
Jeff's Wish List

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March 2025


In which I further succumb to pedestrianism — though without resorting to non-lapidary logorrhea — and offer protein wisdom readers a potentially useful State of the Union primer

1. “Investment” = “government spending”
2. “civility” = “now shut up, you bitter-clinging racists. Because I’m trying to persuade here, and persuasion (per Buckley) is paramount. Plus, I’m just like Reagan. No, really. I wrote about it just yesterday. Sputnik!”
3. “competition” = “See? I’m all for capitalism, provided I can control the outcome, and get mine in return. So, for instance, it’s cool with me if, say, GE gets rich breaking into the Chinese market, provided they know who is buttering their bread, politically speaking. And make with the campaign cash!”
4. “Deficit reduction” = “increasing your taxes. Which I’ve said I’m going to run on in 2012, even as I re-image myself tonight as a moderate, and even as many establishment Republicans will rush to laud my oratory as soaring and healing. Because I’m a leftist ideologue.”

“– Don’t call me on it, though. Or I’ll tell you you’re projecting, and that you’re decidedly uncivil. Which, well, see #2… CHECKMATE!”
5. “Job creation” = “Yeah, we have no idea how to do that. Little help?”
6. “back from the brink” = “Remember when we all blamed Bush for everything bad? Remember how good that felt? Well, I’m bringing that back…”
7. “reform government” = “I can get a lot done behind the scenes, without resistance, using bureaucratic agencies. Why the hell do I need Congress?”
8. “Tucson tragedy” = “never let a crisis go to waste. We’ll be coming for your guns soon, me and the rest of my moderate buddies. Plus, Sarah Palin is the TEA Party and talk radio, so the TEA Party and talk radio = inspiring murderers to kill young children and attempt to assassinate popular moderate liberals. Which is why we as a newly civil country need to put a check on conservative speech, hopefully through some governmental mandate.”

You’re welcome. And have a nice day.

59 Replies to “In which I further succumb to pedestrianism — though without resorting to non-lapidary logorrhea — and offer protein wisdom readers a potentially useful State of the Union primer”

  1. Squid says:

    Can we do a primer on reactions to the speech next? Sort of define what the talking heads really mean?

    “Inspiring” = “trying desperately to recapture the magic of 2007”
    “Commanding” = “looking down his nose at the audience without sneering too much”
    “Effortless” = “trying desperately to recapture the magic of 2007”
    “Serious” = “using fifty-cent words to describe the act of stealing your shit”
    “Far-reaching” = “pretending that he’ll be around in 2013”

    And when we’re done with the talking heads, we can do a primer on what the Soros Monkeys really mean. This could be fun!

  2. Jeff G. says:

    That’s a good idea, Squid.

    “down-ballot elections” = “David Frum wants you to listen to his ideas for conservatism, you drooling wingnuts.”

  3. alppuccino says:

    or – “Fuck you America.” (standing O)

    Shortest SOTU ever.

  4. McGehee says:

    Meanwhile Rahm is experiencing masonary diarrhea as he contemplates sitting out the Chicago mayoral election.

  5. sdferr says:

    “Historic” = “Remember why I’m here morons? That’s right. And you won’t be forgiven for it either.”

    A featherless biped has his day.

  6. happyfeet says:

    He wants to spend spend spend it’s all the piece of shit knows to do. Except America is brokedick now and the Chinese have to approve all new investings.

    I wonder if they’ll find bumblefuck’s ideas to their liking.

  7. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Harold Stickeehands and liberrocky, proteinwisdom. proteinwisdom said: In which I further succumb to pedestrianism — though without resorting to non-lapidary logorrhea… […]

  8. Carin says:

    For tonight, does he go with the gray head or dye-job?

  9. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    For tonight, does he go with the gray head or dye-job?

    You uncivil freaking violent reich-wingers!

  10. Carin says:

    I’m new at this civility thing OI.

    *hangs head in shame.

  11. motionview says:

    “back from the brink”
    Of all the Big Lies that will be told tonight, this is the Biggest. Progressivism did not bring us back from the brink of depression, progressivism is the direct cause of the recession. The TEA party activity (taking the House away from the wild-eyed pinkos) is the reason we have stopped the slide (for now).

  12. Jeff G. says:

    I don’t know, Carin.

    What I do know is that many Republican establishment types and talking heads are already lining up to praise Obama.

    It’s sickening. Truly sickening.

    But not pedestrian. Oh, no. Rather, persuasive..

  13. Carin says:

    It’s “Good Man 2.0”

  14. AJB says:

    “small government” =

    The House Republicans’ first major technology initiative is about to be unveiled: a push to force Internet companies to keep track of what their users are doing.

    A House panel chaired by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin is scheduled to hold a hearing tomorrow morning to discuss forcing Internet providers, and perhaps Web companies as well, to store records of their users’ activities for later review by police.


    Would appreciate it if the Tea Party could express outrage over genuine intrusions of privacy and civil liberties.

  15. Carin says:

    I don’t think I’m premature in calling tonight’s SOTUS Historic.

  16. cranky-d says:

    The FauxNewz liberal pundits are doing their best to sell the Obama has truly pivoted and is now a moderate. Even Dr K, who has disappointed me lately, isn’t buying it. Yet. On the other hand, most of us know that it’s a sham, and as are the platitudes mouthed by our president. He and his policies are the direct cause of the lack of recovery. He has created an environment in which no one is willing to stick his neck out and hire more people and/or expand a business because we know that he is desperately waiting to grab every bit of cash that results from such actions so he can give it to the “less fortunate.”

    We will not even begin to recover until we are rid of him, which means at least two years, and likely six. If it’s the former, we’re still screwed. If it’s the latter, we are well and truly fucked.

    If I see any of this speech, it will be on the television in a bar. With the sound off.

  17. Carin says:

    AJB has a blotty sense of indignation.

    Asking internet providers to retain records for two years? Trying to understand why I should give a shit.

    some help here?

  18. agile_dog says:

    For tonight, does he go with the gray head or dye-job?

    I believe he will use Touch-of-gray, to combine that aged, wise look with the vigor of youth.

  19. sdferr says:

    Heather Wilson’s observations over last weekend point directly to a correlation. We might suppose more government in the education business flies in exactly the wrong direction. Government is stupid, education shouldn’t be. So we ought to propose a hypothesis: sever the links between them and see whether education doesn’t improve. Whether the correlation be a cause or not is worth assaying in a test, rather than run the risk of ruining two generations at once, one through bankruptcy and the other through further stupefaction.

  20. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    If Obama got up tonight in the well of the House and read the book “Goodnight Moon” to the TV cameras, the media would gush about his gravitas, eloquence and the power of his delivery.
    And any who disagree would be labeled obvious racists, haters and violent extremists.

    Now that that’s settled, can we just move on?

  21. cranky-d says:

    I don’t know all about what’s going on in AJB’s link at 14, but it might be worth discussion.

    Stopped clocks and all that.

  22. Carin says:

    back from the brink” Of all the Big Lies that will be told tonight, this is the Biggest. Progr

    Well, didn’t Nancy just tell us (last week?) that unemployment would have hit 14% nationally if it weren’t for Obambi?

  23. dicentra says:

    Geez, Jeff, the only reason I stop by at pw–the only reason I ever hit the tip jar–is to partake of the lapidary logorrhea.

    Will you ever stop letting me down?

  24. Bob Reed says:

    Personally, I am sooooooo tired of hearing people talk about Obama “pivoting” one way or another; it’s this years propagandistic buzzword meant to imply praise, just like it had formerly been the word “nuanced”.

    I find it’s use amusing in a sense, it being a basketball term and all. And as always, I mentally perform the “what if”thought experiment; in this case wondering “what if” if the progressive left had not been the first to use it in the praise-tastic way they do when referring to Obama? I mean, had it been some eeeevvollll white RETHUG! who first used it, how long would it have been before the howling, rending of garments, gnashing of teeth, and cries of RAAAAAACISTS! began?

  25. I’ve seen four newspapers (not counting USAToday) in four different cities over the last week and ever one has some kind of story or editorial about how Reagan never let partisanship stop him from “moving forward” and working with the other team.

    It’s almost like it’s been discussed in advance.

    But that would never happen…

  26. 8. Carin — He’s shaving his head and going with the eye-patch. Jackson tested really well in Iron Man 2.

  27. Slartibartfast says:

    it might be worth discussion

    It might be, but AJB is not going to stick around to find out.

  28. Jeff G. says:

    Meanwhile, as the MSM and the establishment Repubs talk about Obama’s pivot, his team is assuring the left he’s the same as he ever was. This is a pivot on image. As he’s been “pivoting,” he’s got the EPA going after back-channel cap-and-trade institution; the FCC going after “net neutrality” in direct disobedience of court rulings; and his Justice Department is suing Texas and Arizona.

  29. Blake says:

    Chris Matthews:

    “Tonight, President Obama showed gravitas and nuance as he deftly pivoted toward the center. Republicans were stunned by the sheer brilliance of the speech given tonight by President Obama. The speech is probably the best the President has given since the brilliant “Heal the Nation” speech in Tuscon.”


    I think I’ve adequately covered the bases.

    Excuse me while I go vomit.

  30. Jeff G. says:

    Re: AJB’s link. See, eg., here for my take on this dude and his ideas about the internet.

    So. Asked and answered, eh AJB? Apology accepted, and the beclowning of yourself (yet again) duly noted.

  31. Bob Reed says:

    So true, it’s a change in pose only, not in substance, belief, or thinking.

    I saw Mara Liason on the evening Fox news panel interrupting the other panelists several times when they were ridiculing the sudden evolution of Obama’s thinking on debt, Gitmo, KSM trial, etc. She took offense at their implication of Obama’s hypocrisy, continually repeating how he was allowed to change his mind and that we should all be happy we have such a thoughtful, reflective, President who’s thinking wasn’t set in stone.

    I nearly passed out for lack of oxygen in laughter, wondering whether she would have defended others for lacking the courage of conviction and seeming so malleable.

    And what is so extraordinary is how all the folks like Mara, who hand-wrung over the “imperial Presidency of GW Bush”, have absolutely no problem with Obama willfully circumventing Congress on matters that his operatives and allies weren’t even able to get to the floor for a vote in some instances!

    But I guess that’s not hypocritical either; they’re just changing their minds

  32. Matt says:

    I heard Sarah Palin murdered someone by throwing a trident.

  33. Jim in KC says:

    I may have to break out the Laphroaig quarter cask for the drinking game. But even if I start watching the address, I guarantee I won’t be able to finish it. President Dipstick’s delivery is worse than nails on a chalkboard.

  34. JD says:

    Ajb buggerz goats. Underage goats. And ajb felches pigs.

  35. BJTex says:

    Black pigs?

  36. motionview says:

    An interesting thing is how good of a liar Obama really is, as compared for example to Billy Jeff. A consummate liar, always in character, very difficult to argue with, but with the stink of the con man on him – hence “Slick Willie”. Obama however is considered an exemplary orator if nothing else; the soaring rhetoric, a delivery style second to none. Yet Obama says things with a straight face that are so ridiculously, patently false they would even make old Slick Willie blush.

    And for JeffG, you know you’ve written a really good one when AJB comes in to distract and change the subject.

  37. Slartibartfast says:

    I am still chuckling over AJB’s use of the “but what about this (issue that you addressed almost five years ago)?” diversion.

  38. cranky-d says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that Obama is at best a middling orator even when TOTUS is helping him? They want him to be great, so they see him as great.

    The emperor has no clothes.

  39. Old Texas Turkey says:

    I ain’t gonna watch the SOTUS. Why bother? I got better things to do with my life, than watch someone lie for an hour. The whole spectacle too is embarassing – the standing ovations, cheerleading and all.

  40. bh says:


    This post and thread are cracking me up. Think I’ll hold onto this feeling by not watching the speech.

  41. LTC John says:

    KC, you have a quarter cask of Laphroaig?!

    Can I be your friend?

  42. cranky-d says:

    You forgot to use the puppy-dog eyes, LTC.

  43. B. Moe says:

    KC, you have a quarter cask of Laphroaig?!

    Can I be your friend?


  44. sdferr says:

    Puppy-dog eyes? I thought that pointy black thing he’s holding would suffice.

  45. Squid says:

    The emperor has no clothes.

    If Teh Won were to give his speech in His gossamer finery, what reaction would the usual suspects have?

  46. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Nice, sdferr.

  47. bh says:

    Well, we know he’s in Kansas City and his name is Jim.

    It’ll take some work but we can do this.

  48. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Sounds like Scotch abuse to me.

    Bourbon seems more appropriate to the occassion. And not a good one either. Something cheap young and harsh.

  49. Ernst Schreiber says:

    But the packaging should be historic.

  50. Mueller says:

    Brown mumbler night!

  51. LTC John says:

    I was making puppy dog eyes behind the ballistic shades….

    “Brown mumbler” – a Jim Johnson fan?

  52. dicentra says:

    he’s got the EPA going after back-channel cap-and-trade institution; the FCC going after “net neutrality” in direct disobedience of court rulings; and his Justice Department is suing Texas and Arizona.

    And Idaho and other states are toying with nullification; in other words, a big “screw you” to in the control freaks in DC (and about time!)

    The proggs are afraid of an armed revolt by the wingnuts, but it’s far more likely that the states will just reject Washington’s authority, the way the Protestants rejected the authority of the Pope.

    We won’t need armed conflict: we’ll just surround the teeny-tiny beltway area to make sure those degenerates don’t escape and do more harm, while the rest of us go about our lives.

  53. Jeff G. says:

    We won’t need armed conflict: we’ll just surround the teeny-tiny beltway area to make sure those degenerates don’t escape and do more harm, while the rest of us go about our lives.


  54. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    From your lips to God’s ears, dicentra. I’ve always wondered why they are so afraid of losing the more liberty minded among us. If theirs is the utopia, or closer anyhow, why not let those not interested out? I know, I know. Power and such, but it still amazes me how unprincipled these freaks really and truly are.

  55. sdferr says:

    Via Insty, uh oh. Anyone reckon Obama has something to say about the relations of these events to the State of the Union? How about Hezbollah in Lebanon taking over the Prime Ministership? Or how al Jazeera painting the remnant PLO-PA for traitors to the cause makes his Israeli backstabbing come to naught? How his feckless foreign policy everywhere has gotten the United States nothing but trouble?

    Nah, nevermind, nobody cares. Until they do.

  56. Squid says:

    Fortunately for our Fellow Orator (Fellorato, for short), tonight is the State of the Union address, and the middle east isn’t part of the Union. It’s not that he’s ducking the issue, it’s just that he’s trying to stay on-topic…

  57. Jim in KC says:

    The quantity of Laphroiag is a mere bottle, but it’s their quarter cask variety.

  58. cranky-d says:

    Stand down the invasion, everyone. There’s only one bottle.

  59. Mueller says:

    Guilty, counsellor.

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