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March 2025


Stupid : Evil Ratio [Dan Collins]

Somebody named Pink Ed has a piece at the Village Voice (h/t Serr8d) on the right-blogosphere’s coverage of the election.  It’s wry, amusing, and demonstrates perfectly the left’s contention that if you disagree with them, you’re either stupid or evil, or some combination of both.  (The inverse relationship btween the two is also telling, and I may comment further on that, later).

Insty gets the lowest stupid-to-evil ratio, at 5/95.  I’m sure this will come as a great disappointment to Charles Johnson, who clocks in at 40/60, even though you’d expect his evilness quotient to be higher.  Other luminaries covered include Lileks, Dreher, Malkin, Althouse and Ace.

UPDATE: Stuntman?  I’ve been called worse, though I think Jeff’s perfectly capable of performing his own stunts.

28 Replies to “Stupid : Evil Ratio [Dan Collins]”

  1. SarahW says:

    That puppy thing had to help on the evil stats.

  2. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “….you’d expect his evilness quotient to be higher.”

    – Hey. Its like Diving or figure skating. You always have to leave room for improvement, or for the next competitor on the roster. Never know when you might discover the next Charles Manson Conservative.

    – Although, when I’m forced to, I sometimes picture the average Lefties brain as sort of a three week old banana pumped full to the exploding point of warm mountain dew, and soggy doritos, I serious;y think this is another of the myriad reasons of just why they’re so completely brain-fucked. Whats the payoff when the best you can do is simply find as many ways as you can just to go with “they’re all stupid, and anyway who cares”.

    – Yeh. Thats got to be really heart warming to an elitist. Gawd these people are such immature children.

  3. Hoodlumman says:

    Traffic whoring!! YAY!!

  4. Jeffersonian says:

    If it wasn’t for Nat Henthoff, you could run the VV straight from the printing press to the bottom of the birdcage.

  5. Semanticleo says:

    Ho! Ho! Gennuendo is a Transhumanist?

    What a maroon…………..

    ” With many other transhumanists, Reynolds and Kurzweil believe in a “Singularity”, which is an apocalyptic event predicted within the next 30-40 years in which computers become super-efficient and the human race merges with machines.

    The Gods must be crazy. I smell flecks of Mormonism.

  6. JD says:

    I smell pre-traumatic stress disorder.

  7. jdm says:

    I found it interesting that cattiness seems to be a big part of leftist or at least VV innuendo.

  8. McGehee says:

    I smell flecks of Mormonism.

    Who knew troll spittle smelled like Mormonism?

  9. Rob Crawford says:

    Who the fuck is “Gennuendo”? What the fuck is Semen-slurper talking about?

  10. J. Peden says:

    I smell pre-traumatic stress disorder.

    But you, Pink Ed, are certainly no Jane Smiley.

  11. mojo says:

    Evil? You think this is evil?

    You poor, innocent fool. BWAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha…

  12. Cernig says:

    Hi Dan,

    Agreed the ratio thing was contrived and detracted from otherwise witty and well-observed vignettes. You should have a go at doing the reciprocal thing on the big names of the Lefty blogs. I would suggest rating them by two metrics DFH (Dirty F-ing Hippy) quotient and Wannabe A Player quotient. Kos or Arianna score high on the second whereas the Flophouse Folk score high on the first, for instance.

    Regards, C

  13. Dan Collins says:

    Thanks, Cernig. I might just do that. But mostly I was disappointed that we didn’t make the list. If I go after the Leftosphere, I’ll be certain to include you guys. The problem is, I don’t think I can do it without leaving out some worthy candidates and hurting their feelings.

  14. Daryl Herbert says:

    They couldn’t rate you because your blog is off the chart on both counts. It’s “stupid” (i.e., free-wheeling, fun loving, self-satisfied, irreverent) and “evil” (i.e., intellectual, rational, intelligent, thoughtful).

  15. […] Edroso, the author the piece is collecting reaction [via Dan “stuntman” Collins]. I’m sure he’d love a comment or […]

  16. Smirky McChimp says:

    Meh. I found the whole thing way too forced and contrived. The only thing they said that had any grain of truth was their harping on the fact that Insty’s posts are short and he doesn’t have comments.

    I guess I just didn’t get the joke.

  17. JD says:

    The Left sure is an un-funny lot, no?

  18. Dan Collins says:

    I don’t know, I thought it was kind of funny.

  19. Tyro says:

    The essential banality of evil explains Instapundit’s victory on that score.

  20. Jim Treacher says:

    I found it interesting that cattiness seems to be a big part of leftist or at least VV innuendo.

    What’s the other part?

  21. Brainster says:

    Yeah, the Stupid/Evil ratio is pretty dumb. Suppose he turned it around for the liberal blogs and had a “Brilliance/Goodness” ratio; would an increase in brilliance require a decrease in goodness?

  22. Patrick Chester says:

    So… what? Does that mean someone can use the Force to shoot lightning at Cleo, or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

  23. cranky-d says:

    It was an interesting load of self-satisfied smirk. He probably had to change his underwear after he was done. On the other hand, he enjoyed himself, and I’m sure many of his ilk enjoyed reading it, so whatever.

  24. Merovign says:

    I just checked Instapundit – he’s “lusting after the Toyota Sera.”

    What kind of freak lusts after an underpowered economy car that makes you do gymnastics to get in or out of it? On top of that, it looks like the evil distorted hate-child of a Paseo and a Geo Storm.

    Freak! He’s got to be at least as evil as they say!

  25. […] are: Little Green Footballs, The Daily Dish, Althouse, protein wisdom, alicublog, The American Mind, Shakesville and The […]

  26. Slartibartfast says:

    Oh, Edroso, again? The upside to his brand of stupidity is that when he’s writing, he’s not making bad music.

  27. Alec Leamas says:

    “I would suggest rating them by two metrics DFH (Dirty F-ing Hippy) quotient and Wannabe A Player quotient.”

    I don’t know if we would want such a Manichean system. Call me a faggot, but I tend to see nuance in the Leftist stupidity.

    For example, for feminist blogs, you would definitely have to go with a “bitching like a X-year old girl” scale – with numbers from 13 to 17. Because, you know, there’s a whole bunch of stuff that wasn’t worked out with daddy that is now being inflicted upon anything in sight, but mostly the United States, Republicans, the Pope, and men falsely accused of rape. I toyed with the idea of making one of those sites where you type in a web address, and it translates words from x to y for the femblogs. Replacing Bush/Republicans/Patriarchy etc. with “Daddy” would be a bunch of fun, methinks.

    For the generally all-around socialist blogs that demand higher taxes for people who, you know, actually pay taxes, a “doesn’t roll out of bed before x-o’clock” scale would be appropriate – beginning with 10:00 A.M.

    I’m not sure about the rest, other than to rate Gleen’s blog with a “x pats on the head” from Feingold . . .

  28. Coco says:

    I don’t have time to read all the descriptions but since I regularly visit every site listed I’m thrilled that the Village Voice thinks they’re all stupid and evil. They must be doing something right. My condolences to more sites than I can name for not making the list. There’s always next year.

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