Courtesy of Doug Ross.
I blame Sarah Palin, and demand that “Meet the Press”‘s David Gregory hound any and all Republicans he interviews until they denounce her, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann, the TEA Party, gun-toting middle American white racists racists racists!, evangelical Christians, the Jews who control the media, union busters like Scott Walker and the villainous, anti-working man “management” — the private sector taxpayer — he represents, and carbon dioxide (to include all the vile haters who exhale it in an effort to kill the planet, and all the vile plants that enable it by not boycotting it entirely).
Because the only way we can have a viable democratic republic is if we stomp our feet and refuse to abide by election results.
— Which I for one will remember the next time some jug-eared, faculty-lounge President tries to shut me up by telling me he won.
Hmmmph. Lefties. Let’s see ’em reconcile these examples of pure hatred to their previous stigmata of the Tea Party.
It’s over for ’em. With the news cycle turning to the catastrophe in Japan, their time is up.
I loathe the MFM almsot as much as the leftists.
B-but the poor unions! The poor public employees! They’ll be STARVING IN THE COLD!
Or, you know, having a slightly harder time finding employment now that they’re on more even footing with every other employee in the state of Wisconsin.