No, really. At least, until tomorrow. When he offers just a few last last last last minute, last pitch words.
Full text here.
Remember: a vote for Obamacare is a vote against reactionary racist Bible-thumping treasonmongers who haven’t yet figured out that the real Jesus would have been so totally on the side of Obama.
The dirty ball suckers.
Sorry, can’t click the link. I’m over my quota for sophistry and prevarication.
Maybe next year.
Here’s a taste then dicentra, though I don’t insist you read it:
Not a thought given to the possibility that their advice could be keeping in mind the preservation of the governing intent of the USA as they understand it. No. Not possible.
this should sum it up, “I, I, I, I ad naseum“
I love the part where he talks about himself.
By which I mean the entire damn thing pretty much.
oh. This was my favorite part…
This is my favorite part:
And this is one of those moments. This is one of those times where you can honestly say to yourself, doggone it, this is exactly why I came here. This is why I got into politics. This is why I got into public service. This is why I’ve made those sacrifices. Because I believe so deeply in this country and I believe so deeply in this democracy and I’m willing to stand up even when it’s hard, even when it’s tough.
Every single one of you have made that promise not just to your constituents but to yourself. And this is the time to make true on that promise. We are not bound to win, but we are bound to be true. We are not bound to succeed, but we are bound to let whatever light we have shine. We have been debating health care for decades. It has now been debated for a year. It is in your hands. It is time to pass health care reform for America, and I am confident that you are going to do it tomorrow.
Not that there’s anything wrong with abusing steroids, mind you.
My husband went to his doc today. OH, he got an earful. Doc is NOT happy.
Once in a lifetime:
You may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful house
You may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful wife
I gotta admit I started watching the live coverage of that and my head kinda started softening and slopping over my keyboard like a Dali clock…
Will the man please STOP TALKING … He’s gone into Dear Leader overtime. How soon will we be required to listen to him hours on end on the TV least The Won directs the FEC to pull the license of any tv/radio station that doesn’t carry the speeches??
‘cept for the long-term risk of kidney failure.
And the sensitivity to light.
And the masculinizing effect they have on women.
performance enhancing drugs enhance performance… it’s not an apt analogy
No, it isn’t possible: Barcky and Nan and Dingy Harry do not think of “America” in any sort of abstract way, only as Uu/Them, Democrat/Republican, Progressive/EvilRacistNaziChristianist.
*Us/Them* I should say…
Barry thinks:
Where being true to them is whatever Barry says it is.
Pretty soon there will be a little “chime” come on, announcing that he will address the nation, which will be on every radio and tv station, without exception. Probably at least weekly, like his friend Emperor Hugo does in Venezuela…
I feel ya, Spiny. And we’ll have small but comfortable apartments in tiny towns. Social norms will be made rigid but predictable. We’ll walk most everywhere. They’ll take good, smiling care of us.
If we get too far outside of town a big latex ball will come and bring us back to the loudspeakers.
[…] to find some creative new nicknames. That would be just horrible.UPDATE: Linked by Steve Green, Jeff Goldstein, and The Lonely Conservative. Thank you all. I’m done with being nice to folks like […]
And we’ll have small but comfortable apartments in tiny towns. Social norms will be made rigid but predictable. We’ll walk most everywhere.
Christ, JHo, that is why AG Jerry Brown was suing counties for building single family homes. He truly believes people have no business in spaces HE thinks are “too big” for them. And certainly, he’s been anti-private-car-ownership for decades.
….fuck me if he is elected CA governor again…
Oh, please. Don’t go all Number Six!! I’m opposed to this church picnic jello slop of a health bill, but I’m resigned to its passing. Maybe it’ll lead to real reform. However, Obama is putting on his Glee a bit much.
“Maybe it’ll lead to real reform.”
Or maybe to real heads rolling. Hard to tell which way the wind is gonna blow tomorrow.
Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.
Please. I mean it. Do you not get the whiff of complete insanity coming off of Capitol Hill these days? They have lost their minds completely! they are the blind leading the blind! they are off their nut! And they continue!
God has decided to end the Democrat party, and Obama is his method.
Or maybe it’ll lead to real trouble, cynn.
You guys are gonna have to soldier on w/o me.
Keep firing! Cause it matters.
G’night Outlaws.
Real trouble as in what? We’re already in hock for the forseeable future; why not improve at least one aspect of Americans’ existence?
I hate him. That is all. Tell me how my ballz taste, lefties.
“I know this is a tough vote. And I am actually confident — I’ve talked to some of you individually — that it will end up being the smart thing to do politically because I believe that good policy is good politics. (Applause.) I am convinced that when you go out there and you are standing tall and you are saying I believe that this is the right thing to do for my constituents and the right thing to do for America, that ultimately the truth will out.”
Hey Champ,
What happened to representing the will of your constituents instead of deciding what is best for them…
You know, that whole consent of the governed thing!
How exactly does this improve anyone’s existence, cynn?
Heaven forbid we have an actual yard. What are we to do if we’re supposed to grow our own vegetables? Oh, yeah, I forgot. That’s not allowed to unless our home garden is inspected by the Dept. of Agriculture (or Health and Safety, I forget which one it was…).
Healthcare is not Waterloo for the Democrat Party, it is Stalingrad.
the real Jesus would have been so totally on the side of Obama.
And Obama knows this because his spiritual adviser, Jim Wallis, told him so. Jim knows that Jesus did nothing the live-long day but preach the gospel of “social justice.”
On the other hand, there are those who would say that Wallis is pretty much a modern-day Pharisee whom Jesus would have warned against. Who would say that? Why, Glenn Beck would.
Who, coincidentally, beginning Monday on TV, will be dumping all the data he’s dug up on Wallis for the past few weeks.
“Something inspired you to get involved, and something inspired you to be a Democrat instead of running as a Republican. Because somewhere deep in your heart you said to yourself, I believe in an America in which we don’t just look out for ourselves, that we don’t just tell people you’re on your own, that we are proud of our individualism, we are proud of our liberty, but we also have a sense of neighborliness and a sense of community — (applause) — and we are willing to look out for one another and help people who are vulnerable and help people who are down on their luck and give them a pathway to success and give them a ladder into the middle class. That’s why you decided to run.”
Because only proggresive Democrats actually care about others. All of the rest of those racist, wingnut hypocritical xtian Taliban RETHUGS! would rather see people suffer, especially wonen, minorities, and especially children…
Oh, and illegal aliens too!
‘Cuz we’re only proud of our individuality, equality of opportunity, and liberty! Which, all smart people know need to take a back seat to equality of outcome…
We’re already in hock for the foreseeable future; why not improve at least one aspect of Americans’ existence?
a. Because this bill will improve the existence only of unions, who have overpromised on pensions and healthcare bennies, and the Democrat party, which will finally have the iron grip over the populace that it has always dreamed of.
b. Because “being in hock” is soon going to cause the largest economic disaster the world’s ever known. What, if you personally are already $300,000 in debt, do you go out and get a bigger house, because what the hey, you’re bustid anyway and you might as well be comfy while you’re at it?
Cynn does not “do the math” on Government involvement in X.
Cynn is only concerned with the level of Government involvement in X.
Government involvement is inherently good.
The reason people starve in North Korea is the lack of Government involvement.
That’s one place where Glenn and I are on the same page; the “Jim Wallis as modern day Pharisee” page…
I mean, didn’t he get the meaning of the whole, “Render unto Caesar…”, episode? Or that Christ didn’t force anyone to follow his teachings, or even worship God the Father? Or strike down his enemies?
The federal government is uniquely and impossibly indebted. cynn’s assumption is that getting the damn thing into health will improve things. It follows.
I liked when he was first going after Beck and talking about the Bible he cut up in seminary where he deleted all the parts where Jesus talked about the poor. And that, of course, was one holey Bible. Which meant that social justice was obviously a significant part of the scriptural core.
Um, no.
Look, if we can get it to skip that second donut even just once a week, what could be wrong with that?
Bitter, bitter, bitter taste in my mouth.
This is a stupendously bad idea.
I hope many of these men and women pay terribly for their votes.
Given the GOP 2001-2009, the alternative is better only at the margins.
Christ didn’t force anyone to follow his teachings
He also didn’t go to Pilate and help him set up a public welfare state — or try to. Nor did he enjoin his followers to petition their political leaders to help the poor.
You can’t offload personal virtue onto a gubmint program: it wastes your time and annoys the pig.
What a lot of people miss, especially amongst my fellow Catholics, is that when Christ spoke about serving others and works that they lump under the heading of social justice, he was entreating individuals to exercise those virtues. They were supposed to give of their time, talent, and treasure.
What virtue is their in giving others money away? In forcibly taking money from one person and giving it to others? As I’ve said, Jesus wasn’t about forcing people to follow Him and His teachings, it was their choice.
As Dicentra pointed out, He never told Pilate to set up a welfare state, nor tell His followers to form a theocratic version of the same. He told individuals to do these things, and to carry on these ministries as part of the church.
There is no virtue in using other’s money to make you feel good about giving it to the poor, and Obama can’t try and use theological reasoning to justify it.
Time was I can remember discussing US politics without hardly ever touching on theological matters. We seemed (and it may well have only been seeming…) to have a remarkably secular polity. Nowadays, theology seems to pop up in an awful lot of our conversations of political things. Mind you, I am not complaining here. Just observing.
Oh boy, let’s go to Christ for an answer. Like he’s on the board of some health-care conglomorate.
You are all racists, because I say so! Just like those former allies of mine like Sharmuta, Wild Irish Rose, hell even anti semetic screeching harpy Pam Geller (I have been told I am a misogynist, but who told me that is a real bitch).
cynn, as usual, misses the point – it is the LEFT screeching that Jesus was a Liberal – God wants Obamacare – etc. See the coments above for specific examples (ie. Mr. Wallis)
In this case I believe that it’s simply a rhetorical riposte to all of the Obamacare proponents that sanctimoniously declare that, “Jesus would be for this bill!” I basically saw a huffpo piece by a Jesuit around two weeks ago that damned Glenn Beck for criticising “Liberation Theology” and claimed that Obamacare and other redistributionist mechanism were in complete accord with Christs teaching…
To begin with, he’s mistaken. Christ told the rich man to give away his fortune and follow Him; He didn’t tell the crowds to take the money the rich man unjustly had so that he would be reduced to their level of poverty.
But more importantly, Glenn Beck is correct about Liberation Theology. It was declared a heresey by John Paul II, who incidently denounced Marxism and totalitarian governments as system that diminished the individual. But, you know, there are a lot of radical Jesuits…
So really it’s mostly been refuting the argument of thise that try to conflate Christian theology with socialism.
That’s all.
We are a secular society; no one religion is the state “approved” religion. That is not to say that Judeo-Christian traditions and philosophy didn’t have a strong influence on both the founders of our nation as well as some of the undelying concepts developed by the philosophes during the enlightenment.
The rise of secular governments meant no social tension, and possibly bloody civil wars, between Protestants and Catholics like went on in Europe for the 100 or so years after the reformation.
And remember, the time for talk is over….right after one more talking to by the President. Or two more…Three…?
Firedoglake’s count. Yeah I know, libtard, but these are libtard numbers we are counting. It is really close. Closer than this shows.
I thought Sharmuta was still your herald…
I’m sorry, LTC John. I suppose that some on the left brand Jesus as a liberal. I don’t, because I didn’t know the man. I would like to see your undeniable evidence that the left is Jesus-driven.
As to whether the theological adversions are merely responses to bombshells thrown, I have my doubts Bob. I see things.
“Because I believe so deeply in this country and I believe so deeply in this democracy and I’m willing to stand up even when it’s hard, even when it’s tough” and destroy it, utterly.
That about says it all.
They are not “Jesus-driven” at all. It’s just at times like this, they like to take a Progg, Po-Mo “interpretation” of Christian scripture and wave it the faces of the who they call the “Religious Right” and shout something like this:
so sdferr,
You really think that there has been a lot more theological justification interjected into politics?
Aside from the “faith based initiatives”, that I always saw as useful ways to accomplish social programs through the more traditional channels-if they could only raise all the money from private charities in the traditional way!
Oh, they are not Jesus driven, cynn. Of that there is no doubt. But they do like to co-opt and distort his message to serve their narrative.
I neither see it nor believe it. Prove it.
Here you go cynn. If you will click a link. This is the other community organizing group out of Chicago that Obama worked with/for, the one other than ACORN. ACORN works the secular side of the street. This is the religious left side. And if you wish to not click here is some.
“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you — ask what can you do for your country.”
First thing: Learn to take care of yourself.
lalalalalalala cynn is not listening to geoffrey lalalalala…
Spiny Norman is correct cynn. That and the Democrats are desperately trying to make serious inroads into the evangelical Christian community without, you know, giving up all of their po-mo ideas…
That’s been a concious push since 2004. They thought that it would be a way to peel enough votes away from Boooooosh! And Obama was definately all about courting evangelical and Christians.
Until all that J.Wright, “God damn AmeriKKKa”, stuff hit the fan part of the Obama meta narrative was that he was a devout church-going guy.
Their message in short. Sure, we believe in moral relativism, situational ethics, and “it’s all good”-but our government programs deliver social justice-Jesus would have supported our social programs!
Geoffb – there are none so blind as those that refuse to see, no?
Wow. That’s fucking twisted.
Wasn’t “shared abundance” what Uncle Joe told the peasant farmers in the Ukraine they would have once they handed over their harvests?
Rainbow abundance is an affirmation that rainbows shoot out of my ass.
Y’all watch this!
You have obviously not been around Bob. I dumped Sharmuta and Wild Irish Rose after I got my new financee. Now Wild Irish runs a LGF Stalker site. Go read her comments and links, she is obviously insane. Sharmuta had to go after she killed her keeper at Sea World.
My new fiancee is a teabagger if you know what I mean. And she likes bikes, music, walks on the beach as I take boring photographs of sand, oh…and she has a penis, but we keep that underwraps.
Health care, like Soylent Green, is people.
I was raised on a farm, I know what service means.
Gotta try, and anyways cynn is not the only member of any audience here. At any time there are always others.
Nice find geoffb,
I wonder why the Gamaliel foundation didn’t just but health insurance for as many people as they could instead of trying to force the rest of us to do so?
And that last paragraph that tried to imply a conspiracy against minorities and immigrants is straight BS. Poor folks and immigrants get medicaid! That’s the big change in immigration that folks don’t acknowldge. Move here at often you can simply go directly to the trough of the welfare state…
It sure wasn’t like that for my Fathers off-the-boat-Irish Great-Grandfather…
And it shouldn’t be like that today. People should come here for opportunity and freedom, not to get on the dole!
Are “health care economists” anything like “climate change scientists”?
Faux Charles is not funny. Somebody had to say it.
What the hell does Jesus and all his goddamn minions have to do with this health care bill? I thought I started out in good will, but you muttering masses hijacked your own thread.
A cautiously optimistic handling of the Obamatime, with genuine derision for a change. It’s still up to us.
Healthcare economists are people that Barcky has paid to tell people that BarckyCare is a pure and beautiful thing.
I chew up my readers and spit them out. Obamacare is my cup of tea.
I need a babelfish to work on #75. It appears to be English but doesn’t scan.
You know you want my healthcare, just drink, drink a sip of this cup.
Cynn, you’ve been answered several times in many ways. See Colonel John’s #46 for the most succinct version…
The Democrats having been trying to bill their legislation as something “Jesus would approve of” in an attempt to co-opt evangelical support that typically goes to Rethugs!
21.Comment by cynn on 3/20 @ 6:35 pm #
Oh, please. Don’t go all Number Six!! I’m opposed to this church picnic jello slop of a health bill, but I’m resigned to its passing. Maybe it’ll lead to real reform. However, Obama is putting on his Glee a bit much.
Yeah. And that stuff growing on the bottom of the crisper drawer in the fridge? That’s gonna be penicillin.
Because, to the Left, charity is not “charity” unless it’s compulsory.
That phrase should by an impeachable offense. And any one not completely outraged by it should lose the right to vote. Forever.
Sojourners is Jim Wallis’s gig.
His blog? God’s politics.
Wallis is ObaMao’s spiritual adviser, and he called out Glenn Beck when Beck told his listeners that if their church is using terms like “social justice,” they need to run the other way, because “social justice” (how is that different from regular justice?) is code for Your Church Was Co-Opted by the Left.
Funny, though. Beck has been collecting dirt on him for awhile now, and was already planning on exposing him as a radical Marxist and stuff, like he did with Van Jones.
You pop the corn, I’ll get the remote.
…now that Reverend Jerry is radioactive. Pfleger must have been busy.
But the real Charles is should be called Chuckles? I have never been accused of being funny.
Rusty: I have no idea what you’re talking about. Except it must be good, because it’s green.
DEAR LEADER OVERTIME …. what a meme! … and just 10 minutes ago, I was graced with this pearl of newYorkTimes commenting Wisdom:
“A viable democracy requires a well-informed electorate and resposible elected officials. We have neither – with the possible exception of our chief executive. May I seriously suggest we make him a benign dictator until America is put back on her feet?”
Goodness me, there is NO satire that won’t be taken up as Serious Thought by the kool-aid drinking Obamessiah-worshipping Left.
Blue actually.
Regular justice doesn’t permit you to take other people’s shit. Matter of fact, taking other people’s shit without payment is manifestly unjust. So, ‘social justice,’ which is all about taking other people’s shit, really means the opposite of justice.
Christian charity – the standby virtue that non-Marxy types refer to when they talk about helping others who are in need – doesn’t quite do it for your Wallis types, because it lacks the compulsion implicit in ‘doing (social) justice.’
Do you have a link to that Freedoms Truth?
What the fuck are you talking about? I think it is central to my point.
Never mind, I found it in the commentary to the latest Charles Blow editorial…
It’s mind boggling, and sounds like something thor would say!
I remember dad took the pastor into his office and explained how posters benefiting Angola at some point in time when I was little when posters for Angola were very social justicey.
I never even got to see them.
wait. that wasn’t a sentence was it?
more or less, give or take a couple of dashes or so.
“And that stuff growing on the bottom of the crisper drawer in the fridge? That’s gonna be penicillin.”
“Except it must be good, because it’s green.”
Penicillin is a natural product and part of an ancient traditional remedy thousands of years old. Synthetic antibiotics may be used by the hospitals we are ill in, but only God and mold can make penicillin.
Penicillin is made by the blue and white penicillium molds.
Actually, hf, I think there’s a “how” trespassing in there.
We could look at it as a two-for-one self-reinforcing rule deal Spiny.
Immediately followed up by, “aggghhhh…hiccup…’splash'” Boxed wine into the porcelain basin. Nice.
Comment by cynn on 3/20 @ 7:47 pm #
Oh boy, let’s go to Christ for an answer. Like he’s on the board of some health-care conglomorate.
And he was so on board with Caesar.
they need to run the other way, because “social justice” (how is that different from regular justice?)
that was Prager’s question, what, last Thurs or Fri? :-)
I love we listen to the same shows
Beck has been collecting dirt on him for awhile now, and was already planning on exposing him as a radical Marxist and stuff, like he did with Van Jones.
A lot of pervs pretend to go into religious institutions and/or teaching in order to both cloak themselves as above suspicion and get close to their targets and achieve their ends.
Ditto Leftists.
Was that Prager I got the question from?
So it was. So it was.
Was that Prager I got the question from?
IIRC he was talking to some lefty who brought up the whole “social justice” thing. Prager goes “social justice? No your talking about fairness as the Left sees it.” The guy goes “Yeah fairness, justice, same thing.” Prager, “No not the same thing, or you wouldn’t but ‘social’ in front of ‘justice’. What’s the difference between justice and social justice?”
While we back here in the homeland are contemplating an end of our republic, Hillary Clinton was sacrificing herself for our ease by taking a slap across the gob from Vladimir Putin. Fucking Jews need to learn not to build housing for fucking Jews in Jerusalem alright. That’ll teach ’em something about justice.
so? this time he demagogues from notecards. He’s good at sounding important about the need to steal your shit.
“Healthcare is not Waterloo for the Democrat Party, it is Stalingrad.”
So they’re going to surround the last GOP holdouts and begin the long march to capture the reichstag?
Way waaaaayyy beyond parody this time. How much irony squared can you find in this story?
Prager goe,s “social justice? No, you’re talking about fairness as the Left sees it.”
“That’s not fair” is what you say when you’re nine years old. It’s when we lined up our glasses to make sure everyone got exactly the same amount of soda, or got out our calipers to ensure everyone got the same-sized piece of cake.
Then you learn that “fair” isn’t the rock-solid measurement that you thought it was. What do you say: “It’s not fair that some people are rich and some are poor” or “It’s not fair that the guy who worked hard and got educated gets the same as the guy who dropped out of school and lazes around in a trailer home.”
Or that the people who pay no taxes have a say in how much the other half pays (Prager again). The lefties who tried to refute that argument couldn’t focus on federal taxes, relying on the old “but they pay sales tax too” meme.
They’re like the gorilla who could drive a golf ball 900 yards. Which he does from the tee, and then when he reaches the putting green, drives it another 900.
So they’re going to surround the last GOP holdouts and begin the long march to capture the reichstag?
The Democratic Party Reichstag – formerly known as Congress – will fall this November, troll. Deal with it.
The lefties who tried to refute that argument couldn’t focus on federal taxes, relying on the old “but they pay sales tax too” meme.
oh lordy I was talking back at the radio at that point …
“The Democratic Party Reichstag – formerly known as Congress – will fall this November, troll. Deal with it.”
So the GOP will be planting a hammer and sickle above it? I see….
::::yawn::: you’re not even an entertaining troll
We had “prayer for universal healthcare” week, last week, at the hospital I work at. I’m still pissed over it.
Fucking Sunday. Today.
“::::yawn::: you’re not even an entertaining troll”
This stalingrad thing is tough material. Someone must have recently watched “Enemy at the Gates.”
kdash, can you TRY to be a more un-interesting twatwaffle?
I know it is difficult, but that is why we got into public service, and all that…..
Reality, you mean? Not when you’re drinking.
Because it never sticks.
“lalalalalalala cynn is not listening to geoffrey lalalalala…”
A shame really, geoffb is one of the most considerate commenters here. He takes the time to click other peoples links and makes thoughtful and insightful replys.
The server speed and time zone difference makes it difficult to review all of the links offered here, but if I see a geoffb link I click it.
cynn would be wise to follow suit.
kdash? Three strikes and it’s Hammer-time.
*sigh* I have to go have brunch with mom, sis, bro-in-law, niece, and nephew today — and somehow muster the fortitude to not vocally lament the pending implosion of our way of life.
Thanks Danger. I can’t tell you how much it helps when you spread your calming oil on the roiling waters. You and Bob Reed are the PW Fire Marshals.
Jeff, this so reminds me of the old l33t Goldstein.
Also understand, we’re still your friend, OK? We’re just not going steady anymore.
Hey nishi, you know anything about math?
Thanks geoffb,
But Bob has a bigger hose (did I say that out loud;) and more vowels;)
There are a lot of smart, funny and passionate people that comment here. In the heat of the moment sometimes they say things that they don’t mean or talk past each other largely due to lags in the internet or the volume of comments.
I remember posting a pretty good rant in response to a NRO article that I thought was ridiculing Sarah Palin. It turns out the article was a parody. (If I remember correctly it was you that pointed out my oversight). That was pretty embarrasing but no one held it against me; to the contrary, everyone has been appreciative and encouraging.
Now that is some funny shit to wake up to on a Sunday morning.
Try to be strong, Goldstein, try to be strong.
I have been trying to reign in my tendency to play rough also, danger. I look at debate as a sport, a full contact one, and forget sometimes that others prefer a more refined game.
Looks like she is busy on yet another rewrite of middle-eastern history, Pablo.
[…] Protein Wisdom: Obama’s last last pitch … until the next last one. […]
88.Comment by cynn on 3/20 @ 9:04 pm #
Rusty: I have no idea what you’re talking about. Except it must be good, because it’s green.
Why. Am I . Not. Suprised.
OK. Mr. know it all jeff with a ‘G’, you’re harshin’ my mellow here. If that shit in the crisper is so good you eat it. I’ll watch.
I’m sorry.
No thanks, I prefer my meds from a Pharmacy. Though with Obamacare making your own may be useful.
You could make a horror movie about how a political speech brought down civilization:
DIRECTOR OF THE FBI (interviewed by fifteen year old high school newspaper reporter): Well, the best we can come up with is that all these people were watching the State of the Union speech, and took a shot every time the president said “I”, “Let me be clear”, and “Some people say”.
Hospital emergency rooms were overwhelmed thirty minutes into the speech. And there were no off watch doctors and nurses to call – they were in the first ambulances to arrive.
The body count is about a hundred million…
INTERVIEWER: How did you survive, Mr. Director?
DFBI: I was fishing.
Must be a Tea Party Member. Glad the dragnet for this wanted thought criminal was successful.
I am not condoning yelling out racial slurs, but is this just a wee bit of overkill?
A href=””> EXACTLY
Anybody else out there remember Jerry Brown as the official responder to Reagan’s first SOTU? “The nuns taught us to pray for everyone” [slightly paraphrased due to intervening loss of brain cells] — implying that Ron and the voters of his ilk just didn’t care about some people in this Great Land Of Ours. What Jerry carefully omitted was that his way of caring for the Forgotten Ones was to steal some other kid’s lunch money and then use those ill-gottens to pay a third kid to say the prayers for the poor that he was too busy to say for himself, because if he had to waste his time doing that he wouldn’t have time to devise all those cool social justice schemes. Plans. Social justice plans.
Really, doing good is such hard work — especially if you don’t have the power to command others to engage in the actual doing…
Someone tell nishi this thread is about health care.
I think, though, it would have been funnier if the ‘too cool tenor’ the author had used in addressing the Jews was that hey, they’re* just not that into you Schtick. That cracks me up everytime.
That and the word jackhole. Don’t know why that came to mind just now.
*American Left
“Because I believe so deeply in this country and I believe so deeply in this democracy and I’m willing to stand up even when it’s hard, even when it’s toug
You know who else was willing to stand up and make those hard choices? Hitler. Stalin. Mao.
the burden, I’m sure, is hard.
I’m gonna spend the day listening to Radiohead, because it’s the closest I can come to simulating the use of drugs w/o doing anything illegal.
When I get good and baked, I’ll turn up some Kyuss up really loud and tune out.
Then? The heavy snacking.
Then? The heavy snacking
Enjoy it while you can. Under ObamaCare that’s the next thing you’ll lose “for your own good”, as snacks are taxed or banned and the IRS agents will be monitoring your BMI, blood sugar and trigylicerides.
Just like Medicare this bill will end up costing far more than has been projected. The only faint, depressing hoped we have is that they won’t be wrong by a factor of ten .. like Medicare.
Projected to cost in 1970 for fiscal year 1980 – 11 billion.
Actual budget number in 1980 – 105 billion.
Maybe they’ll get it right this time? Not holding my breath. We are so completely screwed.
Best of all BJTex, it will drive up health care costs while driving down health care outcomes! Win-win!
In nishi’s world, that IS a win/win.
Right you are Spiny! Less people on the left side of the bell curve survive, especially the older, used up ones.
Arbeit Macht Frei.
It bends the cost curve too!
Yes. Once they tether the Standard Deduction to your BMI, the next controversy will be about closing the “Anorexia Loophole.”
133.Comment by geoffb on 3/21 @ 8:21 am #
I’m sorry.
No thanks, I prefer my meds from a Pharmacy. Though with Obamacare making your own may be useful.
However the formula for “Semtex” might come in handy.(just kidding FBI people who might be reading this)