you need to bulk up on chins Jeff if you are going to tour with the *big* boys.
wtf does this do for you?
no one believes this bullshytt except conservative racists.
c’mon, baxtrice, do you favor SSM? legal abortion?
wat do you think about Saint Sarah?
the gulag awaits, gutless.
where is the courage of your convictions?
I find it funny that nishi the “true liberal” on this site is trying to “out” me. As far as I’m concerned, if the person baiting me to answer is also calling other commenters “retards” then I’ve no need to return the favor since I will be judged worthy or unworthy, and then insulted. *acutally I’m already being insulted: coward, gutless.
funny, I’m the christian, but someone else is doing the judging — ooh that doesn’t fit teh narrative!
oh i luff real christians…..i just loathe EVANGELICAL christians….you know…..that try to push their religion on everyone else?
Everone hates them…..jews, muslims, atheists, aganostics……
Seeing as how the Christian text calls for prosthelizing, one can make an intellectual arguement that the Christians who don’t try to push their religion who arene’t being the “real” christians.
Also it is always a hoot to watch non-Christians talk about what makes a “real” Christian. Usually, it involves agreement with the non-Christians political policy preferences, which tend to skew to the left.
“the Christian text calls for prosthelizing”
does it?
did you read the original?
you also claim it calls for “loving thy neighbor as thyself”… does that jibe with slavery?
don’t you wonder why everyone hates WECs?
it is the proselytizing.
academics hate them, jews hate them, atheists and agnostics hate them.
how do reconcile loving your neighbor when you are busy tellin’ him hes goin to hell because you own the truth?
that is why people hate you.
don’t you wonder why everyone hates WECs?
it is the proselytizing.
academics hate them, jews hate them, atheists and agnostics hate them.
how do reconcile loving your neighbor when you are busy tellin’ him hes goin to hell because you own the truth?
that is why people hate you.
The left hates them because they’re an obstacle to class warfare. Only you’re too dense and unsophisticated to grasp the big picture. Regardless of how much time you spend hunched over your computer like a demented pixie, you’re far removed from where the narratives you mindlessly regurgitate are generated. So your cluelessness is rather expected. It’s like that scene in “The Devil Wears Prada” where Meryl Streep mocks Anne Hathaway for thinking the color of her sweater was a choice she made for herself.
I’m sick of how stupid this closed info loop makes you guyz.
1. Many demographics hate WECs. If you don’t want to be hated, quit proselytizing and trying to push religious doctrine into law.
2. Conservatives are mocked. If you don’t want people to laff at you take off the clown shoes. For example, brayin’ that the liberals are the “real” racists doesn’t persuade voters while you celebrating Confederate History month.
3. Quit being all butthurt because you have lost control. Start thinking about a comeback and quit alienating the demographics you need to win.
4. Get rid of Palin. shes a waste of spacetime. shes a liability.
As I recall, it was Christians who used the bible to advocate freedom for the slaves. Abe Lincoln was most eloquent on the subject. He was a practicing Christain. It certainly wasn’t Muslims, as they were the wholesalers capturing the Africans and selling them all over the world.
The Christians who advocated freedom won the day with much bloodshed on both sides.
But Nishi will piss on that repeatedly while willfully ignoring or downplaying the exact same behavior and worse perpetrated in other countries by decidedly different cultures and religions for whom she shares some unknown stupifying affinity. That is, if she loves freedom as she claims.
Her arguements are limp, two dimensional things, requiring alot of ignorance to make. It is as close as you can get to a real world “Politically Blonde” starring our very own Alicia Silverstone of Protein Wisdom: Nishi!
Nishi just loves it some black people, so long as they remain on the plantation. The ones who choose to escape the living hell that Nishi and its kind have created for them get called names and excommunicated from the community. The same holds for Hispanics who stray from the oh-so-progressive narrative that Nishi and its kind have assigned to them.
Nish, don’t think for a moment that you’re fooling us. You remain a second-rate mind, struggling in vain to make sense of a world that’s outside your grasp. You advocate for the subjugation of “two-digits,” conveniently papering over the fact that you and yours are brimming to the rim with such. You advocate for the trampling of those who don’t share your blinkered half-understanding of the world, never once acknowledging that you and your kind will be first against the wall, no matter who wins the war you so relentlessly long for and cheerlead.
You’re an illiterate, genocidal, know-nothing troll, and if it weren’t so much fun to hear you prattle on about “droolers” and “twodigits,” we’d all have shut you out a long time ago. As it stands, you serve as a fascinating case study of what happens when those of limited talent are led to believe in their own superiority. You’re the living embodiment of today’s feel-good society, Nish. Don’t ever change!
Seriously, are you talking to anyone who actually reads this blog?
Sure I am.
this blog is chock full of AGW denialists, evolution denialists, and history denialists.
I finally got Jeff to admit publically that IDT is crapology, but I had to beat the hell out of him to get him to say it.
Nishi dear, if you want to win friends and influence people you have to quit being so crabby. I know sweetie, that you really want to make a name for yourself (and in comedy, you certainly have) but you really have to study more than talking points to come across as bright.
Honey, when you came onto the PW scene, didn’t you purport to be one of the umma? or were you just joshing us? You seem to have forgotten some of your past positions . . . . or did you culturally evolve into something else?
You deny cultural evolution, and demographic evolution.
that is incontrovertable.
The little overachiever whose reach exceeds her grasp is projecting her limitations on others again. You don’t even understand what you’re arguing, so why on earth would the rebuttals make sense to you?
nishi dear, that is nice that you like loki so much, he was kinda weak being held down by cat gut and all. He wasn’t very bright either. But doesn’t that go against your being one of the umma, or were you just joshing us again?
you are right baxtrice… is a trap.
if you say you believe in womens reproductive rights and SSM then they will put in the stocks.
if you say christians shouldn’t force their religious doctrine on others they will gulag you.
my sympathies.
Nishi, you’re the trap. You’re trying to bait the commentariat here at PW. You’re trying to force us to your will. It’s not going to happen.
Thanks for the sympathies, but I don’t need them. Besides, I’ve disagreed with others on this site before and not been gulaged.
nishi . . sweetie . . . you remember me, don’t you? I’m thor’s mommie. remember when you and he played dress up in the basement? that is until his younger sister caught him wearing her dress and beat him silly with her field hockey stick. C’mon sweetie, last summer when I was on break from school, surely you remember me? you can talk to me.
Mr McGehee, I am frightened of any organization that wants me to volunteer my time, they always seem draft me somehow. I always wind up on some committee.
Another thread sewered by the TTP. I’ll be back tomorrow and see, if per Jeff’s request, we can stay on topic and not indulge Kate the TTP anymore. I’m going to go plan how to help Chicago out, should any “Domestic Response” be needed…. bah.
A great example of the Breitbarts/Becks/Limbaughs ejaculate…. conservatives swallow.
AP fact-checks Andrew Breitbart; Breitbart loses
But an article from the Associated Press says the video Breitbart trumpeted was not shot at the time the black lawmakers say they were targeted with the N-word; rather, the video was shot an hour later, as the group emerged from a congressional meeting. They had alleged that they were targeted as they were walking into the meeting.
Asked by AP about the inconsistency, Breitbart responded, “I’m not saying the video was conclusive proof.”
That is all wingnuts do is swallow….dontcha know?
Conservatism (BJ lexicon) the profoundly mistaken belief that if one shuts up and swallows while getting fucked by Wallstreet that someday the “conservative” will get the keys to the executive washroom.
Hey baxtrice, no one was filming then.
Breitbart is a serial liar.
Who u gonna belief?
John Lewis the Hero of Selma or Mr. Selective-editting Brietbart?
NIshi I want proof. The racist meme gets thrown around so much, that I would like to have a little. Is that so bad? In a court of law, they’d ask for proof as well. Also how can you say no one was filming? Were you there? Are you all-knowing? Asking for evidence is not a crime.
well….except n/e one that was filming was prolly a teabagger right?
I bet they dont want their racism aired…..or its entirely possible Breitbart got some takers and he just destroyed the film.
No one thinks you’re smart here, Nishi. You’re a gift because you can’t keep your fucking mouth shut. The great thing about this place is that people bring varied knowledge bases so different people are laughing more loudly at you depending on what you’re holding forth about. But there is consensus. Science!
nishit is calling others racists when she wrote that the muggers in NO were minorities, when that was never mentioned in the story? Fuck you, swordfish style.
How could Jesse Jackson castrate Barcky?
Kick nishit in the chin.
The O’keefe tapes don’t suggest Breitbart is dishonest in the least. The material facts are what they are. But you do look rather stupid suggesting otherwise.
a more relevant question would be,,,is John Lewis honest?
is there public evidence of dishonesty on Lewis’ part like there is of Breitbart’s?
in a court of law, Lewis would have the advantage as a witness i believe.
since Breitbart has previously impeached himself.
No, the pimp tapes do not suggest that, at least not to anyone other than those that have a mouthful of Barcky. The tapes and the transcripts speak quite clearly to what happened. Breitbart has $100K out there for proof, and zero, zip, nada. He called your fucking bluff, and you folded, nishit. Folded like the lying coward you are, and then predictably, started making shit up.
John Lewis would have to prove his assertion, which he has not done. Not even close. Making an asspull is not the same as proving an asspull, a foreign concept to the lying genocidal eugenic.
That is entirely a matter of perspective, Nishi… do a little research on the members of the House of Representatives, particularly Lewis’ friends and allies — Rangel, Hastings, etc.
Being a member of the House of Representatives is hardly a major endorsement of their ethics.
Is that mutant shorthand for apologize? Showing O’keefe in the pimp getup was bad journalism. O’Keefe is obviously a ham and a bit of an attention whore in addition to not really being a journalist, but the damning elements of the tapes are what they are. Case closed. Everything else is left wing subterfuge.
see? closed info loop.
Breitbart apologized…..why? He MISREPRESENTED data.
the American Scene is a CONSERVATIVE website.
so it isnt just liberal media bias.
Breitbart lied.
why wouldn’t he do it again?
Took a look at the O’Keefe link – so O’Keefe wasn’t wearing the Pimp costume in one of the vids, and… and…. nothing in that link changes what happened. Yes, they were edited for time and for effect. But the edit didn’t change the convos that happened. WAAAAAAAHHHHH!
And yes the Axelrod thingie was irrelevant, but so was asking me if Breitbart is honest.
I wonder if Andrew Breitbart, Fox News, James O’Keefe, and Hannah Giles will apologize to Juan Carlos Vera, or issue corrections to what can no longer be considered a journalistic effort. They portrayed this guy as a willing accomplice to the smuggling of underage illegal immigrant prostitutes. As it turns out, he used what little English skills he possessed to draw out their made up story, pin down contact information, and report what he found out to police soon after the twenty-somethings left his San Diego office.
In other words, Mr. Vera did the right thing. Mr. Breitbart can claim he was ignorant of that fact. But unless he publishes one hell of an apology… well, even if he does so I can’t say I’ll ever again be inclined to trust anything he publishes, so I guess now that the truth is out it’s another public test of his character. Will he persist in arguing that the means justify the end even when it involves tarnishing the reputation of an apparently innocent guy?
John Lewis, the Hero of Selma, is on the wrong side this time. There’s no way his fevered dreams of social nirvana are sustainable. His party of Social Democrats have killed the American good-times goose. We’ve 15 million unemployed, and no way to make up for that in the forseeable future. With Social Democrats in power, we’ll likely never recover. Ready yourself for some hard times, child of what was once aplenty, because you’ve no clue as to what’s coming your way.
See, now nishit is just lying again. He did not report it to the police, he called a relative that is a police officer to ask him what he should do, a couple days after asking Hannah how much she would cost. He never even filed a police report, did he? He is not apparently innocent to anyone other than the congenital dishonest griefers like the genocidal racist nishit.
well bax….we have Breitbart on record saying the ends justify the means.
thus it seems perfectly plausible to me that he might suppress video that proved Lewis was right.
its all about motive.
The pattern of behavior was the most damning aspect Nishi. Deal with it. It was a public service even if not up to, cough, journalistic standards. It was a sloppy effort altogether. As was the subsequent O’Keefe effort at Landieu’s office. A big part of the story here, which you obviously don’t understand, is that Breitbart shouldn’t even have to be doing this shit. He’s in the advocacy business primarily because the mainstream media is as well. But here you are trying to rationalize all the coverage the aftermath of the healthcare bill signing received in spite of no material evidence at all while simultaneously casting aspersions on a man whose undertaking provided ample evidence. Who is it in a closed information loop again?
oh he did bax, he apolo’d in an interview for “selective editing”.
The court threw out the tape as evidence because of bias.
why wouldn’t he do that again?
No, Nishi, I am not. I am, however, pointing out that he has allied himself with men who solicit bribes (Hastings) and are sufficiently unpatriotic as to under-pay their taxes to a degree that suggests that it was hardly “accidental.”
To blindly accept the accusation from a source from whom such an accusation is politically convenient is a trifle naive.
That court citation would be good. A link to Breitbart’s apology would be nice too. Wasn’t Vega the one that tried to buy a slice of that fine young ass, on tape? Yeah. San Diego. And the cop he went to, a couple of days later? His BIL, IIRC. No report followed. But really, he told a cop!
Hey, if Jerry Brown says it’s all good, what else could it be?
Pablo – Spot on. He tried to buy it, before he didn’t report it. There was no court case, and there was no court throwing out the tapes for bias. The list of things that nishit has not lied about is growing infinitesimally small.
why haven’t we seen the “real” video with the taunting? did they walk through the crowd multiple times? nishi,sweetie, I know you fancy yourself as some kind of super hero but you’re not. c’mon hon, let’s stop with the mountain dew and skittles. ‘k?
There was no court case, and there was no court throwing out the tapes for bias.
Which would tend to be the case when there’s been no prosecution, nor civil suit involving that tape. Forget the throwing the tape out, let’s just see where there was a case, any case, in a California court. We need a link.
On Twitter yesterday, Andrew Breitbart issued a confrontational “correction“ stating that James O’Keefe wasn’t actually dressed like a pimp when he interacted with ACORN employees. I am unsure whether a correction has been posted to Big Government, where the video sting initially ran. I can’t find one.
Obviously, Mr. Breitbart or editor Mike Flynn should run a correction if they haven’t already. Corrections should also be run by The Washington Times, where Mr. Breitbart’s column gave an inaccurate impression of when Mr. O’Keefe wore the pimp suit, and Fox News, where Mr. O’Keefe said nothing to disabuse his hosts of that inaccurate impression. Analysis of all that, plus a roundup of other news sources that were misled by the video can be found here. None of this excuses the abhorrent behavior of some ACORN employees whose actions were inappropriate no matter the context, but it does call into question whether or not the video was edited in other misleading ways, and I certainly won’t feel comfortable trusting it until I see an unedited version.
Brooklyn prosecutors on Monday cleared ACORN of criminal wrongdoing after a four-month probe that began when undercover conservative activists filmed workers giving what appeared to be illegal advice on how to hide money.
While the video by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles seemed to show three ACORN workers advising a prostitute how to hide ill-gotten gains, the unedited version was not as clear, according to a law enforcement source.
“They edited the tape to meet their agenda,” said the source.
“On Sept. 15, 2009, my office began an investigation into possible criminality on the part of three ACORN employees,” Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes said in a one-paragraph statement issued Monday afternoon. “That investigation is now concluded and no criminality has been found.”
because the otherside has all the smart people, and all the cool people on their side, you seem to think its okfine to cheat.
eventually Jeff is going to have his nose rubbed in your cheating.
and he’ll switch teams like Cole and I did….like Charles did.
Nevertheless, the natural general principle that will subsume this case is, apparently, determined by an abstract underlying order. It may be, then, that the descriptive power of the base component is unspecified with respect to the levels of acceptability from fairly high (eg (99a)) to virtual gibberish (eg (98d)). Notice, incidentally, that this analysis of a formative as a pair of sets of features can be defined in such a way as to impose irrelevant intervening contexts in selectional rules. This suggests that the earlier discussion of deviance cannot be arbitrary in the extended c-command discussed in connection with (34). I suggested that these results would follow from the assumption that the systematic use of complex symbols suffices to account for a corpus of utterance tokens upon which conformity has been defined by the paired utterance test.
Note that the natural general principle that will subsume this case may remedy and, at the same time, eliminate the ultimate standard that determines the accuracy of any proposed grammar. To provide a constituent structure for T(Z,K), a subset of English sentences interesting on quite independent grounds does not affect the structure of the strong generative capacity of the theory. On our assumptions, a case of semigrammaticalness of a different sort is not to be considered in determining the system of base rules exclusive of the lexicon. Suppose, for instance, that the descriptive power of the base component is not quite equivalent to irrelevant intervening contexts in selectional rules. Of course, relational information cannot be arbitrary in a parasitic gap construction.
ah, yes, Muhammed… husband of Aisha, who he loved… married her at six, but in his infinite mercy, did not consummate their relationship until she was the ripe old age of nine.
nishi sweetie, the twitter said: “CORRECTION: Pimp in ACORN vids less flamboyantly dressed than conveyed. Said procurer of 14yrold illegal El Salvador whores dressed J Crew.” is that REALLY a smoking gun like you had hoped? ‘cmon dearie, put away yuor Nancy Drew Mysteries, you just don’t have it.
nishie dear, that link to LGF, that you thought was really something . . . . it wasn’t dear. sweetie, really, what are you trying to do? you have no friends, you come here and try to sound bright but people see through it. c’mon sweeetie, you can’t live in fantasy land forever. just wash your face, comb your hair and for heaven’s sake put away that wonder woman get up. you do NOT have the bod for it, ‘k?
Nishit the Cying Lunt is so fucking stooooooooooooooopid that she cannot recognize the differenc between an apology and a correction, and shows itself to be woefully stupid in claiming that there was a court case or a court ruling that the tapes were biased. Even the correction fails to do anything other than note that he did not wear a pimp suit into the office, something that is abundantly clear to anyone that actually watched the fucking tapes. You have again proven yourself to be an aggressive liar, nishit.
Charles also recently pronounced Rush Limbaugh the de facto head of the Republican arty.
Twisterella, I’ll bet he’d let you back in in a heartbeat. Have you tried lately? Y’all would fit like a glove. And if it sticks, you could just lubricate it with some Balloon Juice. You could be an evolutionary star.
idc what you think about Allah or Muhammed.
i don’t want you anywhere near my religion.
and i wish you wud STFU about yours and quit trying to push it on people that don’t want it, and trying to push it into laws.
nishi, sweetie. who is the source? and mr Pablo totally addressed this above. What court? what were the charges? what conviction was being sought? Honey, watching Matlock isn’t going to make you a legal scholar.
oh nishi pookums, I am so scatter brained, te hee, almost forgot to ask you again. Do tell me more about your time with the umma. I remember you crowing about that a year or so ago. do spill.
Nishi, that is not what I think about your religion.
That is what your religion’s holy texts says about Islam’s “perfect man.”
“Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.” Bukhari vol.5 book 58 ch.43 no.236 p.153.
It says while it screeches about THOSE FUCKING CHRISTIANS 24/7. But truth be told, I don’t want its religion around me. Yeah, Catholics may have some pedophiles bumping around, but they don’t consider them God’s One True Messenger. Like nishi does.
idc wut u thnk nishit. u r a lier and a greeeefer and sik in the hed.
You claimed a court threw the tapes out, not a DA deciding not to pursue charges. Lie. Now you are just running around with the goal posts like an idiot.
nishi dear, why are you avoiding me? I am not mr Laroche or mr Slart or mr Pablo or anyone else. I am thor’s mommie. remember me? c’mon sweetie let’s talk about how your “make believes” are so contorted that every time you make a statement, it goes against your alleged persona. c’mon hon, I have raisinettes and cocoa! sweetie, you really need to come clean. You are just a plain vanilla white girl who is not real bright, NTTATWWT. sweetie, come let’s have a visit, ‘k?
like i said WECs, just quit prancing and braying in the public square and zip it in your pants an we will deal fine.
idc what you say about Muhammed or Allah…..i just want you to stop trying to impose your religious beliefs on other sentient beings.
Then quit trying to impose your secprogg beliefs on me, you lying cunt. Because as I see it, I am not trying to impose anything on you, but you have offered gulags, genocide, eugenics, overt racism, aggressive ignorance, and brazen dishonesty. And that was all before lunch.
Jeff trying to take the word liberal back is going to work out just like Breitbat trying to take culture back I’m afraid.
meaning it isnt.
culture has moved on, an’ so has language, being part of culture and all.
“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniencies attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.”
nishi dear, what are these WEC’s? is that a new X-Box game? what you were talking about above, you know the evolution and stuff. . . . .umma don’t play that. eugenics, umma don’t play that either. sweetie, I know you are trying to fit in and be “cool” but it isn’t working. hon, you are just ordinary, plain white bread. you know just like one of the “oppressors” that you rail against (ironically, the umma does play oppressor pretty well). sweetie, I never said anything about muhammed or allah, don’t have any need to. but I don’t think you are referring to them with proper respect, you know since you are “supposed to be” one of the umma. I do lurvs me the Maharashtra, though. lulz! they saved the desi’s.
c’mon sweetie, be honest with yourself and us. you are not skilled, masterful or particularly bright. just quit acting like you are somebody special and talk to us . . oh, and here is some Dentyne, you really need to brush your teeth.
If you truly believe that quote, then why do you adhere to a political ideology whose very premise is set upon limiting individual liberties?
Mike – That would require cognitive function, and self-awareness and reflection, all qualities that it has proven that it does not possess, in any capacity.
The short form is that you should be careful what you wish for, since you might just get it. Most of us here have forgotten more history than you’ve learned and don’t make such limiting and linear assumptions as you do — your “its trending this way and always will trend this way” demographic analysis, f’r’instance.
You want from other what you and your are unwilling to surrender — there are no successful unequal social contracts.
Mike – That would require cognitive function, and self-awareness and reflection, all qualities that it has proven that it does not possess, in any capacity.
Nishi the Swordswallower – I am going to be as nice as possible. You have been asked (in comments #137, 139, 140, 145, 152, 169, 173, 184, 189, and 192) to source your claim that a court threw out the tapes for bias, with requests for the name of the Court, and the case number.
To your credit, ignore my hysterical laughter while I typed that, you offered up lame attempts to justify your lie lie lie in #149 and 163, but even giving you the benefit of the doubt, something that you have proven yourself to be unworthy of, all you really did was run around like an idiot with the goalposts.
President Obama is still by far the most national politician in the United States, according to a new CNN poll which stacked leading Republicans against the president and asked who respondents would vote for in 2012.
“The poll shows Obama topping Romney 53 percent to 45 percent, beating Huckabee 54 percent to 45 percent, defeating Gingrich 55 percent to 43 percent and topping Palin 55 percent to 42,” the network reported.
I wish asshats like FYI would tell us which polls are acceptable, and which are not, as it seems some are to be followed to the point where we should cease disagreeing with the dirty little socialists, and others may be dismissed out of hand.
“The poll shows Obama topping Romney 53 percent to 45 percent, beating Huckabee 54 percent to 45 percent, defeating Gingrich 55 percent to 43 percent and topping Palin 55 percent to 42,” the network reported.
Wait, are you saying that Sarah Palin is right in the ballpark with Romney, Huckholio and Newt against Obama? That silly chillbilly? Pshaw!
Oh. That question was most devious, Pablow, and most aback-taking. I don’t think mr ayatollah had that possibility built into his batshitcrazy set of calvinball rules.
the lines appear about to cross
Impending uncoolness? Someone’s going to have to abandon her principles again, in favor of hanging with the cool crowd.
Breitbart’s “proof” that black congressmen lied about being called “nigger” is as useless as his ACORN clips. Andrew Breitbart isn’t fit to spit-shine the shoes of civil rights hero and Congressman John Lewis. It’s ludicrous to think that the right-wing bully believed he had the moral or political standing to call Lewis a liar, after Lewis and two other black congressmen reported they were called “nigger” by tea partiers during the healthcare reform vote March 20. Lewis’s word on the confrontation is good enough for me.
Now comes news that Breitbart is the liar. Video he’s been peddling to “prove” the congressmen were not called the N-word was actually after the slurs occurred. Of course the videos Breitbart peddled to claim ACORN helped a supposed pimp and prostitute set up a child-prostitution ring have also been found misleading, at best. The California Attorney General’s review said they were “severely edited” and in fact “showed no violation of the law.” New York authorities concluded the same thing.
AP has the full scoop:
A reconstruction of the events shows that the conservative challenges largely sprang from a mislabeled video that was shot later in the day.
Breitbart posted two columns on his Web site saying the claims were fabricated. Both led with a 48-second YouTube video showing Lewis, Carson, other Congressional Black Caucus members and staffers leaving the Capitol. Some of the group were videotaping the booing crowd.
Breitbart asked why the epithet was not captured by the black lawmakers’ cameras, and why nobody reacted as if they had heard the slur. He also questioned whether the epithets could have been shouted by liberals planted in the crowd.
But the 48-second video was shot as the group was leaving the Capitol — at least one hour after Lewis, D-Ga., and Carson walked to the Capitol, which is when they said the slurs were used.
Questioned about using a video on his Web site from the wrong moment, Breitbart stood by his claim that the lawmakers were lying.
“I’m not saying the video was conclusive proof,” he said.
AP also reports that Rep. Heath Shuler – a Blue Dog Democrat from North Carolina, no raving lefty – says he heard the slurs too.
YAY ! More lying dishonest trolls puking out talking points! YAY! BTW, it is racist to note that someone is not fit to shine someone else’s shoes, douchenozzle. There is a $100,000 offer out there, and a scenario with more cameras than Tiger Woods at a strip club. Chop, chop, liar.
As an aside, the nightly news is “severely edited”, so are ESPN clips, all television programming, all news broadcasts, etc … basically, everything. Why is this “severely edited” standard applied only to Breitbart, and what from the transcripts leads one to a different conclusion as to the actions of ACORN?
Andrew Breitbart isn’t fit to spit-shine the shoes of civil rights hero and Congressman John Lewis. It’s ludicrous to think that the right-wing bully believed he had the moral or political standing to call Lewis a liar, after Lewis and two other black congressmen reported they were called “nigger” by tea partiers during the healthcare reform vote March 20. Lewis’s word on the confrontation is good enough for me.
I finally got Jeff to admit publically that IDT is crapology, but I had to beat the hell out of him to get him to say it.
What a load of shit. Complete and utter shit. I was teaching why ID wasn’t science when you were in junior high, you libelous bint.
Not only that, but I posted an entire thread here dedicated to it. I linked it on the other thread where you trotted out this bullshit. I’ll link it here again, just to have it on record.
How anybody can read that post and come away thinking I need to be taught by a wannabe blade runner that ID is properly of the realm of philosophy/metaphysics (as a stand-alone “theory”) is as stupid as you. Not only that, but one can tell from the discussion that I was (and always have been) interested in exploring the ideas wherever they go.
Because of that, people like you get frustrated when I don’t cave to your silly arguments. Frey had the same reaction — I must be a pseudo-intellectual know-nothing for not buying his worn out horseshit. I don’t post about anything of substance. I’m a violent race baiter.
And now, I’m a close-minded racist idiot who can’t argue logically.
You have taught me not a thing here. Ever.
I’m not happyfeet. I don’t get easily dazzled by buzzwords, sci-fi, Japanese cartoons, and bad pop.
As for him, had he ever jumped in to defend anyone here under attack other than thor or Nishi, maybe he wouldn’t be feeling so set upon recently. But imagine that! People get tired of being tethered to racist cranks and morons by racist cranks and morons — and sometimes, after letting it go for a bit, they begin to fight back a bit.
Unless there is tape showing the faces of people using slurs you can go kill yourself, FYI. The whole episode was staged to manufacture outrage and nobody gives a fuck what left wingers say about the matter absent proof. Proof including the ability to identify any transgressors so as to assure they aren’t plants. We’re all too familiar with leftist tactics. Now run along and practice your guitar, fruitcake.
But the 48-second video was shot as the group was leaving the Capitol — at least one hour after Lewis, D-Ga., and Carson walked to the Capitol, which is when they said the slurs were used.
Nishi has not posted any facts to back up her accusations, just articles and videos that don’t say what she says they do and a long-winded whining session by Conor Friedersdorf. Absolutely pathetic.
I am also he who defended Mr. buttons at first cause of I know how pack animal you ones can be. It was his inimitable brilliance what won the day of course.
I miss him.
I also defended Mr. SEK sometimes and I defended Mr. P and I defended Tracy Chapman.
But I also am very much in the defend Mr. G business.
I think you are wonderful, except for has anyone ever told you that you have hard edges?
Other people in turn defend Sarah Palin and Lila and pretend William F. Buckley wasn’t a big fat white supremacist.
Hmm. Nishi, Thor, SEK, Patterico and Tracy Chapman. There’s a pattern there, it seems. Something about overt lying behavior, looks like to me. Which, weird.
I almost was one of those, at seven, in Ft. Worth. There’s were peoples working on me to make me into one anyhow, but it was much more fun to climb in the mulberry tree with the dark boys I hung out with at the time, so I never quite got to where they had in mind.
If nothing else, I think it would be good for you, Mr. Happy, to understand that your deliberately stupid style of writing exacerbates tensions when such already exist.
Buckley changed his views and by the mid-1960s renounced racism. This change was caused in part because of his reaction to the tactics used by white supremacists against the civil rights movement, and in part because of the influence of friends like Garry Wills, who confronted Buckley on the morality of his politics.
By the late 1960s, Buckley disagreed strenuously with segregationist George Wallace, and Buckley later said it was a mistake for National Review to have opposed the civil rights legislation of 1964–65. He later grew to admire Martin Luther King, Jr. and supported creation of a national holiday for him. During the 1950s, Buckley had worked to remove anti-Semitism from the conservative movement and barred holders of those views from working for National Review.
In 1960, Buckley helped form Young Americans for Freedom and in 1964 he strongly supported the candidacy of Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, first for the Republican nomination against New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller and then for the Presidency. Buckley used National Review as a forum for mobilizing support for Goldwater.
In 1962, Buckley denounced Robert W. Welch, Jr., and the John Birch Society, in National Review, as “far removed from common sense” and urged the GOP to purge itself of Mr. Welch’s influence.
I’m not telling you what to say Happy. What I am telling you is that often when you’re drawing fire I actually agree with you but find you to be so annoying that my reaction isn’t much different than that of people who disagree.
Johannes Kepler worked like the devil himself on Astrological profiles, crafting them with all the care of an instrument maker in Guarneri’s shop. I’ll be goddamned if I’ll give up his Epitome for all of that.
Gotta admit, I’m younger and less knowledgeable than many here. So, I could use some edification.
Is there any real basis for the Buckley church incident? When I came across the Esquire essay awhile back I didn’t lend it much credence. Are there any other sources in regards to this?
I’m just not terribly invested in William F. Buckley. He had his day. Good for him. I was more invested in his ideas. Which but for Mr. Ryan are finding little expression.
Look the point is that if it’s quite accepted that’s it’s quite acceptable for people to have intense compulsions to defend poor dead William Buckley from charges which have no bearing whatsoever on the import of his life and work then saying a few words in defense of a very living and vibrant nishi is perhaps a forgivable impulse I think.
happyfeet – As one of the few that has defended you, it is easy to see why people become upset, when you give far greater latitude to those that savage your friends(ie that vile fucking twat nishi and thor) than you do to those that had considered themselves to be your friend.
The people defending Buckley from the meya’s who attack him with citations of his factual racial stance, do they just say, these defenders, no he didn’t do or wouldn’t do… or do they say, well yes, he did do that and did believe that, but (they say) he was wrong about that, not only then when he was saying or doing that but also anytime still to the extent that racism and racialism is wrong about human beings?
Or are they saying, well yes, he was a racist or racialist and damned right, he should have been or should be, because racism is the right or good thing to do?
So, what sort of defense, deployed how?
But yesterday, that thing with SteveG? That wasn’t a living and vibrant thing, was it?
Former Democratic State Party Chairman Kathy Sullivan is heading up the search, the source said. Sullivan has been calling and e-mailing liberal activists trying to get them to attend tea parties in different parts of the state and hold signs denying the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate and make racially disparaging comments to reporters.
I will once again repeat; if you’ve never been to a Tea Party rally, then just listening to the whining and the spin job that gets put out by the newsmedia (very loosely do I use that term) is BS. I’ve been to a couple. You will find a wide range of people at these events, from Randian Objectivists to Independents to the Social Conservatives. To paint all of the attendees with a wide brush is to misunderstand what is going on.
Go to one and see for yourself. You cannot trust the media anymore.
come back resolved to give a different less hurtful tack a go
Nah, Buckley was a caustic bastard well into the ’70s and ’80s. I remember he wrote an article for NR that referred to Bella Abzug (in the hat and red lei) as “the callipygian Ms. Abzug”. I had to look that word up, before I laughed and laughed.
It was sexist, ok. But what the hell, I was maybe 13 years old.
It’s Indian-Mexican street food. Tandoori burritos and such. We stopped in and asked for a menu but the place was a wreck – the man said they’re going to Coachella is why. They’ll be back later he said.
The best Mongolian BBQ advice is to just go to a Korean joint instead.
I have three Korean places within walking distance of my house. Two of ’em are pretty good. Also within walking distance is a really awesome Turkish place, a fantastic Ethiopian joint, and a Vietnamese place that recently went from a Foto-Mat sized takeout to building their own restaurant with a banquet room and everything.
Plus a couple of really mediocre Chinese places and a KFC right on a bus stop so if you don’t want to get hit up for change you have to go through the drive-thru. Oh, and a nightclub that fancies itself “Minnesota’s Apollo Theater” and the Turf Club, where my favorite barber and his band will be playing on Sunday night.
And yet, no matter how often I visit these places, eating and drinking and dancing with people from around the world who’ve made a better life for themselves in Minnesota, I feel I shall never truly purge myself of my awful, hateful racism until the day when they’re all run out of business so that we can waste our days waiting in the lobby of the Department of Medical Services.
Heh, that’s really the only way to truly purify yourself, Squid. Perhaps you could speed up the process by snooping around and seeing if you can’t report them for some code violations.
Mmmm… and now I wish I could get some of that fresh Ethiopian flat sort of bread you use to grab your food without driving all the way to Chicago.
I was teaching why ID wasn’t science when you were in junior high, you libelous bint.
lawl, i totally agree. I was referrin’ to having to ax repeatedly to get you to say “crapology”…..the actual word– crapology was my endgame.
That was supersweet because it hurt your cohort here.
I drank their pain.
But they didn’t reject you!
So that was an interesting experiment.
They revere you, Jeff.
So should we all.
Shouldn’t he have his plug pulled?
-signed, The Progress Party
Breitbart’s a stud. I think we need a Jeff & Andrew tour. Think of the OUTLAW! stories to be told.
RACISTY RACISTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude! He’s been reading PW or something…Or, as JD suggests, is a RAAAAAAAACIST!…
Angry conservatives frighten me. They’re not allowed to be angry.
[…] Added: Breitbart provides a smackdown, via Jeff G: […]
Jeff doesn’t have enough chins to tour as a conservative.
you need to bulk up on chins Jeff if you are going to tour with the *big* boys.
wtf does this do for you?
no one believes this bullshytt except conservative racists.
I’m bulking up on my chins as we speak. The Palestinian babies and blood cakes ZOG keeps sending me each week are pretty high in saturated fat.
I don’t care how many chins Breitbart has; it’s the attitude and it’s the balls. Breitbart is not afraid to OUTLAW! it up.
That’s sexy.
HTML fail, can someone close my bold tag? Pretty please with sugar on top?
OUTLAW is stupid.
Go ahead, don’t participate….no one cares.
Secede already retards.
that worked out great for you last time.
c’mon, baxtrice, do you favor SSM? legal abortion?
wat do you think about Saint Sarah?
the gulag awaits, gutless.
where is the courage of your convictions?
“Secede already retards.
that worked out great for you last time.”
Seriously, where’s the fucking time machine? I’ve got a serious jones to watch Samuel Johnson get shellacked and bitch about his gout.
Is it secession if we kick the blue states out of the Union without their consent?
I find it funny that nishi the “true liberal” on this site is trying to “out” me. As far as I’m concerned, if the person baiting me to answer is also calling other commenters “retards” then I’ve no need to return the favor since I will be judged worthy or unworthy, and then insulted. *acutally I’m already being insulted: coward, gutless.
funny, I’m the christian, but someone else is doing the judging — ooh that doesn’t fit teh narrative!
oh i luff real christians…..i just loathe EVANGELICAL christians….you know…..that try to push their religion on everyone else?
Everone hates them…..jews, muslims, atheists, aganostics……
if you’re a liberal baxtrice, prove it.
show your liberal chops.
are you a REAL christian, baxtrice?
if they secede I will be trapped behind enemy lines
I will join the resistance and wear scarves and smoke gitanes.
It’s perfectly fine to ignore her, Baxtrice. That’s what she really hates: her total irrelevancy made so obvious.
Obviously, Nishi has never gotten a good look at Barney Frank or Gerald Nadler if she thinks that obesity is a strictly right-o-center affliction.
Seeing as how the Christian text calls for prosthelizing, one can make an intellectual arguement that the Christians who don’t try to push their religion who arene’t being the “real” christians.
Also it is always a hoot to watch non-Christians talk about what makes a “real” Christian. Usually, it involves agreement with the non-Christians political policy preferences, which tend to skew to the left.
“the Christian text calls for prosthelizing”
does it?
did you read the original?
you also claim it calls for “loving thy neighbor as thyself”… does that jibe with slavery?
don’t you wonder why everyone hates WECs?
it is the proselytizing.
academics hate them, jews hate them, atheists and agnostics hate them.
how do reconcile loving your neighbor when you are busy tellin’ him hes goin to hell because you own the truth?
that is why people hate you.
who knew that quoting Jesus was an act of slavery?
I didn’t.
Oh goody, Nishi’s bringing her hate of Christians. It was the Jews in the other thread. Make up your mind griefer.
So you’re a Communist and a Nazi, WHO KNEW?????
Besides everyone here.
it’s functional religion folks. it even has dreams for its own inquisition..
wow…..jesus said own slaves?
do you have a translation for that Kristan?
it doesn’t actually think, does it?
Why so preachy, nishi?
lawl, everyone hates WECs, like everyone hates Nazis.
wonder why Jews vote liberal?
Jews hate WECs too.
who needs to argue
when I can just say that you
are a new hitler?
that was unusually prescient.
don’t you wonder why everyone hates WECs?
it is the proselytizing.
academics hate them, jews hate them, atheists and agnostics hate them.
how do reconcile loving your neighbor when you are busy tellin’ him hes goin to hell because you own the truth?
that is why people hate you.
The left hates them because they’re an obstacle to class warfare. Only you’re too dense and unsophisticated to grasp the big picture. Regardless of how much time you spend hunched over your computer like a demented pixie, you’re far removed from where the narratives you mindlessly regurgitate are generated. So your cluelessness is rather expected. It’s like that scene in “The Devil Wears Prada” where Meryl Streep mocks Anne Hathaway for thinking the color of her sweater was a choice she made for herself.
I’m sick of how stupid this closed info loop makes you guyz.
1. Many demographics hate WECs. If you don’t want to be hated, quit proselytizing and trying to push religious doctrine into law.
2. Conservatives are mocked. If you don’t want people to laff at you take off the clown shoes. For example, brayin’ that the liberals are the “real” racists doesn’t persuade voters while you celebrating Confederate History month.
3. Quit being all butthurt because you have lost control. Start thinking about a comeback and quit alienating the demographics you need to win.
4. Get rid of Palin. shes a waste of spacetime. shes a liability.
Keep barfing out the narrative that was handed to you nishi.
Quit being haters, is what I say. But I’m not pushing religious doctrine into law, so you must not be talking to me.
Hey, what an idea!
If you don’t want people to laff at you
take off the clown shoesrealize that “laugh” doesn’t contain the letter “f”.Oh: again, you’re not talking to me. Damn, this is getting annoying.
More not-talking-to-me stuff.
Done! Out of office, she is!
See, we’re not so far apart, are we?
As I recall, it was Christians who used the bible to advocate freedom for the slaves. Abe Lincoln was most eloquent on the subject. He was a practicing Christain. It certainly wasn’t Muslims, as they were the wholesalers capturing the Africans and selling them all over the world.
The Christians who advocated freedom won the day with much bloodshed on both sides.
But Nishi will piss on that repeatedly while willfully ignoring or downplaying the exact same behavior and worse perpetrated in other countries by decidedly different cultures and religions for whom she shares some unknown stupifying affinity. That is, if she loves freedom as she claims.
Her arguements are limp, two dimensional things, requiring alot of ignorance to make. It is as close as you can get to a real world “Politically Blonde” starring our very own Alicia Silverstone of Protein Wisdom: Nishi!
Nishi just loves it some black people, so long as they remain on the plantation. The ones who choose to escape the living hell that Nishi and its kind have created for them get called names and excommunicated from the community. The same holds for Hispanics who stray from the oh-so-progressive narrative that Nishi and its kind have assigned to them.
Nish, don’t think for a moment that you’re fooling us. You remain a second-rate mind, struggling in vain to make sense of a world that’s outside your grasp. You advocate for the subjugation of “two-digits,” conveniently papering over the fact that you and yours are brimming to the rim with such. You advocate for the trampling of those who don’t share your blinkered half-understanding of the world, never once acknowledging that you and your kind will be first against the wall, no matter who wins the war you so relentlessly long for and cheerlead.
You’re an illiterate, genocidal, know-nothing troll, and if it weren’t so much fun to hear you prattle on about “droolers” and “twodigits,” we’d all have shut you out a long time ago. As it stands, you serve as a fascinating case study of what happens when those of limited talent are led to believe in their own superiority. You’re the living embodiment of today’s feel-good society, Nish. Don’t ever change!
If you don’t people to think you are stupid, don’t be stupid.
If you don’t want people to think you’re stupid, learn how to write a complete sentence.
if you don’t want people to think you are anti-science, stop being anti-science.
Right back atcha.
Seriously, are you talking to anyone who actually reads this blog?
well….Slart, how far apart are we on liberty and personal freedom?
lets measure!
do you believe in reproductive rights for the XX?
how about SSM?
I think both those things are okey dokey, and I’m the staunchest one.
It’s confuzzling.
do you believe in reproductive rights for the XX?
how about SSM?
I do. You do. You’re still stupid.
stop being anti-science
Anti-science is shit-canning the space program for “Hope!” and “Change!”
Sure I am.
this blog is chock full of AGW denialists, evolution denialists, and history denialists.
I finally got Jeff to admit publically that IDT is crapology, but I had to beat the hell out of him to get him to say it.
nice scam that agw bs
history denialists
Oh, that is rich! Honey, I’ve forgotten more about history in the last five minutes that you’ll ever know in your sorry life. Good grief.
Oh, you’re an AGW alarmist now? When did that happen, scientist?
Is the muslim railing against the Christians again? Woo boy. I like bh’s approach here. But I won’t wave.
Nishi dear, if you want to win friends and influence people you have to quit being so crabby. I know sweetie, that you really want to make a name for yourself (and in comedy, you certainly have) but you really have to study more than talking points to come across as bright.
Honey, when you came onto the PW scene, didn’t you purport to be one of the umma? or were you just joshing us? You seem to have forgotten some of your past positions . . . . or did you culturally evolve into something else?
omg nishi for reals with the carbon dioxide molecules?
Yeah, Pablo at one time she wasn’t. That was before BO made her all wet. The forbidden dark meat for Kate. That’ll make daddy really pissed.
Evolution denialists? Like I said, she’s stupid. I don’t care how desperately happy wants to drink her toilet water.
That was gratuitous Mr. Froman.
Going full retard deserves gratuitous.
You deny cultural evolution, and demographic evolution.
that is incontrovertable.
Mister feet, have you taken a shine to little ms nishi?
It was gratuitous. But chock full of truthiness. OUTLAW!!!
more like cultural decay
nishi is loki I think, thor’s mom
this blog is kind of weird sometimes
oh ok. Well dear, I just remember them teasing you the other night about having a crush on her so I thought I’d ask.
to the plantation model so loved by proggs and their southern slave owner forepas&mas
they were just joshin’
lawl…..loki and coyote are two of my favorite minor gods.
they were griefers, you know?
thank you mr feets, you are such a dear
You deny cultural evolution, and demographic evolution.
that is incontrovertable.
The little overachiever whose reach exceeds her grasp is projecting her limitations on others again. You don’t even understand what you’re arguing, so why on earth would the rebuttals make sense to you?
nishi dear, that is nice that you like loki so much, he was kinda weak being held down by cat gut and all. He wasn’t very bright either. But doesn’t that go against your being one of the umma, or were you just joshing us again?
It’s a trap!
you are right baxtrice… is a trap.
if you say you believe in womens reproductive rights and SSM then they will put in the stocks.
if you say christians shouldn’t force their religious doctrine on others they will gulag you.
my sympathies.
smiley face of lies, I say.
Comment by Nishi the Kingslayer on 4/13 @ 4:57 pm
Nishi, you’re the trap. You’re trying to bait the commentariat here at PW. You’re trying to force us to your will. It’s not going to happen.
Thanks for the sympathies, but I don’t need them. Besides, I’ve disagreed with others on this site before and not been gulaged.
nishi dear, who is the “they” you refer to? and are you joshing us? and what religious doctrine is being forced by whom? c’mon sweetie spill with us.
that’s what you think baxtrice.
norwegian lutheran hate squads are the worst. at least in my experience.
Unitarian hate squads scare me to mild discomfort.
nishi . . sweetie . . . you remember me, don’t you? I’m thor’s mommie. remember when you and he played dress up in the basement? that is until his younger sister caught him wearing her dress and beat him silly with her field hockey stick. C’mon sweetie, last summer when I was on break from school, surely you remember me? you can talk to me.
baracky’s last church was unitarian which sounds collectivists.
Mr McGehee, I am frightened of any organization that wants me to volunteer my time, they always seem draft me somehow. I always wind up on some committee.
it’s that whole saying what you believe thing. and arrogantly too, as if they had the right.
Wait…you’re an AGW denialist.
This part of your response is correct!
Sure! XX can reproduce all they want to!
SSM? Sure, they can marry to their heart’s content. Just not in my church.
Another thread sewered by the TTP. I’ll be back tomorrow and see, if per Jeff’s request, we can stay on topic and not indulge Kate the TTP anymore. I’m going to go plan how to help Chicago out, should any “Domestic Response” be needed…. bah.
How about at a nice mosque, say, near Bridgeport, IL? Maybe Dearborn, MI?
A great example of the Breitbarts/Becks/Limbaughs ejaculate…. conservatives swallow.
AP fact-checks Andrew Breitbart; Breitbart loses
But an article from the Associated Press says the video Breitbart trumpeted was not shot at the time the black lawmakers say they were targeted with the N-word; rather, the video was shot an hour later, as the group emerged from a congressional meeting. They had alleged that they were targeted as they were walking into the meeting.
Asked by AP about the inconsistency, Breitbart responded, “I’m not saying the video was conclusive proof.”
and… all that ACORN scandal? Manufactured… gulp. O’Keefe lied. Gulp.
Swallow your load like good wingnuts.
Hey Rob – up yours sideways
That is all wingnuts do is swallow….dontcha know?
Conservatism (BJ lexicon) the profoundly mistaken belief that if one shuts up and swallows while getting fucked by Wallstreet that someday the “conservative” will get the keys to the executive washroom.
Hey baxtrice, no one was filming then.
Breitbart is a serial liar.
Who u gonna belief?
John Lewis the Hero of Selma or Mr. Selective-editting Brietbart?
John Lewis is a liar. Deal with it.
NIshi I want proof. The racist meme gets thrown around so much, that I would like to have a little. Is that so bad? In a court of law, they’d ask for proof as well. Also how can you say no one was filming? Were you there? Are you all-knowing? Asking for evidence is not a crime.
Being a lefty means never having to prove your BS.
Dammit, can I be rational on this blog without being trapped into being called a racist? Christ on a Cremepie.
well….except n/e one that was filming was prolly a teabagger right?
I bet they dont want their racism aired…..or its entirely possible Breitbart got some takers and he just destroyed the film.
Do you think Breitbart is honest baxtrice?
…or its entirely possible Breitbart got some takers and he just destroyed the film.
…or it’s entirely possible that 9/11 was an inside job!
A serial liar?
No one thinks you’re smart here, Nishi. You’re a gift because you can’t keep your fucking mouth shut. The great thing about this place is that people bring varied knowledge bases so different people are laughing more loudly at you depending on what you’re holding forth about. But there is consensus. Science!
Nishi, do you think Axelrod is honest?
If there’s no proof then that’s that.
nishit is calling others racists when she wrote that the muggers in NO were minorities, when that was never mentioned in the story? Fuck you, swordfish style.
How could Jesse Jackson castrate Barcky?
Kick nishit in the chin.
irrelevent, bax.
is Breitbart honest?
the o-keefe pimp tapes seem to argue that Breutbart is dishonest.
The O’keefe tapes don’t suggest Breitbart is dishonest in the least. The material facts are what they are. But you do look rather stupid suggesting otherwise.
a more relevant question would be,,,is John Lewis honest?
is there public evidence of dishonesty on Lewis’ part like there is of Breitbart’s?
in a court of law, Lewis would have the advantage as a witness i believe.
since Breitbart has previously impeached himself.
No, the pimp tapes do not suggest that, at least not to anyone other than those that have a mouthful of Barcky. The tapes and the transcripts speak quite clearly to what happened. Breitbart has $100K out there for proof, and zero, zip, nada. He called your fucking bluff, and you folded, nishit. Folded like the lying coward you are, and then predictably, started making shit up.
Why did Breitbart apolo then Abe?
The Tea Party ones are not racist I don’t think but if they are they kinda suck at it.
John Lewis would have to prove his assertion, which he has not done. Not even close. Making an asspull is not the same as proving an asspull, a foreign concept to the lying genocidal eugenic.
That is entirely a matter of perspective, Nishi… do a little research on the members of the House of Representatives, particularly Lewis’ friends and allies — Rangel, Hastings, etc.
Being a member of the House of Representatives is hardly a major endorsement of their ethics.
Anytime a lefty gets taken down, there must be aggressive persecutorial dishonesty on the part of the ‘attackers’, right, Nishoteny?
Is that mutant shorthand for apologize? Showing O’keefe in the pimp getup was bad journalism. O’Keefe is obviously a ham and a bit of an attention whore in addition to not really being a journalist, but the damning elements of the tapes are what they are. Case closed. Everything else is left wing subterfuge.
see? closed info loop.
Breitbart apologized…..why? He MISREPRESENTED data.
the American Scene is a CONSERVATIVE website.
so it isnt just liberal media bias.
Breitbart lied.
why wouldn’t he do it again?
Took a look at the O’Keefe link – so O’Keefe wasn’t wearing the Pimp costume in one of the vids, and… and…. nothing in that link changes what happened. Yes, they were edited for time and for effect. But the edit didn’t change the convos that happened. WAAAAAAAHHHHH!
And yes the Axelrod thingie was irrelevant, but so was asking me if Breitbart is honest.
So Dread….are you calling Lewis a liar?
read Conors piece bax.
why did Breitbart apolo if he was innocent?
the American Scene is a CONSERVATIVE website.
Bull. They are Frum-type RINOs at best. And liars.
I wonder if Andrew Breitbart, Fox News, James O’Keefe, and Hannah Giles will apologize to Juan Carlos Vera, or issue corrections to what can no longer be considered a journalistic effort. They portrayed this guy as a willing accomplice to the smuggling of underage illegal immigrant prostitutes. As it turns out, he used what little English skills he possessed to draw out their made up story, pin down contact information, and report what he found out to police soon after the twenty-somethings left his San Diego office.
In other words, Mr. Vera did the right thing. Mr. Breitbart can claim he was ignorant of that fact. But unless he publishes one hell of an apology… well, even if he does so I can’t say I’ll ever again be inclined to trust anything he publishes, so I guess now that the truth is out it’s another public test of his character. Will he persist in arguing that the means justify the end even when it involves tarnishing the reputation of an apparently innocent guy?
Conor Friedersdorf is a twit and a whiner…and a lousy journalist to boot. He has no credibility.
Bull. They are Frum-type RINOs at best. And liars.
what do you think Jeff?
I wonder if nishi will ever apologize for defending a group of child prostitution enablers like ACORN.
John Lewis, the Hero of Selma, is on the wrong side this time. There’s no way his fevered dreams of social nirvana are sustainable. His party of Social Democrats have killed the American good-times goose. We’ve 15 million unemployed, and no way to make up for that in the forseeable future. With Social Democrats in power, we’ll likely never recover. Ready yourself for some hard times, child of what was once aplenty, because you’ve no clue as to what’s coming your way.
okay, I’m done after this – Breitbart didn’t make an apology nishi. try again by reading. people are calling for his apology.
See, now nishit is just lying again. He did not report it to the police, he called a relative that is a police officer to ask him what he should do, a couple days after asking Hannah how much she would cost. He never even filed a police report, did he? He is not apparently innocent to anyone other than the congenital dishonest griefers like the genocidal racist nishit.
well bax….we have Breitbart on record saying the ends justify the means.
thus it seems perfectly plausible to me that he might suppress video that proved Lewis was right.
its all about motive.
see the goose is dead I told you
What is plausible to nishit gives her license to make wild accusations and asspulls.
Nishit – Why did you assume the muggers were minorities? Got racism?
The pattern of behavior was the most damning aspect Nishi. Deal with it. It was a public service even if not up to, cough, journalistic standards. It was a sloppy effort altogether. As was the subsequent O’Keefe effort at Landieu’s office. A big part of the story here, which you obviously don’t understand, is that Breitbart shouldn’t even have to be doing this shit. He’s in the advocacy business primarily because the mainstream media is as well. But here you are trying to rationalize all the coverage the aftermath of the healthcare bill signing received in spite of no material evidence at all while simultaneously casting aspersions on a man whose undertaking provided ample evidence. Who is it in a closed information loop again?
The only liar in that Yahoo/AP is article is Lee Fang, who claims he heard the epithet, but whose own video proves otherwise.
Justified is on. Even nishit cannot ruin this. Cucking funt.
Nishit talking about people being in a feedback loop is fucking rich, seeing as though she is in about cycle #894 of her standard 7-8 memes.
Heath Shuler is as lousy a congressman as he was a quarterback.
What’s a feedback loop is looter – moocher – Democrat voter.
Anything that disrupts that is worthy of applause.
oh he did bax, he apolo’d in an interview for “selective editing”.
The court threw out the tape as evidence because of bias.
why wouldn’t he do that again?
No, Nishi, I am not. I am, however, pointing out that he has allied himself with men who solicit bribes (Hastings) and are sufficiently unpatriotic as to under-pay their taxes to a degree that suggests that it was hardly “accidental.”
To blindly accept the accusation from a source from whom such an accusation is politically convenient is a trifle naive.
What court threw out the tapes as evidence? Name the court, and the court case.
we should clone Mr. Breitbart in the bene tleilax host wombs from the japanese I think.
Then we would have more!
That court citation would be good. A link to Breitbart’s apology would be nice too. Wasn’t Vega the one that tried to buy a slice of that fine young ass, on tape? Yeah. San Diego. And the cop he went to, a couple of days later? His BIL, IIRC. No report followed. But really, he told a cop!
Hey, if Jerry Brown says it’s all good, what else could it be?
oh my, what is this fuss? where is this video that has him apologizing nishi dear?
Pablo – Spot on. He tried to buy it, before he didn’t report it. There was no court case, and there was no court throwing out the tapes for bias. The list of things that nishit has not lied about is growing infinitesimally small.
Oh, and nishi dear,
why haven’t we seen the “real” video with the taunting? did they walk through the crowd multiple times? nishi,sweetie, I know you fancy yourself as some kind of super hero but you’re not. c’mon hon, let’s stop with the mountain dew and skittles. ‘k?
Odd that an Obot that lies with 4 out of every 5 words would be attacking the guy with the rising guerilla media enterprise, speaking truth to power.
He tried to buy it, before he didn’t report it.
Caveat emptor.
Which would tend to be the case when there’s been no prosecution, nor civil suit involving that tape. Forget the throwing the tape out, let’s just see where there was a case, any case, in a California court. We need a link.
Dance, griefer. Or STFU. Liar.
oh mr Pablo, you are the best! cookies for you . . . . and mr Goldstein . . . and OUTLAW!
You keep being so sweet, I might just forgive you, tm.
because the otherside has all the smart people, and all the cool people on their side, you seem to think its okfine to cheat.
eventually Jeff is going to have his nose rubbed in your cheating.
and he’ll switch teams like Cole and I did….like Charles did.
Look On My Words, Ye Mighty, And Despair!
Nevertheless, the natural general principle that will subsume this case is, apparently, determined by an abstract underlying order. It may be, then, that the descriptive power of the base component is unspecified with respect to the levels of acceptability from fairly high (eg (99a)) to virtual gibberish (eg (98d)). Notice, incidentally, that this analysis of a formative as a pair of sets of features can be defined in such a way as to impose irrelevant intervening contexts in selectional rules. This suggests that the earlier discussion of deviance cannot be arbitrary in the extended c-command discussed in connection with (34). I suggested that these results would follow from the assumption that the systematic use of complex symbols suffices to account for a corpus of utterance tokens upon which conformity has been defined by the paired utterance test.
Note that the natural general principle that will subsume this case may remedy and, at the same time, eliminate the ultimate standard that determines the accuracy of any proposed grammar. To provide a constituent structure for T(Z,K), a subset of English sentences interesting on quite independent grounds does not affect the structure of the strong generative capacity of the theory. On our assumptions, a case of semigrammaticalness of a different sort is not to be considered in determining the system of base rules exclusive of the lexicon. Suppose, for instance, that the descriptive power of the base component is not quite equivalent to irrelevant intervening contexts in selectional rules. Of course, relational information cannot be arbitrary in a parasitic gap construction.
Quote the apology, griefer. Hint: It ain’t in there. Liar.
Allah is funny, but not as funny as Muhammed.
You mean the same “smart” Charles Johnson who mistook the Tennessee state flag for a ?neo-nazi” flag? Right.
Nishi fails, again.
ah, yes, Muhammed… husband of Aisha, who he loved… married her at six, but in his infinite mercy, did not consummate their relationship until she was the ripe old age of nine.
nishi sweetie, the twitter said: “CORRECTION: Pimp in ACORN vids less flamboyantly dressed than conveyed. Said procurer of 14yrold illegal El Salvador whores dressed J Crew.” is that REALLY a smoking gun like you had hoped? ‘cmon dearie, put away yuor Nancy Drew Mysteries, you just don’t have it.
Mike, did you see the logo for the SRLC? Three stars! They’re fucking Nazis!
nishie dear, that link to LGF, that you thought was really something . . . . it wasn’t dear. sweetie, really, what are you trying to do? you have no friends, you come here and try to sound bright but people see through it. c’mon sweeetie, you can’t live in fantasy land forever. just wash your face, comb your hair and for heaven’s sake put away that wonder woman get up. you do NOT have the bod for it, ‘k?
Nishit the Cying Lunt is so fucking stooooooooooooooopid that she cannot recognize the differenc between an apology and a correction, and shows itself to be woefully stupid in claiming that there was a court case or a court ruling that the tapes were biased. Even the correction fails to do anything other than note that he did not wear a pimp suit into the office, something that is abundantly clear to anyone that actually watched the fucking tapes. You have again proven yourself to be an aggressive liar, nishit.
Charles also recently pronounced Rush Limbaugh the de facto head of the Republican arty.
Twisterella, I’ll bet he’d let you back in in a heartbeat. Have you tried lately? Y’all would fit like a glove. And if it sticks, you could just lubricate it with some Balloon Juice. You could be an evolutionary star.
Toss that up there. We’re even now.
#150. nishi, punkin, cool people? Charles? Cole? YOU? sweetie, get a grip.’k?
Mike, did you see the logo for the SRLC? Three stars! They’re fucking Nazis!
Pablo, you’re right! Heil Jindal!!!
“They edited the tape to meet their agenda,” said the source.
thrown out.
no conviction.
“They edited the tape to meet their agenda,”
Said the Brooklyn DA who is bought and paid for by ACORN.
idc what you think about Allah or Muhammed.
i don’t want you anywhere near my religion.
and i wish you wud STFU about yours and quit trying to push it on people that don’t want it, and trying to push it into laws.
nishi, sweetie. who is the source? and mr Pablo totally addressed this above. What court? what were the charges? what conviction was being sought? Honey, watching Matlock isn’t going to make you a legal scholar.
oh nishi pookums, I am so scatter brained, te hee, almost forgot to ask you again. Do tell me more about your time with the umma. I remember you crowing about that a year or so ago. do spill.
State of Tennessee is clearly Nazis. Or so says Charles Johnson, anyway.
Say, wasn’t someone linking to LGF just a while back? That there’s a trustworthy source!
Where? What court? What case?
There is no case. Liar.
Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes (D-ACORN) has other problems with taped evidence.
Nishi, that is not what I think about your religion.
That is what your religion’s holy texts says about Islam’s “perfect man.”
“Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.” Bukhari vol.5 book 58 ch.43 no.236 p.153.
It says while it screeches about THOSE FUCKING CHRISTIANS 24/7. But truth be told, I don’t want its religion around me. Yeah, Catholics may have some pedophiles bumping around, but they don’t consider them God’s One True Messenger. Like nishi does.
idc wut u thnk nishit. u r a lier and a greeeefer and sik in the hed.
You claimed a court threw the tapes out, not a DA deciding not to pursue charges. Lie. Now you are just running around with the goal posts like an idiot.
nishi dear, why are you avoiding me? I am not mr Laroche or mr Slart or mr Pablo or anyone else. I am thor’s mommie. remember me? c’mon sweetie let’s talk about how your “make believes” are so contorted that every time you make a statement, it goes against your alleged persona. c’mon hon, I have raisinettes and cocoa! sweetie, you really need to come clean. You are just a plain vanilla white girl who is not real bright, NTTATWWT. sweetie, come let’s have a visit, ‘k?
oh poo! little ms nishi won’t come clean. that’s ok sweetie I have an psych paper to finish. I’ll check back later, ‘k?
like i said WECs, just quit prancing and braying in the public square and zip it in your pants an we will deal fine.
idc what you say about Muhammed or Allah…..i just want you to stop trying to impose your religious beliefs on other sentient beings.
Then quit trying to impose your secprogg beliefs on me, you lying cunt. Because as I see it, I am not trying to impose anything on you, but you have offered gulags, genocide, eugenics, overt racism, aggressive ignorance, and brazen dishonesty. And that was all before lunch.
I don’t have a religion, let alone one that follows a pedophile.
It’s not sex if you don’t put it in past the circumcision scar, Pabs. Or so says a famous (but dead) Ayatollah.
Whose circumcision scar, Slart? His or hers?
Bollocks, Nishi.
The call to prayer from the local mosque infringes upon the rights of others, why should you get a bye?
Likewise, the seperation of church and state does nothing to remove religion from the town square.
But, then, that would require a grip on reality, rather than whatever mind-alteration you’re playing with…
lawl, im a liberal.
an’ a Jefferson otaku.
Jeff trying to take the word liberal back is going to work out just like Breitbat trying to take culture back I’m afraid.
meaning it isnt.
culture has moved on, an’ so has language, being part of culture and all.
“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniencies attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.”
nishi dear, what are these WEC’s? is that a new X-Box game? what you were talking about above, you know the evolution and stuff. . . . .umma don’t play that. eugenics, umma don’t play that either. sweetie, I know you are trying to fit in and be “cool” but it isn’t working. hon, you are just ordinary, plain white bread. you know just like one of the “oppressors” that you rail against (ironically, the umma does play oppressor pretty well). sweetie, I never said anything about muhammed or allah, don’t have any need to. but I don’t think you are referring to them with proper respect, you know since you are “supposed to be” one of the umma. I do lurvs me the Maharashtra, though. lulz! they saved the desi’s.
c’mon sweetie, be honest with yourself and us. you are not skilled, masterful or particularly bright. just quit acting like you are somebody special and talk to us . . oh, and here is some Dentyne, you really need to brush your teeth.
Where’s that case, griefer? Put up or shut up.
“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniencies attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.”
If you truly believe that quote, then why do you adhere to a political ideology whose very premise is set upon limiting individual liberties?
The call to prayer from the local mosque infringes upon the rights of others, why should you get a bye?
then so do your church bells.
There is nothing liberal about you, nishit the cying lunt, unless gulags, genocide, eugenics, and shut up and die is a liberal platform.
nishi, case sweetie. I really need to get back to my paper, ‘k?
If you truly believe that quote, then why do you adhere to a political ideology whose very premise is set upon limiting individual liberties?
Mike – That would require cognitive function, and self-awareness and reflection, all qualities that it has proven that it does not possess, in any capacity.
hello mr Laroche, I hearts me some red raiders! nishie, sweetums, case?
oh poo! I am going to have to come back in a spell! nishi, please put up a link t the case, you little stinker! I’ll be round in a spell.
Again with the moved goal-posts, Nishi…
The short form is that you should be careful what you wish for, since you might just get it. Most of us here have forgotten more history than you’ve learned and don’t make such limiting and linear assumptions as you do — your “its trending this way and always will trend this way” demographic analysis, f’r’instance.
You want from other what you and your are unwilling to surrender — there are no successful unequal social contracts.
Mike – That would require cognitive function, and self-awareness and reflection, all qualities that it has proven that it does not possess, in any capacity.
Indeed. I’m being too hopeful, I know.
hello mr Laroche, I hearts me some red raiders!
Hopefully Tommy Tuberville can lead us to the promised land this coming season.
Nishi the Swordswallower – I am going to be as nice as possible. You have been asked (in comments #137, 139, 140, 145, 152, 169, 173, 184, 189, and 192) to source your claim that a court threw out the tapes for bias, with requests for the name of the Court, and the case number.
To your credit, ignore my hysterical laughter while I typed that, you offered up lame attempts to justify your lie lie lie in #149 and 163, but even giving you the benefit of the doubt, something that you have proven yourself to be unworthy of, all you really did was run around like an idiot with the goalposts.
President Obama is still by far the most national politician in the United States, according to a new CNN poll which stacked leading Republicans against the president and asked who respondents would vote for in 2012.
“The poll shows Obama topping Romney 53 percent to 45 percent, beating Huckabee 54 percent to 45 percent, defeating Gingrich 55 percent to 43 percent and topping Palin 55 percent to 42,” the network reported.
Give it up.
Give it up.
No. You give it up, troll.
I wish asshats like FYI would tell us which polls are acceptable, and which are not, as it seems some are to be followed to the point where we should cease disagreeing with the dirty little socialists, and others may be dismissed out of hand.
Give what up?
Uh oh, the lines appear about to cross. What will we do? Besides point and laugh, I mean?
This thread stinks of fear and desperation.
Go change nishi, you soiled yourself.
Isn’t that pretty much the job description?
Wait, are you saying that Sarah Palin is right in the ballpark with Romney, Huckholio and Newt against Obama? That silly chillbilly? Pshaw!
The lolbat is sure fluttering around a lot lately. I wonder what’s got her stirred up?
Y’all do know, I trust, that griefers are most active when they are in panic?
“I’m baaaad… I’m nationwide.”
McGehee – JD’s 1st Rule of Trolls and the 2nd Restatement of JD’s 1st Rule of Trolls speak to that phenomena.
FYI, after quoting a CNN poll (gosh, what a surprise) that says Good Things about the Dems and Obama:
Give it up.
griefers are most active when they are in panic
One could say they get happyfeet.
Oh. That question was most devious, Pablow, and most aback-taking. I don’t think mr ayatollah had that possibility built into his batshitcrazy set of calvinball rules.
Impending uncoolness? Someone’s going to have to abandon her principles again, in favor of hanging with the cool crowd.
Breitbart’s “proof” that black congressmen lied about being called “nigger” is as useless as his ACORN clips. Andrew Breitbart isn’t fit to spit-shine the shoes of civil rights hero and Congressman John Lewis. It’s ludicrous to think that the right-wing bully believed he had the moral or political standing to call Lewis a liar, after Lewis and two other black congressmen reported they were called “nigger” by tea partiers during the healthcare reform vote March 20. Lewis’s word on the confrontation is good enough for me.
Now comes news that Breitbart is the liar. Video he’s been peddling to “prove” the congressmen were not called the N-word was actually after the slurs occurred. Of course the videos Breitbart peddled to claim ACORN helped a supposed pimp and prostitute set up a child-prostitution ring have also been found misleading, at best. The California Attorney General’s review said they were “severely edited” and in fact “showed no violation of the law.” New York authorities concluded the same thing.
AP has the full scoop:
A reconstruction of the events shows that the conservative challenges largely sprang from a mislabeled video that was shot later in the day.
Breitbart posted two columns on his Web site saying the claims were fabricated. Both led with a 48-second YouTube video showing Lewis, Carson, other Congressional Black Caucus members and staffers leaving the Capitol. Some of the group were videotaping the booing crowd.
Breitbart asked why the epithet was not captured by the black lawmakers’ cameras, and why nobody reacted as if they had heard the slur. He also questioned whether the epithets could have been shouted by liberals planted in the crowd.
But the 48-second video was shot as the group was leaving the Capitol — at least one hour after Lewis, D-Ga., and Carson walked to the Capitol, which is when they said the slurs were used.
Questioned about using a video on his Web site from the wrong moment, Breitbart stood by his claim that the lawmakers were lying.
“I’m not saying the video was conclusive proof,” he said.
AP also reports that Rep. Heath Shuler – a Blue Dog Democrat from North Carolina, no raving lefty – says he heard the slurs too.
I think John Lewis is a liar. I think he walked though that crowd hoping hoping hoping to be called names.
I think he was disappointed.
you’re telling me that you dirty socialists losers deliberately tried to provoke a racist incident but then forgot to bring a camera?
That does not inspire confidence.
YAY ! More lying dishonest trolls puking out talking points! YAY! BTW, it is racist to note that someone is not fit to shine someone else’s shoes, douchenozzle. There is a $100,000 offer out there, and a scenario with more cameras than Tiger Woods at a strip club. Chop, chop, liar.
As an aside, the nightly news is “severely edited”, so are ESPN clips, all television programming, all news broadcasts, etc … basically, everything. Why is this “severely edited” standard applied only to Breitbart, and what from the transcripts leads one to a different conclusion as to the actions of ACORN?
Andrew Breitbart isn’t fit to spit-shine the shoes of civil rights hero and Congressman John Lewis. It’s ludicrous to think that the right-wing bully believed he had the moral or political standing to call Lewis a liar, after Lewis and two other black congressmen reported they were called “nigger” by tea partiers during the healthcare reform vote March 20. Lewis’s word on the confrontation is good enough for me.
Appeals to Authority, absent conclusive evidence.
You proggies are super-SMRT!
More lies Documented
RSM reports
What a load of shit. Complete and utter shit. I was teaching why ID wasn’t science when you were in junior high, you libelous bint.
Not only that, but I posted an entire thread here dedicated to it. I linked it on the other thread where you trotted out this bullshit. I’ll link it here again, just to have it on record.
How anybody can read that post and come away thinking I need to be taught by a wannabe blade runner that ID is properly of the realm of philosophy/metaphysics (as a stand-alone “theory”) is as stupid as you. Not only that, but one can tell from the discussion that I was (and always have been) interested in exploring the ideas wherever they go.
Because of that, people like you get frustrated when I don’t cave to your silly arguments. Frey had the same reaction — I must be a pseudo-intellectual know-nothing for not buying his worn out horseshit. I don’t post about anything of substance. I’m a violent race baiter.
And now, I’m a close-minded racist idiot who can’t argue logically.
You have taught me not a thing here. Ever.
I’m not happyfeet. I don’t get easily dazzled by buzzwords, sci-fi, Japanese cartoons, and bad pop.
As for him, had he ever jumped in to defend anyone here under attack other than thor or Nishi, maybe he wouldn’t be feeling so set upon recently. But imagine that! People get tired of being tethered to racist cranks and morons by racist cranks and morons — and sometimes, after letting it go for a bit, they begin to fight back a bit.
More lies Documented
Unless there is tape showing the faces of people using slurs you can go kill yourself, FYI. The whole episode was staged to manufacture outrage and nobody gives a fuck what left wingers say about the matter absent proof. Proof including the ability to identify any transgressors so as to assure they aren’t plants. We’re all too familiar with leftist tactics. Now run along and practice your guitar, fruitcake.
Here‘s the real video, FWIW.
Here, rather:
Stooopid html.
FYI’s logic:
Somebody heard something, therefore millions of people are raaaaacist.
Corollary: SHUT UP!
just a test because I think my comment got eaten
Nishi has not posted any facts to back up her accusations, just articles and videos that don’t say what she says they do and a long-winded whining session by Conor Friedersdorf. Absolutely pathetic.
I am also he who defended Mr. buttons at first cause of I know how pack animal you ones can be. It was his inimitable brilliance what won the day of course.
I miss him.
I also defended Mr. SEK sometimes and I defended Mr. P and I defended Tracy Chapman.
But I also am very much in the defend Mr. G business.
I think you are wonderful, except for has anyone ever told you that you have hard edges?
Other people in turn defend Sarah Palin and Lila and pretend William F. Buckley wasn’t a big fat white supremacist.
This way, everyone is defended.
That doesn’t make me a bad person.
You ones, huh?
Hmm. Nishi, Thor, SEK, Patterico and Tracy Chapman. There’s a pattern there, it seems. Something about overt lying behavior, looks like to me. Which, weird.
Under advisement then.
you ones is very vague I though
*thought* I mean
Well yeah, it is. Which, in a comment with a whole bunch of names named, kinda makes it stand out in a wide swathy kind of way.
At one time in his life. Later, he recanted.
Surely this is common knowledge by now.
Would it surprise you to know ‘feets that I also feel you’ve been loosely characterizing all of us as ‘tards and hilljacks for awhile now?
I didn’t mean it in a wide swathey way.
I retract it.
Sorry. But Team R is very hilljacky and tardy lately and it’s difficult to carefully bracket Team PW out all the time.
I should do better though.
“…a big fat white supremacist…”
I almost was one of those, at seven, in Ft. Worth. There’s were peoples working on me to make me into one anyhow, but it was much more fun to climb in the mulberry tree with the dark boys I hung out with at the time, so I never quite got to where they had in mind.
If nothing else, I think it would be good for you, Mr. Happy, to understand that your deliberately stupid style of writing exacerbates tensions when such already exist.
I get told what to say and how to say it a lot here Mr. Froman.
Slart do you want to do a quick count of PW comments that don’t allow for Robert Byrd’s having had a similar change of heart?
Buckley vandalized a church for Christ’s sake.
I’m not telling you what to say Happy. What I am telling you is that often when you’re drawing fire I actually agree with you but find you to be so annoying that my reaction isn’t much different than that of people who disagree.
oh. I hear you.
Slart do you want to do a quick count of PW comments that don’t allow for Robert Byrd’s having had a similar change of heart?
Buckley vandalized a church for Christ’s sake.
Child. Grown man. Potato. Potahto.
You say this, based on Gore Vidal’s complete fabrication. Says much about you, I think.
How long ago was it that Byrd called people white n*ggers on television?
Johannes Kepler worked like the devil himself on Astrological profiles, crafting them with all the care of an instrument maker in Guarneri’s shop. I’ll be goddamned if I’ll give up his Epitome for all of that.
Gotta admit, I’m younger and less knowledgeable than many here. So, I could use some edification.
Is there any real basis for the Buckley church incident? When I came across the Esquire essay awhile back I didn’t lend it much credence. Are there any other sources in regards to this?
I’m just not terribly invested in William F. Buckley. He had his day. Good for him. I was more invested in his ideas. Which but for Mr. Ryan are finding little expression.
Would Christopher be the go-to guy? Maybe, maybe not.
I think he knows something.
Even the brilliant sometimes has their little flaws. Doesn’t mean the rest of their work is worthless.
It’s like Winona Ryder’s fateful shopping trip, kinda.
She’s still cool beans.
I would just as soon take advise from nishit as I would Christopher Buckley.
Christopher Buckley knows a lot more about hats than I do.
How long ago was it that Byrd called people white n*ggers on television?
Nine years ago. Byrd has had no change of heart.
Look the point is that if it’s quite accepted that’s it’s quite acceptable for people to have intense compulsions to defend poor dead William Buckley from charges which have no bearing whatsoever on the import of his life and work then saying a few words in defense of a very living and vibrant nishi is perhaps a forgivable impulse I think.
It’s Mongolian bbq for lunch today.
Never had it before.
*that* it’s I mean
happyfeet – As one of the few that has defended you, it is easy to see why people become upset, when you give far greater latitude to those that savage your friends(ie that vile fucking twat nishi and thor) than you do to those that had considered themselves to be your friend.
The people defending Buckley from the meya’s who attack him with citations of his factual racial stance, do they just say, these defenders, no he didn’t do or wouldn’t do… or do they say, well yes, he did do that and did believe that, but (they say) he was wrong about that, not only then when he was saying or doing that but also anytime still to the extent that racism and racialism is wrong about human beings?
Or are they saying, well yes, he was a racist or racialist and damned right, he should have been or should be, because racism is the right or good thing to do?
So, what sort of defense, deployed how?
But yesterday, that thing with SteveG? That wasn’t a living and vibrant thing, was it?
no it was startlingly unfortunate I thought and I wanted to talk about sarsparilla
I wonder whether Buckley had friends back when who asked him, what the fuck are you thinking Bill? I mean, are you fucking nuts? I’ll bet he did.
if so then Mr. Buckley should have gone to mongolian bbq and come back resolved to give a different less hurtful tack a go
My folks introduced me to Mongolian bbq back in 1967. I still love them though they’re gone.
that was back when the moon was yet untrodden
I like the Mongolian BBQ by me, but their person in the Mongolian costume with the way oversized head is kind of creepy.
Yeah, in the day my dad was working on the NASA launchings, in fact.
do you have any sauce advice?
these are my choices:
Traditional BBQ
Asian Pesto
Green Curry
Lemon Mint
Smoked Oyster
He used to get these little enameled lapel pins after each of the launches, with an image of the capsule and the number and whatnot on it.
oh. is time
Mongolian sauce.
I find Mongolian bbq unsettling. Too many decisions. Salad bars irritate me too. If I want responsibility for fucking up dinner I’ll make it myself.
at home.
I would go with the garlic chili paste. Or Srirachi.
The best Mongolian BBQ advice is to just go to a Korean joint instead.
Why must they do this if the Tea Partiers are the racisty ones? inquiring minds..
From Baxtrice’s link:
“…to reporters”
Who will, in turn, steadfastly ignore their knowledge of exposés such as this.
[fingers in ears] La-la-la-la, I can’t hear you.
I will once again repeat; if you’ve never been to a Tea Party rally, then just listening to the whining and the spin job that gets put out by the newsmedia (very loosely do I use that term) is BS. I’ve been to a couple. You will find a wide range of people at these events, from Randian Objectivists to Independents to the Social Conservatives. To paint all of the attendees with a wide brush is to misunderstand what is going on.
Go to one and see for yourself. You cannot trust the media anymore.
come back resolved to give a different less hurtful tack a go
Nah, Buckley was a caustic bastard well into the ’70s and ’80s. I remember he wrote an article for NR that referred to Bella Abzug (in the hat and red lei) as “the callipygian Ms. Abzug”. I had to look that word up, before I laughed and laughed.
It was sexist, ok. But what the hell, I was maybe 13 years old.
the sauce was complicated
you get to the sauces and there’s these recipes that tell you to get however many ladles of which ones to get the whatever sauce
mine had like 11 ladles of this and that… NG helped
but it was very very tasty
right next to it was a place called Cowboys & Turbans…
It’s Indian-Mexican street food. Tandoori burritos and such. We stopped in and asked for a menu but the place was a wreck – the man said they’re going to Coachella is why. They’ll be back later he said.
Apparently the Elizabeth Taylor is a fan.
We will endeavor to go back.
The best Mongolian BBQ advice is to just go to a Korean joint instead.
I have three Korean places within walking distance of my house. Two of ’em are pretty good. Also within walking distance is a really awesome Turkish place, a fantastic Ethiopian joint, and a Vietnamese place that recently went from a Foto-Mat sized takeout to building their own restaurant with a banquet room and everything.
Plus a couple of really mediocre Chinese places and a KFC right on a bus stop so if you don’t want to get hit up for change you have to go through the drive-thru. Oh, and a nightclub that fancies itself “Minnesota’s Apollo Theater” and the Turf Club, where my favorite barber and his band will be playing on Sunday night.
And yet, no matter how often I visit these places, eating and drinking and dancing with people from around the world who’ve made a better life for themselves in Minnesota, I feel I shall never truly purge myself of my awful, hateful racism until the day when they’re all run out of business so that we can waste our days waiting in the lobby of the Department of Medical Services.
Squid – If the Vietnamese joint serves the deep fried whole fish, you cannot go wrong. Also, banh mai.
Heh, that’s really the only way to truly purify yourself, Squid. Perhaps you could speed up the process by snooping around and seeing if you can’t report them for some code violations.
Mmmm… and now I wish I could get some of that fresh Ethiopian flat sort of bread you use to grab your food without driving all the way to Chicago.
Purification can also be accomplished by removing the cap from that bottle of bright red Vietnamese hot sauce, and just chugging it down.
Beer chasers are permitted, for the wimpy.
Slarti – Better Half uses that stuff like some people use ketchup.
Lies! All lies!
You people only eat at Applebee’s! And you have mullets!
I still haven’t hit a Vietnamese place somehow. I suck.
I get told what to say and how to say it a lot here Mr. Froman.
You’ve been advised that adopting a certain griefer style is a good way to start an argument.
why do you want to perpetuate that conversation Makewi?
I don’t understand you.
Just adding my .02 at the time that it becomes available to me. Feel free to disregard once we’ve moved on.
I was teaching why ID wasn’t science when you were in junior high, you libelous bint.
lawl, i totally agree. I was referrin’ to having to ax repeatedly to get you to say “crapology”…..the actual word– crapology was my endgame.
That was supersweet because it hurt your cohort here.
I drank their pain.
But they didn’t reject you!
So that was an interesting experiment.
They revere you, Jeff.
So should we all.
fuck you, you lying bint. That is all.
no thnx, JD.
I have standards.<3
That was not an invitation, you sick twist.
Does your brain lack inputs? Do you speak English?
I’m postulating an organic intelligence of some sort over there, but I’m not convinced.