
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


“Nobody Yelled ‘Kill Him’ About Obama at a McCain or Palin Rally”

…at least, according to Patterico. Instead, the context indicates that one man advocated the killing of Bill Ayers, which, while hardly appropriate, does have a sense of karmic irony to it:

“And, according to the New York Times, he [referring to Ayers — P] was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, ‘launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,’” [Palin] continued.

“Boooo!” the crowd repeated.

“Kill him!” proposed one man in the audience.

That is unambiguously a call to kill Ayers, not Obama. As TNR writer Michael Crowley said in a comment to this post of his

I took “kill him” to mean Ayers–not Obama. It’s just a far, far likelier explanation given the context. That’s still an ugly thing to shout -– but on the other hand Ayers probably would have gotten the death penalty had his bombs actually taken a life. If I thought people were actually yelling that about Obama I would feel very differently.

Patterico goes on to note that the original reporter for this story, the WaPo’s Dana Milbank, tells Politico “that his impression was that the man meant Ayers, not Obama.”

Which would seem to put an end to this, shall we say…incitement toward violence? — but alas, other bastions of truth and objectivity have other ideas. Like, for instance, the NYT (in the bag for O!) and the AP (nestled so deeply in O!’s sack that they can rest their weary heads upon his scrotum).

Meanwhile, stories like this one only get national play for the booing of those “against racism” — not for the calls by Obama supporters of “Let’s stone her, old school.”

But then, that’s appropriate. After all, here’s a woman who doesn’t know her place. Whereas Bill Ayers is now a respected “educational reformer,” and besides — that Weathermen’s bomb intended to kill all those innocent soldiers and their dates at a Fort Dix dance never made it there, thanks to a small wiring mishap. So, like, no harm, no foul!

81 Replies to ““Nobody Yelled ‘Kill Him’ About Obama at a McCain or Palin Rally””

  1. happyfeet says:

    Baracky’s Associated Press I think has embraced that this is its last gasp. That socialist hoochie what runs it probably has a new job lined up already.

  2. mcgruder says:

    in a normal election, ayers=political cynanide for dems.
    unfortunately, many people are not better off than they were 4 yrs ago.
    so obama gets to win.
    in one yr., when things turnaround, or at least begin to, this will be like the WSJ tilting after the airfield at mena and other Clinton follies in 93-94.
    and that is how it is.

  3. Sdferr says:

    “Let’s stone her, old school.”

    In Philly, that translates to, “Let’s snowball her, Santa style!”

  4. alppuccino says:

    So we’re killing teachers now? Who are we?

  5. thor says:

    His past criminal activities aside, America is a better country because of Bill Ayers and persons like Bill Ayers.

    Foucault, Limonov, Ayers, they’re men of revolutionary ideas and America should always be a welcome place for them to speak their minds without threat of violence or death threats be shouted in their name.

  6. happyfeet says:

    That’s the dumbest thing ever. Bill Ayers wishes he’d killed more peoples and he has bad karma so of course there’s thems what want him dead. They have free speeches too in my America.

  7. Dash Rendar says:

    Fuck you thor.

  8. ducktrapper says:

    How about if someone yells, “Stone him”?

    They’ll stone you when you’re lying through your teeth. They’ll stone you for acting like a thief. They’ll stone you for making your Chicago bones. But I would not feel so all alone. Everybody must get stoned.
    They’ll stone you for hanging with a fool. They’ll stone you for acting like a tool. They’ll stone you selling such thin gruel. But I would not feel so all alone. Everybody must get stoned.
    They’ll stone you for cheating at the polls. They’ll stone you for registering dead souls. They’ll stone you for all your slimy roles but I would not feel so all alone. Everybody must get stoned.
    They’ll stone you for being soft on terror. They’ll stone you for not being any “fairer”. They’ll stone you just like Al Capone. But I would not feel so all alone. Everybody must get stoned.

  9. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “Foucault, Limonov, Ayers, they’re men of revolutionary ideas”

    – Naw, they’re just low level punks with fucked up minds, delusions of greatness, and too much time on their hands.

    – If anyone of them would have accidentally fallen into a cushy job somewhere along the way, you’d have never of heard of them.

  10. happyfeet says:

    thor I have two pieces of raisin toast left and you can have one but jeez that was pompous. You and Rick Moran this morning woke up on the pompousy side of the bed I think,

  11. happyfeet says:

    that wasn’t supposed to be a comma it’s just they put that key next to the period one on this stupid laptop

  12. alppuccino says:

    don’t forget, thor is voting for McCain. He’s said it more than once. I really just think he likes to soak the comments section with his golden patriotism.

  13. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    I can’t tell if Thor is some kind of militant afrocentric black guy, using a european god’s name as a diversion, spraying his racism and sexism at will or a guilt ridden white child of privelege doing the same or just really stupid. Any way you slice it, the guy is fucked in the head.

  14. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – thor-boi, true genius is marked by the ability to significantly improve on the existing structure, not by blowing up dance halls.

    – Any two-bit asshole can build a bomb.

    – When you’re a giant in your own puny mind, and no one will pick you to play on his team, but you still need to feed your self inflated sense of importance, you do the only thing you can. Put on the Jack the ripper suit, and go for the cheap shot. The very definition of the small-time punk.

  15. SarahW says:

    I realized this wasn not common knowlege when I read reports on the lefts Chewbacca defense (look at the silly Monkey man) and references were made to audience members yelling “treason” and “kill him” at mere mention of Obama’s name. It seemed, however, that the “mix-up” was rather deliberate in the angry accounts I perused.

  16. SarahW says:

    If Ayers had stuck to ideas, or to speaking, no one would have shouted “kill him”.

    Its the deeds, stupid.

  17. TmjUtah says:

    If the Republicans ever decide that they are going to do the mob thing, I don’t think the Left will be very happy about it.

    For instance, speaking RHETORICALLY, if I was inclined to show up somewhere were ten thousand people purported to be aligned with my intent to enforce change “by any means necessary”…

    … there wouldn’t be broken shop windows and fucking puppet heads involved.

    If I go to a POLITICAL demonstration or rally, that’s what it is. I show up, show my support, and maybe drop a few bucks in my candidate’s/party’s/organization’s bucket.

    But these fucking posuers who show up every Saturday at courthouses to decry the Bushgestapolicestate and the xitianist theocracy by beating drums and kicking in a Starbuck’s window are in for a shock when O! goes after talk radio and conservative 527’s.

    I think that Mr. Moran’s post of this morning was… simplistic.

    If there is no DOJ action regarding ACORN before the election and Obama wins, ACORN will have spun for a twofer: not only is the electoral process discredited, but everybody will know that justice under the law is history, as well.

    What random, misrepresented crassness that media is trying to fan to a conflagration of outrage against McCain/Palin supporters does not even rise to the level of the acknowledged hatred held by ELECTED Democrats toward the generic Republican office holder.

    Malkin has the mega post on teh Left hate.

    I have no threats to make. Deeds, not words, etc.

  18. Mr. Pink says:

    So Ayers actually being responsible for killing people brings no outrage but one unnamed protestor at a McCain event yelling out “kill him” brings about teh “outrage”?

    Ayers=respectable teacher and “former” radical
    One guy at McCain rally=McCain is inciting hate

    Dude WTF planet am I living on?

  19. thor says:

    Comment by Obstreperous Infidel on 10/14 @ 10:56 am #

    I can’t tell if Thor is some kind of militant afrocentric black guy, using a european god’s name as a diversion, spraying his racism and sexism at will or a guilt ridden white child of privelege doing the same or just really stupid. Any way you slice it, the guy is fucked in the head.

    Nah, I’m Jeff’s rational inner-self. I have many issues Architectural Digest to prove I’m capable of decorating in many mimetic traditions. Or maybe I just read too much.

    When they expelled Limonov he went to New York. When they rid themselves of Foucault he went to Berkeley. And this Ayers, we forgive and embrace him still. You may feel these men are merely picture postcards and souvenirs, but it’s fact, they spoke out here in our greatest days and years.

    “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  20. SevenEleventy says:

    His past criminal activities aside, America is a better country because of Bill Ayers and persons like Bill Ayers.

    He hasn’t shown any remorse for his actions! And how is the country any better off? Ayers is nothing more than a coward.

  21. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – The Left is like a gaggle of brain washed children, following a maniac pied piper.

    – I hope I live long enough to see the final death knell of “cults” in general. They’ve caused far more death and misery to humanity than even religions.

  22. Sdferr says:

    Somewhere I wrote that most nations, throughout history down to today, have preferred to pith their traitors rather than see them live to undermine the nation’s interests later on. The USA seems to have become an exception to this general rule, going so far as to refuse to merely name as traitors men and women who openly declare war upon it.

    Perhaps the Constitution – with the proper manipulation – will prove to be a suicide pact after all.

  23. happyfeet says:

    Everything is so dark cause of the impending socialisms. I hate that and mostly it’s the media what done it. I bet NPR gets lots of monies after the election from their socialist pals in Congress. That’s so sick and Venezuelan I don’t want to think about it.

  24. thor says:

    After the French government sentenced Ferdinand de Celine to death for his words, the French people set him free.

    Once free, it was the Communists who first approached Celine’s home with torches, but the town’s mayor sent them away. The Jews assassinated Celine’s publisher but never attempted to harm Celine.

    Complex men of words are capable of both great transgressions and unspeakable beauty. It’s as Balzac said, “the most selfish are still capable of the greatest love affairs.”

    Long live the “tongue set free.”

  25. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “…but it’s fact, they spoke out here in our greatest days and years.”

    – Yes, and what they spoke is treason.

    – A rose by any other name….

  26. Aldo says:

    Predictably, the false claim that “kill him” was directed at Obama turns up in LAT editorial today:

    The divisions in our country today are less pronounced than those Lincoln confronted, but they are significant. No longer sectional or blood-soaked, they nevertheless are ideological, partisan and cultural. They reflect an often bitter and surly populace. We encounter that anger in the mean-spirited anonymity of the Internet and the decline in civility in our everyday lives. We reel from it in displays as shocking as the cry from the crowd at a campaign rally demanding the death of a political opponent.

    The editorial goes on to regurgitate everything the leftwing blogoshpere has been saying this week about how McCain’s divisive rhetoric is whipping the Republican haters into a frenzy.

    Meanwhile, in the LAT’s newsroom they are probably giggling over this.

  27. thor says:

    Some of those who spoke of revolution are America’s forefathers, lest you forget.

    They are divine Kings of The Some Who Do.

    When the sun’s up, it takes time to get around.

  28. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Thor @ 19 and 24. Ok, fucked in the head, it is.

  29. alppuccino says:

    Complex men of words are capable of both great transgressions and unspeakable beauty.

    Like George Jones, right?

  30. TmjUtah says:

    Sdferr –

    The unusual, unprecedented proclivity for self-destructive mercy you bring up is paralleled by our being an Empire without provinces, as well.

    Being possessed of almost unimaginable national wealth for our life experience has spoiled us in so many ways; once the impact of the ongoing collapse is really felt, I wonder if we will approach the “mercy” or “empire” things the same way.

    I’m thinking not. It’s awfully hard to see how spending a hundred grand a year to warehouse a felon could be sold to a population where “middle class” means “Sleeps inside. Most of the time”.

    The Angry Left has lived their little soap opera inside the cocoon of a debauched society since the end of the Vietnam war. Oh, the serious players like Ayers, Hayden, and Obama have kept their eyes on the prize, make no mistake: it’s the useful idiots like the enviro luddites/terrorists, Black Bloc, the Women Studies Feminists, and all the eye-makeup wearing mall monkeys wearing Che shirts that are going to arrive at the Real Socialist Utopia with the most personal pain. They are going to want to hurt people and break shit now that they have actually won. As a change from just breaking shit up to now, of course.

    They’ve play acted Teh Struggle for decades. I do not think that that word – “struggle” – means what they have played at for so many years.

    I think that O! goes for the Constitution kill right out of the gate. It’s not that hard a target; remember, our children have been taught in school environments and under curriculums largely designed by folks from the Ayer’s club. Just an opinion, but he’s got exactly the right congress to let it happen. Now our congress could be less competent, patriotic, or upstanding, but I don’t think that Tijuana wants to take the hit of losing their city council just to go for a record book entry.

    The who? The Supreme Court? The five/four Heller decision court?

  31. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Most of us are too busy working on a productive job to spend our days watching the sun.

    – Idle hands are the Devils workshop. Just ask Chevez.

  32. SarahW says:

    Misdirection, Thor. It’s Ayers deeds, not his voice.

  33. Jeff G. says:

    Nah, I’m Jeff’s rational inner-self.

    My rational inner self craps bigger than you.

  34. SevenEleventy says:

    Some of those who spoke of revolution are America’s forefathers, lest you forget.

    And they set up a system to change the country by electing representatives to lawfully establish government instituitions, not terrorizing the citizenry through bombings.

  35. Rob Crawford says:

    Thor would have backed Hitler if “Mein Kampf” had been a collection of poems expressing the same sentiments. After all, it’s clearly not the content or consequence of the ideas that excites him, merely the manner of their expression.

  36. Squid says:

    When the Obama/Reid/Pelosi axis rolls up its sleeves and really sets in at dismantling the machinery that’s made this country a shining success for over 200 years, I’ve little doubt that the muddled middle will realize its mistake, come to its senses, and demand a stop to those efforts. The pendulum will at long last slow, and begin to swing back toward liberty, if only because the people will accumulate firsthand experience of how terrible it is to have one’s every action controlled by the State.

    When the free people of our nation stand up to those who would make themselves kings, those people will have to reconsider their plans, or risk the wrath of the populace. And if it should come to the point where acts of violent resistance become necessary, we can count on Thor to be out in front, loudly proclaiming the people’s right to bomb the shit out of their political opponents.

    On behalf of the American Citizen’s Liberation Union, I thank Thor for his rhetorical cover.

  37. thor says:

    If Ayers, Limonov and Foucault would have spoken out against Hitler you would have shouted “kill them.”

    See how, hick, an educated man moves his feet.

  38. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Yes, in thor-boi’s freakish world, its perfectly acceptable to murder complete strangers, as long as you do it to the sounds of eloquent oratory.

  39. thor says:

    Comment by Jeff G. on 10/14 @ 11:48 am #

    Nah, I’m Jeff’s rational inner-self.

    My rational inner self craps bigger than you.

    Shall I send some Medicated Tucks for your inner self?

  40. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “See how, hick, an educated man moves his feet.”

    – Its said that Ted Bundy could move his feet quite well.

  41. Techie says:


    Does that make sense to anyone else? Cause I got nothing else.

  42. Rob Crawford says:

    It’s also odd that someone thinks tossing around the “hick” label amounts to an argument.

  43. nikkolai says:

    That’s quite some menage et tois thor has going there with Obama and Ayers. He gets to pitch and catch.

  44. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – The dogs of vicious karma are snapping, yanking on their leashes, eager to ravage whats left of thor-boi’s warped mind if his phallic god loses. Devoured like so much blood pink cranial carne.

    – Smart money says if that comes to pass, thor will disappear from the PW pages the next day.

  45. TmjUtah says:

    “When the Obama/Reid/Pelosi axis rolls up its sleeves and really sets in at dismantling the machinery that’s made this country a shining success for over 200 years, I’ve little doubt that the muddled middle will realize its mistake, come to its senses, and demand a stop to those efforts.

    I’m sorry, but middles are anchors. They don’t move anything. They can be moved, either by leadership or coercion, but once “rising up” becomes the only option, they aren’t the middle of anything any more.

    Our Constitution was written with the two great threats to representative government held up in blinding clarity: tyranny and apathy. The founders worried about both, equally, and if I were more a scholar I’d venture to claim they feared apathy more, in the long run.

    With Obama you’ve got tyranny, and if the Reid and Pelosi show doesn’t constitute ironclad evidence of voter apathy, I don’t want to think what else might.

    The Left has everything going its way. Hell, the Republicans have already done the heavy lifting in nationalizing the economy, with nary a hint that maybe regulatory pressures might be the real root cause of the current crisis. The Alphabet networks are watching FOX like the Schwartzs’ neighbors watched and waited to loot the house after the Gestapo came to take them to the camps. ACORN, Ayers, Wright, and Chicago looming over it all.

    Interesting times. Cubed AND squared.

  46. ushie says:

    Because I feel like a cat batting a mouse around today: “Complex men of words are capable of both great transgressions and unspeakable beauty.”

    Yeah, that Jack Henry Abbott, now there was a writer. So he stabbed some unimportant, unknown waiter to death. So what? And John Wayne Gacy–now that guy could paint one helluva clown!

    Yeah, when I think of the great thinkers who have mightily affected the world-Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, Plato, Marcus Aurelius, St Augustine, the Venerable Bede, Buddha, Marx and Engels, Dante, Shakespeare, Descartes, Galileo, Einstein, Hawking, Freud, Franklin, Galen, Ptolemy, Confucius, Laozi, Kepler, Mao, Linnaeus, Martin Luther, Machiavelli, Yevtushenko, Voltaire, Milton…

    I naturally think, “Oh, and William Ayers! Because he is so FUCKING IMPORTANT!”

    William Ayers, my dear thor, is about as important to the scheme of life upon this earth as you are. You poor deluded little thing.

  47. Alec Leamas says:

    Hey look, in a different time, pedophiles weren’t prosecuted in many parts of this country. They just wound up missing and then washing ashore one day.

    If Ayers washed ashore one day, my only concern would be not swimming right there.

  48. Rob Crawford says:

    William Ayers, my dear thor, is about as important to the scheme of life upon this earth as you are. You poor deluded little thing.

    I can name half a dozen people, known primarily for their writing in the literary ghetto of science fiction, who have had more impact on the world than Ayers. Hell, more impact than most everyone thor would hold up as “great men of letters”.

    Neal Stephenson

  49. SevenEleventy says:

    Sergeant Brian McDonnell, Sergeant Edward O’Grady, and Officer Waverly Brown rights weren’t a concern for Mr. Ayers. As Billy boy said, “Guilty as hell, free as a bird. America is a great country.” That must have been of great consolation to the policeman’s families, as they were free to enjoy the murder of their family members.

  50. Dave in SoCal says:

    Nah, I’m Jeff’s rational inner-self.

    Actually, no. You are, in reality, the resulting anal leakage from a ganja-fueled binge of Olestra-soaked Lays and Doritos chips.

  51. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Seven Eleventy, to thor sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Thor’s the ulitmate victim, so Ayers and thus Obama, are the ultimate men. The founders were revolutionaries. But, they were revolting from people like O! and Ayers.

  52. Slartibartfast says:

    Actually, no. You are, in reality, the resulting anal leakage from a ganja-fueled binge of Olestra-soaked Lays and Doritos chips.

    Personally, I think that thor has overdosed on jalapeno-and-LSD enemas.

  53. SevenEleventy says:

    Seven Eleventy, to thor sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Thor’s the ulitmate victim, so Ayers and thus Obama, are the ultimate men. The founders were revolutionaries. But, they were revolting from people like O! and Ayers.

    Where can I get a “tenure for Mr. Ayers” omelette?

  54. thor says:

    Comment by Dave in SoCal on 10/14 @ 1:50 pm #

    Nah, I’m Jeff’s rational inner-self.

    Actually, no. You are, in reality, the resulting anal leakage from a ganja-fueled binge of Olestra-soaked Lays and Doritos chips.

    Props to the rip. Bong hit?

  55. ushie says:

    Come to think of it, Rob Crawford, Groucho Marx, Charlie Chaplin, Rodney Dangerfield, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, Lucille Ball, Jack Benny, Jackie Gleason–all have had a greater impact upon the world than William Ayers.

    Not to mention Larry, Curly, and Moe.

  56. thor says:


    Comment by Obstreperous Infidel on 10/14 @ 1:52 pm #

    Seven Eleventy, to thor sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Thor’s the ulitmate victim, so Ayers and thus Obama, are the ultimate men. The founders were revolutionaries. But, they were revolting from people like O! and Ayers.

    Ayers and Dunham are both common names of those with British ancestry so you might be onto something.

  57. Pellegri says:

    thor, what is it Ayers has done that’s so noteworthy and world-changing?

    Other than mentoring Obama, that is.

  58. Mikey NTH says:

    Socialistic revolutions merely replace one set of dukes with another set.

  59. Pellegri says:

    Also, still “lol” at McCain somehow inciting a single dude in the crowd to yell “kill him” (about Ayers, no less) being HORRIBLE AND AWFUL INCITEMENT while entire online communities of Obama supporters are crying for Palin’s rape/death/dismemberment and that’s regrettable but ttly not Obama’s fault.

  60. Mikey NTH says:

    Why anyone bothers with responding to that mayfly is a puzzle.
    You aren’t going to get anything from it for the time you spend.

  61. Pellegri says:

    Right now? I have nothing else to do while a major WoW patch downloads…

  62. thor says:

    Comment by ushie on 10/14 @ 12:49 pm #

    Comment by Mikey NTH on 10/14 @ 4:28 pm #

    Why anyone bothers with responding to that mayfly is a puzzle.
    You aren’t going to get anything from it for the time you spend.

    It’s McFly, McFly.

    Ushie, I don’t know what to say to you. You’re don’t draw intelligent conclusions.

    Pellegri, it might be nothing more than a lucky stroke of fate but Ayers looks more and more like the final vacuous straw man that broke the Republican party’s back. Being a lightning rod took little talent, but he’s makes some solid arguments, whereas you have, to my knowledge, nary argued a single cogent thought. I stand firmly with the honorable William Ayers on some topics. Bring your face down here, close, where it can taste the street. That’s where it all begins and ends, airhead.

  63. thor says:

    you’re = you

    he’s = he

    later, dotheads

  64. B Moe says:

    Bring your face down here, close, where it can taste the street.

    LMFAO! Jesus Christ, you are so full of shit, dude.

  65. Rusty says:

    Thor has been hit in the face a thousand times!!So he’s half a bubble off of true plumb. Cut him some slack.

  66. SevenEleventy says:

    Bring your face down here, close, where it can taste the street.

    Into the street gutter with the dishonorable Willie Ayers.

  67. Pellegri says:

    My my, thor has badly spelled claws. Who’da thunk it!

    That’s hardly an endorsement for Ayers, though. Anything more specific, or just more pomposity?

  68. Pellegri says:

    Also, I bother because I want to see if thor can say anything other than “my penis is HUGE”. Not in so many words, natch, but…

  69. Jon Brooks says:

    I hope william ayers wakes up every night thinking about how his bomb design, the one with the nails meant for the soldiers at the dance, killed his fellow terrorists. I hope he thinks about how the initial blast if not killing the closest ones thru hydrostatic shock, knocked them senseless but still able to feel the nails which had rended their flesh, stuck in their bones, spiraled thru their vital organs, shredded their faces, their chests, splattering their flesh against the rear wall. If I had been a cop called to the scenen after..I would have chuckeled. Then taken a crap and wiped my arse with the pages of Saul alinskys book from the table. But thats just me:) LOL

  70. Rusty says:

    It bothers his sleep, not at all. They died for the revolution. They are in socialist heaven, with che.

    Little tip. When making pipe bombs with black powder, don’t use real metal pipe with threads.

  71. SevenEleventy says:

    Little tip. When making pipe bombs with black powder, don’t use real metal pipe with threads.

    Revolution and weed can be an explosive mix. Pass the pipe. No, not that one!

  72. SevenEleventy says:

    They were raising social consciousness, and the brownstone, simultaneously. Whoop, there it is!

  73. Jon Brooks says:

    LOL 7/11ty
    Or to borrow a pharse from The Firesign Theatre album from that time,
    from “Dont Crush That Dwarf Hand ME the Pliers”..

    “Awww they’re no fun at all, they fell right over!”

  74. Jon Brooks says:

    Locked and loaded in ’70. Was in the USMC from ’69 thru ’71, joined under the two year special..go to vietnam..get full 4 years GI bill. Well they didnt send me so I was at Camp Pendleton for 16 months. Would have to walk guard duty periodically (3 days on 4 days off duty cycle so I would always volunteer to get the 4 days off and we got reports that the Weather Underground was going to try to infiltrate onto the base to blow stuff up. The O.D. (Officer of the Day for guard duty) came by each post and told us to “lock and load”
    and shoot to kill the bastards. At every post including mine the O.D. of course was greeted with a very hearty, Aye Aye Sir! Of course they never showed, this would have been to dangerous for the cowardly bastards. The only solace I can look to is..parallel universes.
    If the physicists are correct and there are at any given moment..ten
    to the 528th parallel universes spinning off of this one, each one with a slightly different event timeline, in one of those a young marine is walking post at an armoury and up sneaks ayers or dorne or another WUG bastard..crack crack crack..he’s down..crack crack crack..he stopped moving..crack crack crack..just to be sure, then one final..crack. One for the Corps:) If the physicists are already happenend. Oh well its nice to imagine.

  75. SevenEleventy says:

    Ruben “Hurricane” Carter, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Ira Einhorm, et al. were all “down with the struggle”, and therefore, forgiven for their transgressions. Ah, justice, she is an elusively subjective ideal, espcecially if there’s a book and movie deal. They were framed…in 70 mm!

  76. steveaz says:

    RE: “Kill Him!”

    As of now, the meme has been established in all the usual media outlets. As far as foreign readers of the NYT, AP and LAT products are concerned, white America is racist and violent. Expect Le Monde and Der Spiegel to pick this one up and run with it now.

    International media org’s. like the NYT and the AP know what they’re doing, too. The proliferation of this dishonest meme represents the cocking of a loaded gun in preparation to fire it. Now, all that is needed is for McCain to win the election, the Congressional Black Caucus to contest the results, and for one stray bullet to graze Obama’s motorcade, and Charles Manson’s (and Reverend Wright’s) “Blackie vs Whitey War” is on. Strong.

    Should sell a lot of print and TV ad-time, too.

    The race-riots that the media hopes to incite by mis-repeating the “Kill Him!” canard will make the Rodney King riots look like childs’ play. And, by lying to their foreign readers on this point, the media must hope they can further tarnish America’s moral standing in the world, while they lay the groundwork for the ‘binding’ UN censure of my country that they could not win at the UN’s Durban Conference on “racism.”

    For the transnational Left, all the crispy “Hate-chips” are falling into place. Now they only need some fresh “Count every vote Salsa.” And I’m sure the NYT and the AP will bring enough for everyone at the party.

  77. Jon Brooks says:

    Soooo..if there is a race war..obama will shoot himself?? Will we see
    him..pull a Dr. Stranglove on us? Trying to choke himself with his ‘right’ hand while the ‘left’ hand tries to stop himself? Will both sides of the riots try to shoot him in a race war? Will
    the islamic fundementalists beat them to the punch because he is an apostate? Why didnt Colin Powell run in ’96 so the first black president could have been history by now? Oh people called him an Uncle Tom. Perfidy..thy name is liberal.
    (Note: switch right and left in the scenario above for those who need to point out which brain hemisphere controls which body side)

  78. Jon Brooks says:

    My last comment reminded me of “Blazing Saddles”. if you have seen it I dont have to point out the scene:) LOL

  79. Jon Brooks says:

    And no I dont mean…”ZZZZiiipppp It’s twue!!’s tweu” LOLOL

  80. Sincere Wilson says:

    Someone painted “Death Obama” on the chimney of an Upper Arlington house that has a yard sign declaring “Another UA Citizen for Obama.”

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