
Jeff's Wish List

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September 2024



Seems the GOP brainstrust is ready to party (build) like it’s 1999!

Notably absent from the new GOP conspiracy – at least as described by Allen and Vogel – is evidence of an understanding that the Internet represents a paradigm shift in the essential context of national politics. There is also no evidence from the Politico piece that the Tea Party movement represents an “Army of Davids” uprising that is, frankly, fed up with establishment Republicanis,

Instead, fund-raising, organizing and advertising are described as the main priorities of the group. There’s nothing new in those priorities.

Establishment GOPers have always preferred to talk about money, organizing, and advertising rather than focusing on the substance of what the party’s office-holders and candidates propose and actually accomplish.

Put another way, it sounds like more of the same-old, same-old from the national GOP –- prescribing more money, management and marketing as the key to political success instead of standing for permanent principles, proposing programs based on those principles, and then actually reforming government according to those principles.

Wait, you mean principles might sell?

My. How very outlaw is such thinking.

Instead, we get “pragmatism” and status quo retreads: Democrat light. Compassionate conservatism. Republicans in sombreros and “Go Green!” buttons, pointing fingers at their Nazi fringe, crying “they are not like me!”

And people wonder how we wound up with fucking McCain.


0 Replies to “Failbotting”

  1. cranky-d says:

    The grand old party is disconnected from the electorate? Get outta here!

  2. Bob Reed says:

    I don’t know how reliable Politico’s reporting is, nor how objective, and the entire Tapscott piece is based on the Politico article.

    I’m finding it hard to believe that they would wave off the tea-partiers so cavalierly.

    We’ll all just have to hold their feet to the fire up until, and after, November-let ’em know who’s boss!

    Either that, or get used to Obama ridin’ America down the tubes like Slim Pickens at the end of Dr. Strangelove!

    But I guess the epistemic closure here could be getting to me…

  3. Mike LaRoche says:

    A JD Hayworth victory in the Arizona GOP primary would go a long way toward halting the establishmentarian me-too nonsense.

  4. Curmudgeon says:

    I don’t know how reliable Politico’s reporting is, nor how objective, and the entire Tapscott piece is based on the Politico article.

    Politico sucks Democrat dick, but it does have interesting insider news.

    You would think the GOP would learn to party like it’s nineteen ninety FOUR, back when principles actually defeated Demunists and crushed Commiecrats.

  5. cranky-d says:

    I finally looked up epistemic closure so I could know what the hell is going on. It appears to be yet another case of progressive projection onto anyone who even has a taint of conservatism in them.

  6. newrouter says:

    why did the epistemic armadillo cross the road?

  7. newrouter says:

    too see if O! was selling any watermelons

  8. cranky-d says:

    OT: The last of the Navy Seals accused of hitting an Iraqi terrorist while in captivity was found not guilty. I’m glad all three were acquitted, and I hope their careers will continue as they want them to.

  9. sdferr says:

    Dan Coats.

    That is all.

  10. JD says:

    sdferr – That was quite unfortunate, and I did what I could to try to avoid that.

  11. Bob Reed says:

    You know, I haven’t been able to follow all of the primaries around the nation. Is Coats still partying like 1999, or has he articulated any new ideas?

    Is he still blathering about gun control? And if so, how in the world did he win in Indiana?!?

  12. newrouter says:

    And if so, how in the world did he win in Indiana?!?

    3 person primary

  13. bh says:

    Seems the GOP brainstrust is ready to party (builld) like it’s 1999!

    Okay, I don’t get “builld”. Any help?

  14. bh says:

    Okay, I’m an idiot. Typo for build. Like party building.

    Thought it was a weird Prince reference.

  15. bh says:

    OT: the Nikkei isn’t going apeshit. So, hey, we got that going for us.

  16. Frontman says:

    The bar car is still open on the train to hell.

  17. Ric Locke says:

    The bar car is still open on the train to hell.

    Unfortunately, all that’s left in stock is absinthe, Coors Light, and O’Doul’s. What looks like a bottle of Laphroaigh was emptied by the day-shift bartender, and currently contains a sort of tea made from used coffee grounds and rubbing alcohol. It’s still $25 a shot, though.


  18. serr8d says:

    It’s not only that the GOP is broken systemically, it’s that the primary movers and shakers aren’t capable of realizing that they’re the ones who broke it. The moving and shaking that’s going on isn’t doing much more than stirring up the crypt dust.

    The solution? New, and I mean new, leadership. A new direction. If it’s too late for these ‘leaders’, then there’s always the concept and the methodology of the Phoenix.

  19. geoffb says:

    Just for you bh. A blast from the past.

  20. bh says:

    Dig that futuristic font, Geoff!

    Doesn’t it seem almost unbelievably antiquated for something not even 25 years ago?

    I was 13 at that time. Had helped build a Radio Shack computer from a kit. Learned some BASIC. Read a book called Subroutine Sandwich.

    In a way, today was sorta predictable.

  21. bh says:

    I watched that show occasionally as a kid, btw. Friend of the family would explain some of the concepts and related math when I showed an interest. Friend of the family was sort of father figure-ish.

  22. bh says:

    Title of the post, “Failbotting”.


  23. geoffb says:

    That month was bad for me. My first wife and I had used half of what I got from my Father’s estate to buy a house and had put the rest, using info from Consumer’s Report, into Fidelity Magellan Fund that Summer. By the end of October I was in the doghouse for that move.

    The HST talk reminded me of the programed trading back then.

  24. McGehee says:

    I remember the panic in the media in ’87 because the Dow lost more points than it had in 1929. Very few people bothered to mention that in 1929 even before the crash the Dow average was something like eighteen dollars or whatever.

  25. bh says:

    I remember that panic in ’29. I was negative 45. I had just completed a gramophone from a kit. My favorite book predicted a system of concrete canals running land ships across the continent.

    In a way, today was sorta predictable.

  26. geoffb says:

    Failbot indeed.

  27. geoffb says:

    Hypnotic regression analysis to recall past market lives.

  28. bh says:

    Through an incredible show of will I’ll get on topic for a moment.

    Principles are currently selling like a mofo. Being personally responsible for well over .0001% of David Obey’s retirement, I can speak from authority. Duffy was preaching some righteous truth. It killed an old dinosaur. Huzzah!

    Onto Kind, Kagen and Feingold. We’ll get at least another two of them. Book it.

  29. Danger says:

    “Instead, we get “pragmatism” and status quo retreads: Democrat light. Compassionate conservatism. Republicans in sombreros and “Go Green!” buttons, pointing fingers at their Nazi fringe, crying “they are not like me!”

    Paging Dr Coburn…

  30. Andrew the Noisy says:

    The problem is simple: few politicians have the stones to risk the wrath of the political establishment to do what needs doing.

    Heads need to roll off the top of Team R before that changes.

    Fortunately, the Tea-heads are worming their way into the party apparatus. So it might happen sooner than you think.

  31. sdferr says:

    “Onto Kind, Kagen and Feingold. We’ll get at least another two of them. Book it.”

    I wanna see the Wiscies keep it going long enough to pick-off Kohl when his round comes up. That would be impressive.