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March 2025


Fatty fatty 2×4

Who’s your mommy now?

The task force also sees a potential pocketbook approach to keep people from buying unhealthy foods. It calls for analyzing the effect of imposing state and local sales taxes on less healthy products.

[my emphasis]

Here, let me save you some big time “analyzing” bucks. The “effect of imposing state and local sales taxes on less healthy products” will be to make “less healthy” products more expensive products, and drive even more revenue to government coffers under the pretense that it is the business of government to administer punitive taxes on the kinds of foods it doesn’t think you or your children can resist.

A further “effect” is that such a tax opens the door to future punitive taxation on all manner of items the government shall one day determine — often through the highly profitable and highly politicized junk science industry — are not in your best interests to ingest. Because somebody’s gonna have to pay for all that free health care.

By removing choice — or controlling the price of choice in such a way that only the wealthy will be able to regularly afford such gustatory luxuries — the government is “helping” you lead the kind of life they would prefer people of your station to lead.

The wealthy…well, they can decide for themselves. After all, they wouldn’t be wealthy if they weren’t better than you, right?

21 Replies to “Fatty fatty 2×4”

  1. Bacon Ninja says:

    Didn’t Jefferson say something about the overweight in the Declaration of Independence? Went something like, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Except you fatties. You motherfuckers either get on a treadmill or move your fat asses back to England.”

  2. Bob Reed says:

    Remember when all of the lefties scoffed at the notion that nationalizing healthcare would ultimately lead to invasive government regulation of elements of every individual’s lifestyle choices?

    Well here comes the slippery slope. I wonder what it’s “black diamond” rating is…

  3. Brett says:

    When will they learn? When you invite the government to office and harass those you disapprove, you invite them to to do the same to you. Idiots.

  4. Nolanimrod says:

    Anybody remember when smoking was going to be prohibited on domestic airline flights of less than 2 hours duration?

    We have gone from that to prohibiting smoking in bars where it might affect the health of all the health nuts slugging down that organic gin.

    Some years back, when you could still do it, I walked into a New Orleans cocktail lounge in the afternoon, ordered a drink, and lit a cigarette. I was the only one smoking.

    Big place. “Horse shoe” bar seating around 60. Four customers.

    Some guy walks in, sits two seats away, says, in a more in sorrow than in absolute bullshit effrontery voice, that he’s sorry but cigarette smoke REALLY bothers him and would I put it out.

  5. steph says:

    I often imagine Jefferson and Franklin sitting in the City Tavern, discussing the declaration they’re working on, having a couple of ales, and one of them lights up a pipe, and the barkeep saying “Boys, you’re gonna have to take that outside.”
    Then there’s poor Ben and Tom, huddled outside, when the barkeep comes out and tells them that they have to move 50 feet from the doorway.

  6. The reforms are all different, the reformers are all alike.

  7. Carin says:

    Let them eat rice cakes.

  8. Let them eat rice cakes.

    let’s not talk about my cheddar flavored Quakes addiction.

  9. Slartibartfast says:

    Somewhere, someone is trying like mad to make this tax more progressive.

  10. sdferr says:

    Was Mrs Obama intent on sparking a discussion of elasticity?

  11. mojo says:

    You left out the “instant black market”

  12. McGehee says:

    Dammit, soon I’ll have to go to an Indian reservation to buy Chee-tos.

  13. LTC John says:

    McGehee – I am going to concentrate on the lucrative Kentucky-Illinois smuggling route. It has already been established by the cigarette runners…

  14. Matty O says:

    Sieg Heil! Herr Obama

  15. Thomas Jackson says:

    Why is it that the progreswive comissars always wish to dictate to the proles how they should live? What next Cheetos Stasi?

  16. bour3 says:

    Speaking of higher taxes on unhealthy foods, I’ve discovered the secret to the best french fries and potato chips I’ve ever eaten. It’s not the sort of thing you’d want, say, once a week if even once a month, but maybe a few times a year. Here’s the deal. Cut the potatoes into water to rid them of surface starch. Dry. This is the obsession part. You must lay out a kitchen towel spread out all the cut and rinsed potatoes, then layer another kitchen towel. For french fries, cook twice. First on moderate heat to cook almost all the way through, allow to cool, then on high to dehydrate. This results in crispy outside, fluffy inside. Potato chips are cooked on moderate once because they’re so thin. But here’s the thing, the bird-flip to the nannies of the world, the oil must contain a % of lard, at least 25%, but better 50%. The rest is vegetable oil. I know, I know, lard is bad. Bad lard. Bad. But I don’t care. Fuckitall. Fat Police — bite me. These are the best things ever. This was using huge russet potatoes.

  17. IT says:

    no surprise, conservatives are fat fucks…. fattest, dumbest, biggest consumers of porn and most religious.

  18. cranky-d says:

    Hey, cousin IT, fuck yourself with a swordfish, sideways.

  19. Mike LaRoche says:

    IT must stand for Idiot Troll.

  20. bh says:

    Apropos of nothing, remember when that thor idiot recommended buying GM stock? That was funny.

  21. BuddyPC says:

    17. Comment by IT on 5/11 @ 9:02 pm #
    no surprise, conservatives are fat fucks…. fattest, dumbest, biggest consumers of porn and most religious.

    Once again, putting the “blah” into blah blah blah.

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