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March 2025


Janeane Garofalo confronts a rationalist right wing boogeyman

Janeane Garofalo: “Listen, the whole ‘teabagging’ thing (not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you, because nobody loves them the gays more than I do, and some of my best friends will drop their balls in each other’s mouths faster than you can say ‘lick the shaft, Paco’)…? It’s not your fault, really. It’s your limbic brain. Pressing up against the brain pan. Causes your synapses to misfire. And all that pressure and misfiring acts on the ‘accepts a Black Man as President’ part of the frontal lobe, turning you into a conservative or a redneck or a white supremacist with no real knowledge of history. Which is to say, your evil racist ways are a product of your physiology — with the irony being that it is your physiology itself that doesn’t permit you to see your evil racist redneck ways! See how that works?”

right wing boogeyman: “Sure. You’re saying conservatives should get generous government welfare benefits and special treatment under the law because we are victims of a congenital physical defect that determines our behavior and effectively Others us. Like homosexuals — whose brain chemistry is responsible for their teabagging, too, as I understand you to believe. And so the state should take care of us in perpetuity –”

Janeane Garofalo: “– Whoa, slow down. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, buddy. I mean, ovens are way cheaper…”

116 Replies to “Janeane Garofalo confronts a rationalist right wing boogeyman”

  1. N. O'Brain says:

    But it’s fascism with a smiley face.

  2. Alec Leamas says:

    “Janeane Garofalo”

    What is D-List celebrities working out their high school issues through their politics for $200, Alex?

  3. JHoward says:

    By their fruits shall ye know them.

  4. […] of the Tea Party movement I can’t really reproduce the language here, but go read it over there and snicker at what happens when you take a thought to its logical […]

  5. Clint says:

    Hey! Let’s just keep her fruits under wraps, shall we?

    For the Children! (And the adults)

  6. Abe Froman says:

    She really puts me at a loss. She has no talent. She isn’t remotely telegenic. For a girl who comes from money and had every conceivable advantage she went to a retard college and I’ve never heard her say anything intelligent. And she’s almost as miserable and tormented as thor. How is it even possible that she’s famous?

  7. ECKO says:





  8. Rob Crawford says:

    She isn’t remotely telegenic.

    I think she used to be at least cute, yet appears to have purposefully set out to appear as ugly as she feels.

  9. RR Ryan says:

    Well, let’s face it; she’s not really famous. And not that I like arguing from authority, but as a gay guy, I find the entire thing offensive, and I’m pretty hard to offend. I’d love to find out what her gay friends really think. And living here in West Hollywood, I just might. In my opinion, she should take up drinking. It works for me.

  10. Benedick says:

    Y’know, Ecko – and I am only saying this because I care – there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.

  11. N. O'Brain says:

    Has anyone else noticed a ratcheting up in the level of reactionary leftist hate speech?

    “One of the few state Senators who voted against the gun bill — Sen. Christine Kaufmann, D-Helena — is that group’s director when the Legislature is not in session. She ties the bills’ proliferation to fears about the Democratic administration of President Barack Obama and stimulus spending.

    “I do think that there is a kind of renewed vehemence to this kind of right-wing rhetoric being spewed by conservative talk show hosts to rile the troops and they are using the fact that we have a Democratic, black president as one of their rallying calls,” Kaufmann said.”

    Via Instapundit.

  12. slackjawedyokel says:

    Cleanup on Aisle Seven, please.

  13. Carin says:

    Honestly, with Jeneane, I always feel when she’s said something so fucking stupid that she simply will be unable to top herself. She’s reached the pinnacle of vacuous stupid. Then she goes and takes it up a notch. I’m constantly amazed.

    I just wish to GAWD someone would force her to debate someone with some intellectual girth. Like the Hammer. I bet he could make her cry.

  14. Carin says:

    And, she really sucks on 24.

  15. baldilocks says:

    Whoops! I see you already have it.

  16. Alec Leamas says:

    “I think she used to be at least cute, yet appears to have purposefully set out to appear as ugly as she feels.”

    Well, maybe not objectively cute, but you got the feeling that there must be a few nerdy guys out there for whom she would be their nerd Godess. Now she’s all unkempt and tatted up and yeasty. And gnasty. She’s got the personality of a three-legged pitbull with hemorrhoids.

  17. Matt says:

    *I think she used to be at least cute*

    Maybe to Stevie Wonder.

    Carin, I’m holding at hope, in light of the Almeida betrayal, that Janeane may still be in on it and headed for some private time with Jack Baur and his taser.

    A boy who hates liberal skanks can dream. Sigh.

  18. Alec Leamas says:

    “Janeane may still be in on it and headed for some private time with Jack Bauer and his torture caterpillar.”

    Fixed it for ya.

  19. Carin says:

    Matt, I’ve got a little hope in my heart too that may be the case.

    I’d love, though, to see Chloe kick her ass.

  20. JD says:

    Garafalo and Olberdouchenozzle are right. You are RACISTS !!!!

  21. Ana says:

    I resent the left defining the Tea Parties like SNL did Sarah Palin. And I resent the DHS labeling Christians, soldiers, and anyone whose pony doesn’t shit skittles a possible domestic terrorist. This “you’re a racist/terrorist and prove you’re not” looks like the perfect shit storm to me.

  22. JD says:

    We should ask Mona about teabagging. She has had teh Gleeens’ dingleberries across the bridge of her nose for a couple years now.

  23. cranky-d says:

    It was of course entirely predictable that the left would assume any opposition to Obama is based on latent racism rather than his very socialist, anti-federalist, anti-constitution agenda. When the right finally puts up a black man as a candidate, the left will be sure to pelt that candidate with some of the most racist and vile shit they can come up with, and think of themselves as righteous an proper.

    Some days I’m surprised that progressives can even function in this world; their thinking (or what passes for thinking in their very convoluted minds) is completely orthogonal to reality.

  24. baxtrice says:

    Wow, can you be more insulting Jeanane? Sorry hun, I don’t agree with your viewpoint. Still think you’re cute as a bug; stop trying to tell me I have a neurological disorder because I disagree with you. It’s not very becoming of someone who’s supposed to be so “tolerant“.

  25. JD says:

    Baxtrice – they are intolerant of intolerance.

  26. Joe says:

    The reaction is pretty sad. Most of those tea party protestors (and I went to one myself) just want Government to be more accountable about spending.

    Andrew Sullivan is whining, for example, that they are not serious because they talk about Pork and Earmarks, without taking on Defense and Entitlement.

    Well that is frankly a lot of bullshit. Many many people on the right would welcome taking on entitlements. As for defense–I would be willing to consider modest cuts to defense to help bring federal spending in line, provided that there were serious reforms of Medicare and Social Security too. What I would not consider is draconian cuts to defense (while increasing domestic spending and ignoring or expanding entitlements) because that puts us at risk two ways.

  27. baxtrice says:

    I know JD; that’s why I used “airquotes” ;P

  28. thor says:

    Garafolo, I’d do her.

  29. kelly says:

    Well, thor, judging from your “contibutions” here at PW, you already have the shit-faced drunk part down. Enough to fuck Gar

  30. gus says:

    Thor would fuck a chicken if it would have him.

  31. psycho... says:

    Way back in the day, my circle of work-related pals and Janeane’s overlapped by one guy. I sort of knew her. Not much. She was indeed totally cute back then, and she didn’t talk like this.

    Those two things changed at the same time. There was a day when her intellectual and, uh, personal insecurity streams got crossed, and the Janeane you know is the persona she invented to remedy that.

    She used to be almost honest about it, sometimes — as honest as is psychologically possible. Then this persona would reassert itself, uglier. That could only happen so many times before she became just this.

    Because of the lobe.

  32. gus says:

    #27 Why do libtards think we can spend money on any sort of nonsense and bullshit, then expect the only thing we value at all should be cut if anything. Why do liberals hate defense spending, yet piss trillions away on total garbage?

  33. Abe Froman says:

    Garafolo, I’d do her.

    If you make a video I’ll bet you could sell it to Animal Planet.

  34. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Why do liberals hate defense spending

    Well, I think they probably fall into two groups:

    1) The ones who really hate America and would love to see it destroyed.
    2) The mendacious group, who think that threatening to cut defense is a good way to get a gigantic tax increase — by threatening defense, then offering a “compromise” that maintains defense PLUS adds their new programs, they wind up getting exactly what they want.

    Ever notice that when there’s a proposed increase local or state taxes, it’s always police and fire protection (sometimes schools) that they threaten to cut?

    Same thing.

  35. router says:

    jack bauer do your duty

  36. BuddyPC says:

    6. Comment by Abe Froman on 4/17 @ 1:11 pm #

    She really puts me at a loss. She has no talent. She isn’t remotely telegenic. For a girl who comes from money and had every conceivable advantage she went to a retard college and I’ve never heard her say anything intelligent. And she’s almost as miserable and tormented as thor. How is it even possible that she’s famous?

    Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down there. I went to the same college, and I can testify it’s anything but retarded. Difference is, I finished.

    You are correct about everything else.

  37. N. O'Brain says:

    ABC News, in it’s inimitabel manner, just slapped the US Navy in the face.

    During a report on the SEALS who rescued that Captain off Somolia, they said, “There are 2,500 SEALS, all men….”

    My wife doesn’t get it.

  38. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by gus on 4/17 @ 4:07 pm #

    Thor would fuck a chicken if it would have him.”

    He has.

    It wasn’t consensual.

  39. Abe Froman says:

    Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down there. I went to the same college, and I can testify it’s anything but retarded. Difference is, I finished.

    I didn’t mean it literally. I was parroting the snotty elitism of wealthy liberals.

  40. N. O'Brain says:


    I’m sorry.

    Please ignore the chicken fucker.

  41. ginsocal says:

    I stopped watching 24 a couple of years ago, when it became apparent the CTU was largely made up of endless legions of incompentent bullet-catchers (had they been identified as ACORN employees, I probably would have paid a premium to watch; alas, it was not to be).

    The fact that they hired this hideous slab to be on the show just reaffirms the rightness of my decision.

  42. Like the Hammer. I bet he could make her cry.

    he just called her “beneath contempt”

  43. ginsocal says:

    RE: thor and the chicken. I doubt the chicken even noticed.

  44. Rob Crawford says:

    Ever notice that when there’s a proposed increase local or state taxes, it’s always police and fire protection (sometimes schools) that they threaten to cut?

    There’s a hierarchy: school funding crunch, then sports and buses are threatened — never the top-heavy school administration or the more idiotic parts of the “curricula”.

    City government crunch? Police, fire, street repairs, but never the all-night lesbian outreach center or the “community outreach” programs that are thinly-disguised Danegeld.

  45. hf says:

    She look like she been rode hard and put up wet. What Janeane need is a Day of Beauty I think.

  46. router says:

    i don’t think you can massage stupidity out of that human

  47. router says:

    Obama, Chavez shake hands at summit-Venezuela govt


  48. hf says:

    I’m in a part of the country where you can take taxidermy class in high school. I am learning about mallards and how you can tell them from wood ducks. Crap I forgot the safe word

  49. Phil says:

    Jeez I really hope MSDNC doesn’t let David Shuster go in the next round of layoffs. He’s so talented.

  50. geoffb says:

    “Obama, Chavez shake hands at summit-Venezuela govt”

    At least he didn’t bow, yet.

  51. hf says:

    absolut trash I think

  52. router says:

    Sí, se puede

  53. router says:

    so i wonder if the poll numbers don’t reflect not wanting to be in the garofalo sites?

  54. blowhard says:

    “An outraged Janeane Garofalo[…]”

  55. blowhard says:

    Janeane Garofalo prepares[…}”

  56. Darleen says:

    She has had teh Gleeens’ dingleberries across the bridge of her nose for a couple years now.

    Gleens’ got dingleberries? Who knew?

  57. Darleen says:

    Why do liberals hate defense spending

    For the same reason they scream for “clean energy” but refuse to even consider nuclear.

    It’s about control … absolute control with them holding the whip.

  58. Mr. Pink says:

    What don’t liberals hate should be the real question. It would have fewer answers than asking why do they hate x, y, and z as well.

    Look mom I can speak in vague generalities too!!!11!!!!

  59. sparkdown says:

    Years ago, I found Ms. Garofalo funny, now I find her laughable.

  60. Mr. Pink says:

    She has all the wit of Daily Kos diarist on an aderol binge right before her freshman finals.

  61. Jeffersonian says:

    Who’s Janeane Garofalo and why should I care?

  62. Rusty says:

    mallards taste better.

  63. JDear says:

    I think what you fail to recognize is that the Boston Tea Party was about lack of representation, not just taxation. You also fail to recognize that as an American Citizen I have the right to MY opinion. When I attend a “Tea Party” protest, it is in the belief that the government no longer represents me, the citizen. Instead, they have provided relief to failed companies. What I am witnessing is favored treatment to organizations that have spent years lining the pockets of our “Non-Representatives”.

    I stand in protest of corruption. I stand in protest: for eliminating the role of lobbyists; for election reform; for term limits; for smaller government; for reducing federal debt; for citizen representation; for sanity.

    Let me tell you why both political parties should be concerned about “Tea Parties”, and why I’ll be attending. I am a former loyal Democrat who became an unaffiliated voter because I feel I have had taxation without representation for the past 30 years. Both parties are undeniably corrupt.

    There is a movement underfoot of folks who question the wisdom of going into debt up to our eyeballs, who would prefer government stay out of our bedroom and (now) the back seat of our Chevy. We are not all right wing loons as you try to paint us. I worry about a private Fed with no accountability to voters perpetrating the largest transfer of wealth in the history of man.

    Your comment would have a lot more credibility if you would concede that at least some of the people may have sincere and real concerns about the direction this country has and is going in. Perhaps then we could have a grown up discussion on matters that will impact the future of this nation. Doubtful as your ignorance is overwhelming. Better to remain silent and let people think you know nothing than to open your mouth and confirm your ignorance.

  64. Pablo says:

    Wait a minute. Is this where I get a perpetual bailout? And all I have to do is say that I think the Constitution should be amended so George Bush can serve a couple more terms?

    Excuse me while I channel Allah.

  65. Sea King says:

    That was awesome!! “ovens are way cheaper”! LOL.

  66. Joe says:

    Who’s Janeane Garofalo and why should I care?

    thor digs her.

  67. Joe says:

    Charles Johnson does not trust right wing extremists


    Why is this guy a right wing extremist? Because he is an alleged Nazi wanabee? Let’s assume that is true (there is always the chance his wife killed him for the $2 million he inhereted and then said he was a Nazi). Why is a racist Nazi “right wing”? Is Jeff Goldstein a Nazi sympathizer? Am I a Nazi sympathizer? Is Patterico a Nazi sympathizer? What about Glenn Beck, that name is way too Teutonic, he must be a Nazi…and he is on Fox.

  68. gus says:

    Janet Napolitano has illustrated what the Obama Admin is. Homeland Security has been handed to a LIBERAL HACK. Her first order of business was to TARGET and IDENTIFY, groups, individuals and organizations that POLITICALLY DISAGREE with her MASTER and MESSIAH.
    Then we have our EPA stooge.
    Then we have our Tax Dodger in charge of TAX dodgers.
    Obama is our worst nightmare. And he doesn’t care whether he has a mandate, HE’S GOT PELOSI and REID.
    Obama must be stopped.

  69. Jeffersonian says:

    thor digs her.

    I rest my case.

  70. Jeffersonian says:

    Why is a racist Nazi “right wing”?

    They iron their shirts.

  71. Pablo says:

    Why is this guy a right wing extremist?

    He’s not, quite simply.

    An application for membership in the National Socialist Movement filled out by Cummings also was found in the residence, according to the report.

    Janet Napolitano has illustrated what the Obama Admin is. Homeland Security has been handed to a LIBERAL HACK. Her first order of business was to TARGET and IDENTIFY, groups, individuals and organizations that POLITICALLY DISAGREE with her MASTER and MESSIAH.

    You TELL it, GUS. This country IS GOING to hell in a HANDBASKET. Word to your MESSIAH.

  72. Joe says:

    I am sure Rush and Lynn are all torn up over this…

    Garafalo is lucky she even has work. They keep her on 24 as a trained monkey.

  73. prairiemain says:

    I rarely do this but if you’ve read a spectrum of Garofalo’s thoughts and musings over the years you’ll understand: it must hurt to be as stupid and clueless as Janeanne Garofalo. Seriously. You wonder how someone this blind and out of touch can possibly still draw breath. You just know that if she’s allowed to roam free in the world that Darwin is going to punch her ticket in dramatic fashion eventually. Let’s hope it is before she reproduces.

  74. prairiemain says:

    Let’s serve warnings to our liberal overlords: when the conservatives come roaring back and we take the halls of power again we won’t be so bipartisan this time. We’re going to go through the records and those who have crossed legal lines will be prosecuted and punished to the full extent of
    the law. No one will be exempt. No one.

  75. Joe says:

    Why Charles Johnson is a pussy:

    Charles Johnson’s post.

    My comment at Little Green Footballs:

    Explain to me why this guy is “right wing.” Let’s assume he really is a Nazi (because it is possible the wife lied to cover up killing him for the money he inherited). Why is a Nazi right wing? Why not label everyone on the left extremists for the occasional Charlie Manson, or ELF arson attack, or some similar thing? I do not see a lot of conservatives embracing Nazis. Last time I checked, Pat Buchanan was in the wilderness (and he is not exactly a Nazi). I do see quite a few on the left tolerating former Weathermen though.

    I never saw Tim McVeigh as right wing either. Sure he was libertarian, but in a completely nutburger way. He did not believe in God (so the Christianist connection does not work), he opposed the first Iraq war, his only real connection to the right wing was a obsession with gun rights, if anything McVeigh was more aligned with the murderers at Columbine than any real political movement. He was an anarchist, who wanted to be famous.

    Charles’ pussy move:

    “re: #513 Mr.Joe

    Bye now. Don’t hurt yourself stepping over the doormat on the way out.”

    Now if this is all about debate and honest debate, what did I say to warrant getting banned like that? Do you think Charles is just a wee bit fragile?

    I am no fan of Nazis. I want to see people engaging in terrorism being arrested. But to say this guy was “right wing” is very misleading. Why not just call him a Neo-Nazi (or granted an alleged Neo Nazi because his wife might be lying to justify shooting him)? Isn’t that more accurate? But Charles wants to paint the “right wing” as being made up of fringe elements.

  76. Joe says:

    Pablo nailed it above, do you think Janet Napolitano might have a personal and political agenda in casting the net a bit larger than avowed racist organizations. Especially with half a million tea party protestors this week. Or did that subtle point pass the unblinking lizard’s eye?

  77. Joe says:

    I would have never said, the left wing cannot be trusted because of the Weathermen. I did not trust Barack Obama since it was shown he embraced two former Weathermen.

    Now if you show me “right wing” leaders embracing Neo Nazis, I promise I will denounce them. And no Charles, Glenn Beck does not count.

  78. Full Disclosure: I’d do Janeane Garofalo. I like women, what can I say?

    Like most leftists, Janeane is very smart. And again like most leftists, that’s their problem. They believe that their ability to conjecture in the abstract is sufficient faculty to run the world as they see fit. Now if only they could get the political power to make it all happen!

    And again, like most leftists, Janeane is furious inside that to be a leftist in America you have to be a liar. No majority in America will wittingly support most leftist policies, so they have to lie about their agenda. They have to be subversive. And it tears them up inside. Add the fact that virtually all of them have their very egos invested in their political worldview, and thus can’t ever be wrong without experiencing some ego death and it’s a wonder most of them are even subsistently functional. Yuck.


  79. Joe says:

    Peter, that was a pretty insightful comment.

    Even this part:

    Full Disclosure: I’d do Janeane Garofalo. I like women, what can I say?

    Full disclosure: I’d do a cold can of Hormel chili with beans. I like food, what can I say?

  80. dicentra says:

    Now if this is all about debate and honest debate,

    There’s your problem right there. It isn’t anymore. It was, but now it’s not.

    Obama promised CHANGE, remember? Surprise!

  81. Diana says:

    thor once asked whether size mattered. He was overlooked.

  82. alppuccino says:

    I use the Garafalo as a harbinger of her impending doom on 24. Janeane knows that after the show, her only chance for notice is to be covered by the news. So she’s getting an early start.

    So I’ve got Garafalo in the “Next to die on 24” pool. Now if I can just figure out how. I’m leaning toward exploding ham sandwich.

  83. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Diana on 4/18 @ 3:10 am #

    thor once asked whether size mattered. He was overlooked.”

    Please ignore the retarded marmoset.

    Thank you.

  84. Simon says:


    Full disclosure – I don’t know a lot about the limbic brain. But what I do know is that Garofalo’s comments about the limbic brain clearly demonstrated that she is a fucking idiot.

    I am no lefty genius but I can do syllogisms –

    Lefties are fucking idiots.
    Garofalo is a lefty.
    Garofalo is a fucking idiot.

  85. bill says:

    “Like most leftists, Janene is very smart…”. Huh? What’s smart about embracing ideologies that killed millions and have never worked successfully anywhere? I believe that fits Einstein’s definition of insanity a whole lot more than it fits “smart”. Garafolo’s limbic brain claptrap is pure unadulterated idiocy. She’s a foul mouthed, ill tempered pseudo intellectual disease waiting to happen. Peter, would you so Sandra Bernhardt too? She’s out of the same mold.

  86. Peter, would you so Sandra Bernhardt too?


    Just kidding. Everyone knows that SB isn’t a woman.

  87. Just remember that in the real world, you can be smart and still be completely wrong.

  88. Darleen says:


    Like most leftists, Janeane is very smart

    Seriously, what does that mean? Honestly, I have come to think that worship at the alter of “smart” (or “beautiful”) rather than “good” is the basis of a lot of ill in the world.

    If you have a child, would you rather have a kid who is #1 in the class but who cheats, bullies and flips off adults who annoys him, or a child that gets Bs and Cs but has a real grasp on doing the right thing?

  89. B Moe says:

    I would rather have the smart bully. I can fix inappropriate behavior. I can’t fix stupid.

  90. almostacowboy77 says:

    “ABC News, in it’s inimitabel manner, just slapped the US Navy in the face.
    During a report on the SEALS who rescued that Captain off Somolia, they said, “There are 2,500 SEALS, all men….”

    Well, then, we just need to lower the standards to make it “fair”. While we’re at it, we’ll put in some wheel-chair ramps ’cause if we don’t it’s not fair to the “handi-capable”. And, we’ll get some of those beepers like they have at intersection cross-walks for the blind. Oh, yeah, and we’ll get some portable foot washes SO THE FRIGGIN’ ISLAMIST SEALS CAN WASH THEIR FRIGGIN’ FEET BEFORE THEY PRAY 5 TIMES A DAY DURING AN OPERATION!

  91. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Peter, I think you may be confusing “reads lines written by screenwriters who want to give the impression that the character is smart” with real-life intelligence.

    See also: Matt Damon.

  92. Peter, I think you may be confusing “reads lines written by screenwriters who want to give the impression that the character is smart” with real-life intelligence.

    that reminded me of this

    “When the authors make me say words that make me wittier
    I feel just as smart as they and what’s more I’m prettier!”

  93. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    With empty head and grating voice and many lies spectacular/She is the very model of a lefty weasel crapular.

    (Okay, G&S rather than R&H, but it’s the best I can do at the moment)

  94. Rob Crawford says:

    Like most leftists, Janeane is very smart. And again like most leftists, that’s their problem.

    Disagree. I think they merely want to appear smart, and so ape what they think makes themselves sound intelligent. Since real knowledge requires work and confronting unpleasant and unpopular truths, they instead ape what is popularly considered smart inside their social circles. That way they just need to maybe read a couple of mass-market books, learn a few names, and string together content-free terms.

    Could you imagine a modern celebrity coming up with something as complicated as spread-spectrum, frequency-hopping radio?

  95. Matt Damon says:

    Matt Damon!

  96. Carin says:

    Honestly, that limbic shit she spews all the time …I’m not willing to say she is smart.

    She can sting together big words in a manner that sounds intelligent, but is a clever load of horseshit. I’m not so sure she just hasn’t memorized some weird left-wing wacko’s thesis.

  97. Darleen says:

    B Moe

    Wrong comparison. I’m not talking “stupid” — which has almost as many definitions as “smart”. I’m talking the “straight A” student v “B/C” student (real grades not inflated).

  98. Well I might be biased, because like Will Rogers I believe everyone’s smart, just about different things. But I have to admit, I’ve yet to meet too many truly dumb leftists. They just have bad premises which lead them to conclusions so colossally wrong that their worldview often resembles a mirror image of reality more than anything else.


  99. Carin says:

    So perhaps Jeneane is smart about coordinating her shoes and purse? Or, perhaps she’s smart when it come to memorizing lines for a movie. But, she is not “smart” when it comes to reading political information and digesting it. Assembling “facts” and using “reason” to make sense of the world. No, she sucks at that.

    Beneath contempt. Whether she’s smart or not, I stand by what the Hammer said.

  100. […] “teabagging” smear, one that was perpetrated ad nauseum by television reporters. Jeff has already deconstructed the “limbic system” argument offered by famed neuroscient…, but hey, what are facts, when you can simply shout, RACIST? Posted by Dan Collins @ 5:42 am | […]

  101. donald says:

    Um, I hate nazis. I really hate Illinois Nazis. I’m calling Obama a nazi, and I’m feeling good.

  102. dlong says:

    This bitch is clueless, typical neolib. This prez will go down in history as being the worst, color is irrelivent. I will continue to stand up for the CONSTITUTION. Has garufalo ever heard of that? Did she comment about the million blackman march? Where where her racial comments then? I have paid her enough attention to her, I will put her in the same place I put al gore. The shitter!!

  103. dlong says:

    This bitch is clueless, typical neolib. This prez will go down in history as being the worst, color is irrelivent. I will continue to stand up for the CONSTITUTION. Has garufalo ever heard of that? Did she comment about the million blackman march? Where where her racial comments then? I have paid enough attention to her, I will put her in the same place I put al gore. The shitter!!

  104. […] What is protein wisdom about?  For this reader, it’s about stealing Jeff’s writing techniques. […]

  105. mojo says:

    The really scary thing? This loon actually knows the phrase “limbic brain” and is willing to use it. Regardless of the fact that it doesn’t really mean anything.

  106. kathy mcferrin says:

    I used to have some respect for janine Garofolo, but my God she seem to have lost her mind..she is so far out there that she no longer has any credibiity with me!

  107. kathy mcferrin says:

    I used to have some respect for janine Garofolo, but my God she seem to have lost her mind..she is so far out there that she no longer has any credibiity with me!

  108. Maggie Griffin says:

    I heard your comments about the Tea Party goers on the radio and had to check out to see who listens to your twisted point of view… I am relieved to see by reading this blog – NOT TOO MANY!!!!

  109. LibsRLosers says:

    She’s one stupid bitch. That covers it.

  110. Gale says:

    This pock faced, tattooed, nail chewing whacko has just blown her last shot at any chance of a career. I have already banned CSNBC from my home and will do the same with anything she shows up on. If all you can do is point to Bush for all the problems try watching your new black president to see the quadrupling of the debt. Go lie down on the floor with you dog and cry.

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