
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


Juxtapositionings, 2

In contrast to the hickish tea partiers and “all their blather,” here’s how the the more politically sophisticated among us operate to effectively advance a cultural conversation.

Note the clever use of visual / iconic adianoeta, which in this instance works to gently nudge readers toward an unspoken (yet somehow inevitable) association between reactionary movements peopled by Jesus-pimping proto-Klansman, and the social practice, enjoyed by many in the gay community, of deep throating scrotum (scroti?)

So true. So fraught. So edgy.

Prominent figures on the right — up to and including that snowbilly hicktard Sarah Palin and the retard she totes around like a handbag– could learn a thing or two from the educated elite at the New Republic about framing culturally provocative arguments in a more intellectually rigorous and honest manner.

As could that Tebow cooz she’s been palling around with.

Until they do, progressives — by virtue of their… well, virtue — will continue to hold the rhetorical high ground in our cultural conversations.

And well they should. After all, it takes quite a bit of schooling to be able to draw the kinds of subtle connections those on the left so routinely are able to draw (tea partiers → tea bags → teabagging → ball sack dunked in an eager maw) — and we would do well to emulate them.

It’s bad enough the majority of us conservatives think Kristeva is a fancy shampoo or an expensive liquor favored by PDiddy; do we really have to advertise it?

(h/t JHo)

update: TNR has swapped the picture out for a new picture. Which means it never happened. Kind of like the entirety of Scott Beauchamp’s ourvre. Synchronicity!

308 Replies to “Juxtapositionings, 2”

  1. You misunderstand Jeff, that is me in the picture. I love “tea”. Can’t get enough of it. Hard to talk with a big fat teabag in my mouth, but I can still type.

  2. My tea has been a bit bitter. Ever since the Beauchamp incident. You may not know this, but I do hold a grudge.

  3. sdferr says:

    More RD is it, the pretend Frank Foer?

  4. bh says:

    Don’t think so, sdferr.

  5. happyfeet says:

    They do blather. It’s like they’re always nearing the station but never arriving, and the duh factor is very, very high.

    What’s Kristeva?

  6. Blitz says:

    “adianoeta” Is a word, that if it does exist? shouldn’t. Other than that, count me in with the hicktards, but not w/ the Klan (how DO they get their whites so white?) and definitely not with the Christian gay scroty thingys…

    Thing is? There are a TON of us unemudecated folk out here that DO get it. Not that hard really. Read the Constitution, take it at face value, lather rinse repeat?

  7. happyfeet says:

    oh. She’s darling.

  8. bh says:

    Heh, I blanked on adianoeta (double entendre, thanks Google!) and Kristeva (Julia?) as well.

  9. Here’s the article with the “new” photograph. I think it says “Jeff”. What are the odds of that?

  10. happyfeet says:

    I think “weak tea” is apt enough set against the scale of what has been wrought but here’s what Tea Party Boi says in that article:

    “In America, we only have to move the dial a little bit. We’re not off the rails. I encourage people to not emotionalize things.”

    Hmmm. I don’t think we’re on the same page.

  11. dicentra says:

    Yes, Julia Kristeva, French Feminist Linguist.

    Like Tom Sowell (an admitted intellectual himself) says, it takes an intellectual to tell us that what’s harmful is safe and that what’s safe is harmful.

    They HAVE to invert the universe; otherwise, what’s their cleverness for, if not to see past the ruses that the rest of the chusma accepts?

  12. Jeff G. says:

    The story is about a “moderate” tea partier dispirited by all the Palin peoples taking over his Party, happy. You know, those racist xenophic hicks who think the country is quite off the rails.

    Your enemies, in other words. Who you hate, though you’re in agreement.

    Because of the WalMart bags, most likely.

  13. Joe says:

    Passing Obamacare (if it happens this week) is the fiscal equivalent of removing sections of track that cannot be replaced in time for a speeding train (which we are all aboard). The crash will not be immediate, but it will be essentially inevitable.

    And as a side note: Walmart actually treats it customers a lot better than Target does.

  14. Blitz says:

    ‘French Feminist Linguist’ Says it all. Pay no attention to the non bathing hirsute (insert your favorite word for female genetalia here)

    Andrew Sullivan, Davids Brooks and Frum, That Rich guy from the NYT? Intellectuals all. Day to day they give us our faults and foibles. Day after day they expect us to bow to our masters.

    FUCK THAT. I know what I know, WE see what we see. and WE see more than the alleged elite. The answer for now I believe is at the ballot box. Do NOT ask me what happens after, especially if the ‘Slaughter rule’ is advanced.

    Ok, No, not a TOTAL moron…

  15. Jeff G. says:

    I’m pretty sure you can be a French feminist and linguist and still bathe and shave.

    Seriously. They’ve done studies.

  16. Blitz says:

    Jeff? Feminist and linguists probably do. but the French?

  17. Blitz says:

    ‘Seriously. They’ve done studies.’

    I just saw a survey that the Germans were the worst, but sticking wth the French just ‘cus been there, and yes, they stank.

  18. happyfeet says:

    You know, those racist xenophic hicks who think the country is quite off the rails.

    Your enemies, in other words. Who you hate, though you’re in agreement.

    It’s complicated.

  19. Blitz says:

    Hmmm…the alleged elite…Can someone with a larger vocabulary help me out her? What I’m trying to say is that they see and know what they see and know. They’re not adaptable? Is that correct?

  20. dicentra says:

    In other news, religious fanatic Glenn Beck hates Jesus.

    Just so you know, the interpretation of LDS theology that they offer is awfully questionable: the Book of Mormon does indeed enjoin us to take care of the poor (shocka!) but it doesn’t promote socialism or anything like unto it.

    As for our foray into collectivism in our early days: yeah, we tried very hard to have all things in common (as the New Testament described), but we had to stop because people weren’t righteous enough to make it work. These were people who’d been winnowed out of the general population by horrendous persecution, demonization, and a 1000-mile trek West on foot.

    If we couldn’t pull it off with people who were THAT dedicated to their religion, nobody can do it without Jesus Himself standing right there.

    After having burned the wicked as stubble, of course. Which we’re not allowed to do.

    Makes a difference.

  21. Blitz says:

    Not complicated Happy, although HATE? too strong.

  22. Joe says:

    The good news, they still do not have the votes.

    The bad news, they don’t give a shit and will pull out every dirty trick they can think of to pass this crap.

    Yet according to TNR, the tea party folks are just upset about Sarah Palin? I do not think so.

  23. Blitz says:

    TY Dicentra. I’m very curious about the Mormons, and bit by bit you’re schoolin’ me.

  24. happyfeet says:

    Hate is all that keeps me going anymore. Hate and these lemony little girl scout cookies.

  25. dicentra says:

    I’m very curious about the Mormons

    Don’t say that too loud or I’ll be forced to sic the missionaries on ya. :D

  26. Blitz says:

    At least you have cookies Happy…all I have is a copy of the Constitution, 2 shotguns and the grandbabies to get me through the night. I think(PRAY not) It’s gonna be a LONG dark night though.

  27. Blitz says:

    Di, I let them in all the time. Good folk, but I’m not ready for religion yet.

  28. happyfeet says:


  29. dicentra says:

    Having ears they hear not and having eyes they see not.

    That’s what you trying to say, Blitz?

    It’s less about inflexibility than blindness.

    When I was at Cornell, I felt as if I had stumbled onto a colony of the congenitally blind whose ancestors were sighted. They’d play with visually oriented artefacts such as books and paintings and write long, convoluted dissertations about what they were for without realizing that they lacked the one thing to make sense of it all: sight.

    So if I mentioned that a painting was a decorative thing, and that it consisted of various colors, I’d get blank, uncomprehending stares. Not vitriol: just incomprehension.

  30. Blitz says:

    Yes Happy, I have them all the time. (THANK YOU CARIN) Both little girls, both so sweet they’d take the edge off of sugar. One is 13 months, the other 8.

    I loves me some babies!!

  31. happyfeet says:

    but also Mr. Jeff the tea party ones and the Sarah Palin both just demonstrate what can happen in a vacuum… and the vacuum is cause it cameth to pass that Team R suckethed mightily such that they anointed the daddy of the Meghan and bade him to lead.

    Good God. And now people have nowhere to turn… the Tea Party is a healthy response to this. The Sarah Palin? Not so much.

  32. happyfeet says:

    I healthy if blathery response to this.

  33. happyfeet says:

    *A* I mean.

  34. Blitz says:

    Dicentra? (in my best Charlie Brown)

    THATS IT!!!!

    My girls? Growing up in a fairly wealthy town were subjected to just that in the school system. ONE lived to think for herself, the other is a (shudder) teacher…

    When I went to parent/teacher thingies, I was immediately dismissed due to my long hair? however there were other teachers that begged for my help (have experience in teaching K-3). Once even the alleged elites saw the skill brought to the table? I was still dismissed.

    Whatevs..I know what i know and can learn, They know what they think they know and are incapable.

    Just some dumb mechanic.

  35. LBascom says:

    Di, I love it when secular people make judgments about others faith. Like for instance, Jesus was a pacifist.

    This from the Time article: “Not to mention the teaching of a certain fellow from Nazareth who was always blathering on about justice”

    I defy anyone to find the word “justice” coming out of the mouth of Jesus.

  36. Blitz says:

    Happy? I’d be ummm….happy to teach you about the REAL Sarah Palin if you wish. I do not believe she’s Presidential material, but I think you have some things wrong. At the VERY least, I could show you why folk like me like her?

  37. newrouter says:

    I defy anyone to find the word “justice” coming out of the mouth of Jesus.

    fake but accurate

  38. Carin says:

    I can see some of what Happy’s saying about Sarah – do not want – but I’ve got so many other peps to focus my hate on.

  39. Abe Froman says:

    In other news, religious fanatic Glenn Beck hates Jesus.

    Lefties never tire of the “why does ______ hate _______ ?” formulation, do they? It’s so innocuous, yet it perfectly sums up why I hate them.

  40. Blitz says:

    Hmmm…Aramaic. What exactly COULD be the Greek translation of the word translated into Latin and THEN into English?

    I doubt Jesus ever used the word BUT…Aramaic is a dead language, The Greeks did the best they could, teh Romans effed it up and ENGLISH? no no no….

  41. Blitz says:

    Carin!!…you got another TY above, and please explain re SP? I like her, think shes a good spokesperson, but would not vote for her. Is that about right?

  42. happyfeet says:

    I just wish Sarah could be disposed of in some way I guess.

  43. JHo says:

    the vacuum is cause it cameth to pass that Team R suckethed mightily such that they anointed the daddy of the Meghan and bade him to lead.

    Yep. But Team R isn’t motivated to run a fiscal conservative/personal liberty type for a reason. Teams R and D are only motivated to run another machine pol with nice paint that leaves the underlying DC/globalist complex humming. Baracky converted to phantom leftism and became a high-spending Bush wannabee in 6 months because that’s what’s up up top.

    Nationalizing everything is the dream. Education, retirement, money, and health. Industry is already wholly caught up in buying law via the Team R&D clockworks so what’s left?

    And now people have nowhere to turn… the Tea Party is a healthy response to this.

    It’d take two things to bring it all down: Make a running joke out of the usual cartoons to be found in Palin/Huck, and at some point in the next few years, lose free innernets.

  44. happyfeet says:

    What the little president man’s government and his media is doing to Toyota is almost too real, Mr. Howard.

    That’s not who we are. And yet it is.

  45. Blitz says:

    WRONG Happy, and you know me,I wouldn’t say that unless I thought it important. We need her, the NON intellectual elites. The small business owners of which I’m one…she speaks for US. She also speaks for the TRUE environmental conservatives that hunt, fish and generally recreate off the land. Hell Haps, I got a moose last year, still have meat in the blastbox!!!

    I would NEVER vote for her, but Hell Haps, give credit where it’s due, ok?

  46. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Just tell a lefty (or righty, anybody antagonistic toward Christians) who is using Jesus as a cudgel to support the Jesus as concerned about social justice, the following passage:

    Luke 12:49-53

    I have come to set fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until the ordeal is over! Do you suppose I came to establish peace on earth? No indeed, I have come to bring division. For from now on, five members of a family will be divided, three against two and two against three; father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother…

    Doesn’t sound like a uniter, or dare I say community organizer to me.

  47. newrouter says:

    In other news, religious fanatic happyfeet hates sarah

  48. JHo says:

    Letterman is all over Toyota too, ‘feets, that despite there being no there there. Because our platoon of national jesters only plays to the bleeding edge of what’s happening, and the applause sign tells us so.

  49. Jeff G. says:

    I own a Toyota. Great cars.

  50. JHo says:

    Doesn’t sound like a uniter, or dare I say community organizer to me.

    Christ was a principlist of the highest order. A man who knew the nature of man and knew it’d never, ever be reconciled with such principle.

  51. happyfeet says:

    Mr. Blitz it trouble me that she gave up the only position where she could actually affect change. We don’t need people what speak for us… we need quiet people what do things I think. The dirty socialists went the “speaks for us” route…

    I think we can do better. I think we have to.

  52. JHo says:

    They’ll be better after we ruin ’em, Jeff.

  53. McGehee says:

    WRONG Happy, and you know me,I wouldn’t say that unless I thought it important. We need her, the NON intellectual elites.

    She has powers of persuasion that certain anti-Palin individuals I could name (but won’t) clearly lack.

    I’d say our side can survive just fine without those certain individuals, if they’re going to say, “It’s her or me.”

  54. Blitz says:

    Hmmm…Toyota. I do think the Gubbiment is screwing them like an Arkansa cousin? BUT…This happened to Audi too, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away…..

    dod doo doo doo doo doo doo doo dooo….

    Flashback to when I first started mechanicizin’…Audis’ did the same bloody thing. I wracked what little brain was available to me ( there WAS no database back then)

    There was NOTHING WRONG. Just old folks effin’ up their pedals/legs. Since y’all know I’m HTML deficient, I invite you to look up Debbie (somebody or other’s) chart on the age of affected Toyota drivers.

  55. happyfeet says:

    *troubles* me I mean… I have a Toyota too now and we are very happy

  56. happyfeet says:

    There’s brownies in the glovebox.

  57. newrouter says:

    about the age of toyota with acceleration problems:

    This morning, our friends at Jalopnik posted a fascinating chart showing the age distribution of all the drivers in 56 deaths since 1992 that were linked by the Los Angeles Times to Toyota sudden acceleration.

    And the chart is pretty revealing: The highest clusters are the 61-70 and 71-80 cohorts. The median age is 60, and just over half are 60 or older. That’s against just 16 percent of drivers over 60 across all automotive fatalities.


  58. B Moe says:

    If Sarah Palin or Pam Tebow had lived on the same block when happyfeet was growing up he would have worshiped the ground they walked on, but because by chance they have wound up in the spotlight and dared to speak their mind they are now cunts and whores.

    You really should be ashamed of yourself, you know.

  59. cranky-d says:

    The Toyota thing is panning out as yet another case of people stepping on the gas pedal instead of the brake. The fact that it’s mostly old people should not surprise anyone. Remember that Audi had the same problem (as others have pointed out) and it took a government study to confirm that the drivers were stupid.

  60. cranky-d says:

    Well, that’s what happens when you don’t refresh first. You end up repeating stuff already said.

  61. happyfeet says:

    I will think about that on the way home.

  62. Blitz says:

    Happy? Love you like a brother my friend but you see that in the wrong light.

    Yes, SP did resign as Governor to Alaska, Before I go further, will you please explain to me as to exactly why she did?

    Please do Haps. I really think you need to understand a morons take on this.

  63. Jeff G. says:

    If Sarah Palin or Pam Tebow had lived on the same block when happyfeet was growing up he would have worshiped the ground they walked on, but because by chance they have wound up in the spotlight and dared to speak their mind they are now cunts and whores.

    You really should be ashamed of yourself, you know.


  64. newrouter says:

    You end up repeating stuff already said.

    but mine had link thingy

  65. Blitz says:

    Bmoe? I’m trying to bring the son (Happy) back into the fold…don’t expect much sucess.

  66. cranky-d says:

    I meant me, newrouter. I failed yet again to add anything to the conversation.

  67. Blitz says:



  68. LBascom says:

    “fake but accurate”

    How do you mean?

    Show me where Jesus was always blathering about social justice.

    Jesus came to be crucified, though innocent, for our sins.

    That’s justice?

    He did say this: Mat 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

  69. JHo says:

    Palin isn’t a competitive candidate, B Moe. She’s also going to divide the right as sure as you’re reading this. She has the media’s target stitched to the back of her parka already.

    Palin lacks the conviction of classically liberal principle but is possessed of something of an affection for her own stereotype. Palin is to the right what Obarky is to the left: A suit without the conviction or courage to effect the ideology, whatever it is or may one day reveal itself. Palin is the white Oprah Winfrey. Neither are presidential.

    I’d defend Palin against many of the progressive’s smears, but not on the basis of her own strengths — rather because the progressive statists have a skewed view of power such that they’ll lie 24/7 about any Republican candidate. It’s habit. The fuckers are pathological.

    Who should the Republicans promote? Nobody in their right mind is going to run for highest office ever again and one could argue that few had over the last number of decades.

  70. ThomasD says:

    it took a government study to confirm that the drivers were stupid.

    If I were an auto manufacturer I would be seriously exploring the feasibility and expense of installing some sort of black box technology in all future makes and models. Be nice to know where the accelerator and brake pedal were located at the moment of impact. Maybe parallel recording systems that re-wrote themselves every 24 hours 12 hours apart.

  71. LBascom says:

    OK, I’m just here to make cranky look good…

  72. newrouter says:

    Comment by LBascom on 3/15 @ 6:07 pm #

    “fake but accurate”

    How do you mean?

    like dan rather and bush and tang. to a progg mind that was what jesus should say

  73. LBascom says:

    “Palin lacks the conviction of classically liberal principle ”

    On what do you base this JHo?

  74. ThomasD says:

    Jesus may have never used the term justice, but he certainly gave us a taste of his views on the subject.

    Who so shall offend one of these little ones which believed in me, it were better for him that millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

  75. Blitz says:

    Jho, in agreement re not a serious candidate but, COME ON MAN….SP has many strengths among us Tea Partirs, the best of which is that she can unite dissafected repubs and indies.

    ‘A suit without the conviction or courage to effect the ideology,

    Man are you so wrong on that on so many levels that it makes 3d chess look like marbles.

    SP Speaks her mind, IS convinced that what she is saying is correct, HAS the courage to FIGHT through the MSM slander. No, she’s not running, Is THAT your problem?

  76. geoffb says:

    If we couldn’t pull it off with people who were THAT dedicated to their religion, nobody can do it without Jesus Himself standing right there.

    The Apostles tried also at the beginning of the Christian Church. They couldn’t make it work either. Neither could the Pilgrims.

  77. Jeff G. says:

    Palin lacks the conviction of classically liberal principle but is possessed of something of an affection for her own stereotype. Palin is to the right what Obarky is to the left: A suit without the conviction or courage to effect the ideology, whatever it is or may one day reveal itself. Palin is the white Oprah Winfrey.

    See, I’m not certain this is at all accurate. I mean, how much of it is real and how much of it is the part of what the left has thrown against the wall that has stuck?

  78. B Moe says:

    Palin isn’t a competitive candidate, B Moe. She’s also going to divide the right as sure as you’re reading this. She has the media’s target stitched to the back of her parka already.

    This has nothing to do with her viability as a candidate for me.  This is about letting the media and the opposition define candidates.  As long as the Republicans do that we are going to keep getting John McCains, just like the last cycle when we let the media and the Democrats pick both candidates.

    That media target on her back is a ringing fucking endorsement as far as I am concerned. 

  79. newrouter says:

    A suit without the conviction or courage to effect the ideology, whatever it is or may one day reveal itself.

    you might want to check with big oil in ak on that one

  80. B Moe says:

    First paragraph was quoting JHo.

  81. JHo says:

    “Palin lacks the conviction of classically liberal principle ”

    On what do you base this JHo?

    I think it’d be an itemized platform, a pursuit, a style, an agenda, and yes, a career. What I see so far is a rock star personality running bus trips between book signings. I don’t know her mind but I do know that clear evidence is lacking, at least so far.

    Would absolutely love to be wrong, which would then leave mostly the problem of her baggage and likely unelectability. She’s already a national laughingstock. Why start the bench?

  82. happyfeet says:

    Sarah Palin quit to pursue fame and fortune in the big city I think Mr. Blitz. Probably mostly with the noblest intent of securing her kids’ futures, especially that one.

    But she hasn’t renounced the presidency and I have a problem with that. I am not ashamed Mr. Moe. I think she’s worked alongside the dipshit dirty socialist to do much to define the presidency into the realm of political Lady Gagas like herself and Obama. The dignity Mr. Bush brought to the office, I remember it. I really do. Simply positing herself as president is enough to diminish it. People need to believe that the presidency is more than some cable news whore’s swag bag I think. And Sarah Palin is cable news whore both by profession and by temperament I think.

    That Tebow woman should be ashamed of how she exploited her naive little half-wit on tv for some cheesy political ad. But that woman is fucking shameless… of that I have no doubt.

  83. Blitz says:

    JG, re your 77? I wanted to say that, too emotional.Pretty pissed off at anti Palin conservatives.

    Thomas D, Newrouter? any discussion of the King James bible MUST start at my #40. The language was DEAD. Only remnants remained. And since then it’s been translated into HOW many languages?

    Full disclosure? I studied this shit, don’t give a flying you know what because all it does is lead you into a cult.

  84. JHo says:

    See, I’m not certain this is at all accurate. I mean, how much of it is real and how much of it is the part of what the left has thrown against the wall that has stuck?

    You may be right, Jeff. Maybe I’m an idealist about this but it seems she’s already compromised — we’re talking about the ratio of progg bullshit to core principle already. Shouldn’t SP be dispelling all that as the first matter of business?

  85. sdferr says:

    Retorts to the provocations of leftists on the order of Jim Wallis cede ground I’m uncertain we ought to be standing on from the get-go. Damned interesting discussions ensue, to be sure, fascinating to me at least, but distracting from the pertinent issues at hand on the whole.

    Theological discursions in the context of fundamentally political arguments may have their place. It would be well to establish the relevance though, wouldn’t it? At least we ought to make the attempt to ground that place in American political thought, be it classical liberal American thought or Amero-Marxist-NewLeft-Religio thought or whatever other sort might pop up.

  86. LBascom says:

    “She’s already a national laughingstock. ”

    I think maybe you watch too much Letterman.

    Also, what BMoe said…

  87. JHo says:

    you might want to check with big oil in ak on that one

    I’d quit my job and go work in the campaign if she’d vow do to big money in DC and Wall Street what she did to corruption in AK, router. We all would.

    What are those odds? I say one in fifty.

  88. newrouter says:

    Shouldn’t SP be dispelling all that as the first matter of business?

    wouldn’t a autobio be a place to start?

  89. happyfeet says:

    if she’s not a laughingstock then the word has no meaning

  90. happyfeet says:

    Anyone who’s endorsing John McCain is not ever going to be a standard-bearer against corruption in Washington I don’t think.

  91. LBascom says:

    “if she’s not a laughingstock then the word has no meaning”

    Yeah, yeah, and everybody hates Bush.

    All the cool kids anyway…

  92. JHo says:

    Letterman and Olberman and fifty nine other such louts will be the name of that game, LBascom. That’s the point. They worked Baracky’s campaign and they’re very good at it.

    Above, Jeff alludes to the progg machine. They may be defanged a bit but smelling out chinks in the armor is what they do best. Then they twist and lie until the desired effect is achieved. In the face of this Palin is not a strong candidate until she nails a thesis to the door.

  93. Blitz says:

    ‘Sarah Palin quit to pursue fame and fortune in the big city I think Mr. Blitz. ‘

    Happy? I’m glad you responded. But my friend? You’re so off base that the left field umpire just called you out at first.

    SP resigned due to massive and unrelenting ethic attacks that she and her family had to respond to IN COURT. Now Haps, I’m sure you know how expensive lawyers are?

    The left deliberately and VICIOUSLY attacked her over the smallest things. Like wearing a jacket with a logo that her husband Todd was sponsored by in a bbig snowmobile race. Last I heard? their legal bills were 500,00 WHILE she was governor.

    Then? there were folks like Andy (Aidsboy) Sullivan, attacking her damned FAMILY….Haps?

    She’s NOT who you think, and she’s NOT who you think WE think she is. Get your head on straight boy, THINK THIS THING THROUGH.

  94. Jeff G. says:

    That Tebow woman should be ashamed of how she exploited her naive little half-wit on tv for some cheesy political ad. But that woman is fucking shameless… of that I have no doubt.

    Who else’s heart can you see into and declare them subhuman for us, happy?

    This could really save us a lot of time. Quick, make a list. And I’ll start gathering up wood for the burnings.

  95. newrouter says:

    if she’d vow do to big money in DC and Wall Street what she did to corruption in AK

    to get rid of big money in dc it is necessary to downsize gov’t big time both money and regs. is she the person to do it? who knows.

  96. JHo says:

    wouldn’t a autobio be a place to start?

    Or a governor’s office?

  97. happyfeet says:

    Her defense fund would’ve been enough to handle things I think. Maybe I’m wrong. But still, with her stellar record as a half-term governor and some tasty enchiladas she could enjoy some tasty enchiladas I guess. And burble her thinkings on cable news.

    I can see into people’s hearts sometimes Mr. Jeff, and Pam Tebow’s heart is very shriveled and icky. Like year-old sour cream except blacker.

  98. Blitz says:

    Re Tebow. Haps has this abortion thingy going on in his hed…I do also, just the opposite.

    However? I’d REALLY love it explained to me how Tim OR his mom were “exploited”…I mean, I know the meaning of the word, saw the ad…..I don’t see it.

    And if you EVER tell anyone I knew the meaning of any word? you’ll kill my rep so shhhhhh…..

  99. newrouter says:

    Or a governor’s office?

    funny she did more in 1 year as gov of ak to help america than baracky’s done in 1 year as precedent.

  100. happyfeet says:

    hmpph… well I just had a different takeaway from that whole commercial and such I guess Mr. Blitz…

    Maybe I wasn’t the target demographic.

  101. Blitz says:

    WRONG Haps. Her defense fund didn’t start until AFTER the 500,00 (and that ain’t moose bones) kicked in. You’re better (hell everybody is) at finding these thins out, go look for yourself!!!

  102. JHo says:

    Maybe what we’re saying is that American politics are by now so deeply corrupted that there’s no way to reform the fucking cesspool.

    If we’re not, maybe we should be. Thos Jefferson could be elected in 2012 and find himself pushing up daisies all over again once the machine got done with him.

  103. cranky-d says:

    It wasn’t just that she was spending a lot of money defending herself, she was spending most of her time defending herself. But she’s still a cooze because she left, even though it wasn’t likely she would be able to get much more done while in office.

    I get it now. It’s all clear to me.

  104. ThomasD says:

    Blitz, surely you understand that the Jesus we speak of is the Biblical Jesus. That is, the one that exists within the currently available texts. The texts that form the basis for all the widely practiced ‘cults’ that apparently failed to ensnare you.

    That such a Jesus may in fact not be an accurate representation of the actual Jesus is possible, but not exactly the point now is it? Or maybe you missed that concept in your studies?

  105. happyfeet says:

    But that’s not the point Mr. Blitz. By letting herself be hounded out of office, she left the office weaker than she found it I think.

    Are Sarah Palins more or less likely to run for office in Alaska anymore?

    I would guess less. Because the first one bailed. Like a coward. Or hay.

  106. cranky-d says:

    I’m going to get some more wood for that burning of heretics Jeff is planning. Hopefully we’ll have a weenie roast and make s’mores afterwards.

  107. JHo says:

    funny she did more in 1 year as gov of ak to help america than baracky’s done in 1 year as precedent.

    Of course she did. Which wasn’t the point.

    SP has a credibility problem. What portion of it is manufactured and what portion of it is earned isn’t the question. The question is is she electable and if elected, would she be effective.

  108. Blitz says:

    You know Happy? I’m just a stupid mechanic, have no idea of advertising or the corporate world, but that ad? I saw nothing wrong with it, I saw no bias in either direction. The first? bored me. the 2nd? made me laugh. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m your average consumer? so lighten up, ok?

  109. happyfeet says:

    Jesus we like.

  110. Mr. W says:

    Your arguments for and against Palin assume that the current socio-political landscape will endure the abuse it is suffering at the hands of the Leninists currently in power.

    I find your naive optomism heart-warming, but the better question would be: Who could better lead violent groups in bitter factional fighting once Obama has reduced the fragile republican construct to ashes? Chuck Norris, Jeff Goldstein, or Mickey Rourke?

    I look forward to listening to the steady ‘Thock!’ of the guillotines as they work overtime in downtown DC. After all, we have our very own ‘homegrown’ version of French aristocrats in the Nation’s Capitol, and they all so admire the French way of doing things!

  111. Blitz says:

    NOT A COWARD Happy….NOT AT ALL….It took more courage for her to do that than you or I or most folks here are capable of. No, You’ll keep disparaging her….I don’t wish to fight you Haps, so I’ll refrain and disengage.

  112. Blitz says:

    Mr.W? The proletariat is ready

  113. cranky-d says:

    Burn the witch! Burn her!

  114. JHo says:

    Jesus we like.

    Jesus could run with Thos. Jefferson and turn His back on DC in nine months.

    So maybe SP is the real deal. I just want to know how one tells such things, which is to ask where’s the evidence? Jesus left no doubt whatsoever. To a large degree, Thos. neither.

  115. cranky-d says:

    I don’t know about you guys, but I’m making my angry mob shopping list, and it includes Squid™ brand torches and pitchforks. If that doesn’t work out, well, I have the stuff to take it to the next level.

  116. JHo says:

    It took more courage for her to do that than you or I or most folks here are capable of.

    If she left office out of a consummate strategy, agreed. If shit is as messed up as I always preach it is, doubly so. When do we see what she’s running on now, Blitz, if not whistle stops and baseball caps?

  117. Blitz says:

    Thomas D re your #104.

    I studied the languages, saw how the translation was done.THAT my friend was what got me OUT of the cult ( The WAY, Ohio)…..I don’t really know how to respond to the rest, although I never said Jesus said a damned word!!!!

  118. sdferr says:

    Let’s say I’m kinda fond of Moshe and somewhat less of Jesus? Is that ok? Or is the theology gonna count hard here?

  119. happyfeet says:

    Sarah Palin is it cold in your little corner of the world?

  120. carin says:

    Carin!!…you got another TY above, and please explain re SP? I like her, think shes a good spokesperson, but would not vote for her. Is that about right?

    Yep, I saw that and I tried to reply with a smileyface, but it didn’t show up. :) There is it again.

    I like Sarah and don’t judge her as harshly as HF. McCain. Of course. She did screw up some interviews (not ready for prime time.) Too much Sarah Hate. I think she needs to go away, age/mature a bit and then come back.

    I think she’s sensible and reasonable, and really represents your average conservative woman, and I get my hackles up when the attacks come, because they’re (basically) attacking me as well. But, I don’t see her leading Rs to victory. And, we’ve seen what happens when conservatives teach the Republican party a lesson.

  121. newrouter says:

    she left the office weaker than she found it I think.

    sarah put her lt gov who supports her agenda in the gov’s seat. she had her swiss cake roll and ate it too

  122. happyfeet says:

    see this is why I say she’s an identity politics thingy

  123. newrouter says:

    Sarah Palin is it cold in your little corner of the world?

    its cold in ak who knew?

  124. baxtrice says:

    But she hasn’t renounced the presidency and I have a problem with that.

    this reminds me of an argument I had with a professor during the’08 primaries- he was railing against Hillary and how she should drop out for Obama to win. Far be it from me to defend Hillary, but I told him last time I checked, this was still a free country and could run if she pleased.

    Now, let’s apply that to Palin. I have not made my mind up about her, but condemning her for confirming/not confirming she’s going to make a White House run seems, well wrong. She can run if she wants. It’s freaking America and you don’t have to vote for her.

  125. happyfeet says:

    I really do like that Mitch Daniels one. He has very limited charisma and he’s been quite the doer.

  126. Blitz says:

    ‘When do we see what she’s running on now, Blitz, if not whistle stops and baseball caps?’

    See what you’re doing Jho? RUNNING ON….she’s not running sir, she’s simply talking and taking on (are they called memes?) democratic talking points. That is ALL she’s doing. Why can’t you Palin haters SEE that? It’s so bloody obvious.

  127. newrouter says:

    see this is why I say she’s an identity politics thingy

    swiss cake rolls?

  128. baxtrice says:

    Ugh… HTML FAIL. I denounce myself

  129. JHo says:

    If she’s not running why is she topical, Blitz?

  130. happyfeet says:

    She can run if she wants but the thing is… we’ve come to this moment, baxtrice… this moment where people find it quite plausible that she could win. That Sarah Palin is … presidential.

    God help us. I mourn and mourn.

    I blame the little president man mostly, but Sarah has to take some responsibility for this as well.

  131. Blitz says:

    Crap…I owe Carin ANOTHER TY….what’s that now, like 502? See # 120 for a person who can defend in perspective.

  132. newrouter says:

    I really do like that Mitch Daniels

    barbershop quartet charisma

  133. Blitz says:

    SARAH PALIN WILL NOT RUN,WILL NOT ACCEPT THE NOMINATION, AND CANNOT WIN…..Ok Happy? We accept that….sheesh. Give it a rest Haps. Nobody here as far as I can tell WANTS her.

    Now stop it or I will type in all caps again!!

  134. JHo says:

    See, Jeff Goldstein you debate on points. Glenn Beck you debate on teevee. Limbaugh, Rush you debate on radio. Secproggitus you debate into the ground.

    What does Sarah Palin debate? What does SP represent? If she’s a rock star, she doesn’t interest me. If she’s the Tea Party’s chosen one, to what aim or end? Is she representative of something, somewhere, or someone? Throw us a bone here.

  135. Blitz says:

    Jho, she’s topical because the MSM WANT her to be topical. She’s a distraction/division.

  136. happyfeet says:

    ok Blitz, and I feel very comfortable letting Mr. Howard run with the baton a bit and he sets a much more better tone than I do anyway

  137. Blitz says:

    Ok Jho. I’ll give you one. DRILL HER DRILL NOW….Now you tell ME how that will benifit our little country…

  138. JHo says:


  139. Blitz says:

    OOPS….possibly a Fruedian slip….HERE ( dumb mechanic non typist here)

  140. newrouter says:

    What does Sarah Palin debate?

    well the bitter clinger said this today:

    Nonstop D.C. Nonsense: Drilling Down on Energy Doublespeak
    Today at 1:04pm
    It may be tempting to feel worn down as we take one step after another towards the “fundamental transformation of America” that Barack Obama promised. But we mustn’t let our energy be sapped, even in the face of the mind-boggling leap the Obama Administration just took that fundamentally shifts us towards more reliance on foreign energy sources. Hang on to your hat and take a look at this.

    Months ago I discussed Washington’s decision to allow U.S. dollars to flow to Brazil for that nation’s off-shore oil drilling projects, while D.C.’s attitude towards America’s own offshore developments appeared less-than-enthusiastic. We gained hope though when our President promised in his State of the Union address that he’d be “making tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development.” Most of us optimistically assumed that “making tough decisions” meant allowing at least some offshore drilling. In fact, on national television that night I said that the President deserved kudos for acknowledging our need for domestic energy development in his speech.

    Turns out that was just more drilling doublespeak: America has been snookered again.

    While everyone has been focused on Obamacare, the Obama administration took advantage of America’s distraction and quietly said that it’s planning to place a hold on offshore drilling on the outer continental shelf until at least 2012.

    At a time when our country is desperate for job growth, deficit reduction, and energy independence, it’s simply astonishing that the administration refuses to allow additional offshore drilling, even while supporting energy development in foreign countries.


  141. B Moe says:

    Now that was a fucking typo, right there.

  142. JHo says:

    Drilling the perimeter of ‘feet’s little country warms my cockles, Blitz. As would drilling a hole through the bottom of the cesspool in another place not on the perimeter.

  143. Blitz says:

    Lord of all Typos Bmoe, should probably go into the revoling thingy up there…And I’m really GOOD at typos? That was the best.

  144. Blitz says:

    Not sure what you mean by that Jho, can you elaborate please?

  145. JHo says:

    Doesn’t George Will Facebook? Or is he syndicated.

  146. newrouter says:

    we’ll she was talking about drill her drill now today

  147. JHo says:

    We should drill, Blitz. Palin is right. About that, so are you. Me too. Job One should be Job One if we’re not going to go all third world in our lifetimes.

  148. Blitz says:

    No facebook, my MYSPCE says “I don’t want any friends, just got this to watch out for my teen daughters.

  149. newrouter says:

    Doesn’t George Will Facebook?

    could imagine the trolls on a sarah blog? she’d have to resign from blogspot and move to facebook

  150. Blitz says:

    Jho? I don’t wnt, nor would vote for her. however, that’s NOT a problem. she is not running, nor has she stated any desire to do so. I only like her because she talk for folk like me.

  151. ThomasD says:

    There were more than a few of us here who were rooting for Fred Thompson last time around. He debated, he brought out position papers, he made learned arguments. He (briefly) ran the kind of campaign that -for decades- all the media swells had been saying they wanted to see.

    He was ignored, or ridiculed, or they made fun of his wife, or if not any of those then we were told he has no ‘fire in his belly’ etc. etc. lather rinse repeat.

  152. happyfeet says:

    I was pro-Fred. Then he dropped out and endorsed Meghan’s daddy.

    That was abusive.

  153. Blitz says:

    Jho? You do strike me as a guy that’s done the whole hunting/fishing thing, so I will say this. I onnect w/SP because she’s a normal. well adjusted AMERICAN.

    What I mean ny that? is simply a person that grew up on say? a farm? or in the woods, or maybe even in the city that enjoyed time in nature. HARD for me to explain as I don’t have the vocab you do? Suffice it to say that WE connect with HER.

  154. Blitz says:

    I was, and still am WAY pro-Fred

  155. B Moe says:

    On a lighter note, did you hear Chris Dodd has a new banking reform bill up?

    Take a guess at his solution:

    • A- Expand government.
    • B- Expand government
    • C- Expand government
    • D- All of the above

  156. Blitz says:

    TD? He was thrown out early by the MSM. ridiculed to the point of slander. What else could he have done?

  157. bh says:

    Okay, maybe there is some identity politics going on.

  158. bh says:

    Oh shit, B Moe.

    I’m going to get a drink before I click your link.

  159. Blitz says:

    Bmoe? I have to go with “E” as D has nothing to do with it

  160. ThomasD says:

    Blits, I’m not criticizing Fred, I’m just drawing a parallel to certain types of media ‘expectations.’

  161. Blitz says:

    Already read it bh, on my 4th beer

  162. ThomasD says:

    Sorry, blitz

  163. Blitz says:

    I know that TD, sorry if I didn’t make my point clear. I was shitting on the media.

  164. newrouter says:


    why don’t you debate palin? she produces material on a regular basis via facebook.

  165. ThomasD says:

    Fourth beer? I used to call that happy hour, now I call it bedtime.

  166. McGehee says:

    I think the media’s biased input is going to have an extremely different impact on 2012 than it had in 2008. I think if anything should give happyfeet nightmares of a Sarah Palin presidency it should be if the lamestream media resume their howling insane Palin-bashing at the first hint she might run.

    That’s another reason people on our side who oppose her might want to moderate their tone.

  167. Blitz says:

    New? he couldn’t. their respective expertise is so far apart that he’d be yelling apples, she’d be yelling oranges.

    That is not an insult to you Jho, as I believe that you could hold your own in your particular expertise ( Child court) and MAYBE economics, but not much else.

  168. Blitz says:

    TD? me too, but? I so want Happy to be happy….

  169. happyfeet says:

    I’m so much more happy then I was I think. I was a lot put out for a spell there.

  170. Blitz says:

    Oh, we know and saw that my friend. I do not wish to know why, nor how you’re getting happier, hawever, a suggestion?

    TEXAS NEEDS YOU…..Cali is killing you buddy.

  171. B Moe says:

    Here are the highlights of Palin’s latest fundraiser speech.

    No mention of the Baby Jesus or abortions at all that I can see, just a lot of Outlaw! rabble rousing.

    “… the message we’re going to send is ‘Chosen ones, you’re fired!’ And we cannot wait for those midterm elections in November to send that message.”

    America!  Fuck yeah!

  172. B Moe says:

    TEXAS NEEDS YOU…..Cali is killing you buddy.

    My thoughts exactly. You are starting to believe the hype, buddy.

  173. happyfeet says:

    Thank you Mr. Blitz… I came very close… but California still needs me more for sure… but I can bail if it gets really really really really stupid.

    Can we fire Michael Steele too?

  174. LBascom says:

    I don’t think we should vote for anyone the media doesn’t hate.

  175. Darleen says:

    This has nothing to do with her viability as a candidate for me. This is about letting the media and the opposition define candidates.

    Over the past, what, 30 years? Anyone non-left is dismissed as stupid. American voters are to be presented with only a new American Aristocracy to pretend to vote for and that enlightened bunch comes solely from the Left.

    Joy Behr has her own television show … nuf said.

  176. Pablo says:

    I think if anything should give happyfeet nightmares of a Sarah Palin presidency it should be if the lamestream media resume their howling insane Palin-bashing at the first hint she might run.

    Yup. And if it ain’t Sarah, it’ll be someone else. There will always be someone for you to be ashamed of…or so you’ll be told.

    But then sometimes strange things happen and it’s cookies for racists. And extra security at the door, no doubt.

  177. Blitz says:

    McGehee? Don’t you think they’re already doubling down?

    Everything I’ve seen, which is admittedly very little and only in print, has been a hack on the hillbilly type of thing, or an “elite” republican “hacin’ on them thar’ hillbillies” type o’ thing.

    Do you honestlt believe they’ll start straight reporting? I sure as the sun shines id the eas DO NOT.

  178. happyfeet says:

    I don’t want to believe the hype. Hype is for activa eaters.

  179. Pablo says:

    I don’t think we should vote for anyone the media doesn’t hate.


  180. newrouter says:

    the problem this side has is what to do after taking power? i say set the federal gov’t spending to: 1988, 1995, 2000?(inflation adjusted) don’t know?
    just smaller gov’t.

  181. Darleen says:

    Yeah, Sarah Palin is stooooopid…

    but it was Barry O! today that told a handpicked and cheering crown that Sweeney Nan’s healthcare bill would reduce the premiums employers pay for insurance 3,000% and then they’d get a raise!!!

    Wow, real smart person there.

  182. happyfeet says:

    I think the media would find the strange new respect until she was safely nominated… I think they’d quietly salivate over the idea of beating her cause it would be an explicit repudiation of everything they hate in a way that Meghan’s daddy couldn’t satisfy.

    hey this is kinda sexy

  183. bh says:

    America! Fuck Yeah!


  184. happyfeet says:

    *activia* I mean

  185. Blitz says:

    Happy? Me to you my friend…If I didn’t have children in school? I’d be in Maine in a heartbeat of a cocaine user…

    As soon as Tiner is done HS, we’re going there. Higher property taxes, but MORE FREEDOM!!!! I get the guns, the guts and the glory, already OWN the property straight out (sound familiar?)

    Get thee to Texas

  186. happyfeet says:

    Maine sounds wonderful really. But Texas someday for sure.

  187. Pablo says:

    She was just on the ticket for exactly that trip through the meadow, ‘feets. But they can’t do it with her like they did with Maverick. They hate her too much. You understand.

  188. happyfeet says:

    I guess they might just couldn’t help themselves. Sarah can be very inspiring like that.

  189. Blitz says:

    No Happy, she’s not. MAYBE in ’16, IF we all survive that long, but not in ’12.

    PABLO!!!….another TY TY TY owed. Haven’t gotten the kit yet, but I trust TH

  190. Blitz says:

    Oh shoot…Haps? Tiner got accepted to UmaineOrano, that’s why we’re going there. Her as a student, me as a grand dad, and Ysabelle as a 2 year old….you do the math!!!

  191. easyliving1 says:

    I think Sarah Palin would have affected much more change nationlly had she stayed in Alaska spending 80% of her time defending frivolous lawsuits. This idea that she can just go around the country helping elect people like Rubio as opposed to Christ and help out people like Rand Paul is fucking moronic. Just take what Rand Paul said:

    “Governor Palin is providing tremendous leadership as the Tea Party movement and constitutional conservatives strive to take our country back,” Rand Paul said in a statement. “Sarah Palin is a giant in American politics. I am proud to receive her support.”

    Paul also acknowledged that he “has received a generous donation from Governor Palin’s PAC.”

    Can you believe how stupid and uninformed this candidate is? Doesn’t he know Sarah Palin can’t affect change unless she’s governor in AK? What the hell is money or press coverage good for in a campaign anyway?

  192. Blitz says:

    Easy? is your mind deluded or your eyes clouded? NO WAY could she have stayed on. I explained that once, please scroll up.

  193. bh says:

    Blitz, I believe easyliving1 is being sarcastic.

  194. Blitz says:

    Pablo, was it you or RTO that tuerned me into Thein? Still confused over that, but TY

  195. newrouter says:

    This idea that she can just go around the country helping elect people like Rubio as opposed to Christ

    yes some crist with mccain and french fries on the side

  196. bh says:

    It’s a great point, by the way, easy. My main concern about Palin leaving Alaska was my fear that it increased the odds of future frivolous lawsuits driving others from office. Hadn’t really considered the national PAC money trade off she gained.

  197. Blitz says:

    I’d hope so bh, just wasn’t sure? today was a REALLY bad day at the Army, not in the mood for sarcasm.

  198. Joe says:

    Toyota has 0% sixty month financing on selected models. You can put down a $100 and walk out with a decent car with no interest. That is huge.

    Now the competitors are trying to match it.

  199. happyfeet says:

    congratulations!@! Maine I’ve never even been to…

  200. newrouter says:

    i’m watching “rockford files” on hulu. its about a place called california and it was nice place in the ’70s

  201. Joe says:

    I like Sarah, but she really is not running for president. Not this time around. And even if she does run she will likely not win. She may have a future in national politics, but it is not now and I think she knows that.

    She can have far more play and influence backing candidates now rather than being one.

  202. Blitz says:

    This idea that she can just go around the country helping elect people like Rubio as opposed to Christ

    Yeah , I know who posted this. I still will NOT give up on him. Just like I never gave up on my dad ( who refused to talk to me after the 2004 elections, and still hasn’t)

  203. Blitz says:

    WTF? I typed more than that…

  204. Joe says:

    newrouter, if California is so nice why does Jim Rockford live in a trailer–with his old man? I mean, in the seventies houses in California were still kind of affordable. What gives?

  205. Pablo says:

    Alaska looks to be doing OK without Sarah and both she and the state have saved a lot of cash and wasted effort. That is the state of affairs she left behind when she quit.

    What’s the problem with that, again? And who’s having it, exactly?

  206. newrouter says:

    newrouter, if California is so nice why does Jim Rockford live in a trailer

    yo beach front property dude ;)

  207. Jeff G. says:

    Jim Rockford liked where he lived. On the beach. With a bar / restaurant across the parking lot.

    Hell, for a single guy, he was living the dream.

  208. Jeff G. says:

    I’ve been re-watching the entire series on DVD.

    Rockford was always my favorite TV character. I want to be him. Instead, my wife tells me I’m Hank Moody. Without all the pussy.

  209. Blitz says:

    Haps? in about a year we’ll be settled. It;s a place high on a hill overlooking both Spednic (Canada) and Long (US) lakes. Windy as all hell, and I need to add a bedroom, but the addition regulation/bribes/taxes ON the bribes up there? nonexistant. About 4 acres of straight up and down come with it. I’d be PROUD to have you as my 1st houseguest.

  210. carin says:

    Baha haaa haaa:

    Look at the photos of the coffee parties, notice something (mostly) missing?

    Does this reflect racial hostility? Absolutely not.

    Why isn’t MSNBC going crazy over the “white” crowds. Why isn’t blogger SEK counting non-white faces?

    Because the race card only works in one direction.

  211. Blitz says:

    Shit. I’m a single guy, with a bar across the street that I never go to….Is it the car or the trailer that brings thhe chicks in???

  212. happyfeet says:

    road trip!! That would be awesome…

  213. Blitz says:

    Or maybe the proper spelling?

  214. newrouter says:

    with his old man

    nah rocky had his own house

  215. newrouter says:

    Rockford was always my favorite TV character.

    i could see you as that. with more snark.

  216. newrouter says:

    the goldstein files? oh that might be interesting no?

  217. Blitz says:

    I see Jeff more as David Carradine in Kung Fu, but without the …not patience, maybe…hell, I dunno. What is the word for not putting up with bullshit TO A POINT….?

  218. bh says:

    The Goldstein Files would never make it past the network censors.

    Maybe HBO. After midnight.

  219. Blitz says:

    New? NO. What happens w. Goldstein STAYS w/ Goldstein.

    Unless of courese the Dillo writes a biography…

  220. ThomasD says:

    with a bar across the street that I never go to

    Son that ain’t right. The only walking-distance-from-home bar that I never went to was Icks in Browning, MT. I wasn’t on the guest list.

  221. Jeff G. says:

    I’ve been casually looking around, seeing where a lot of the old regular commenters landed. Found about 6 of them in that Althouse thread.

    Let’s go on a hunt. Where are all the old pw commenters?

    List them here. Maybe I’ll have a one day sale and try to win a few back. Because lord knows I ain’t gonna get linked by any of the higher traffic sites. Seems the ones who despise me most have the mostest traffic.

    I try not to believe that means anything.

  222. bh says:

    What’s the problem with that, again? And who’s having it, exactly?

    I’ll admit to having that problem, Pablo. Just in the game theory sense. If something works, keep doing it. With something being frivolous lawsuits. But, if she successfully helps kick the hell out of them in Nov, with appearances and fundraising, I’ll admit it, I was wrong.

    Confirmation bias of a model essentially. I tend to think of politics as simple prisoner’s dilemmas without considering how the model doesn’t exactly fit and lateral moves are possible.

  223. Dillo says:

    Don’t tempt me

    This asshole won’t let me use the pens, keeps me away from the dolphins and won’t let me have the keys to the liquor cabinet anymore.

    I’m stuck here doing interviews with Ted Kennedy’s head and Nancy Pelosis’ botox suppliers…


  224. bh says:

    Lots of ’em over at Ace’s, Jeff.

  225. Dillo says:

    Al I’ve seen are still here, but? Theo Spark, Maggies farm and Greatsatans girlfriend

  226. Jeff G. says:

    Give names, please.

    For instance, remember Cowboy? He was putting together a book based on my archives. Now, he won’t return my emails. Of course, Ace doesn’t, either. But then, he’s all super cool and conservativey, from what I hear. So who can blame him?

  227. Dillo says:

    almost 11 in Satans time ( I HATE DST) so I bid y’all g’nite.

  228. B Moe says:

    MayBee used to be at Just One Minute, but I haven’t been over there much so I don’t know if she still is. I miss her sense of humor.

  229. bh says:

    The first two that popped into my head still comment over here, Jeff.

  230. easyliving1 says:

    “Hadn’t really considered the national PAC money trade off she gained.”

    Precisely. If you consider what she’s doing, not just talking about, but doing, you will understand how much more powerful and consequential she has become after she left office in AK.

    So, consider it. Now, if you are willing to argue she would be more impactful today were she still in office, that’s wrong: She couldn’t raise as much money or bring attention to as many people and causes as she has if she were still governor in AK.

    If, however, you are arguing that she would be a stronger potential candidate had she comleted her term, I (and most everyone) agree.

    Do you comprehend the difference between these two concepts?

    On a side note, Blitz I like you — I can look into your heart and tell it’s good (but only you do I have that ability to judge for some reason) — and please don’t be offended but constantly calling yourself a stupid mechanic is insulting to mechanics and falsely humble. If you could recognize that it comes across as almost anti-ingratiating to some (maybe just me I guess) I don’t think you would do it as much. Read Shop Class as Soulcraft, then try Ann Coulter’s latest column about paper copiers with ego complexes (AKA attorneys).

    Nobody likes to see their friends put down, even by other friends (or themselves).

  231. easyliving1 says:

    Karl is at Hot Air and Dan is at POWIP.

    You are indeed welcome.

  232. happyfeet says:

    I tracked down Mr. Al Maviva one day but he was very on the sub rosa. It’s a job thing I guess. He was a good guy. Also the loverly louchette I buzz every once in awhile. Pretty sure she’s not commenting anywhere. She might go to Scandinavia in a bit, which is far. Merovign came by the other day and slapped me in the face with his glove. I said hello. Ouch. That was that.

  233. bh says:

    I have more old school memories.

    Other than here, nowadays, I only occasionally read some comments at AoS. I guess some econblogs but no one really comments on those anyways.

  234. bh says:

    I should send louchette an email. She’s cool.

  235. happyfeet says:

    what is a good econblog to read?

  236. bh says:

    marginal revolution, cafe hayek, mankiw, chicago boyz, becker/posner… could give you a few more if you want, ‘feets.

    Brad Delong for lulz.

  237. dicentra says:

    Jesus left no doubt whatsoever.

    It’s hard to know if that’s true. He did have a tendency to talk in code (parables and figures) so that only the ones with ears to hear would get the message. And we don’t know how many other manuscripts similar to the four gospels were written and then excluded or destroyed.

    History is hard to reconstruct, on account of most of our footprints blow away the next day.

    When do we see what she’s running on now, Blitz, if not whistle stops and baseball caps?

    What would you like to see at this stage? Maybe she’s running for Chief Gadfly instead of POTUS.

    Also, I don’t relate to Sarah at all except where we both were born in the Mountain Time Zone within 100 days of each other.

    I don’t hunt or fish or field-dress elk or snowmobile or have a rural-sounding accent. But I do like the drill HERE drill now and her ability to make all the right people (and some of the wrong ones) go utterly berserk.

    Haven’t made up my mind about her as a POTUS candidate, but then, I don’t think she has, either.

  238. Merovign says:

    Umm, Happs, that wasn’t a glove.


    Seriously, you were hilarious until you turned into Alanis Morissette. Just kinda funny after that.

  239. dicentra says:

    Maine I’ve never even been to…

    When I was an infant, while we lived in Providence, my parents took me on a road trip throughout New England and drove a perfunctory mile into Maine just to say we’d been there.

  240. bh says:

    In re Delong (h/t sdferr for in re), real economists don’t put their name to silliness like this.

    Shit like that… put to print… in public… is… really fucking stupid.

  241. dicentra says:

    Seems the ones who despise me most have the mostest traffic.

    I wasn’t going to say anything, but they did a study and found that indeed, those bloggers who had shat the most on Jeff Goldstein were getting all the sweet traffic and links.

    If you’re wondering about thor, I know where he went, but then, we all do.

  242. happyfeet says:

    we live not in funny times I don’t think, M… the revolution will not be marginal…

  243. sdferr says:

    I’m not sure but that the revolution isn’t always marginal and always unremarked hf. But could be there’s more than one revolution floating around in that pool.

  244. […] to Congressional DemocratsUndecided Congressional Democrats Summoned to White House for Arm-TwistingYou Stupid Hick Tea-Baggers Need to Learn From the Sophisticated Elite at the New RepublicSmitty will be attending Tuesday’s rally on Capitol Hill and relaying reports with photos and […]

  245. Joe says:

    Comment by Jeff G. on 3/15 @ 8:19 pm #

    Jim Rockford liked where he lived. On the beach. With a bar / restaurant across the parking lot.

    Hell, for a single guy, he was living the dream.

    Okay. I forgot about the beach and bar. Come to think of it, I remember rocky hanging out and talking about halibut fishing.

    Beach and bar? Living the dream?

  246. happyfeet says:

    marginal revolution is depressing

  247. sdferr says:

    so is the loss of a once great nation

  248. Pablo says:

    The revolution is already on. We should find out who wins this week.

  249. bh says:

    Welcome to econ, ‘feets.

    Should you choose this for a career, you will first have your soul stolen by mva and then replaced in demon form by econometrics.

    Then, if you’re lucky, you’ll teach others to despair the time-honored tradition of creating that new kernel of misery within every new season of happiness.

  250. bh says:

    Too much?

  251. Joe says:

    At least Beth Davenport occasionally hopped in the sack with Jimbo, the same can’t be said for the show listed above.

    I looked it up on imdb and David Chase was a writer for the Rockford files.

  252. Merovign says:

    If you actually seek to understand economics as behavior observed, bh, the loss of the soul is not required.

    Apologies if this news reaches you late.

    :D because ironically pointless loss of a human soul is funny. If you’re French. And you don’t shave.

  253. bh says:

    I was all hopped up on stimulants at the time, Mero.

    Seemed like a good trade.

  254. dicentra says:

    I love it when Glenn Beck gets that glint in his eye.

    Oh, it’s popcorn time all right. Wallis is a left-winger who thinks that Jesus was a lefty, too. Must have been confused by the long hair and sandals.

  255. sdferr says:

    A hair-raising (for me) summation from Clarice over at JOM:

    From a friend
    Campaign Carl just said it is going to pass.

    Karl Rove said 60/40 against – but, he said, don’t bet on it.

    Hannity says no way it will pass. Says he has the congressmen and their phone, fax and email up on his website who are for and against and he’s been getting calls all day from those on the yes side saying they aren’t on the yes side.

    Rick Santorum says he it will get passed only because Pelosi has “tools” to make it happen.

    John Fund says yes, it will pass.

    Stupak still says he has 12 votes no. Two days ago he was crying because they were all being taken in one at a time and came out yes votes.

    I still say NO.


  256. serr8d says:

    Jeff, I see RiverCocytus over at Gagdad Bob’s on occasion. But I don’t get around all that much. I seldom read Ace’s or HotAir, where comments are too plentiful, and Allahpundit is annoying. Oh, I did see TmjUtah today over at Dennis the Peasant’s, who is an always interesting read.

  257. ian cormac says:

    AS the Chinese say, feets interesting times, something out of Creedence Clearwater Revival

  258. dicentra says:

    Though I’m at a loss to explain how Jeff missed out on this challenge. Dan tackled it.

    Maybe it was just too obvious/sleezy/subtle/overdone. How should I know?

  259. The Tea Party people are upset about Sarah Palin? Oh, hell yes.

    You should hear the yelling whenever she shows up, and the footstomping, the throwing things in the air…

  260. bh says:

    Please, please, please let this be true.

  261. dicentra says:

    Being short on the votes again?

    Please, please, please let this be true.

    All it means is that they’ll keep whipping the dead horse despite the fact that it’s flesh has long been torn off the bones and et by critters large and small.

    They won’t take no for an answer.

    And if they appear to back down now, you can bet the farm that they’ll slip pieces of the bill into other bills, hoping we won’t notice.

    In the Internet age.

    Yes, they’re that arrogant.

  262. Merovign says:

    Ideally: Pass it through chicanery and it gets shut down by courts and public outrage.
    Less ideally: Fails to pass, keeps coming up forever.
    Worst: Passes, unsuccessful challenge.

    Kind of stating the obvious, but there you go.

  263. sdferr says:

    Neither side is claiming 216 firm or greater yet, so we’re left hanging on to hopes. Hates them, hates them all.

  264. bour3 says:

    The thing that flat pisses me off about SP is she’s more a man than I could hope to be and she looks ten times better in Naughty Monkeys. Bitch.

  265. geoffb says:

    Is this on that bill that had the PDF up last night or is it just another go round on the Senate bill?

    What will be the crunch is the one after they slice and dice it through the Rules Committee and add that special “rule”.

  266. alppuccino says:

    But that’s not the point Mr. Blitz. By letting herself be hounded out of office, she left the office weaker than she found it I think.

    If true, it might be a feature. As I look down upon my most prized “Miss me yet?” GWB t-shirt, I’m reminded that my man George stood strong on providing for the common defense while all but 300 were running for the hills based on the “cool factor” of supporting this “chimp-like loser warmongering ANG service faker”. But I don’t recall where he told everyone who would listen that unless they pass comprehensive immigration reform, his legacy as the greatest one term president in the history of great one term presidents would be ruined and you wouldn’t want that would you?

    Because he wasn’t in it to be the greatest “whatever”. He was called by history and he answered.

    But tit for tat, chimp for champ, that chimp Obama has called history and said, “History, you need to recognize my blackness as the most important criterion when judging my presidency”. And history will. History will remember Obama as the 1st black president, and the greatest black president, and thanks only to Obama himself, the only black president in the history of the United States.

    And before you mention a Col. Allen West type, don’t forget, if we’re lucky enough to have Allen West as president someday or a black man who is like minded, the media will dig up a distant white ancestor and give you “not really black. His great-grandfather’s cousin was half white.”

    My dream is that history remembers Obama for the idiot he is.

  267. Carin says:

    I can’t tell where commenters have gone. My little circle of reading grows ever tighter. This. Hostages. Everything else my reading can be best described as sampling.

  268. Danger says:

    what is a good econblog to read?


    Not purely econ but I like Flip Pidot (suitably flip dot com)

  269. Danger says:

    “For instance, remember Cowboy?”


    I’ve seen Cowboy over at POWIP once or twice in the last month.

  270. Slartibartfast says:

    I’m still with you, Jeff, and have been for nearly as long as you’ve been blogging.

    But I am not important, nor do I ever aspire to be.

  271. JHo says:

    Same goes for me, Slart, only for not as long. If I knew anything about anything but child court and economics, now that’d mean something.

  272. Cowboy says:


    I emailed you this morning (and tried to explain why it took so long to get back to you).

    Oh, and this is still the first site I read every day. I don’t know why I don’t comment as much as I used to, but it certainly doesn’t have anything to do with being too cool or too “conservativey”!

    I learn a lot here–especially, though not exclusively when you are commenting regularly. To be frank, though, (and I’m not saying this out of false modesty) I don’t think my comments have ever contributed much to the conversation, so I just lurk and read.

  273. alppuccino says:

    Is it wrong that I think I’m the most important commenter here? I mean, I hang on my every word.

  274. Bob Reed says:

    The generosity with which you bestow upon us your wisdoms and witticism are like pearls before swine Al…

    Seriously, sometimes I think you should put some of your quips together and develop a stand-up act. I mean, get paid for ruining computer monitors with beverage spray, instead of soing it pro-bono

    That’s capitalism, bro!

    All the best, al.

  275. alppuccino says:

    way too kind

    But thanks Bob.

  276. Hadlowe says:

    I suspect, like me, alot of the old commenters are lurking, waiting for our moment to pounce. But we don’t want to announce it. There’s nothing worse than an announced pounce.

    Except maybe butter pickles.

  277. Jeff G. says:

    I’m like a Jewish mother. I have an irrational need to know where all my peoples are at all times. So I can find them and guilt them into loving me.

  278. Joe says:

    Jeff, super cool and conservativeyTM has a certain ring to it.

  279. Joe says:

    Jeff, but you balance that Jewish mother thing with matzoh balls of wisdom flavored in a rich broth of protein and schmaltz.

  280. McGehee says:

    Maybe we could do a chat room kind of thing:

    <McGehee is lurking>

  281. McGehee says:

    …better still with ominous cello music.

  282. DarthRove says:

    OT: An article and interview with Edith Grossman, modern translator of Latin American literature and Don Quixote (from Insty). Thought it might be interesting to both JeffG. and dicentra.

    Oh, and Treacher sez environmentalists are dicks. Heh.

  283. DarthRove says:

    Which reminds me of my one and only Jewish mother joke:

    Q: How many Jewish mothers does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None, bubulah. I’ll just sit here, in the dark, going blind.

  284. guinsPen says:

    Albert Brooks: Six months to live, Doc, what am I gonna do?

    Doctor: Marry a Jewish girl and move to Kansas, it’ll be the longest six months of your life.

  285. Squid says:

    I only comment out of a sense of obligation to everyone who’s helping me sell my wares in these tough economic conditions.

  286. Barack Obama says:

    Jews have mothers?

  287. Yackums says:

    al is hung on his every word?

    “…and they was right!”

    I denounce myself.

  288. Morris Maynard says:

    “The Enemy still lacks one thing to give him strength and knowledge to beat down all resistance, break the last defences, and cover all the lands in a second darkness. He lacks the One Ring… So he is seeking it, seeking it, and all his thought is bent on it.”

    Tolkien, J.R.R., (1954), The Fellowship of the Ring, “The Shadow of the Past”

    As for Sauron’s “fair motives”, Tolkien emphasized that at this time he “was not indeed wholly evil, not unless all ‘reformers’ who want to hurry up with ‘reconstruction’ and ‘reorganization’ are wholly evil, even before pride and the lust to exert their will eat them up”. Carpenter, Humphrey, ed. (1981), The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, p. 190, ISBN 0-395-31555-7

    “[T]hough the only real good in, or rational motive for, all this ordering and planning and organization was the good of all inhabitants of Arda (even admitting Sauron’s right to be their supreme lord), his ‘plans’, the idea coming from his own isolated mind, became the sole object of his will, and an end, the End, in itself. … [H]is capability of corrupting other minds, and even engaging their service, was a residue from the fact that his original desire for ‘order’ had really envisaged the good estate (especially physical well-being) of his ‘subjects’.” Tolkien, J. R. R. (1993), Christopher Tolkien, ed., Morgoth’s Ring, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, p. 397-398, ISBN 0-395-68092-1

    There was another weakness: if the One Ring was actually unmade, annihilated, then its power would be dissolved, Sauron’s own being would be diminished to vanishing point, and he would be reduced to a shadow, a mere memory of malicious will. – Letters (op. cit.)

  289. tehag says:

    The TNR picture exposes the virulent hated of capitalism, freedom, democracy, liberty, and science by the left, which opposes them all with the ideology of Socialism. Under Woodrow Wilson, opponents of his policies were beaten by government-paid mobs. Under Franklin Roosevelt, opponents of his policies were rounded up in concentration camps. Should Commandante Zero achieve the powers of Wilson and Roosevelt, expect, given the hatred of “tea-baggers and rethuglicans,” (that is, lovers of freedom, capitalism, science, et. al.) to be murdered in mass in death camps. Their hatreds will allow no other actions.

  290. Dillo says:

    Umm…Morris? No. He would be utterly broken, ad he put his entire being into the One ring. I don’t own the Silmarillion anymore (gave it do my daughter) so cannot quote, but Once the ring was unmade? so would be the maker.

  291. Dillo says:

    Easy? Nope, not gonna stop. I AM A STUPID MECHANIC. I’m the least of lesser lights here, and no. That is not false humility. Just the plain truth.

    I did Gradiate Hi skool, But here? I’m being far more educated than ever. Whether you like it or not, there ARE some dumb mechanics out here.

    Thank you for liking me, and you DO read correctly, but I have a persona (Like Haps) that I prefer to use.

  292. Blitz says:


  293. B Moe says:

    Should Commandante Zero achieve the powers of Wilson and Roosevelt…

    (Should we give tehag the bad news?)

  294. Bob Reed says:

    Have you been drinking Blitz? Maybe not enough? Stay away from the red pills in the couch cushions…

  295. happyfeet says:

    If Mr. Blitz ain’t broke then we shouldn’t fix him and instead make tasty habanero microwave pop corn … me and NG were gonna make that at work today but we forgot and I’m not sure if we’ll make it tomorrow cause we have to go out for St. P’s day to that pub we go to every year that has the mushy peas.

  296. happyfeet says:

    *popcorn* I mean…

    I have to go see if dicentra ever answered about the tasty medicine.

  297. Bob Reed says:

    Habanero microwave popcorn? That sounds verrrrry L.A. happyfeet. You better make sure NG doesn’t do any drinkin’ at the pub, since she’s got one in tho oven…

    Except, of course, for Guinness-in moderation of course! The high iron content in it is good for pregnant women. At least that’s what they say in Ireland. A pint or 2 a day is part of the prenatal care from what I understand…from Irish women…who were barmaids at “The Dubliner” in DC…

    Probably not the most credible source, in retrospect.

  298. happyfeet says:

    she even quit smoking… just BAM no mores. I’m very proud of her. The habanero popcorn we found at the mexican fudge store at CityWalk.

    I’m kind of dubious but it might could be amazing.

  299. Carin says:

    NG is preggo? Wow. Things I miss.

  300. B Moe says:

    Just remember not to touch any other part of your body with the hand that is eating that popcorn.

  301. sdferr says:

    Learn the hard way did ja B Moe? I certainly did.

  302. happyfeet says:

    that’s a very good point about the touching…

    she’s just know for maybe 3 weeks, C… it was very shocking and the wedding’s postponed and she bought a new car cause apparently you can’t deal with a child seat with a two-door one… and even though the new car is much nicer and newer the insurance doesn’t go up cause of the extra doors.

  303. happyfeet says:

    *known* I mean

  304. B Moe says:

    Got some Habanero sauce on my finger and forgot and rubbed my eye. I honestly can’t really describe the pain, the closest would be about like what I imagine a red hot nail stuck in your eye would feel like, only a lot worse.

  305. happyfeet says:

    here is how you make the habanero peach salsa

  306. SteveG says:

    I think they photoshopped a picture of one my balls without permission… one of mine got caught in the smoker at a 4th of July party several years ago… on rainy days it sometimes feels like I have three.
    They must have heard from my agent

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