give no real particulars), this was interesting. They claim it would cut $4 trillion over 10 years (though probably while they spend another $8 trillion, natch).

    They talk a good game though.

    Would, of course, have no shot while captain present is in office, but still.

    Cats & dogs working together.

    In this climate it’s almost creepy.

    I’m sure evergreen will spearhead a campaign drive to unseat Warner any day now.

    Disgusting traitor.

    Ewww! Reasonable moderate Democrat reached a common sense fiscal budget agreement with a Rethuglican!

    Burn him!!!!

  92. newrouter says:

    Which is to say I can’t wait for Sarah Palin to denigrate the current congress as “elites” in a primary debate.

    sp koch sucker tee hee.

  93. newrouter says:

    “They talk a good game though. ”

    yea play with numbers but don’t do anything to radically slash big gov’t.

  94. Jeff G. says:

    You all let me know when you want me to flush this one.

  95. Frontman says:

    Go easy on the drunken hillbillies. I’m on your side, and I promise I will never piss in a closet. A sink, maybe.

    And I agree about polyester, except I wouldn’t mind bringing back Qiana shirts.

    Lastly, the trolls should really up their games a bit.

  96. newrouter says:

    “do you believe in evolution?”

    what’s the purpose of male baldness in evolution?

  97. John Bradley says:

    More nookie for younger, not-bald guys?

  98. newrouter says:

    “There was no particular reason to select for or against it.”

    you don’t live near the equator or the north pole

  99. newrouter says:

    “do you believe in evolution?”

    why do single cell creatures need eyes?

  100. LBascom says:

    I like Herman Cain more and more.

    The local talk station interviewed him live today, I’ll link the podcast when it comes up (could be a day or two). The host is pretty softball, but he gave the man time to speak.

    I really don’t think Palin is in this one.

  101. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    I’m sorry evergreen. It’s tough to hear you from the kiddie/ folding card table. Did you say “I can’t wait for Sarah Palin to”…?

    Now that’s sad. That partial sentence is like what you punch into Google just to see the auto search response.

    Your so intellectually broke, so over your head in this conversation, you had to actually run all the way over to Palin?

    Really? I don’t know if your a college freshman or write for the NYT. Or both.

    Why not just yell, “Look…over there…a squirrel!”

    To quote my African American brothers & sisters, I’d say you be trifflin’.*

    Or as newrouter politely put it…

    “running on empty”

    Or, “Out of Gas”.

    Which happens to be my favorite Firefly episode.

    Other than “Heart of Gold”.


  102. newrouter says:

    “do you believe in evolution?”

    what happen to the coffee party?

  103. Ernst Schreiber says:

    You all let me know when you want me to flush this one.

    Ooh! Ooh! A READER POLL!

  104. newrouter says:

    “I really don’t think Palin is in this one.”

    me too i see her campaigning for the hermanator. tough but not impossible to play the race, elected experience, experience card.

  105. LBascom says:

    I think evolution is one of our creators tools.

    Think of it like a pallet to a Da Vinci painting.

  106. newrouter says:

    “Evolution is invalid because you’re bald and it’s cold?”

    glitch in the theory. theory being you adapt to your surroundings.

  107. Pellegri says:

    If your worried, buy a wig.

    Not a fine arts degree, obv.

  108. newrouter says:

    “He seems to be strangely reticent on the matter.”

    so sorry he’s not waiting to comment on every mendacious post of yours.

  109. newrouter says:

    the evolution i surmise is that cain will be the palin/bachmann choice.
    with bachmann doing shadow campaigning in nh and sc and palin in iowa.

  110. bh says:

    Elf Radio, maybe?

    I’m starting to forget half their tics since we’ve had comment registration.

  111. bh says:

    He’s picking up his son from school.

    Okay, that’s definitely RD.

  112. Pellegri says:

    Also, did you miss the part where he wrote you off as uninteresting? Because basically at this point you’re being left to us–the rest of the commentariat–to play with, like a cat with a mouse, until we get bored of the new toy and leave you for Jeff to kickban. And that’s the last attention he’ll pay to you, evergreen.

    So you might as well resign yourself to getting mauled for a little while longer, or ask for a peremptory banning.

  113. guinsPen says:

    While evergreen is yet another of our Creator’s tools.

  114. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    And now he’s on to evolution.

    Oh noes!!! You’ve pinned us all down.

    Good grief.

    You’re in the wrong room man.

    There’s no fundies around here. Just armadillos and outlaws. You and your fellow zombies are so easy to pigeon hole and wash hands of. Folks here? Yeah, not so much.

    So save your ammo (bb’s) for the retards (I’m pretty sure you’ll know your own even if they are on the opposite end of the spectrum) for other sites.

    But we do appreciate the laugh.

  115. Pellegri says:

    Yearling bunnies and all those extra mouse pups are for baby predators to learn how to hunt on.

    It’s the circle of life!

  116. newrouter says:

    “Frankly, I’m surprised darleen hasn’t started a new thread bashing Japan for accepting aid.”

    you don’t do that to your creditors numbnuts

  117. Abe Froman says:

    This is certainly a useful thread. Someone will have to fill me in on the secret to deriving pleasure from debating a moron.

  118. McGehee says:

    Someone will have to fill me in on the secret to deriving pleasure from debating a moron.

    They’re not debating him. They’re playing keep-away with his protective headgear.

  119. Jeff G. says:

    Sorry. Wife is out of town and I was making dinner, et al.

    RD under his new name is gone. Let him go set up yet another email account so he can get back on, snipe for a few hours, then get banned again.

    It seems to be what gets him off.

  120. McGehee says:

    Let him go set up yet another email account…

    There oughta be a law against free email accounts.

  121. newrouter says:

    “Someone will have to fill me in on the secret to deriving pleasure from debating a moron.”

    textural pong

  122. JD says:

    Evergreen is engaging in leftist performance art.

    j”evergreen” – how many names have you been banned under?

  123. Abe Froman says:

    They’re not debating him. They’re playing keep-away with his protective headgear.

    A lot of that, thankfully. Not enough for my taste. Then again I’d rather devote a whole day to trying to suck my own cock than humor the kind of idiot I only encounter when renewing my driver’s license.

  124. guinsPen says:

    you don’t live near the equator or the north pole


  125. Jeff G. says:

    Just now catching up. Do I believe in evolution? What the hell does that even mean? Lamarckian? Darwinian? Catastrophism? Crystals? Gene flow, genetic drift? Darwinian? Micro? Macro? Dawkins and the slow burn, or the jumping around theory favored by some of the other scientists? Social evolution and the Greenblattian turn? Social Darwinism?

    Of course I believe in evolution as a process. I don’t believe evolution answers questions about first causes. Nor is it supposed to. To know any of this, one need only check the archives. But to get right to what he was angling at, here.

  126. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    “Someone will have to fill me in on the secret to deriving pleasure from debating a moron.”

    Abe, while I certainly see your point as it pertains to this particular thread, as far as the secret to deriving pleasure from debating a moron?

    Well, here ya go.

  127. motionview says:

    “Do you beleieve in evolution” is the blog-comment equivalent of little boy George Stephaluffagus asking “How about them birthers?” or “Look! A squirrel!”

  128. newrouter says:

    rsm on a tear:

    Fuck you, Shep. Fuck you and fuck your purple prose.

    Your over-excited International Drama Queen act is starting to grate on my last nerve, and I’m not in a mood for further annoyances today.


  129. guinsPen says:


    I’m boycotting newrouter because he hates Antarctica.

  130. Jeff G. says:

    Just wait until Shep is exposed to radiation. I see a scenario developing…

  131. newrouter says:

    I’m boycotting newrouter because he hates Antarctica


  132. newrouter says:

    shemp posing in front of a non damage city scape. optics yes!

  133. guinsPen says:

    You too, new’?

    Good, that makes two.

  134. bh says:

    “The rules for the humans are do not disturb or hold up the penguin. Stand still and let him go on his way. He’s heading towards certain death.” — Werner Herzog, Encounters at the End of the World

    Never thought I’d get a chance to work that quote into the comments.

  135. newrouter says:

    so let’s fly shemp over 12000 miles to pose in front of a non damaged city scape while showing old video of damage elsewhere. brilliant!!11!!

  136. guinsPen says:

    You’re certainly not suggesting the two glass eyeball scenario develops, are you?

  137. bh says:

    You’re certainly not suggesting the two glass eyeball scenario develops, are you?

    I really do love how that’s a coherent and sensible question here at pw.

    Of course, the whole thing is caught on video tape (a shoe with the foot and ankle still attached tumbling crazily in the foreground), Shep’s left eye having been surgically removed and rewired to a Canon XL-1 DV camera—the streaming video from which is then picked up by the wi-fi connection his producer has jerryrigged to the FOXNews satellite and transmitted in realtime to the network, who barely has time to edit out some of the gore.

    (Having problems linking,

  138. guinsPen says:

    Looks like I’m out of business, then.

  139. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    The media vultures are so praying those reactor cores go all melty.

    Cuz…face time!! While safe. With manufactured super drama!!! Plus lots’a Look at me! Look at me! I’m a hero somehow.

    Limbo dance y’all! How low can ya go? How low can ya go?

  140. bh says:

    Nah, you’re not out of business just yet, guins. You still sneak about 30% of your assorted jokes and allusions past me with ease.

  141. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    You’re not out of business quite yet guinsPen.

    Also, I found your new avatar.

  142. guinsPen says:

    “The rules for the humans are do not disturb or hold up the Penguin. Stand still and let him go on his way. Wherever he’s heading, it’s still interference and two minutes in the box.” — Werner Herzog, Encounters at the NHL

  143. JD says:

    The Bachelor is clearly a sign of the end of days. And I picked the winner the first night.

  144. Danger says:

    Im only through comment 18 and I have already diagnosed a clear case of CPA (Cherry pickin approach) in our boy evergreen. Reminds me of someone but back to the comments to check for other symptoms.

  145. Danger says:

    “Anyone else think evergreen writes like RD?”

    That’s where my money is but I’m only on comment 27 so back to the scene of the crime I go;)

  146. bh says:

    Yeah, Ernst gets bonus points for the quick troll ID, Danger.

  147. John Bradley says:

    The media vultures are so praying those reactor cores go all melty.

    So’s our prosecutorial buddy in LA, I’d bet, to retroactively vindicate his tales of Nuclear Doom!

    If only to be able to say “Suck it, Goldstein!”

  148. guinsPen says:

    Coincidentally, I quote from my new avatar link:

    “i thot u wuz supposed 2 haz happeh feet.”

  149. JD says:

    Where are the tales of nuclear doom?

  150. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Jacques Barzun anticipates blog trolls by about twenty years, give or take:

    In short, the mystique of “communication” is overdone. Among the peoples of the earth most of the trillions of words emitted every minute are not for communication; they are for self-expression. The speaker wants to utter and cares little whether the listener follows, as is shown by the fact that when the speaker stops he stays absorbed in his own train of thought, waiting for an opening to resume speech [emphasis added, E.S.]. That some communication takes place in the world is an intermittent miracle brought about less by free desire than by sheer necessity.
    (“License to Corrupt” in Barzun, The Culture We Deserve, Middletown: 1989, p. 157; rev. version of “Rhetoric and Rightness: Some Fallacies in a Science of Language,” in The Creating Word: Papers from an International Conference on the Learning and Teaching of English in the 1980s ed., Patricia Demers, Edmonton: 1986)

    Enough chalk on the board?

  151. guinsPen says:

    Only if High-Speed Trains is the answer.

  152. Danger says:

    “Just like when we saw abortion outlawed, gay marriage prohibited and the borders being secured.”

    Hey he’s expanded his repetoire to red herring bait. I sense a strawman army is forming over the ridge.


  153. bh says:

    Interesting excerpt and I sorta dig the full title as well, The Culture We Deserve : A Critique of Disenlightenment. Disenlightenment. Yes. I like that.

    Would you recommend it, Ernst?

  154. newrouter says:

    “Where are the tales of nuclear doom?”

    shemp is doing it know!!!11!! on fox

  155. newrouter says:

    shemp IS NOT near the danger. so relax.

  156. JD says:

    Communal – how many times have you been banned here, and under what names? Oh, and fuck you.

  157. bh says:

    This is an interesting — by interesting I mean utterly retarded — angle to take against Jeff from my perspective.

    I’ve posted here on the front page supporting Daniel Dennett against Robert Wright and Andrew Sullivan when they were mischaracterizing his viewpoint. Jeff’s response? Go get ’em.

    Yeah, he hates evolutionary theory. Simply hates it.

    What the fuck are you on about, RD?

  158. Danger says:

    “Which, as everyone knows, are seasonal and timed to coincide exactly with upswings in the Kenyan president’s popularity…”

    I’ll take non-sequitors for a thousand

    YAHTZEE!! evergreen has hit the daily double! So what has he won?

  159. Pellegri says:

    At least unlike the Lernean hydra, it only regrows its own, single head when chopped off.

    Sadly the head continues to spout retarded nonsense, but there’s only one of them.

  160. Danger says:

    “He, like all you lefties, are worried that high gas prices will be rightly blamed on ObaMao,”


    That’s why Obumble won’t deploy the strategic reserve…yet. He knows it’s a one-shot deal and he has to save it for the election.
    You heard it here first.

    Well, maybe not first (I’m only on comment 53;^)

  161. JD says:

    So, you are just being your normal cowardly dishonest fucking mendoucheous self, suffering a manic episode coupled with multiple personality disorder. It is always sad, yet you deserve every ounce of mockery and scorn that you receive, as you are a festering oozing pustule fistula on the bunghole of humanity.

  162. bh says:

    No, I’m pretty sure he would have responded with a good bit of scorn to a simple-minded question like “Do you believe in evolution?” back in the day as well, RD.

  163. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Would you recommend it, Ernst?

    Honest to God, bh, I’ve had the book for all of 4 hours now. All I’ve seen is the TOC and the permissions, and of course page 157, the page it fell open to. The quote is the para at the bottom of the page.

    I feel like I should put on an eye-patch and leather trench coat and in my best cherman akzent recite Robert Duvall’s speech about synchronicity in The Eagle has Landed!

    Yeah, I’d probably recommend it. Just because Barzun is a thinker who’s serious rather than a serious thinker. Probably too New Dealerish in his politics, but from what I can tell, he knew back in the 50s that the Left was going to run us into the wall.

  164. Danger says:

    Man I could have saved myself a lot of work by skipping ahead to squid’s #69
    then right on cue the boy blunder almost brings down the whole time space continuum with this ironylanche:

    “You made an assertion that makes no sense”

    Back to reading; can’t wait to see what he says next.

  165. Jeff G. says:

    Two bans in one day. RD is in a manic phase, I guess.

    I quite like the Selfish Gene and the Blind Watchmaker. As is the case with trying to understand the staggering weight of our debt, I sometimes think people who don’t believe in the basic tenets of natural selection theory can’t conceptualize the kinds of enormous numbers we’re dealing with.

    Then again, I don’t think anything any of the evolutionary theorists have come up with invalidates questions of first cause. Two different questions, the first being scientific and the second metaphysical.

    Of course, none of that has jack-all to do with this post. So.

  166. Danger says:

    “You pick up your Chinet plate and march your ass down to the kiddie table.”

    Ok lamont,
    you owe me a new keyboard and not one of those italicy ones your demonstrating either. I’ll be no part of this plot of yours to blow up the intertubes Mr.!

  167. bh says:

    Thanks, Ernst. Going to be doing some business travel over the next couple weeks so I need something to read.

    Wait, you separate different questions into different categories to avoid category errors, Jeff? I’m pretty sure that means you think Jesus rode on a dinosaur.

  168. Jeff G. says:

    The dinosaurs were planted by Satan to make us believe they existed, when the fact of the matter is, it went Adam and Eve, Ghengis Khan, the Pilgrims, Paris Hilton, the Real Housewives of Marin County, this evening.

  169. bh says:

    What’s so funny about this is how completely they feel this need for us to fit into the predetermined box.

    Agnostic Jews = Young Earth Christians. Why? Because it’s easier that way.


  170. JD says:

    Not only did Jesus ride a dinosaur, he rode it side saddle.

  171. Jeff G. says:

    OT: stool lift + 12.5 today. My hands and wrists were shot, though, because I did fat bar lifting earlier. I’ll get 15 next time.

  172. JD says:

    I have lost 21 pounds since the New Year.

  173. Ernst Schreiber says:

    bh, The New Criterion had a good appreciation of Barzun back in ’07 I think. I don’t know if it’s behind their paywall or not.

    And how vacant does one’s life have to be when getting one’s self tossed off a fucking blog (no disrespect Jeff) is a precondition for tossing off in the first place? I think I’d rather wash down a box of rat poison with a bottle of Drano before lighting myself of fire. But maybe that’s just me.

  174. Jeff G. says:

    Congrats! I’m up to about 202, but I have a hard time keeping it there. Between 197 and 202 most days.

  175. bh says:

    Thanks, I’ll look for it, Ernst.

    Hey, that’s great, JD. You quit smoking and you’re losing weight. You know what comes next, right?


  176. Jeff G. says:

    speaking of windsprints, I have to go don the weight vest and hit the treadmill. To walk quickly.

    But it’s the thought that counts.

    By the way, I’ve watched both seasons of River Monsters. I don’t know how anyone can look at giant perch or Alligator Gar and not believe in some measure of evolution…

  177. bh says:

    I tried that sledgehammer finger walk, btw.

    One of the following statements is true. 1) I did it with ease. Twice. 2) My hand actually locked up and I had a problem using it for a couple hours.

  178. vaguely says:


    Of course, none of that has jack-all to do with this post. So.

    Let’s eat !

  179. JD says:

    This morning was interval training, bh. All out sprint for 20 sec, walk 10, for 30 minutes. Then lift. Then a mile cool down.

  180. bh says:

    I’m a huge believer in throwing in intermittent anaerobic activity, JD. Boosts your testosterone levels and keeps the plateaus away. Even squatting quick sets near your max three times a week works wonders. Takes fifteen minutes, tops.

    Turns out that our high school coaches were right. You should feel like you’re going to puke as often as possible.

  181. JD says:

    If you do not puke, you are not working hard enough.

  182. JD says:

    Fartlek is a fun word to say.

  183. bh says:

    If you’re thinking like that you’ll be drinking gasoline and pissing napalm soon, JD. Excellent.

  184. Stephanie says:

    I was gonna join a gym and then, while trolling the On Demand on Comcast the other night, I discovered that their fitness channel has many, many videos – Yoga, Aerobic, Belly Dancing, Boot Camp PX whatever the hell that thing is, and a whole host of selections to get your sweat on. So I bought an exercise mat and some hand weights (3 lbs) and now I’ve progressed to staring at the mat and finding all sorts of things to do around the house to avoid it. The house may be spic and span by the weekend. Progress!

  185. JD says:

    Bh – I have crossed into some weird realm where I look forward to my workouts. Tuesday and Thursday are 2-a-days. Long runs on Sunday are the only thing I do not look forward to.

  186. Stephanie says:

    OT but delicious none the less:

    In a sign that Republicans are still smarting from the exodus of Democrats during deliberations on the budget, Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) told his caucus on Monday that Democrats remain in contempt of the Senate.

    That means, he said, that Democrats can’t vote on bills or amendments.

  187. Danger says:

    Man this thread has sucked all the O2 out of the blog.

    Meanwhile, Japan is melting down and Prince Obama is having a personal crisis. Where’s your heart people? ;^)

  188. Pellegri says:

    By the way, I’ve watched both seasons of River Monsters. I don’t know how anyone can look at giant perch or Alligator Gar and not believe in some measure of evolution…

    Respectfully, this one (and a comment over on Pharyngula about one of my favorite critters ever–the southern flannel moth–that was very different in tone but similar, I think(?) in essence) regarding the varied and delightsome horrors of nature has always made me grin. Speaking as a theistic biologist who isn’t really satisfied with evolution as is (probably because it doesn’t address first causes), I’ve always found it a little narrow-minded to assume any Creator, even one who had our ultimate best interests in mind, wouldn’t have a sense of aesthetics that was much wider than ours. With much more room in it for piscine macropredators, tiny cottonballs of death, flowers that smell like rotting meat, flesh-eating bacteria, and so on–I mean, I have a healthy appreciation for these things when many of my peers (and even friends) don’t. Who’s to say the Watchmaker doesn’t?

    Similarly, when it comes to perceived design failures (blind spot in the eye, one tube for both air and nutrients, your sex organs are where?, cytokine storms, etc.), it’s easy to sit around and go “OBVIOUSLY there can’t be a designer because if there were, they’d know better than to do x,” … which is sort of presumes to me that they assume that IF the Designer is perfect, there’d be no reason to permit a less-than-perfect design. (Which also begs the question of what a perfect design for an organism on the human bauplan is, for one; there’s stuff we can fix, assuredly, but at some point you have to go “well, now we’re just quibbling over accessories, not perfection”.)

    Again, though, it’s kind of presuming the mind of the Watchmaker, though: If I were to seat myself in the same place, I can think of at least two reasons offhand why I’d want to leave in “errors” in the design rather than making humans flawless super-predators. (1: Grist for the evolutionary mill, since I–as the Watchmaker–have confined myself to working within evolution’s rules to create new designs. Hitting on an optimized design will require “regressing” that design later if I want to alter it, so it’s more fruitful to leave in flaws–or, these humans who might be questioning my design process are doing so from the middle of said process. They’re rough work, not the optimized humans to come. 2: It’s more interesting to me, as an observer, to have creations who aren’t 100% optimized. Maybe I tried the “totally perfect” creations thing before and got real bored with that. Leaving in blind spots and autoimmune diseases and the ability to choke to death on a pretzel makes for more interesting individuals and stories than having legions of self-replicating Übermensch wandering around, unable to die.)

    Aaanyway this is totally OT and I am going to cut myself short before I keep going forever, since I’ve got variations on this that address ethics and theodicy as well. Obviously, it’s all philosophy (and theology, when you get into the “who’s the Watchmaker and why does It care about us?” bits, the theogony, and theodicy) and not science at this point, but I do like to think it’s a better threshed-out answer to the usual set of objections thrown at ID’s explanation of first causes.

    Or it could be the mention of Dawkins invoked a startle reflex and I just started typing. He’s got good ideas but the man is out of his depth when he exits evolutionary science and should stay clear of discussions of first causes and so on. (AND he’s one of those insufferable AETHEISM IS BETTER TROLOLOLOL sorts. eugh.)

  189. Jeff G. says:

    I tried that sledgehammer finger walk, btw.

    One of the following statements is true. 1) I did it with ease. Twice. 2) My hand actually locked up and I had a problem using it for a couple hours.

    Which is it? The first time I sorta tried it was after I saw the original video. I went to ACE, picked up the 8 lb hammer, tried to finger walk it, couldn’t get it to move, put it back, bought the 6 lb hammer and went home humbled.

    After a few days, though, I walked the 6. So I went back and bought the eight. Yesterday, after a lot of working out, I walked it with both hands. It’s weird.

  190. Stephanie says:

    Congressman Steve King in a Special Order speech outlines a solution to defund ObamaCare, simply by including specific language in a Continuing Resolution. He explains that by using the same language expressed in a House CR that totally DE-FUNDED the entire Vietnam War, thus ending the war, ObamaCare would suffer the same fate–starved of money: DOA.


  191. Jeff G. says:

    I agree. I’ve argued against Dawkins vehemently (on this very site) when he wandered away from evolutionary science.

    All I meant by the Gar was that it was obviously quite old.

    I love river critters and deep ocean things — like the shit living in the deepest recesses of the Marianas trench. Making a superficial case for Lamarckian evolution.

    As for the watchmaker and errors of design, who’s to say they are errors to begin with? We haven’t really a full appreciation of the context and tend to view things from our own psychical perspective. Is the way I look at it.

  192. bh says:

    Oh, it’s the second, Jeff. Don’t know the weight of my sledgehammer (I might need to go check now) but it has a bumpy, easy-grip handle so I was able to get down about half way.

    I have non-existent forearms. I’m working on it but, hey, I must have awesome fucking technique because submissions are my bread and butter.

  193. bh says:

    You’re cool, Pellegri. Just in case anyone hasn’t mentioned it lately.

  194. bh says:

    Steph, put on your favorite, quick tempo music. That always helps me. Carin is our role model here. She’s a cardio machine and she listens to Tool. That has to be related.

  195. Stephanie says:

    I’m such a cheerleader-hoochie-slut – my fav workout music is “Jock Jams.” Did I ever mention that I coached cheerleading and dance teams to pay for college? Didn’t think so, it tends to reduce the gravitas of my comments to imaginary numbers. Sigh.

  196. bh says:

    Okay, it’s ten pounds.

    It has these tiny triangles sticking out of both sides though, like a gun grip. I have a feeling that makes all the difference.

  197. bh says:

    I normally use it to hit a tire with in circuit training. I’m pretty jazzed about having another drill for it.

  198. Abe Froman says:

    I don’t know how you people do these crazy workouts at your old age. After ten years of football, 14 years of baseball and God knows how many years of basketball, I don’t think there’s a part of my body that isn’t arthritic, deformed or just permanently broken.

  199. Jeff G. says:

    I use the 8 and a 40 for hitting tires. I have a lifting stone arriving this week. This summer I’m going heavy and old school: lots of thick handled lifts, farmer’s walks (with thick grips), stone lifting, mace and heavy indian club swings (I have loadable clubs with 3″ balls on the end, great for wrist and grip), sand bag carrying, gut wrenching, one-handed vertical deadlifts, two-handed pinch deadlifts, maybe a slosh pipe, power isos, etc. All stuff I can do outside and get a tan while breaking my own spirit.

    For some reason, I have a feeling the vertical deadlifts on a v-bar (essentially, an extra large Olympic weight loading pin that you grab at the top of the shaft) will be something I excel at, once I get my lower back strong. From doing all those reverse curls on the softball and baseball with upwards of 70-80 pounds, I can hold very tightly with my palm. I believe the official world record is 337 or so. I’m going to pull 300 by the end of the summer if I can find a v-bar and start training it. At least, that’s what I tell myself.

    Re: sledge. Yeah, the smooth wood handles are much tougher to walk on. Get a 6 and start with that.

  200. JD says:

    I am swooning.

    Medicine ball ab workouts are fun.big fun.

  201. Jeff G. says:

    I don’t know how you people do these crazy workouts at your old age. After ten years of football, 14 years of baseball and God knows how many years of basketball, I don’t think there’s a part of my body that isn’t arthritic, deformed or just permanently broken.

    I broke a bone in my back when I was about 14, so I need to keep strong to stave off back problems. I’d also shredded my shoulder from years of baseball and football. The work I’ve been doing has really re-strengthened it.

  202. the only exercise I get is holding back 90 pounds o’ dog as we’re walking. Roxie has decided she can take on any dog, and she has the scars to prove it.

  203. JD says:

    That swooning thing was about #198.

  204. bh says:

    I do it so that it doesn’t hurt as much — relatively — when some guy kicks me in the liver, Abe.

    Why do I let some guy kick me in the liver in the first place? Because of poor technique.

    Honestly, though? It’s because when you can handle a standout wrestler or kick boxer for fifteen minutes you feel really, really, really good.

  205. bh says:

    So brain chemicals, I guess. They’re addictive.

  206. Pellegri says:

    @194, Jeff: Ah! Then you can just take my comment as seeing the Dawkins ball and running off with it. (I love gar, too. And other water critters, deep and not so; my favorites are sea lilies, though the first time I ever saw a video of them I was horrified to notice they were moving under their own power.)

    And that’s–concerning mistakes–a third take on it. There’s no reason to believe that a trait of an organism is a “flaw” simply because it functions in a way that we consider “badly designed” (from our limited perspective). BUT I WILL STOP RAMBLING.

    I’m such a cheerleader-hoochie-slut – my fav workout music is “Jock Jams.” Did I ever mention that I coached cheerleading and dance teams to pay for college? Didn’t think so, it tends to reduce the gravitas of my comments to imaginary numbers. Sigh.

    All my respect! Cheerleading (and dance) taking the tremendous injury toll they do, I think people who coach and participate in them don’t get enough credit compared to the people who run into each other in sports where there are more strenuous safety regulations. (Which does not diminish my love of football any, but generally you don’t hear about cheerleaders getting the rehab needed from life-ruining injuries if they get dropped during a routine–versus the play-by-play on somebody’s torn ACL you can expect in sports news.)

    @bh: aw. ♥ <— there should be a heart there. If WordPress parses the code correctly. <3?

  207. serr8d says:

    Heh. I love the smell of shredded troll in the evening. I missed all the fun, it seems.

    If it mentioned Bush, it was Dr. Air Guitar William. That boy twangs out two sour notes; BOOOOOOOOOOSH!, and poll numbers that he thinks mean anything at all anymore. Oh, and link spamming, he’s that down pat too.

  208. SteveG says:

    That no fly zone; run by the French idea is a no go.
    The British and the French are talking about doing some kind of timeshare deal on one aircraft carrier.
    Which should go.. ah… swimmingly.
    I’m guessing Obama has no idea what the right thing to do is, so he will just go golfing, eat a burger, grabs some smokes, fill out his NCAA bracket.
    He just gives speeches.
    We elected a guy who is a speech giving figurehead. An empty suit unless he has a teleprompter.
    I will say that he has really warmed up to the perks of the office that the taxpayers provide… we usually expect some leadership in return, but he acts like the first Union President… base pay and benefits in exchange for attendance

  209. bh says:

    All stuff I can do outside and get a tan while breaking my own spirit.

    You know what it’s all about. Damn straight.

    That’s a freaky workout plan, dude. You might actually turn into a barrel or some sort of boulder. I feel like humming the Rocky theme song for some reason.

  210. serr8d says:

    It’s come to this…a live Geiger counter in Tokyo, updated ever 10 minutes.

  211. serr8d says:

    And a TEPCO webcam, trained on the Fukushima reactor complex.

  212. Abe Froman says:

    I broke a bone in my back when I was about 14, so I need to keep strong to stave off back problems. I’d also shredded my shoulder from years of baseball and football. The work I’ve been doing has really re-strengthened it.

    Good point. I’m sure it would help my herniated disc if I manned up and fought through the rest of the physical defects. If only I could find my Vision Quest soundtrack.

  213. Ernst Schreiber says:

    We’ll know Jeff has arrived at his personal peak of physical perfection when he changes his gravatar to The Humungus.

    Or maybe that will be the official signal that it’s over and time to head for your bunkers, bolt holes, refuges, rally points or what have you.

  214. dicentra says:

    I believe in evolution (to the extent that one can “believe in” something that’s not supposed to be faith-based) and I’m the worst damn godbotherer here.

    So there.

  215. bh says:

    Say it in Spanish, di.

    Then you’ll be the Other, a filthy Darwinist and a godbothererererer. All at once.

  216. Jeff G. says:

    Abe —

    I shit you not. Vision Quest is one of my favorite flicks, and I have the soundtrack to this day on cassette.

    Shadow wrestling to Lunatic Fringe? Hell, I LOVE Madonna’s Crazy for You. Back before Madonna was Madonna.

    Great flick.

  217. Jeff G. says:

    That’s a freaky workout plan, dude. You might actually turn into a barrel or some sort of boulder. I feel like humming the Rocky theme song for some reason.

    Let me put it this way: My goal is to be able to toss my son in the air and catch him one handed, like I can do now that he’s 7, when he’s 21.

    I’m his hero right now. I won’t always be, but it’s the best feeling in the world.

  218. Abe Froman says:

    I love that movie too. And I totally wasn’t kidding about the soundtrack. It was my number one workout tape back when I used to torture myself.

  219. Mr B says:

    Visionquest came out in perfect timing for my bro. He made it to state but lost that year. I agree, great flick.

    In other news, Milwaukee is gearing up to help “bring the vote” with the college kids in the upcoming Supreme Court election? They passed a resolution against Voter ID already.

    Thanks for the link Lamont. Am I the only one that is willing to pay higher taxes (if necessary) if they take a chainsaw to spending? Why do they keep describing that as a dealbreaker?

  220. bh says:

    Statewide voter ID will pass before any recall elections, Mr. B. Guaranteed.

    You can get Prosser signs at your county office now. Mailbox fliers will be available soon.

  221. ironpacker says:

    I really enjoy reading the commentary at PW. Someday I’d like to sit at the grownup’s table, but I d
    don’t have the horsepower intelectually speaking.

    Pellegri, I’m curious about your avatar, can’t quite make it out and it gets too blurry when I try to enlarge it. Is it Al Gore?

  222. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Am I the only one that is willing to pay higher taxes (if necessary) if they take a chainsaw to spending? Why do they keep describing that as a dealbreaker?

    Because politicians who promise to cut spending tomorrow for tax cuts today are as believable as the infamous hamburger moocher who swore he’d pay you back next Tuesday.

  223. Stephanie says:

    Pelligri: Too true. ESPN doesn’t track their progress on the Sportscenter updates nor do follow up reporting at football/basketball venues where the injuries occurred. Ga Tech had a guy misfire off a mini tramp and break his neck and there has been zero reporting on his injury each time ESPN been in Atlanta. He’s a paraplegic now. The football dude from Rutgers (IIRC) – he gets a follow up on his progress every time ESPN rolls into town.

    It’s no fun landing on your ass, back, or head from 12 to 14 feet or higher – if you are a flyer, those throws can go as high as 25 feet. I danced for 18 years and cheered and coached for 10. Five hours a day, six days a week. I miss the coaching, but my shins, knees, elbows and wrists don’t. I’ve got permanent shin splints, a knee that needs rescoping every few years to get rid of arthritis build up, and cysts in my wrists from all those damned handsprings and the ugliest feet in 3 states from pointe shoes. Was it worth it? I used to say hell yeah, but I’m finding it harder and harder to even get out of my Mustang without looking like an 80 yo needing a walker. It would be a bitch to have to buy a granny car just so I can get out of the car without my knee buckling.

    BTW, just broke out the mat and did 15 minutes of ab crunches. Owww. I need a drink.

  224. Rupert says:

    Could “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying” be converted into some sort of Obama musical? My uncle has a barn and we could sew our own costumes and my friend knows how to print 1,000.oo dollar bills by the bushel. I say we give it a go.

  225. Stephanie says:

    You suggesting he’s succeeding?

    I’d suggest ‘the Peter Principle’ intertwined with ‘Evita.’

  226. Mr B says:

    Good to know bh. Hey, who would I want to talk to about “helping out” with some of those things you seem to think I might be good at? Since I am in Wirch’s dist, I was thinking about reaching out to Samantha Kerkman perhaps? Someone in her family did our septic system long ago; when we built the place. You have my curiosity.


    JSonline edited the article you linked to. It has a different tone now (bad Republican). This one has a little more oomph to it. BH, is there significance to April 5th with the Senate? Outside of the vote for Supreme? One local city pushed a contract for the unions (took 30 minutes to decide). If they can’t afford it, the taxpayers might get a surprise soon enough. Or they’ll have to lay some workers off again. We lost 40 teachers in that district back in 2006 due to Wea Trust and collective bargaining. That nut can’t get cracked soon enough.

    A friend sent me some new and improved Katie Couric on education reform, tenure, and merit pay. Michelle Rhee did this in 2008 in DC, so the idea is hardly “new”. But, I found the rest of the program fair and well done. One might say the writing is on the wall for teachers unions.

  227. bh says:

    I recommend going through your county office, Mr. B. That’s where you can dig in without spinning your wheels.

    Kenosha county’s chair is Matt Augustine, mattaug at

  228. bh says:

    Ask what work needs doing at the actual office. When you go in and look around you’ll see what’s being done and how you can best contribute pretty quickly. Big push with Prosser obviously. Be a worker on this and you’ll know everyone in a week or two.

  229. Mr B says:

    K thnx.

    Second look at the link above has this nugget in it.

    “I think he’s crossed the line yet again,” Larson said of Fitzgerald. “They’re going to try and say that the 167,000 people that I represent in the seventh district don’t get a voice in committees. It seems silly.””

    Just fucking marvel at that. From a man that fled the state for over 3 weeks, so as to not represent.

  230. Ernst Schreiber says:

    You suggesting he’s succeeding?

    Is the U.S. more statist today than it was three years ago?

    Is statism advancing or retreating?
    Is statism being opposed effectually or ineffectually?

    I think he’s earned two years on the golf course. Unfortunately for me, he does too.

  231. Carin says:

    Bh – I have crossed into some weird realm where I look forward to my workouts.

    Excellent JD. It’s the best part of the day.

  232. Pellegri says:

    @ironpacker, super-duper belatedly: It’s Al Gore vomiting up many tinier Al Gores!

    Let me get you the sauce image; it’s glorious.


  233. serr8d says:

    Here’s another version of Al Gore’s typical speech. This one is…expressive.

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