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November 2024


Obesity contributes to global warming, rise of nanny state [Karl]

Via Reuters:

Obese and overweight people require more fuel to transport them and the food they eat, and the problem will worsen as the population literally swells in size, a team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine says.

So obesity adds to global warming, which we know is responsible for pretty much all of the ills of society. And they didn’t factor in the air conditioning?

The upside is that if John McCain manages to win the election, he could nominate Mike Huckabee for HHS Secretary to put us all on a diet.  Those losing weight would receive emission credits under a cap-and-trade system, with just a small kickback commission paid to Al Gore’s company.

21 Replies to “Obesity contributes to global warming, rise of nanny state [Karl]”

  1. Pablo says:

    And they didn’t factor in the air conditioning?

    If you weren’t so fat, you wouldn’t sweat so much and therefore wouldn’t need the AC. Capitalist pig!

  2. Dan Collins says:

    A little graphite between the thighs should boost efficiency of locomotion.

  3. Alec Leamas says:

    Fecke and McEwan are no longer immune to my “fat shaming!” Hazzaaa! They’re killing the environments and also making it awfully balmy on my Earth.

  4. SmokeVanThorn says:

    Does this mean that fat polar bears are causing the ice sheets to melt?

  5. jt says:

    No, no, no. Fat people are sequestering carbon on their bodies. Why, Al Gore alone has absorbed the carbon output of two small executive jets. This is a noble thing.

  6. JD says:

    Fuckabee @ HHS ? Fat skin folds for everyone !!!!!!!!!!!

  7. BJTexs TW/BP says:

    I’m not sure why, but lately, as the election season progresses, I’m getting more and more nervous.

    Perhaps a salad today for lunch…

    Wait a minute…

    What about all of those people in health clubs? Huh? Raising their heart rates and respiration? PRODUCING MORE AND MORE AND MORE DEADLY CARBON DIOXIDE, STRANGLING TEH GAIA???!!??


    I’m not going to win this argument, am I?

  8. JD says:

    Michael Moore and Oliver Willis should be immediately taken into custody, and forced to live on nothing but tofu and green tea.

  9. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Not to worry. We’ll all get thin in the camps, come the Revolution.

  10. Mikey NTH says:

    Is liposuction going to come under medicaid and medicare?

  11. DarthRove says:

    The obvious answer is that we should all FOAD so that Gaia (praise be) can breathe easy without the nasty theocon carbon-monkey infestation. Well, the Goracle and His Apostles can live, but then they’re better than us godbothering Nazi haters anyway.

  12. jdm says:

    This article is so disgisting in so many ways. It’s not just obese, it’s overweight too. Simply overweight. That covers an awful lot of people, a majority perhaps. So, the article (message) is for everyone.

    And using the BMI to calculate this? Please. Then body-builders are “overweight” as are basketball players like Kobe Bryant (25.6), Derek Fisher (27), Kevin Garnett (25.8)… hello?

    I think this article is just another peek behind curtain of where this global warming thing is really intended to go: the Middle Ages and living like monks… no, no, mud-harvesting anarcho-syndicalist communes in which we take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for a week, but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more major .

    I can’t wait until I look forward to my new watermelon masters.

  13. Darleen says:

    This may be moot … considering the polar bear is on the threatened list now and ANY action that globally affects the climate and thus the polar bear habitat is now the province of Federal regulators.

    So, how about freezing the number of cars on the road right now and reducing the amount through attrition? Don’t have a car? Use public trans or walk. Just reinstitute gas rationing ala WWII and people will have to walk. Start Fed regulation of all those farting cows (reduce their number) and start rationing milk, butter, cheese … all stuff we shouldn’t be eating anyway. Ditto chickens and beef.

    With all that Federally mandated walking and animal protein restricted dieting we’ll be healthy in no time.

    Oh, and we’d better be, because humans are a big cause of greenhouse gases, so the next Fed mandate will be to cut off everyone over the age of 75 to medical care (after nationalizing healthcare). There’s no reason to keep around a bunch of useless seniors when they don’t have the good sense to die when they should.

  14. happyfeet says:

    Same faggy critique would apply to anyone that lifts weights. Scrawny is the new green. Weak and pliable.

  15. BJTexs TW/BP says:


  16. Percy Dovetonsils says:

    I’m guessing flatuence is now a hate crime.

  17. DarthRove says:

    Hell, Percy, carbon dioxide is officially a pollutant greenhouse gas. Every time you exhale, you’re KILLING TEH PLANET!!!!11!!111!one!! GAIACIDIST!!!!

  18. scooter (not libby) says:

    Imagine if they could find a way to turn human fat into fuel. Then, obesity becomes a virtue, but only if you undergo liposuction. If you’re fat AND you refuse to have your fat sucked off for fuel, then you’re REALLY, REALLY evil. But if you’re skinny, you’re not contributing to the fuel supply, so skinny people are bad too.

    It’s tough out there for a pim… er, progressive nannystatist.

  19. syn says:

    OMG, I don’t know what it’s like in the rest of the country however here in NYC there are these skeletals creatures walking around whose thights are smaller than their wrists and their knee caps are bigger than their heads with these enormous silconed balloons hanging off their chest.

    It is grotesque.

  20. Of course, the next step necessary to save Gaia will be to stop feeding some of us altogether. Just think of all the resources we won’t consume!

  21. Mikey NTH says:

    That, Charles, if done right will save both National Health Care and Social Security.

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