
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


“The Education Manifesto”

Michelle Rhee and Adrian Fenty on what they learned while pushing to reform D.C.’s failing public schools.”

Sobering, sobering stuff.

What should a conservative / classical liberal movement who takes its governing power seriously look like? Well, aside from cutting spending, rolling back regulations, and removing the tax burden that threatens to throttle the economy, the new class of House members and Senators should work to break the power lock the NEA has over public schooling — particularly, the power the unions have over teacher contracts, and the way teachers are trained and accredited, which amounts to little more than indoctrinating and vetting potential teachers to ensure their willingness to support left-wing political activism, both as a matter of civic (and financial) engagement, and as the constant thread that runs through public school curricula.

Lots of work to be done. But there you have it.

(h/t TerryH)

12 Replies to ““The Education Manifesto””

  1. sdferr says:

    How strange the world. It’s hard. And easy. Just do the right thing. But no, no-one will allow it. Can’t be done. But it has. And it isn’t. Only choose.

  2. RTO Trainer says:

    Not just the NEA. The AFT as well.

    I have a plan to dramatically weaken the teachers’ unions, if not destroy them outright. Some properly formulated tort reform would take a hatchet to their membership.

  3. Bob Reed says:

    Please elucidate SSgt, I’d love to witness their demise in my lifetime. You know, for the children.

  4. J."Trashman" Peden says:

    We looked at the numbers, and the school district was overstaffed for the number of students we served, with a teacher to student ratio of about 16-to-1.

    That’s got to be mistakenly inverted, but even if so the poor performance of the students shows just how irrelevant a teacher to student ratio can be when Unions “win”.

  5. RTO Trainer says:

    We just need a tort reform law that won’t allow people to bring civil suits againast teachers for actions taken in the course of thier duties. This has to be ballanced of course, especially given sexual misconduct scenarios, so you make an exception for cases where the teacher has first been convicted of a criminal charge. But suing a teacher over a student’s grades or (non-criminal) disciplinary action would be completely out.

    And that’s the hook that the unions use for membership. The make certain that young teachers know that they are exposed to all manner of civil liability as teachers, but never fear, union membership comes with legal defense and insurance as a benefit.

  6. Blitz says:

    RTO, Bob? What about just breaking the Union? I don’t know how it could be done, but defunding the NEA would maybe be a start? (apologies if NEA is incorrect)

  7. RTO Trainer says:

    You’re mixing up acronyms I think. There’s the National Educators Assocaition–teacher’s union. There’s also the National Endowment for the Arts. The former doesn’t isn’t supposed to get federal funds.

    Cutting off a union from it’s membership is calssic union busting, jut not as satisfying as using Cranky brand cudgels to do it.

  8. RTO Trainer says:

    Okay. The word “doesn’t” was supposed to be the only thing with a strikethrough.

  9. Blitz says:

    TY RTO…I knew I was, but don’t know the words really. All I know? Public unions, especially the teachers thingy? have to be broken, stomped, smashed, beaten to a ( political) pulp….NO MORE pn our dime will they indoctrinate my grandchildren.

  10. sdferr says:

    Stephen Malanga talks his book: Shakedown

  11. RTO Trainer says:

    Thank You HTML Fairy!

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