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October 2024


Root Cause Hunting [Dan Collins]

 Anne Elk: 

Netherlands authorities are commissioning a study to determine why Moroccan men target gays in Amsterdam, considered one of Europe’s most gay friendly cities.Amsterdam has experienced a growing number of attacks on gays and lesbians, Der Spiegel reported Friday. In 2006, the Dutch metropolis registered 32 hate crimes directed at gays, but during the first half of 2007, 26 had already been counted, the newspaper said.

Mayor Job Cohen commissioned the University of Amsterdam to conduct a study on the motives behind the attacks.Half the hate crimes were committed by men of Moroccan origin. Some researchers believe they lashed out at local gays after feeling stigmatized by Dutch society, the newspaper said. 

59 Replies to “Root Cause Hunting [Dan Collins]”

  1. Bilby says:

    Of course. Feeling stigmatized is bound to make people lash out at gays in particular, isn’t it? I get the feeling that study will be a wild goose chase to try explaining it in any other way than the most logical.

  2. cynn says:

    They’re not stigmatized. They’re spurned.

  3. Bilby says:

    I wonder how those researchers come to the conclusion that their feeling stigmatized (or spurned) would make them lash out at gays. I seems they’re trying to find any other explanation rather than the obvious.

  4. Jeffersonian says:

    Wait…it’s coming to me…it’s like….ummm….boron….cordon or Kortaid….maybe Lohan, nooo….Donna Karan. Something like that.

  5. cynn says:

    Or it could be that the Moroccans have a thing about proper couscous prep. Perchance it’s an opportunity to use a group that is an AIDS infested menace to our country as a convenient prop for manufactured outrage. What a convenient bunch of fags.

  6. Mikey NTH says:

    Our not, cynn. Could you speculate without engaging your inner vile? It would be original, and hence, interesting.

  7. Rob Crawford says:

    Perchance it’s an opportunity to use a group that is an AIDS infested menace to our country as a convenient prop for manufactured outrage. What a convenient bunch of fags.

    Homophobic much?

  8. Jeffersonian says:

    Can someone run cynn’s gibberish through a coherenator?

  9. dicentra says:

    Waaaaay beyond parody, these people. Willful blindness to cause and effect also results in stuff like this.

  10. dicentra says:

    Stuff that doesn’t want to hyperlink correctly? Let’s try that again…

  11. jdm says:

    The Dutch Jews are probably relieved that the physical violence is presently directed at homosexuals.

  12. cynn says:

    What I think you’re saying is the nasty moslemists want to kill the inconvenient homos in Europe; so we better get rid of the homos here before they bring the war of civilization to us. Correct me if I’m wrong.

  13. Education Guy says:

    No cynn, as usual your powers of deduction are dead on. I don’t know what we would do if we didn’t have you around to point out what a bunch of homo haters hang out here.

    I think we should build cynn a throne to show how much we appreciate her being better than us. To make it interesting, we can build it out of the bones of gays.

  14. Bilby says:

    I don’t know what cynn is getting at, either. My original comment insinuated that the fact the people are from Morocco and probably toward the fundamentalist side of Islam more than likely explains their animosity toward gays. It just seems silly that they’re doing a bunch of research to try and find some other explanation.

  15. Education Guy says:

    Well I think that cynn would probably like to express her outrage at the actual perpetrators of these crimes, but since they probably don’t care what she thinks, and might likely harm her in any case, she will just use us as stand ins. We’re like responsible party proxies.

  16. SDN says:

    Well, you see, Bilby, if cynn actually faced the reality that compared to white Christianist Americans the Moslem religion / culture is light-years worse her head would explode like popcorn. As for “getting rid of the homos here”, most people just don’t care what you do behind your bedroom door.

  17. Pablo says:

    What I think you’re saying is the nasty moslemists want to kill the inconvenient homos in Europe; so we better get rid of the homos here before they bring the war of civilization to us.

    And there I was thinking they should probably address the intolerance factor among the Moroccans. I never even thought of wiping out the gays, cynn. I thank you for that insightful suggestion, as does Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

  18. cynn says:

    Thanks. next up, kill all the mozzies.

  19. B Moe says:

    “What I think you’re saying is the nasty moslemists…”

    Moslems? Who said anything about Moslems? We were talking about Moroccans!

  20. B Moe says:

    Don’t feel bad cynn, you are apparently ahelluva lot smarter than the Dutch government.

  21. andy says:

    its because they’ve caught teh ghey too. Only they can’t be happy that way.

  22. Ric Caric says:

    Is that why Collins lashes out in a homophobic way at Greenwald? Because he’s “spurned” by American society?

  23. daleyrocks says:

    I haven’t noticed homophobia on Dan’s part. Only lefties apparently are able to sense it.

  24. dicentra says:

    Why yes, Mr. Caric, I do believe that’s exactly why Dan goads Mr. Greenwald(s) thus. Everyone knows that Dan is a member of the most put-upon victim group in the country: straight white conservative Christian males.

    I mean, if you were in Dan’s shoes, wouldn’t you do the same?

  25. JD says:

    Prof. Caricature – How are you? I see you have trotted out the homophobia card this evening. Not feeling very creative tonight, huh?

  26. daleyrocks says:

    I wake up every day pissing spurnity. I keep meaning to ask my doctor about it.

    Correct my prior comment – Only lefties are able to imagine homophobia where none exists and feign outrage over it. It’s what they do.

  27. Nan says:

    Good God. As a regular lurker, I’ve read some strange strange comments here from the left, but cynn’s post #12 is officially the most bizarre offering I’ve seen. She’s set a whole new standard. If she were writing that freehand she’d be printing with a crayon. Not a regular crayon; one of the the big fat ones. Probably red to show how really really angry she is. With exclamation points. And a frowny face. That’ll show us.

  28. JD says:

    Where Gren Gleenwald chooses to place his pecker has nothing to do with why he is mocked. He is mocked for being one of the most pompous, arrogant, sanctimonious, lying sacks of shit on these here innertubes. His credibility is slightly above that of CNN, something you could only dream of. We mock him because it is fun. It is easy. And it bothers the Left.

  29. Most certainly not JD says:

    JD is one of the most eloquent and thoughtful commenters I have seen on the internet. His comments are widely respected at numerous blogs across the entire political spectrum. His refrains from the commonly rhetorical faults employed by many, and has a razor sharp wit about him. His words have been read into the Senate record, and I even heard that he has a cabana boy.

  30. Cabana Boy says:

    Senor Gren Gleenwald is allowing me to post on this. He would post, but he is yust too beezee writing heez new book which will surely skyrocket up the NY Time best-seller listings. Also, he will be including an autographed copy of the transcript of his words being read into the Senate record.

  31. Another not JD says:

    JD is one of the most eloquent and thoughtful commenters I have seen on the internet. His comments are widely respected at numerous blogs across the entire political spectrum. His refrains from the commonly rhetorical faults employed by many, and has a razor sharp wit about him. His words have been read into the Senate record, and I even heard that he has a cabana boy.

    And, Kyoto.

    And, timmah is a weenie-boy.

  32. Not JD's Mom says:

    JD is one of the most eloquent and thoughtful commenters I have seen on the internet. His comments are widely respected at numerous blogs across the entire political spectrum. His refrains from the commonly rhetorical faults employed by many, and has a razor sharp wit about him. His words have been read into the Senate record, and I even heard that he has a cabana boy.

    And, Kyoto.

    And, timmah is a weenie-boy.

  33. JD is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.

  34. The Lost Dog says:

    Much longer than I intended…

    “Or it could be that the Moroccans have a thing about proper couscous prep. Perchance it’s an opportunity to use a group that is an AIDS infested menace to our country as a convenient prop for manufactured outrage. What a convenient bunch of fags.”

    Give it a break. What is the problem with cynn saying “What a convenient bunch of fags”?

    That’s exactly what they are to these Muslim throwbacks to the seventh century. WTF is the problem?

    Gay people exist, (except for in Iran), so, who cares? The only time I get upset with a gay person (i.e. – fag) is when they won’t take no for an answer. But hey! I feel the same about women who do the same thing.

    What is the outrage here? Being gay, or being a seventh century mouth breather?

    I am very much a Connectigut Yankee, but what someone else does with their life is their business. The only kind of “-ist” that am, is “jerkist”.

    I don’t even know if I am qualified to judge, but, sorry, if you are a jerk, you are a jerk, and it has nothing to do with who you want to fuck, or what your racial genes are.

    And people who make decisions based on Anderson Cooper and Chris Mathews are too stupid to be included in any conversation I wish to be a part of.

    We are fucked. In ten years, we will need to change our name to “France, West”

    And the worst part is that the French population is waking up from their ridiculous dream of “Mommy Bloomberg Government”

    And yet, we steam on into the eighth grade dream of the government taking care of everything.

    We’ve got a pretty cool car, but when the government removes the engine, we’re screwed. When you fill the cylinders with horseshit, your car doesan’t run anymore.

    But, Hey! Somebody has more than I do! Equal misery for all!

    Please! Hillary! Give me the “rich” people’s money! How dare those pricks work hard and make more money thsn I do! It’s MINE, I tell you!!!!

    Go to bed, Dog. Yesterday, The Lost Dog had a very large argument with someone who makes about thirty million a year (at the expense of the company’s employees)and was brash enough to say “Why don’t you give half of that back to your employees?”


    Greed is going to destroy this country, and I am not anywhere near a left winger. If we can’t stem greed from the bottom up, Hillary or one of her clones will do it from the top down. The greed pigs are making it too easy for the socialist/Stalinists to walk right into power.

    I love the idea of being rich, but just what the fuck does ANYBODY need $200,000,000 a year for?

    Sorry. I am a staunch Capitalist, but there are too many assholes trying to eat the whole pie, and even as a ‘laissez faire’ kinda guy, I just wonder how these greedy pigs could take so many hundreds of millions of dollars and send their lower level workforce home with three to four hundred dollars a week, after taxes.

    My father was a big business cheese in the 50s, 60s, 70, and 80,s. He would have a shit fit over the greed that seems to drive business today if he were still alive. Business used to be run by people who came through the ranks, and had a long term view, but noe it is run by snot nfaced little bastards who caqme from graduate school, and could give a shit about anything but the next quarter’s earnings.

    Idiots. Greedy idiots.

    As conservative as I am, I can’t believe what incredible pigs the top officers of business have become. Greed needs to be corralled with ridicule. If we can’t stop these pigs (who are unfortunately part of my generation), Socialism will be our next stop. Never mind that it has been discredited in countless ways. I hate to say it, but even as a conservative (mostly), these greedy pigs embarrass me. How do I make a case for Capitalism when these assholes are strip mining their employees? $100,000,000 a year? WTF? How about if you climb down off of your high horse and share some of that money with the people who actually make it for you?

    Pigs are killing capitalism. Make no mistake about it. And as a capitalist, this is very hard to say. But take a good look. How much, as human beings, do we need to take care of ourselvesa and be content?

    I think 200,000,000 a year is absolutely ridiculous. Any person with a soul couldn’t spend that much mobey in three lifetimes.

    Oh wewll.

    Happy F’ing Saturday…

    Like A Dog On The Run

  35. Patrick Chester says:

    Nan wrote:

    Good God. As a regular lurker, I’ve read some strange strange comments here from the left, but cynn’s post #12 is officially the most bizarre offering I’ve seen. She’s set a whole new standard. If she were writing that freehand she’d be printing with a crayon.

    I try to think of it more along the lines of Dark Helmet playing with his Spaceballs: The Doll, er Action Figure set. It explains how many a leftist “debating” can respond and get all huffy about things their icky evil rightwing deathbeast opponent didn’t actually say: the little action figure of said deathbeast said it.

    (That and it immediately brings to mind the little part afterwards when Lord Helmet is interrupted. “No sir, I didn’t see you playing with your dolls again!”)

    (I needed something to replace my definition of sockpuppeting that wouldn’t get confused with the version folks like Greenwald get caught at. Thank you, Mel Brooks!)

  36. The Lost Dog says:

    How’s my spelling?

  37. Karl says:

    My guess is they are youths. Or, y’know, “youths.” Or, as my cousin Vinny would say, “yutes.”

  38. Merovign says:

    Come on, guys, it’s obvious. Cynn got the “cheap” wine tonight. So it’s Batshit Friday again.

    Man, I got to get her a stash of the good stuff, she’s fun when she’s on the good stuff.

    The rest of the trolls, semi-trolls, socks, etc., are just acting up as usual.

  39. Merovign says:

    Oh, and, on topic, the Netherlands (and by extension, the Dutch), are now officially the replacement for “Polacs” in all those old, tired racist jokes.

    Yeah, they need to form a commission to figure out why Islamists are attacking gays. And a map, a flashlight, and the directions are printed on the heel.

  40. Sean M. says:

    Yeah, they need to form a commission to figure out why Islamists are attacking gays.

    Did you notice who’s gonna be doing the study? Why, the task falls upon Perfesser Caric’s Eurotrash colleagues. We can expect a lot of unreadable academic treatises on “otherness” and the legacy of colonialism, I’m sure. In other words, the “men of Moroccan origin” will be found to be quite blameless, I’m sure. Perhaps we’ll even find out that they’re the real victims here.

  41. Martin Niemöller says:

    First they came for the flamboyantly gay men in Amsterdam and assaulted the crap out of many of them, and I did nothing,

    then they came for the well intentioned middle-aged woman who decided somewhat late in her life that she wanted to try to teach kids out in the middle of fucking nowhere because her class named a plush toy after their prophet, and I did nothing,

    and then they dug up the remains of Warren Zevon and burned them because a long time ago he wrote a song called ‘Mohammed’s Radio’, and I kind of chuckled because Warren would have liked that, but I did nothing,

    then they came for Glenn Green(s)wald, and I thought about stopping them, but Green(s)wald’s supporters convinced me that the real enemy was Bush and his desire to have a Unitary Executive, so I did nothing.


  42. BJTexs says:

    Have you ever noticed that the only people tossing ther word “Homophobic” around, even the tenured perfessers, do not have degrees in psychology or practice the dark art?

    So who gave them permission to diagnose complex phobias and why isn’t the APA all pissed off about it?


    As for the Dutch, they are being sucked into the vortex where multiculturalists insist that society hasn’t sufficiently adjusted to muslims as opposed to that whole, medieval assimilation thing. After all, why face the underlying problem when one can wallpaper a complicated if faux victimization set. Simultaniously heartwarming and cowardly, that.

  43. syn says:

    Speaking of stigmatization how come feminists are never angry at the way in which males put on flamboyant minstrel shows lampooning and mocking females?

  44. Carin says:

    Martin wins for best comment so far. Stand up, young man, and claim your prize …

  45. Swede says:

    Cynn works for CNN in the Republican Selection for Republican Debates Question Askerers Department.

  46. Dr Carics Imaginary Conservative Friend says:

    “Is that why Collins lashes out in a homophobic way at Greenwald? Because he’s “spurned” by American society?”

    Stop callin us homophobes, you old queer-lover. We ain’t scared of them ass pirates, we hate the sonsabitches.

    We are haters, keep it straight.

  47. Dr Carics Imaginary Conservative Friend's Lawyer says:

    “What I think you’re saying is the nasty moslemists want to kill the inconvenient homos in Europe; so we better get rid of the homos here before they bring the war of civilization to us. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

    Correct you? I am about to sue you for copyright infringement.

  48. B Moe says:

    “its because they’ve caught teh ghey too. Only they can’t be happy that way.”


  49. jdm says:

    Comment 12 (repeated in 47 for my convenience):

    Interesting how the algebra of group membership so beloved by the left persists even when attempting – poorly – a satire of the right.

    In fact, it also includes the previously unknown and recently revealed aspect: the final ramifications filter. That is, if the usual and well-known algebra faults a group that might be dangerous to one’s health, a less dangerous group is selected instead – and so on. This final filter is so potent that blaming the victim is a perfectly acceptable result.

  50. andy says:

    “Where Gren Gleenwald chooses to place his pecker has nothing to do with why he is mocked.”

    Just with how. See how understanding we is?

    “Have you ever noticed that the only people tossing ther word “Homophobic” around, even the tenured perfessers, do not have degrees in psychology or practice the dark art?”

    Thats why its better to use non-diagnostic terms. like teh ghey.

  51. B Moe says:

    “Thats why its better to use non-diagnostic terms. like teh ghey.”

    Did your parents have to put hardware cloth over you ears to keep starlings from nesting in there?

  52. Education Guy says:

    I think Gleens gayness actually is a factor. He’s constantly telling us that those that would gladly drop a wall on him for his orientation are not the real problem, it’s those dastardly neo cons that are. I don’t suspect that this level of obtuseness is a direct result of his gayness, but I imagine that there are some psychological defense mechanisms at play that do relate to it.

  53. Reading that, you’d almost get the idea that there’s meaning in life to be sought beyond welfare, hashish, and hot tranny action. How’s a Euro-statist and his American lib acolyte to cope with such an idea?

  54. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Poor cynn. Poor Caric.

    They’ve spent so many years in their respective echo chambers that they simply can’t understand why screeching “Homophobe!” “Racist!” or “WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!” doesn’t work around here.

    Hint: it’s not because we’re racists, homophobes, or witches. Really.

    Hint #2: People are laughing at you.

  55. Dewclaw says:

    “She turned me into a NEWT!”


    “I got better.”

  56. ushie says:

    “Did your parents have to put hardware cloth over you ears to keep starlings from nesting in there?”

    I actually shrieked with laughter upon reading that and scared the cat.

    In other news, what in the hell is the matter with you, cynn? Any normal human would read the post and think, “Well, DUH, the reason these particular Moroccans are gay-bashing in the most idiotically tolerant country on the planet might just be their own homophobic upbringing, as exemplified in wall-pushing, crane-hangings, and other such fanatical Islamist amenities for gays,” not…so very strangely…the posters at PW want to kill all the ‘murkin gays so the “Moslems” won’t.

    You are so VERY peculiar.

  57. ushie says:

    Oh, and, Caric, shut up, you fraud, until you give your job to a woman.

  58. Pablo says:


    Martin wins for best comment so far. Stand up, young man, and claim your prize …

    Yes, Martin wins the thread. Well done, old boy!


    I think Gleens gayness actually is a factor. He’s constantly telling us that those that would gladly drop a wall on him for his orientation are not the real problem, it’s those dastardly neo cons that are.

    Because they won’t let the object of his desire immigrate from Brazil. However, they will let him stroll right over the fucking border, so I don’t see what the problem is, other than a stop in Mexico.

  59. Swen Swenson says:

    Everyone knows that Dan is a member of the most put-upon victim group in the country: straight white conservative Christian males.

    You forgot Racist! … Oh, wait, I’m sure the perfesser was working up to that. So if we’re all colorblind racists, does that mean that by extension we’re also non-judgmental homophobes and equal opportunity sexists? I’m not sure how that’s supposed to work. I’m so confused!

    Oh! But I m pretty sure that andy’s folks didn’t put hardware cloth over his ears. More like corks. And the reason is obvious: If you listen closely you can actually hear the voices in his head. Can’t quite make out what they’re sayin’ until he opens his mouth though.

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