you’ve got there, or are you just happy to see me?
Proving yet again that the Right continues to not fire on all cylinders, Right bloggers Protein Wisdom’s Dan Collins and Darleen’s Place seem to miss the tongue in cheek nature of my “rules” and the actual point of my post“The Media and The 2008 Election: The Perfect Storm of Clinton Hate.  Darleen accuses me of:
jaw-dropping self-parody (really too giggle inducing to be labeled nascent fascism as it would otherwise be deserved)
Earth to Darleen, my “rules” are not serious. No fascism being advocated here. They are intended to sarcastically parody the rules applied in the Dem contest BECAUSE of the Media’s hatred of the Clintons. But of course I forget that she believes that the Clintons are Media Darlings against all the evidence and indeed, admissions of the Media.ÂÂ
I think, Mr. Tent, that Darleen’s point is that it’s odd that you think the media’s so hostile to the Clintons, when one considers that a number of their partisans and advisors are employed by one of those networks. And further, it’s funny that they’re being asked to sit things out until the Dem primary is decided . . . after which they’re welcome to resume their partisanship.
My point is that having contributed to a cultural atmosphere in which affirmative action limits one’s right to judge a person solely on the content of his character, it is now somewhat rich that you suddenly find it unfair. After all, these people have every right to feel disenfranchised, and that means that you must accommodate them or suffer the consequences to your reputation.
UPDATE: You racist.
I think what “Big Tent” misses out on is that those are the EXACT tactics they will utilize should Barry become the nominee, and not hesitate for a moment. You could very easily make a list that of similar rules that will be in effect for Hillary, should she prevail, and they will not hesitate for a moment in doing so. That they are struggling to work within they maze of political correctness that they constructed is their own doing, another point lost on them.
are intended to sarcastically parody the rules applied in the Dem contest BECAUSE of the Media’s hatred of the Clintons
As I stated, it is borderline self-parody, because I don’t for a moment buy that there wasn’t a bit of serious consideration that Big Tent wouldn’t love to actually have those rules in place after an Obama nomination (and s/he clearly skips over the word “nascent” and how I didn’t really label these rules as such because they are so risible) Reading so much of the commentary from kosskiddies, DUers and other leftists on the Carville, et al., REMOVAL from the airways just reinforces my amusement of the Dems finding themselves the object of their own tactics in inauthenticating The Other.
The Dems crossed the line into self-parody back when Waffles “reported for duty”, in my opinion. Everything since then has been bigger clown shoes, basically.
How dare you question Barry’s experience, you racist !
Oh fer the love of ….
“The rules are sarcasm you Rethuglicans! Except where it’s a wishlist!”
Why is it that when a progg says something painfully dumb, or in this case, expresses their inner desires (equally dumb), and they get called on it, they always claim to have been joking, and that everyone else was just not bright enough for their sophisticated sense of humor?
ah…clown nose on, clown nose off. Clown nose on, clown nose off.
Darleen – I particularly enjoyed where the commenter at BTD claimed your My Little Pony post on Edwards was homophobic. It is like they do not even listen to themselves. When their actions, in reality, make it impossible to discern from parody, they should really step back and reconsider. Sadly, they just march on ahead, call it a joke, and resume the idiocy.
I call a smarm-reviewed SMEAR on you both of your unholy houses! And upon the rest of youses’, too. BECAUSEIAMME!
ah…clown nose on, clown nose off.
The phrase “big tent” has always put me in mind of a circus freak show. Just sayin’.
The Dems crossed the line into self-parody back when Waffles “reported for dutyâ€Â, in my opinion. Everything since then has been bigger clown shoes, basically.
Personally, I hope that the primary from the Michiganders becomes the determinative number in the selection, not election, of the Dem candidate, and that an all out internal war amongst the Dems breaks out on the convention floor when Hill and Bill try to get those Michigander’s votes counted. Did I say that out loud? Hope the Dems are listening, because to watch that play out in real time would be priceless.
“homophobic”?? I mean, come on, at least it’s a BLUE-haried Little Pony.
Darleen – All you have to do is take the Barry Rules, substitute in the words Silky, homo, and homophobe, and it writes itself.
What I found the most amusing is that a Leftist would even consider making this list. You would not even make it if you did not think you could get your pals in the media to enforce it. Only a Leftist could imagine that happening. When the Republicans think about media coverage in an election cycle, we do not think about creating rules for the media narrative, we just hope they don’t ouright lie too bad and too often.
I take off for some quality range time and look what happened.
So… it’s not just Obama who gets automatic “what I really meant” time, eh?
I’d like to take a slightly different approach to all this. BTD doesn’t mention the well known tactic employed by the Clintons in intimidating reporters to acquire favorable coverage and temper unfavorable reports. It’s not a tremendous leap of logic to posit, now that Clinton’s “inevitability” has been tarnished, that some reporters are felling frisky and simply reporting some of the less savory aspects of Mr. & Mrs. Dynastic Politicos. While this may come as a terrible shock to BTD (as it does to others who wear the the Clinton 3D glasses) it cpmes as no surprise to many of us aware of the ongoing image process.
This may help explain, at least in part, so many reporters’ slobbery man love of Barack and his changy changiness and politcs of the future changies. Perhaps some, stung by the blackjack tactics of Hilary are taking more than a little delight in twisting the tales of Bubba and the she-cheetah.
Rather than making a blanket declaration of Clinton Media Derangement Syndrome, BTD could better serve his poltical brethern by looking a little closer at the possible reasons for this shift. Instead BTD simply yanks out the tar brush and paints the media as the haters.
My first comment was eaten alive. I was mentioning John McCain’s odd swelling on the left side of his face. Can an iron jaw grow yet another jaw?
Better jaw jaw than whore whore.
Everything since then has been bigger clown shoes, basically.
In tinier and tinier clown cars.
dipshit John Cole on the Barry Rules:
BWHAHAHAHA! Looky over there…it’s really the Rethuglikkkans fault!
Please let Edwards and Hillary stay in until convention.
bjtexas: I’ll skip part of 60 Minutes to respond. I’m a lefty, and disgusted by the Clinton tactic. I am too young to hail back to the Kennedy years, but I can tell you there was an evangelistic devotion from my parents. They were devastated when the Kennedy juggernaut ran off the rails. I, and my family, have since abhorred the call to past glories that both the Kennedys and the Clintons have tried to sell. What a lie, and we’re not stupid.
I don’t think Darleen should be slammed for her legitimate beliefs.
Darleen – How did you manage to make it through all of that. Good lord, he is painful.
FWIW – My father is an uber-Leftist, and he is primarily an Edwards guy, the Barack, and then … McCain. If it is McCain vs. Hillary, he will vote for McCain, and I will sit it out.
You ought to see the fighting in the comments at HuffPo over Teddy’s Barry endorsement. Outside of the obligatory “wait until the Republicans, the REAL racist party starts in…” talking point, the factional fighting is vicious.
Please let the Republican candidates keep it fairly cordial (Nasty McCain I’m looking at your infamous temper) since the MSM whores love blood above all else. And the longknives are really coming out.
Entertaining as all shit!
Darleen – I hope that Barry, Hill/Bill, and Silky are all still in the running at the Convention, and all hell breaks loose. Maybe a Code-Pink protest, followed by Jackson/Sharpton stemwinder, followed by a mob of angry mutli-millionaire plaintiff attorneys that don’t really know why they are so angry. Throw in Kerry screaming “Don’t question my patriotism”, and Kennedy taking a nip every time someone shouts “truth to power” and it would be positively riveting TV.
Did Kennedy get Osama Obama’s name right this time?
Really? Makes me think of my sheets.
For the record, though we have not expressly reference the teeming hordes of demonic dwarf clowns, my mind already went there and dealt with it. Any further references to the above will be superfluous.
Uh-oh — has his skin cancer from earlier returned?
John Cole, via Darleen:
Ha ha ha. From the man that blamed the death of 12 W Virginia coal miners on Bush.
As were the Kopechnes.
Well, yeah. Huckabee to be specific.
Some interesting thoughts from The Anchoress.
Is Bill Clinton about to get Martha Mitchell’d? Is he about to get shoved offstage for ‘medical reasons’ before he can cause any more embarrassment?
dipshit John Cole
I laughed when I saw John Cole mentioned mostly because I forgot he existed.
John Cole is truly the “oh yeah” of blogging.
I didn’t know you were British. Hmmmmm…..
(Not to mention that was really funny.)