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November 2024


NYT on the Obama/Wright Blow-Up [Dan Collins]

Key paragraph:

In recent months, the candidate has tried to distance himself from Mr. Wright and his often radical views, even as he felt compelled to understand and explain his former pastor to a larger, predominantly white political world.

So, on the one hand they admit, finally, that the pastor’s views are “often radical,” even as they imply that they are not easily contextualized for a “predominantly white political world.”  Occamonnowman.

17 Replies to “NYT on the Obama/Wright Blow-Up [Dan Collins]”

  1. BumperStickerist says:

    Ummm …. the pastor is only “former” in the sense that Reverend Wright’s retired after 30+ years as the active, weekly pastor… but wait.

    OH NOES! Per the Trinity UCC site, Reverend Wright remains as the Senior Pastor at the church Senator Obama is currently attending!

    I guess NYT reporters can’t invest two minutes for a Google search plus two additional clicks.

  2. JD says:

    In recent months, the candidate has tried to distance himself from Mr. Wright and his often radical views, even as he felt compelled to understand and explain his former pastor to a larger, predominantly white political world.

    Do they have any idea how painfully stooopid they sound when they write meaningless paragraphs like this?

  3. Jim in KC says:

    Kill whitey!

  4. Bush’s fault, for sure.

  5. TaiChiWawa says:


  6. Dan Collins says:


  7. Here’s what I’m loving: Atlanta’s congressman, John Lewis, first threw in with Hillary. Then he switched his support to Obama.

    I awaited his next switch with breathless anticipation.

  8. Mikey NTH says:

    Rev. Wright’s views are easily contextualized. What the NYT is saying is that they can’t be easily spun in a way that doesn’t tick a lot of people off.

  9. Scape-goat Trainee says:

    So for 20 years Obama chose not to distance himself from “his often radical views”, but only in recent months.

    Yeah…this guy’s authentic alright.

  10. N. O'Brain says:

    New movie:

    New York Times Pt. XXVII: Clueless In The Big Apple.

  11. TmjUtah says:

    Mikey NTH –

    What the NYT is saying is that they can’t be easily spun in a way that doesn’t tick a lot of people off.

    Dead bang on, sir.

  12. Paul says:

    What’s hard to understand? Wright hates white people. Obama/MSM spin cannot put lipstick on that pig, especially when he won’t stop squealing.

  13. Seven says:

    Under the photo: “He had been uninvited by Mr. Obama from delivering an invocation.”
    This is really a major up front blast at
    Obama’s implausible claim of “I did’t know and nobody told me”,right?

  14. BJTexs TW/BP says:

    Ah, The Gray (Senile) Lady! A day late and several million dollars short.

    What’s a “storied” newspaper to do when you were once the flagship of the MSM fleet but are rapidly deteriorating to something resembling an average sized chinese junk?

    Fish I guess…

  15. Seven says:

    Under the photo: “He had been uninvited by Mr. Obama from delivering an invocation.”
    This is really a major up-front blast at
    Obama’s implausible claim of
    “I did’t know and nobody told me”,right?

  16. Paul says:

    This is really a major up-front blast at
    Obama’s implausible claim of
    “I did’t know and nobody told me”,right?


    He went to church with the man for twenty years and doesn’t know about his ranting and wants us to put him in the Oval Office meeting with his Cabinet and making the decisions that will affect billions of people.

  17. ahem says:

    “…he felt compelled to understand and explain his former pastor to a larger, predominantly non-radical marxist political world.”

    Personally, I like what Thomas Sowell said: something about ‘the more truthful you are in politics, the more you have to explain yourself’.

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