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November 2024


Sex, lies, and WikiLeaks

Question: When is “rape” and “molestation” rape and molestation? Answer: When it’s labeled as such by erstwhile willing partners schooled in leftist victim politics and contemporary feminist theory — and when the culture in which it happens has been institutionalized to believe that the meaning of an action belongs to the receiver alone.

Live by the leftist worldview, die get arrested and held for gender crimes by the leftist worldview.


But really. Should the ends justify the means? And at what expense going forward…?

(h/t gregboro)

37 Replies to “Sex, lies, and WikiLeaks”

  1. Bob Reed says:

    Yeah, that;s the first thing I thought too; that those were some Kee-ray-zee definitions of rape and molestation. I’m sure that more than a few rock stars might be guilty under the same statutes.

    I’d have preferred if he’s just conveniently disappeared than to be hoist on such a po-mo petard; regardless of how delicious the irony may seem.

  2. SDN says:

    Jeff/Bob: guys have been getting busted on those crazy definitions of rape, molestation, and sexual harassment for 30 years. I’m just glad to see Leftards getting caught in the gears. Can’t wait for all the “hostile environment” lawsuits once DADT gets cranked…. Should I have used “cranked”…Oopsie. 8-)

  3. Alec Leamas says:

    The scuttlebutt on the femblogs is that Assange does well in his infowar against American interests, but is also a criminal for these “rapes.”

    In case you were wondering, the Feminist Scholastics have determined in the Summa Feministica that a womyn can “withdraw consent” mid-stroke, and that completing said stroke constitutes rape of the first order.

  4. He’s a good rapist.

  5. Ernst Schreiber says:

    In Sweden, it’s rape and molestation when you promise to pull out in time and you… ah… er… that is…. Well, you know what he DIDN’T do.

    Implied consent being conditional upon the inferred use of a condom and/or inferred concent being based on an implicit misunderstanding over a bit of latex may have been involved. I’m really not following it that closely.

  6. JD says:


  7. Alec Leamas says:

    It would be funny if I didn’t think someday in the not too distant future we’ll be seeing “one pump too many” rape prosecutions in the more ‘progressive’ states in our own United States.

  8. ProfShade says:

    Rape, bareback, leaky umbrella– it’s all the same to the Swedes. How long before we get these Lambskin Laws in the States? ‘Cause I’m buyin’ stock in Trojan then.

  9. ProfShade says:

    Alec – Did you really use “scuttlebutt” and “femblogs” in the same sentence? RAPIST!!!

  10. Alec Leamas says:

    I’ve been reported to the proper authorities, of that I am certain.

  11. Now he knows not to use the condom he put in his wallet back in middle school. Eventually those things dry out.

  12. Alec Leamas says:

    Oh, and don’t forget – they’re sex positive feminists. Not to be confused with the other kind.

  13. Pablo says:

    In case you were wondering, the Feminist Scholastics have determined in the Summa Feministica that a womyn can “withdraw consent” mid-stroke, and that completing said stroke constitutes rape of the first order.

    In fact, she can thoroughly enjoy it and after the fact, upon feeling regret, declare it rape, especially if everyone was drinking. And let’s not forget rape by fraud.

  14. JD says:


    What I want to know is how fucked up does a Scandi gal have to be in order to want to have coitus with the albino Ichabod Crane looking Assange. Good Allah, she must have been desperate.

  15. alppuccino says:

    That reminds me, didn’t Tony Coitus pass away recently?

  16. Squid says:

    It’s kinda like if Ohio State played Notre Dame: you just want maximum carnage, and hopefully both sides lose. (At our house, we call this the Meteor Bowl.)

    Though I’ll agree that it’s probably not helpful in the long term.

  17. Alec Leamas says:

    In fact, she can thoroughly enjoy it and after the fact, upon feeling regret, declare it rape, especially if everyone was drinking. And let’s not forget rape by fraud.

    I think we used to half-joke about the Leftist scrupulosity for consent – reaching its zenith of self-parody with the Antioch College nonsense – that one had to have a notarized Affidavit of consent from a girl in order to later disprove rape accusations. But the sad and unfunny part about it is that because apparently a womyn can “withdraw consent” in an instant, a notarized Affidavit – in the unlikely event that you had one – wouldn’t do you any good either.

  18. happyfeet says:

    that’s fucked up if Mr. Julian goes to jail Lichtblau and a large assortment of New York Times NPR Washington Post whores and et cetera need to go to jail too

  19. Ernst Schreiber says:

    What I want to know is how fucked up does a Scandi gal have to be in order to want to have coitus with the albino Ichabod Crane looking Assange.

    Best guess JD? Mistaken identity all around. He mistook her for a tranny and she mistook him for a (well, I guess I don’t know what she was thinking). The really scary thing is that it happened not once, but twice.

  20. Ric Locke says:

    C’mon, guys, like they say, there’s someone for everyone.

    Even I managed to reproduce.


  21. sdferr says:

    that’s fucked up if Mr. Julian goes to jail Lichtblau and a large assortment of New York Times NPR Washington Post whores and et cetera need to go to jail too


  22. greatajax says:

    I hate Assange as much as the next guy here, but I have to take issue with some of the comments here. I would say the man is quite handsome.

  23. Benedick says:

    Assange looks like a freeze-dried Neal Patrick Harris.

  24. Roddy Boyd says:

    Back when, TNR used to be good at finding a meme like this and just eviscerating the left.
    This stuff hasn’t any other cause but for the projection of state power.

    My favorite bit in this Arthur Koestler remake was that the good looking feminist earned a living imposing harassment and discrimination upon males.

  25. Alec Leamas says:

    My favorite bit in this Arthur Koestler remake was that the good looking feminist earned a living imposing harassment and discrimination upon males.

    Are these things described in D&D Monster Manuals or something?

  26. I could see how he was handsome, before his face caught fire and someone put it out with a rake.

  27. Pablo says:

    He looks sort of like a young Bill Maher. Who’s figured out what you can accomplish with the proper application of mind altering substances. And, I’m sorry to say, he’s got a bit of OUTLAW! in him.

  28. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I would say the man is quite handsome.

    Well, you would. And so would your pals, Little Ajax and Achilles. At least until he grows his man-beard.

  29. Mike LaRoche says:

    Julian Assange looks like an albino Grima Wormtongue.

  30. Alec Leamas says:

    He looks sort of like a young Bill Maher.

    Maher looks like a rat what worked his way through a butter churn.

  31. Mike LaRoche says:

    Maher looks like a rat what worked his way through a butter churn.

    …or a possum who drowned in a keg of Old Milwaukee.

  32. Nolanimrod says:

    Jeff & Darleen,
    I think I have done one that might be up to your standards. I think it illustrates the orthodox cognoscenti take on today, on what came of today, and on the general.

    Allow me to be a little presumptious:

  33. Stephanie says:

    I believe that I saw somewhere today that the authorities have the twitter and other social media accounts of both of these twitty-twats giddy with glee over their conquest of Assange. That they continue with the prosecution with the contemporary ‘woo-hoo! look who I fucked’ postings is just a pretext to get him in custody while they figure out if they have anything else to charge. The defense (should it come to that) will end up stretching those twats past the point of use.

  34. JD says:

    Stephanie – I have heard the same alluded to as well. I hope this is not just some ruse, but then again, the actual charges seem flimsy, at best. Fuck Assmange regardless.

  35. gregorbo says:

    But seriously folks. I don’t fall quite where Jeff does on the intentionalism graph (being something of a New Critic/Formalist when it comes to language and, lately, a bit Derrida-esque (read, “not ‘Derridian’) even)–but, the Wikilinks hijinx aside, this case is alarming. Like Professor Gates, these self-defined “victims” walk around with a ready-made “context” with which to frame not only any linguistic situation, but any experiential reality–it’s kind of an Iron-Maiden with the ability to recast any utterance and, indeed, any act, according to the mold into which it is poured, as it were.

    Antioch College’s own Sexual Assualt Prevention Policy is revealed here, by the very feminists who wrote it, to be helpless to withstand the 20-20 hindsight that is employed.

    Read: A Man’s Intent to Have Sex is Always Already an Intent to Rape.

    It doesn’t then matter either what you say, think, or do–so long as your genitalia is employed in a manner that results in inter-labial contact of any sort. If you wear a condum, that may or may not be held as prima facie evidence of your “intent not to impregnate.” But, soon, it will not count as evidence of your “intent not to assault.” Even if your partner provides it to you and helps you put it on.

    A few years ago, a rape occured in Austin, Texas during which the victim convinced her attacker to wear a condum. Remember? The defense tired (and failed) to show that the request for a condum equalled consent. The defense lost. I agree with that result in that case–since I understand that there are such things as individual cases.

    See where this is going?

    There are no individual cases anymore. Every instance of sex is assault, based upon some committee that will adjudgeg to its own fram after the fact.

    Excuse the expression, but we’re F*cked. It’s not just men. It’s everyone. Beccause this move effectively erases any individual’s ability to be in charge of anything he or she says or does. Your free will has been completely undone. And if the ladies think this is a kind of victory–just wait. This is only one conclusion to many small steps.

    They are coming for you too. They just tricked you into going along for now by letting you enjoy holding the leash and wielding the truncheon. Soon enough, a functionary will present you too with a little piece of paper with some kind of offiial seal on it that obliges said functionary to bring you to the office of some higher ranked functionary for the violation of some rule you have never heard of.

    Solzhenitsyn redux, anyone?

  36. I think we get it. What’s really fun is the juxtaposition of the feminist’s anger over the buyer’s remorse of a couple of slutty Swedes versus their joy over the righteous hate fuck he threw Hillary Clinton.

  37. gregorbo says:

    Just checkin’, Lost My Cookies. For the chil’ren.

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