
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

January 2025


November fundraiser begins today [sticky. newer posts below – SUNDAY UPDATE]

Giddy from the GOP takeover of the House and enormous gains in state assemblies and governorships? Excited that classical liberalism seems to be sweeping the nation like a freedom plague? Ecstatic that Lindsey Graham and John McCain seem old or feeble or feckless or confused?

Well, that was all me.

Pony up.

update: Thanks to those several of you who’ve contributed this month. I’m still quite far off my goal, but so it goes, I guess. Times are tough all over.

update 2: Thanks to all who’ve so far contributed. Today and tomorrow will be the final days of this particular fundraiser — the proceeds from which will be put to use funding my diabolically violent and unstable lifestyle, and the endless parade of “death threat” issuances and wild swings into physical frenzy that so defines it. That, and also maybe I’ll get some Funyons.

Enable me, people!

107 Replies to “November fundraiser begins today [sticky. newer posts below – SUNDAY UPDATE]”

  1. Mueller formerly Rusty says:

    I’m going to have to yank some gold fillings this month.

    Fortunately none of them are mine.

    It’s almost impossible to fill the hole back in and not have a big mound of dirt.
    I wonder why that is?

  2. geoffb says:

    Sent, amount as per my word. Thank you for all the good work you do and have done for classical liberalism.

  3. the Other Ken says:

    >>>It’s almost impossible to fill the hole back in and not have a big mound of dirt.
    I wonder why that is?

    Same amount of dirt plus more air… there’s probably a metaphor in there somewhere.

  4. mojo says:

    Not until you-know-who does you-know-what on Friday.

    I am adamantine in this.

  5. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – Did she remember to take all her Botox appointment notes?

    – We can only hope. She’s scary enough without adding bulging ankles to the image.

    – In other news, whats happening in Alaska, and will they have results in our lifetime.

  6. John Bradley says:

    I am adamantine in this.

    So… you’re dressed like a gay pirate?

    Hey, whatever floats yer boat!

  7. Expecting (maybe) something (hope to God) this month and I’ll throw some your way. Before Thanksgiving anyway.

  8. Rupe says:

    My pro football picks have been about 80% wrong for the past few weeks. That’s actually hard to do. Nobody is dumb enough to bet on Notre Dame anymore, but some local high school football might pull me through. I’ll send you a third if I succeed.

  9. Baghram Dewclaw says:

    Expecting RD/Meya and/or William the Skinflute Master and Cat Molester to drop by for their monthly defecation in 3…. 2…. 1….

  10. Willie's Cat says:


  11. Yackums says:

    For the love of G-d, Bradley, how about a warning next time! I have to go clean my monitor.

  12. JD says:

    Bagram is right. These threads are usually like flypaper for the asshat trolls.

  13. JD says:

    Jeff – my Pay Pal acct is screwed up, and I have been on hold for approximately 3 days trying to get it fixed. As soon as it is resolved, donations are heading out to you, as well as BJTexs.

  14. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks you three.

  15. bh says:

    Okay, I’m in. I first had to investigate your claim that you cured polio.

    Thanks for that, btw.

  16. bh says:

    “Freedom plague” by itself has to be worth a few bills.

    Hit the tip jar, folks. Support the site.

  17. jls says:

    You’re welcome. Keep plowing!

  18. JD says:

    Did Mr W ever make his payment from his bet? I didn’t think so.

  19. happyfeet says:

    where have you gone Mr. W the election came and went and so have you

    woo woo woo

  20. JD says:

    JeffG – Mr W owes you at least $1000, if his word is any good.

  21. cranky-d says:

    He’s long gone.

  22. Bagram Dewclaw says:

    I guess RD-Idiot and Prof Douchenozzle the Cat Molester are still licking their election wounds…

    Their tears have such a sweet, sweet taste…. (mwahahahahahaha!)

    Glad to donate, Jeff. Not only do you earn it, but making our resident parasitic trolls heads explode is a bonus. Keep up the good work, brother!

  23. cranky-d says:

    I’ll be late this month. My paycheck is way overdue and I have about $200 in the bank.

  24. pdbuttons says:

    u got 200 bucks in the bank! u rich money lender capitilist oppressor:!
    i will not submit to ur 200 dollar pain of death,,
    i will fight,fight fight
    and fight again..
    for the poor people of some color
    and women [chicks]
    i have only one thing to say to my 200 dollar overlord..
    could u like-maybe lend me 20 bucks?

  25. pdbuttons says:

    no joke- i’m a construcion worker who got the irs[ gotta pay them!].on my ass- and credit cards bills[ i love when they call- cuz i’m all earnest and shit..
    the checks in your mouth-hardy ha ha
    i’d gladly pay u for a hamburger on tuesday..
    ha ha
    i left my wallet in the car

    ha ha

    how many pennies u got in thar penny jar
    i’m a little short today-har har!

  26. pdbuttons says:

    naw- i ‘m gonna send jeef g some coin
    i just gotta decide
    dish tv is 76 bucks a month!
    i think i might cancel\ though i love my turner classic movies and my espn
    but… i need a hug here
    i love my protien wisdom bitches more!
    is that an apple in ur pocket-or are confused?

  27. guinsPen says:

    Zybynek Michalek ….

  28. serr8d says:

    Hit it, I did. Now I can resume my occasional crackpot commentary and not feel guilty.

  29. Sinister Trampoline/RD/moneymen says:

    Well, that was all me

    Sounds like someone wants to get raped again.

  30. Bagram Dewclaw says:

    Stick it up your ass, Sinister Vaseline.

  31. dicentra says:

    Look, unless EVERYONE is forced to contribute–and those of you who make more than me are gouged but good–I ain’t givin a cent.

    Sorry, but there it is.

  32. Ella says:

    I’d be there dude, but just this week I got 1) had to buy two new rear tires and 2) got a letter from the IRS saying they decided I owe them another $570.

  33. Lilida says:

    Sorry for the delay. Been kinda rough lately. Dogs went to the vet, $600 went out of the checking account. And this is just their annuals. I’m in the wrong business…

  34. serr8d says:

    dicentera, that’s interesting you put it that way. From each according to his desire and ability, I’d say. I know it’d be tough to force me to do anything I didn’t want to do, unless the penalty were insufferable. And the logistics! of a forced subscription model might change the place’s nature a bit too much I’d guess.

    I’ll toss a little extra in for you next paycheck, m’kay?

  35. Yelverton says:

    Uh oh. I think I just felt it move…

    Stand by.

  36. Abe Froman says:

    Which part of you’re not welcome here do you not understand?

  37. JD says:

    You are a really sick twisted fuck, Yelverton.

  38. Yelverton says:

    I am touching myself right now.

    Wait for it…..

    Wait for it….


  39. JD says:

    I think you are a douchebqg. A lying fuck. A midget that is not worthy of cleaning dirt off the soles of my shoes. A disgusting lying plagiarizing fuck that mooches off the taxpayers of a fine State. You are like an uninvited dinner guest that after being asked to leave, continues to try to sneak in the back door.

  40. bh says:

    I know you don’t like me[…]

    Okay, that might actually be Yelverton as that’s very Willie. Which would be odd because he promised he’d never comment here again.

    Hey, how’s that lawsuit going, you utterly retarded hilljack?

  41. JD says:

    And the idea of a lying leftist fuck like you complaining about a politician acting like a politician is remarkable, especially in light of you continued BDS and ongoing lies that you perpetuate about the war in question.

  42. serr8d says:

    Naaah, not the real Yelverton. Villiam could never find anyone worse than George Bush, such is the depth of his irrational Bushatred.

    Hey, troll-thing-calling-itself-Yelverton, why can’t you overcome your hangup with physical characteristics? We all know people in possession of real doctoral degrees; none who have any measure of self-respect would sink to such pusillanimousness as you’ve demonstrated here, not even the cat-fondling Doctor of Applied Air Guitar whose name you’ve lifted.

  43. Jeff G. says:

    Troll thing’s IP resolves to Murfreesboro or whathaveyou Tenn.

  44. JD says:

    How fucking sad is it that there is another troll out there that aspires to be Yelverton? How fucking pathetic is that?

  45. JD says:

    Never mind. It is just normal levels of pathetic asshattery.

  46. serr8d says:

    That’s the elfin one then. Escapee from ED, with no self-respect, but with plenty of duct tape for to seal his single-room shack.

  47. Yelverton says:

    False alarm last time. I thought I was about to spooge, but that was just the horseradish sauce from my Arby’s roast beef repeating on me again.

    Next time, though, watch out!

  48. bh says:

    Do you mean we should defend the very same McConnell whom we want to lose a leadership position?

    Die of shock now, you simpleton.

    These people you think we love? We often don’t.

  49. who/whom says:

    I fart in your general direction, bh.

  50. JD says:

    Bh – why do you give him credit for thinking? This little meme of his should not be too difficult to track back to some Soros cesspool. He is just regurgitating.

  51. bh says:

    I hate you, thing I can’t reference depending on object/subject.

  52. Jeff G. says:

    Give it up, bh.

    I mean, how many times in the last month have I linked to McConnell warning we “purists” after the ’08 election that sticking to our principles would turn the GOP into a regional party?

    Clearly I was doing that to build him up.

    Now. As to the little progressive sprite who spends half his time here and half his time whacking off to sketches of space vixons who so want him. I keep asking you to leave, but instead you return and post under other people’s identities. I believe someone here once found your webpage detailing your little elfin existence. If you want to keep posting here when I keep asking you not to, that’s your choice. I’m not going to be able to catch you every time.

    But that also means I no longer have to respect either your wishes or your privacy.

    Take some time to consider your choices and your next move.

  53. Yelverton says:

    Uh oh. I probably should have listened when asked not to return.

    Still, pain makes me — yeeeeeAARRGGHHHH!

    Shit. I didn’t have a sock ready. See what you guys made me do? And all over a copy of Heavy Metal from ’81, too.

  54. bh says:

    Wait… you mean this isn’t a Mitch McConnell fan site, Jeff?

    Good day, sir!

  55. Bagram Dewclaw says:

    “Armadillo Lead, you are weapons free.”

    “Roger that.”

    “Bulldog AWAY!”

  56. LTC John says:


    If I deploy again, I am so trying to get my call sign to be “Armadillo”…

  57. Caecus Caesar says:

    As soon as I remember where my is, I’m in.

  58. Blitz says:

    Did my best Jeff…isn’t enough,but it’s the best I can do.

  59. Sinister Trampoline/RD/moneymen says:

    We’ve only just heard about your son’s bone cancer.

    Good luck.

  60. Jeff G. says:

    If I ever meet up with you, ST, I swear to god I’ll fucking kill you.

    Remember that.

  61. Jeff G. says:

    You’re a fucking coward. Wanna talk about my son? Wanna “make pretend” he has bone cancer?

    Just give me your name and the state in which you live and I’ll do the rest, pussy.

    cc: Patterico, for his list of my psycho violent tendencies.

  62. ST says:

    If I ever meet up with you, ST, I swear to god I’ll fucking kill you

    Fair enough. Here’s my real address:

    Jay Wagner
    110 Fake Street
    Kissmyassville, KY 186754

    BTW…If we ever met IRL, I’d probably beat you death accidentally somewhere between “please” and “for the love of god no”.


  63. Levi Stoltzfus says:

    This is going to look bad for the tourists…I’ll have to notify Elder Patterico.

    My prayers for your bone-cancer afflicted son.

  64. Jeff G. says:

    So what you’re saying is you ARE too much of a fucking pussy to give your name? But you’ll still talk about my kid?

    Yeah, you’re a fucking coward. Just like I thought.

    And if I ever do find out who you are, I will make you hurt. Badly.

  65. RD says:

    You’re a fucking coward. Wanna talk about my son? Wanna “make pretend” he has bone cancer?

    Why not? It was only a matter of time before you did.

  66. serr8d says:

    What’s the IP addresses he’s using? Or are they all proxies?

  67. Jeff G. says:

    Still no real name? Typical. Tell me: are you touching yourself right now? I bet you are. This has gotta be the only way a frail little twat like you will ever get to feel powerful. Anonymously and at a safe distance.

    Cocksucker. Thing is, you have to go to sleep at night knowing what a fucking coward you are. I’m so inside your head that you just have to be here, day after day, night after night, trolling under ever new names and IP addresses. It’s so freaking sad.

    I own you. Bark for me, bitch.

  68. Jeff G. says:

    All he ever uses are proxies. He’s gone through probably 100 or so.

  69. serr8d says:

    IntenseDebate or another modern commenting system will stop this. So would a .44, but IntenseDebate is cheaper to install.

  70. Jeff G. says:

    BTW…If we ever met IRL, I’d probably beat you death accidentally somewhere between “please” and “for the love of god no”.


    Don’t just talk. Make it happen.

    Otherwise, just bark for me some more, bitch.

  71. Jeff G. says:

    IntenseDebate or another modern commenting system will stop this.

    How so?

  72. Disqus would be a good alternative commenting system as well. Ever since Robert Stacy McCain installed it at his blog, his trolls have vanished.

  73. serr8d says:

    A required login, a traceable login. No more anonymous entities. A web presence that can be blocked and, if necessary, tracked.

    There’s none of this going on anywhere that uses a comment login system. RD will become even more meaningless than he already is.

  74. RD says:

    If I ever meet up with you, ST, I swear to god I’ll fucking kill you

    I feel constitutionally violated.

    I may have to report Jeffery Goldstein to the proper authorities.

  75. Jeff G. says:

    I feel constitutionally violated.

    I may have to report Jeffery Goldstein to the proper authorities.

    Go for it. Just make sure you give your name.

    I’m pretty sure the police won’t take a complaint from “RD” or “Sinister Trampoline” at all seriously. And that would be a shame, the real you being so worth protecting and all. Frightened little flower that you are.

    Meantime, go fetch me my slippers, bitch.

  76. RD says:

    Go for it. Just make sure you give your name

    Cyber stalker/terrorist cases take a while to prosecute.

    That’s mainly to protect common-law battered wives and such.

    First thing they’ll want to do is seize your PC, and all the media storage associated with it.

    That should be entertaining in and of itself, yes?

  77. Jeff G. says:

    Cyber stalker/terrorist cases take a while to prosecute.

    That’s mainly to protect common-law battered wives and such.

    First thing they’ll want to do is seize your PC, and all the media storage associated with it.

    That should be entertaining in and of itself, yes?

    Just make sure you give your name when you file the complaint.

    Here, tell them this: “Jeff Goldstein threatened to fuck me up online because I made pretend his son had bone cancer while I was trolling his website under one of the fifty or so names I’ve used there. And he frightens me, because he’s a wingnut who likes the Tea Party message, and those fuckers are like terrorists, only without the cool scimitars.”

    Then ask for a hug.

    Meantime, go outside and get the paper. Bitch.

  78. Jeff G. says:

    Oh. And make sure you continue to hide yourself as well as possible. Because if I find out who you are we will meet. I promise.


  79. […] daft, nuts, wacko, zany, Fruit Loops and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.Thought experiment: Suppose that Jeff G.’s November fundraiser at Protein Wisdom were such a smashing success that Jeff had enough extra cash to book a round-trip flight to Reagan […]

  80. McGehee says:

    Of the mistakes Dr. Cowbell made, ST/RD/meya/whatever should have preferred avoiding the one about “talking shit about Jeff’s kid.” Because it wasn’t the use of her real name on PW that got her into trouble.

    True story.

  81. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    I liked Stacy McCain’s idea.

    I’m about to send you the flight money for the round trip to DC (or wherever it is).

    You gotta pay for your own whiskey at the cocktail party (if it’s open bar).

    Broken bones are all the rage, but we prefer a humiliating rear naked choke (video would be nice).

    Oh…and you don’t have to stop when it goes to tapping (in which case, NO VIDEO).

    Anyway, up to you.

  82. Pablo says:

    It’s nice to know that RD/ST has a staunch defender in Patrick Frey.

    You hear that, cupcake? You’ve got a lawyer! Send me your name and address, and I’ll be sure that he gets it, k?

  83. (not really) nk and Scott Jacobs says:

    We’d also be happy to help.

  84. Spiny Norman says:

    OK, Funyon fund funded.


  85. Jeffersonian says:

    I just donated and man, that was tougher than giving money to the Obama campaign! I had to enter a real address, phone number and everything.

  86. Bordo says:

    Was able to hit the tip jar this time around. Finally had a little extra. To be perfectly honest, I’m thinking about hitting it again in honor of this new commenting system.

    I mean, look at my avatar. LOOK AT IT. Makes you tingle in your no-no spot(s), yes?
    That alone might be worth a few extra $$$.

  87. donald says:

    Ok, but I need on of them avatar deals.

  88. Spiny Norman says:

    OK, where does one upload the avatar image? I’m not seeing it on the profile page.

  89. sdferr says:

    Spiny and Donald, check out, where you’ll need to register, then upload a picture of your choice. It’s pretty easy all in all. Look also in the “On commenting at pw” thread for more info and others going through the process.

  90. Mikey NTH says:


  91. Mikey NTH says:

    Well, that worked so far.

    Will have to test if the password change came through on another day.

  92. Yackums says:


  93. Jim in KC says:

    Hi, welcome to Costco, I love you.

  94. Yackums says:

    And why would WP tell me “It looks like you made that comment already!”

  95. Mueller says:

    It took longer than I thought to dig u…………….uncover…………..uh…get that money for you.
    Do think,If anybody asks, that you could tell them I was with you all of thursday night?

  96. Soiled Sockpuppet says:

    18 days since a post on Yelverton’s blog. When do we institute a suicide watch?

  97. cranky-d says:

    Willie will have to find a new outlet for his ravings, or register.

  98. LBascom says:

    The check is in the mail Jeff.

  99. Slartibartfast says:

    Test. Is this thing even on?

  100. Slartibartfast says:

    Oh, cool! Avatar is on.

  101. Yay, my blogger avatar is on! I hate having TSO errors.*

    *TSO = Technology Superior to Operator

  102. Jim in KC says:

    I’ll toss a bit in tomorrow, once a transfer I’m waiting on goes through.

    Money is all electronic these days–you wouldn’t think it would take three days for it to get from one bank to another. Not with electrons moving at the speed of light and all.

  103. JurisCani says:

    gravatar test

  104. cranky-d says:

    All money transfers happen at the end of the day. Trust me, the money is there after that, but banks like having the free use of your money, so… .

Comments are closed.