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December 2024


GOP 2008: The NYT takes a third strike at McCain [Karl]

The New York Times, having whiffed on its “maybe McCain had an affair” story, and having whiffed again on its “maybe McCain isn’t a natural born US citizen” story, goes for the trifecta:

Maybe McCain has cancer!

In 1999, during Mr. McCain’s first race for president, he gave the public an extraordinary look at his medical history — 1,500 pages of medical and psychiatric records that were amassed as part of a United States Navy project to gauge the health of former prisoners of war. This reporter, who is a physician, interviewed the senator’s doctors in 1999 with his permission.

But this time around, Mr. McCain has yet to make his full medical records or his physicians available to reporters. At least three times since March 2007, campaign officials have told The New York Times that they would provide the detailed information about his current state of health, but they have not done so. The campaign now says it expects to release the information in April.

So Mr. McCain’s prognosis for the recurrence of melanoma can be gauged only by talking to experts not connected with his case. Those experts say his prospects appear favorable.

The author of this story — Dr. Lawrence K. Altman — is likely still waiting for Bill Clinton’s medical records.  Whether the paper will maintain its level of sloth when the subject is a Republican remains to be seen.

Update: Insta-lanche!

24 Replies to “GOP 2008: The NYT takes a third strike at McCain [Karl]”

  1. sashal says:

    I don’t think the country is paying that much attention to NYT as it used to be before( I recall the episode from “Silkwood” when they were talking about correspondent from NYT arriving for an interview with such an awe- not anymore),
    and I think HC would rather see McCain win , then Obambi be running instead of her, what a power hungry real “monster” she is.
    Now I even think that if it happens to be HC against John McCain, he would win in a landslide.
    She managed to get more resentment towards herself from liberals (check the blogs from liberals and left) , then republicans had against her in the 90th…

  2. Pablo says:

    Actually, I think this is strike four, with the McCain Flashes Temper at Reporter whiff being #3. It’s really becoming comical, and the NYT McCain Derangement Syndrome is about thisclose to being the basis of a great drinking game.

    Tell me again why they endorsed him.

  3. Fat Man says:

    “The author of this story — Dr. Lawrence K. Altman — is likely still waiting for Bill Clinton’s medical records.”

    You might want to spend some time searching for the hard hitting article the NYT published about John Frigging Kerry’s prostate cancer.

  4. martin says:

    The NYT is the John Kerry of newspapers. “Holp us Noo Yerk Tims were stupid and stuck in reel america.”
    I am heartened by the fact that they are nearing extinction, to be wiped out by poor management and a converging communications market. Maybe they can merge with The New Republic to improve their reputation for fairness and accuracy.

  5. J2 says:

    This is interesting quip from former Clinton advisor, Brookings Institute William Galston in todays SunTimes

    ~~~Obama cannot publicly blame racism for the slowing of his momentum, although his team has little doubt in private that it was a factor in Ohio last week. “He has to take a good hard look at why he failed to connect with so many working-class voters,” said Galston. Closing the gap with working-class voters is essential to persuading superdelegates that Obama is capable of going head-to-head with McCain, he added: “McCain is the quintessential ‘white’ candidate – so white that he gets melanoma if he stays in the sun.”


  6. McGehee says:

    Tell me again why they endorsed him.

    They thought he’d make a great piñata.

  7. Karl says:


    Arguably, the NYT endorsed him because he was the GOP candidate closest to their editorial position.

  8. Pablo says:

    Karl, I get that, but I’m then amused that they expend so much ink on these foolish, substance free attacks. I only point their endorsement out because I enjoy the irony.

  9. Jeffersonian says:

    They thought he’d make a great piñata.

    Yep…like bowling pins, you gotta set ’em up before you knock ’em down.

  10. Jim in KC says:

    Meanwhile, aren’t we all still sitting around waiting for John Kerry’s military records, as well?

  11. ha ha, yeah, Jim, and any day now he’s going to collect his million dollars. though, it’s interesting, the article claims he released more of his military records. gonna maybe go do some more digging….

  12. […] morning, planned to post it in the PM, I was using a baseball comparison, but, seems that Karl at protein wisdom beat me too it. […]

  13. […] morning, planned to post it in the PM, I was using a baseball comparison, but, seems that Karl at protein wisdom beat me too it. […]

  14. oh, well, maybe not so fast…. I’ve slept so much since then. sorry.

  15. David Hardy says:

    Pretty thin story. Melanoma is about as aggressive as cancer gets. If they hadn’t gotten it all, he’d have been dead many years ago. You don’t have melanoma and be walking around eight years later. Shouldn’t they wait to see if he gets elected before developing McCain Derangment Syndrome?

  16. happyfeet says:

    Being a cancer survivor is a net plus I think. It has all sorts of good-character connotations (thanks Lance) and also especially cause my NPR tells me healthcare is something of an issue or they sure are going to make it one at least anyway. It’s experience is what it is.

  17. J. Peden says:

    Galston:“McCain is the quintessential ‘white’ candidate – so white that he gets melanoma if he stays in the sun.”

    Right: I’m sure the “working-class”= racist, whites know [wrongly] that the only way – short of being an albino – you can prove that you don’t have a drop of black blood in you is to get Malignant Melanoma? And that until you get MM you just might-could be black? And that if a black gets MM – as they do even without staying out in the sun too long [as does the vagina and the tainted perineum] – s/he is “quintessentially ‘white’?

    Chaotic bigoted authenticityness, The Path to Nowhere, runs amok within a self-hating bigot. Just how bad must it be being William Galston?

  18. Merovign says:

    Counting the days until the NYT goes out of business, with any luck (okay with a LOT of luck) it will be one of those “teachable moments” for the rest of the MSM.

  19. J. Peden says:

    It’s [being a Ca. survivor] experience is what it is.

    That’s sure the got-dam truth.

    I had something which would almost certainly have killed me as sure a Malignant Melanoma without the PRIVATE health care sector being present – spontaneously rupturing high cervical spine disc, extruding back into my spinal cord between cervical vertebrae 3 and 4 which could have paralyzed all of my respiratory nerves [and everything from the neck down] and another component of the disc already compressing the motor and sensory nerve roots to my right arm.

    I won’t go into it much further, except to say that I thought realistically that I might even die on the table, went through some stages which finally led to acceptance and even a kind of euphoria, at which point I vowed I’d ask the recovery Nurses – if I did live – if the sex change procedure had been a success. I actually tried to, but coudn’t speak coherently, to my great disappointment.

    At any rate, it was quite an experience and a genuine miracle, and mostly possible due to state of the art PRIVATE health care. McCain almost certainly knows all these things first hand, and I’m also very sure his Malignant Melanoma is cured. Otherwise he couldn’t live much longer, much less run for President.

    And the NYT should know at least the latter fact, instead of choosing to rotely gratify its own Progressive monkey-brain self by way of its psychopathic addiction to perverse titillations, which also seems to be insured by its very own self-proclaimed vaunted version of Peer Review.

  20. LB's Rambles says:

    NY Times: Strike 4

    If you want to know why I say the New York Times is having credibility problems when it comes to reporting fairly on John McCain’s candidacy (after endorsing him in the GOP primary, no less), take a look at the

  21. gerald says:

    NYT or National Enquirer?? Perhaps the newspaper people of New York need some training.

  22. […] previously noted, the New York Times “maybe McCain has cancer” story was thin gruel: For patients […]

  23. Miss71 says:

    Some speculate that Sarah is going to reinvent herself for another run at the Whitehouse but this time as the head Honcho. ,

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