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September 2024


Dems 2008: Shockingly, Bill Clinton exaggerates Hillary’s military cred [Karl]

Mike Baker files a report for the Associated Press on Bill Clinton’s swing through North Carolina, touting his wife’s presidential campaign:

Clinton opened his day in Charlotte, telling veterans at an invitation-only event that Hillary Clinton can provide better health care for troops back from combat and will reduce the number of troops in Iraq. He continued to highlight the military issue later in Cary, accentuating his wife’s gender to emphasize his point that more generals have endorsed Clinton than both Obama and Republican candidate John McCain.

“You might wonder why that’s so: Why did they endorse the girl for president? All these generals?” Clinton said.

He said that’s partially because she’s the only member of the Armed Services Committee in the race and also because of her support for wounded veterans.

At HotAir, Ed Morrissey notes that John McCain has served on the committee since 1987, including the entirety of Bill Clinton’s presidency and Hillary Clinton’s service as Senator.

In addition, a video clip at HillaryTV states that Hillary is endorsed by 34 retired Generals and Admirals, while McCain is endorsed by over 100 retired admirals and generals.

Bill may need to spend a few more weeks in the campaign penalty box.

17 Replies to “Dems 2008: Shockingly, Bill Clinton exaggerates Hillary’s military cred [Karl]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    Baracky is endorsed by way more retired anti-American ministers what hate white people though. Why did Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan endorse Baracky is the question Bill should be asking really. Hillary dreams of running against McCain, but that’s not really where we are, is it?

  2. Jeffersonian says:

    Hillary knows she’s gonna need the very people that question would piss off in the general, hf. It’ll get asked, but not by an A-lister.

  3. happyfeet says:

    It definitely won’t be Edwards asking…

    Race is among the factors that Edwards has considered in deciding whether to endorse a candidate. Those close to Edwards say that he is keenly aware that, as a Southern white male, an endorsement of Clinton might give the impression he stands against the first serious black candidate.

    Race is not a factor with respect to repudiating a raving anti-American, ant-Semitic lunatics, but it’s just really interesting how paralyzed Democrats are anyway. At least Jewish people know where they stand more better now.

  4. happyfeet says:

    oh. link

  5. happyfeet says:

    again oh. *anti-Semitic* … Baracky’s church a lot hates Jews, and that’s really a big problem I think.

  6. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Hillerys problem with the “claimed experience” issue is the more she does it the more pissed off people that actually did the work will speak out and embarrass her. Her, and her advisers, seem to have forgotten that the only loyalty a hard Lefty feels is whichever cult figure they’ve fixated on, and in any government service like the State Department, theres bound to be as many Obama groupies as Clinton supporters. The old “no honor” amongst thieves sort of thing.

  7. Jeffersonian says:

    Geraldine Ferraro is going to deserve a lot of apologies after all’s said and done in this election.

  8. Cowboy says:

    …yeah, but she dodged a sniper’s bullets in Bosnia!


  9. Karl says:

    Yes, but imho only the Arkin/Falk iteration will do.

  10. fletch says:


    Geraldine Ferraro is going to deserve a lot of apologies after all’s said and done in this election.

    While I can enjoy the “drama”, Gerry Ferraro was the completely unqualified VP candidate in the first Pres. election that I was eligible to vote- (and also the last time that I ever voted for the “Republican”… of course, I stil have never voted for a Dem as President!)

    Yet, I would vote “Ferraro” over “McCain” in a heartbeat!

    See the “Keating 5”—- with ‘my’ Senator John Glenn, 3 other Democrats, and “peabrain McCain”.

    McVain (not a typo!) was the “least culpable” of the five– yet he willingly “threw himself under the bus” to make it a ‘bi-partisan scandal’.

    then, he turned into “Maverick”- a self-righteous, hypocritical media whore who apparently missed the “shall not” when reading the First Amendment- and paved his path to redemption by shitting on conservatives whenever possible.

    Personally, I wouldn’t piss in John McCain’s mouth if his fucking teeth were on fire…

    But…(Imagines hitting the “VOTE” button for “McVain”)—

    I’ll die trying!

  11. happyfeet says:

    Oh. That’s mean. Don’t worry about the teeth, John. You can count on me.

  12. McGehee says:

    Why would McCain’s teeth catch on fire? Did he get them from George Washington’s prosthodontist?

  13. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Since the two factions of the Donkeys have decided they’d rather gouge each others eyes out then let their oppositions candidate win, McPain take it by default. So I’ll write in Rudi, even though its as futile as a moonbats mental condition. It won’t change anything, but at least I’ll feel like they didn’t force My decision by lashing My hand to an auto-signer.

  14. B Moe says:

    Why would McCain’s teeth catch on fire?


  15. McGehee says:


    Must be hardwood. If they were pine all he’d get would be splinters under the gums.

  16. lee says:

    I always liked this picture as an illustration of the military opinion of the Clintons.
    The young man is giving the signal for duress, as in, he was compelled to do this against his will.

    I bet McCain chuckles at the image too…

  17. JD says:

    Personally, my favorite example of the Clintons outright fabrication of history is the idea that when she went to Bosnia it was so dangerous that they had to send the First Lady and a comedian. I think even one of the Leftist, Ygelsias, bashed her for claiming that they landed under sniper fire, when the actual footage of the arrival showed something remarkably different. Surprisingly enough, the actual media never called her on it, and still hasn’t.

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