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March 2025


Privileged Casualties [Dan Collins]

John McWhorter at Minding the Campus:

A few weeks ago a teenaged pot dealer was shot dead in a Harvard dormitory.

That alone was depressing enough. However, Harvard suspects a black senior, Chanequa Campbell, of an association with the pot dealer — Justin Cosby, also black — and last week was barred from her dormitory and prevented from graduating. Campbell grew up in the depressed Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, but was a star student, a product of elite prep school Packer Collegiate Institiute, and four years ago was celebrated for her achievement.

The details have yet to be released. But one of the three men who planned the murder, and a suspect in the shooting itself, Jabrai Copney, is a songwriter from New York who was dating another Harvard undergrad named Brittany Smith who also grew up in Brooklyn. Copney and Smith are black.

Campbell denies knowing the pot dealer or having given him her swipe card to enter the dormitory, and has presented solid alibis as to her whereabouts when the murders took place. However, she acknowledges knowing Copney through her friend Brittany Smith.

At this writing, Harvard has not released an explanation as to why Campbell has been disciplined while Smith has not. However, the main question amidst all of this is a simple one: why was Chanequa Campbell, as a Harvard student who had triumphed over such odds, associating at all with a shady character like Jabrai Copney or anyone else who would? Or, of all of the men Harvard offered for her to date, including black ones, why was Brittany Smith “dating” Copney long-distance?

The good-thinking idea is, of course, that the problem is Harvard. The big bad bastion of White Power needs to look inward to figure out how neglect – surely racist on some level – left Campbell and Smith holding on to shady operators from back home for a sense of belonging.

Typical is Jacqueline Rivers, co-director of a program that works with black high schoolers at Harvard, telling the Boston Globe that “there needs to be a lot of work thinking about how you help kids manage the transition in a setting where you’re going to be rubbing shoulders with really wealthy people.”

But what does that mean? How would Harvard teach black students from poor neighborhoods how to “manage the transition” to an environment full of affluent white kids any more than they do now?

Everybody’s got this pic:

You know what they say: Beauty’s only skin deep, but ugliness . . . .

What could possibly explain away the facial expression of maximum scun?

I could have taken this from a lot of places, but in this instance it was Jammie Wearing Fool.

What M’chelle sees:

Related: Nightmares from my father. Differential disgust. That last link is interesting to me, because the way that I immediately framed FLOTUS’ facial expression was as disgust at what she perceived to be (hollow) patriotism on Bruni’s part–remembering the kerfuffle over O!s posture during the National Anthem.

Dan Riehl on what not to read:

When someone aligns himself with something only to undermine it with the help of the opposition, useful idiot is the commonly accepted term. But I can’t really call Scarborough that, as I’ve never found him to be that useful for anything serious at all.

One word: Sanka.

67 Replies to “Privileged Casualties [Dan Collins]”

  1. LTC John says:

    “scun”. Heh. I hadn’t heard that since leaving the Scots Dragoon Guards behind 11 months ago…

    One would think Harvard students would be discreet enough to get weed without death entering into it. What the heck are they teaching in the Ivy League these days anyways?

    I understand how Harvard won’t want to face the icky race thingie, but what about the ‘people being killed in our dorms’ one?

  2. Benedick says:

    I haven’t checked to see who’s credited with that photo, but I think somebody in the FellatioMedia is about to lose his Load-Swallowing privileges.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    Probably French or British press, Benedick.

  4. happyfeet says:

    If Chanequa were white and didn’t have that too quaint tribal name we’d never ever have heard about this and she’d be getting on with her life but Harvard wants to revel revel revel in this revealing moment. Harvard is gay and the person that wrote Yet, the fact is that Campbell and Smith lacked the basic sense of recoil from people of shady inclinations that most Harvard students have. is ubergay and really a shitty shitty person besides.

  5. Bob Reed says:

    Maybe these girls were just, you know, keepin’ it real

    Balancing their whitey-fied education with lovers from Crooklyn to retain a modicum of street cred

    I mean, the di’int wanna be too bourgy…

  6. Dan Collins says:

    Yeah, 3 uses of “shady” in that article amounts to pretty damned gay.

  7. Dan Collins says:

    But, O! to be young, black and gang-bangy at Harvard was very heaven!

  8. Bob Reed says:

    Oh, and that picture of Michelle with Carla Bruni…

    Well, let’s just say one of them could be used as a scarecrow model, and the other as, well, a model…

    Of course, I’ll leave it to each one to determine the appropriate role assignments…

    After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder…

    But Michelle does have a look of clearly evil intent in that photo…

  9. happyfeet says:

    It’s a lot beyond the pale to publish this kid’s name and yammer yammer yammer about the teachable moment I think and make sure this hoochie has to by God *own* this for the rest of her days when it’s just stuff that falls under the heading of crazy shit what happened at college. Even if it were gay college it’s still just shit what happened at college and the white Harvard poofters hang with far more sinister pipples of this you can be sure.

    What can you be sure of? That the white Harvard poofters hang with far more sinister pipples.

  10. Bob Reed says:

    That photo was probably the Euro-press…

    They love to catch those kind of moments, almost like the tabloids do here…

    Plus, they could care less about O!&Co, have no reason to fellate hime, nor owe him any fealty…

    Indeed, Gibbs is on the British press’ shit-list, or so it seems…

  11. urthshu says:

    I can’t tell if the article is more racisty or snobby. Doing the usual ‘if they were white’ thinger, they’d either treat it as a huge tragedy/mystery or as ‘we need to re-examine why we’re letting trailer trash into the school’.

  12. Bono's Pride says:

    ey O! h8rs, pppp

  13. Pablo says:

    But Michelle does have a look of clearly evil intent in that photo…

    Carla, with her hot whiteness, probably made her feel like a visitor, as if she didn’t belong.

  14. Bob Reed says:


    You’re correct I think. It just seems like Harvard is trying to use this episode as an entree to more self flagellation over the fact that somehow they’re not doing enough to integrate the poor kids with the wealth types who attend…

    Of course, they’ll fall upon the answer soon. All scholarship types from low economic class background, upon enrolling, will simply be given a new Lexus, a summer cottage at Cape Cod, and a 100k annual expense fund…

    Equality of outcome and all that…

  15. Mr. Pink says:

    I am normally not one to defend the Obama’s but if anybody sat next to someone for hours on end they probably could be caught with a mean look on their face at a random moment. Funny picture though, especially considering that the only time I see photos of her back here in the states is on the front cover of magazines in the grocery isle done up with 50 makeovers and airbrushed to hell smiling at me. I swear her or Obama is on the front cover of at least 5 magazines everytime I go to the store.

  16. Joe says:

    I am surprised Harvard has not already denouced itself as racist.

    The Michelle picuture is awesome (Drudge has been carrying it over the weekend). But the explanation is pretty simple. Carla Bruni ripped one and then pretended Michelle was responsible. I do not blame Michelle for being pissed off.

  17. N. O'Brain says:

    If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.

  18. Joe says:

    The Michelle Carla picture reminded me of this:

    There once was an old couple who had been married for thirty years.

    Every morning the old boy would wake up and give off an enormous fart, much to his long suffering wife’s annoyance.

    “You’ll fart your guts out one of these days,” she always complained.

    After a particularly bad week the wife decided to have her revenge and got up early, placing some turkey giblets in the bed next to the old boy’s arse.

    While making breakfast downstairs she heard his usual morning fart reverberate through the floorboards followed by a scream.

    Twenty minutes later a rather shaken man came downstairs.

    “You was right all along Missus,” the old man says, “I finally did fart my guts out, but by the grace of God, and these two fingers, I managed to push ’em back in!”

  19. Joe says:

    Why don’t little girls fart? Because they don’t have assholes until they’re married.

  20. Carin says:

    I sense racism in the touting of this picture, but I’m not exactly sure what the argument may be.

    A quick check over at Huffpo should clear it up for me.

  21. McGehee says:

    basic sense of recoil

    How can anyone at Harvard ever develop that if guns are banned from campus?



  22. Joe says:

    Michelle to Carla: “Don’t even pretend you just didn’t do that!”

  23. Bob Reed says:

    Scaborough seems like an affable fellow, but Riehl is correct in that he does hand with all lefties these days…

    Still, he may simply be a social libertarian and a fiscal conservative…

    For me?, Well, I’ve been done with him since he started the whole NBC gig…

  24. Joe says:

    This is pretty good from Stephen Green. The grand unification theory of sucking.

  25. psycho... says:

    The “cut-eye” is photographically elusive. Well-shot, Frenchy (or whatever).

  26. Joe says:

    Scaborough seems like an affable fellow…he even holds Olbermann’s dick for him when he is pissing in the men’s room.

  27. SBP says:

    “Turn to stone, damn you! Turn to stone!”

  28. JD says:

    For the life of me, I do not get how one sees “beautiful” in her. I just don’t get it. She isn’t. Maxim really went over the top in putting her in the Top 100. Good Allah.

  29. SBP says:

    She’s not a bad looking woman, if you can catch her without that semi-permanent scowl on her face.

    No way is she in Palin territory, though.

  30. Spiny Norman says:

    Michelle to Carla: “Don’t even pretend you just didn’t do that!”

    I sense a “caption contest” coming on.

  31. alppuccino says:

    Utility creates beauty JD. I’ve got a 97 Ford F250 with the 7.3 Turbo Diesel, that has nice dent on the front quarter panel. It could pull a house off of it’s foundation. It’s gorgeous! You know, like Michelle. Rough and ready. And mean. And it growls. And scary looking. But pretty.

  32. Salt Lick says:

    I think Carla Bruni is about to lose some of her pie.

  33. JD says:

    Al – That is a beauty that I can understand, and appreciate, like a pured 3-iron. Not Michelle.

  34. alppuccino says:

    I was just thinking that Michelle’s forehead sometimes looks like it sideswiped a mailbox. And her haunches make her look like she could clean and jerk a sizable tree stump.

    These are all mostly good things.

  35. Alec Leamas says:

    Al – That is a beauty that I can understand, and appreciate, like a pured 3-iron. Not Michelle.

    I think its like a Jackson Pollock or Picasso painting. This approximates Our Fair Lady, no?

  36. B Moe says:

    If the economy totally collapses she could probable work a mule or a yoke of oxen, too. I doubt Barry could do that, and them chirruns gotta eat.

  37. Bob Reed says:


    You’re overlooking the arms, man…Concentrate harder!

    Just mouth the words, sotto voce, until you get it straight in your mind that that klingon sourpuss Michelle is the form of beauty; in the sense that Plato spoke of forms…

  38. Bob Reed says:


    The arms bro…

    Come to think of it, mebbe she could pull a house off of its foundation too!

  39. geoffb says:

    “What M’chelle sees:”

    So when do we get the new version of “Alien vs Predator”?

  40. Joe says:

    Nice Predator reference.

  41. Slartibartfast says:

    “Facers set on scun, captain!”

  42. JD says:

    Beauty is El Tigre dropping a 7-iron to about 2 feet for the win on 18. Beauty is seeing Davis Love III and Freddie Couples playing good golf again. Beauty is seeing Kobe place a team on his back. Beauty is a well-phrased sentence by Coehlo. Beauty is watching Keith Olbergasm’s head assplode. Beauty is most certainly not what the fawning Leftist media types keep trying to feed us.

  43. Log Cabin says:

    But Chewbacca and The Dear Leader are “so in love!” They even have romantic dates together! How we adore them!

    The difference between M’chelle and a wookie?
    About 5 razors and a case of shaving cream.

  44. JD says:

    This Carla Bruni person is beautiful. That is a more accurate template to use when utilizing the term beautiful. The only time that Michelle and beautiful should be used in the same sentence is as follows ….

    Michelle sat next to the actually and truly beautiful Carla Bruni. Being not-beautiful herself, Michelle looked a bit angry.

  45. Bob Reed says:

    Good one Log Cabin…


  46. JD says:

    I wonder if she is still finally proud of the US of A?

  47. happyfeet says:

    Mr. Cabin! You have been gone forever Mr. Cabin but you are here now. You think we don’t notice these things but we do for real.

  48. Bob Reed says:

    OK JD,

    Now you need to send that wordsmithing tutorial to, say, all of the friggin’ MSM types that fall all over themselves to anoint Michelle the new Jackie O…

    We all know that they’re simply lookin’ to strengthen the whole “Bama-lot” meme…

    Set them straight JD!

  49. Bob Reed says:

    Oh she’s proud alright; starting on January 21, 2009…

    Please don’t start me up on her; it would be too easy to drink the haterade and start criticizing her for, oh say, anything..?

    But then, that wouldn’t help her children any, would it…

  50. Log Cabin says:

    I’ve been on disaster deployment in the wilds of the beautiful 49th state, Feets! (it figures that I go there and Palin leaves the state!) Very little personal time in front of a PC monitor.

    But thanks for noticing, pal. I miss you guys, too.

  51. sdferr says:

    JeffG sighting yesterday, apropos only of things noticed.

  52. furious says:

    Gang-bangin’ in college: friend of mine (white) was assigned to Ujamaa (‘Collective’ or ‘Solidarity’ or other some such impact word that real Africans probably roll-their-eyes at) identity dorm at Stanford when he transferred in as a sophomore. Not long after he arrived he and his (white) roommate were robbed at gunpoint, face-down on their dorm-room floor, by local (East Palo Alto) associates of other Ujamaa-dwellers. Not a person stepped forward to id the robbers, not one.

    ‘Solidarity’, indeed.

  53. Joe says:

    furious, you bait us with the opener “gang-bangin’ in college” and I am already for a Penthouse Forum story. Thanks for nuttin!

  54. I hate you whitey!!!

  55. ghost707 says:

    Has it been four years yet?
    It feels like a decade.
    A decade Japan lost.

  56. JD says:

    Log Cabin – It is good to see you around again.

  57. Joe says:

    This is freaking me out. H/T: Althouse.

  58. Joe says:

    Ace has hot Lebanese protest babes.

  59. Jeffersonian says:

    Yeah, they’re hot, but they’re Leb….oh, wait..

  60. Swen Swenson says:

    If you take too much viagra and look at photos of Carla, a photo of Michelle is the antidote they’ll give you when you seek medical attention.

  61. Swen Swenson says:

    WTF? I just followed the Jammie Wearing Fool link and the Obama Slama photo was distributed by Reuters???!!?!? What’s gotten into them? Next think you know CNBC will publish a warm tribute to Dick Cheney.

  62. Swen Swenson says:

    And a hearty — pant, pant, pant — ata girl for the Lebanese protest babes. I bet all those guys in the pix were there just for the protest.

    Did I mention that when I was growing up our next door neighbors were Lebanese? Two daughters my age who were Hotttttt. One look at mama and you knew they were going to put on 150#, though it would have been fun watching the process..

  63. Swen Swenson says:

    … four hours later. C’mon guys, I’m dyin’ up here.

  64. J. "Trashman" Peden says:

    Caption =

    Michell: “Honey child, can’t no amount of reparations equalize this injustice.”

  65. J. "Trashman" Peden says:


  66. Danger says:

    Speaking of pictures check out the home page photo comparison over at

    That should bring out the Happy in Feets

  67. […] Beauty’s only skin deep, but ugliness…. Was she sent from the future to kill John Connor, Or is she a Predator-beast in disguise? […]

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