Among the more interesting things that I learned yesterday and today is that linking to someone’s information and expressing some of the things that make that person interesting can be considered stalking. Of course, if that person is Malkin, and it’s all about teh hate, that’s excusable, because if something were to happen to Malkin, then that would be deserved.
I’ve also learned that taking an interest in an ex, especially after the statute of limitations–i.e., expressing the vile admiration that men award to women–can mean one thing and one thing only: that one pines for that person’s pussy, but won’t admit it, even though it’s vile to address someone as a sexual being, even if it’s a very substantial, a prominent component of this or her personality. It’s unacceptable, that is, to mention her breasts, for example; if one does, in a nostalgic way, appreciatively, it’s terrible, unless it means that you have carried a torch for that woman for 23 years. Because according to the wimmens, the only basis for thinking back fondly upon a person you haven’t seen in twenty-something years, is that you are still pathetically in love with them, and miss their pussy, and mean to say that she was a great lay. Except that that’s repugnant, unless they say it for you.
People care so much for other people’s privacy that, in order to protect it, they’ll spread links to that person’s information, and interpret what somebody’s written as an invitation to rape. A post that thus was left in the dust with 13 comments, is suddenly read by hundreds, who are appalled, aghast, at the invasion of someone’s privacy. That that information was publicly available makes no difference. Your explanations of your motives don’t at all matter, because it’s convenient for these people to interpret things in the worst possible light as an opportunity to express their ethical superiority to you and everything you represent. They take no pleasure in expressing their outrage, of course.
Actual incidents involving threats, such as those made by Larry Johnson against Seixon really don’t matter, even though they’re overtly meant to be threats. Larry Johnson still attracts his audience; he’s still a credible figure on the left. What I’ve done is so unforgivable that Jon Swift is waving my balls around his head like a bolo. When I point this out, I am special pleading.
The fact is, such people understand the motivation of hatred much better than they do anything else. If I reference something that’s embarassing to someone, that must be because I hate that person, because that person wounded me psychically and I’m acquiring my revenge. By obscurely blogging about it at a time when I have a very limited readership, I am clearly seeking to damage that person as much as possible. The complimentary things that I state, despite their being complimentary on their face, disguise an aggressive subtext.
One who does so, and those who speak up in that person’s defense, are, despite their disgusting expression of heterosexuality, closeted homosexuals just like all Rethuglicans. Unless they’re Ann Coulter, in which they’re a tranny. If they band together, they want to blow each other. And calling them gay is only insulting because, you know, they’re homophobic. It would, of course, be ridiculous to ascribe any homophobia to the way that we express our disgust in their closeted homosexuality. The fags.
So, do your worst, people; because you have richly deserved the contempt in which I hold you.
Have we gotten to the bottom yet of what kind of countertop your ex-girlfriend has? Maybe we can hire Malkin to hide in her bushes and find out.
I don’t know, Other Steve. Is it public information? Perhaps you can go over there and check it out with one of her neighbors.
If someone did something like that who was on “your side,” you’d call it reporting.
Because of teh hypocrisy.
“The reason any conservative’s failing is always major news is that it allows liberals to engage in their very favorite taunt: Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy is the only sin that really inflames them. Inasmuch as liberals have no morals, they can sit back and criticize other people for failing to meet the standards that liberals simply renounce. It’s an intriguing strategy. By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites.”
-Ann Coulter
You know who’s vindictive? Hillary Clinton. And also Paula Abdul, but sort of on a lesser scale.
Ah, the old moral equivalence canard.
Dan, can you defend yourself on the *merits*?
I did defend myself on the merits. I wish the woman well, I feel badly for her troubles, and I wished to express the view that what she did doesn’t matter to my perception of her, gfw. But that’s just outrageous, right?
Other people then expressed the belief that she might be brought into danger. I delinked. Meanwhile, other people had already publicized elsewhere what that link said. Those comments haven’t been removed. The irony is that if someone had expressed that idea to me in a private note, I would have been happy to remove the link right away. Honestly, it hadn’t occurred to me. Retrospectively or not, it occurred to other people, people who, however felt it more important to have a moralistic howl than to actually protect this person–though they’ll claim that that was their motive.
Which is convenient, right? On the other hand, my heartfelt appreciation? Fratboy sniggering.
I still haven’t heard from you: when was the last time you spoke with her? If you haven’t spoken to her recently, how do you know that she will take this post well, rather than badly? Is she out as a bisexual to her friends and family, or did you out her with your blog post? Why did you refer to her as “stacked”, and suggest people look her up?
Dan, the self-pitying sarcasm ill becomes you. By now it’s obvious–to us regulars, at least–that you sincerely care about this ex of yours. But the manner in which you went about it threw everyone for a loop. We’ve all seen flamewars in which one party outs the other’s name, phone number, address, legal paper trail & etc. When we saw you posting the same things about this woman, you can understand why it may have taken a few readings to catch your real intentions. Form /= substance. And the vast majority of PW traffic, people clicking through looking for a fast, preferably erudite chuckle, can’t realistically have been expected to parse that post, in search of what you really meant. As for lurking proggs, well…
Just admit to bad judgment, draw a line under it, and move on.
And incidentally, we’re you really on the Tbogg comment thread until 1:30 am PST? Someone posting as Dan Collins were there until late, I’m just wondering if that was really you, or someone else.
And also what you said was true stuff, which is different than saying untrue and mischaracterizey stuff, like that Jon Swift person of indeterminate gender from what Semanticleo says did, with palpable mean-spiritedness. But what was pretty dubious was how people kept after you even after you apologized and walked everything back. I think mostly they just wanted to hurt you, because they are hateful like that. Hateful in a way that suggests it really wasn’t personal, just more of a passing opportunistic hatefulness.
Oh. gfw is a good example.
Stand and deliver, that’s my Danny!
And what’s this BS that it’s uber un-ethical to speak lightly descriptively of formers? It’s not like Dan detailed her gash. Yes, I said gash. Whether poon, flesh zipper, snapper or the most sterile signifier, it’s all the same.
Dan-the-man gave her one-and-a-half thumbs up and that speaks volumes of the man’s good nature, does it not?
Oh, I’ve already admitted that I miscalculated, TSI. A long time ago. What I won’t cop to is these nefarious intentions, and nobody ever will make me do so, because all I have to do is say the truth, which is the easiest thing in the world.
There’s a difference between that and self-pity, I hope.
What I can’t understand is, if people thought this might be dangerous to her person, why they behaved as they did. Because they’re more caring, I suppose.
Happyfeet, a good example of what?
Also, the sarcasm is deserved.
… By obscurely blogging about it at a time when I have a very limited readership
Do you know where you are, Dan? Take a gamble. Start your own blog. happyfeet, thor and JD can have you all to themselves.
Dan, will you please answer the questions? I am actually curious, not asking rhetorically.
Actual incidents involving threats, such as those made by Larry Johnson against Seixon really don’t matter, even though they’re overtly meant to be threats. Larry Johnson still attracts his audience; he’s still a credible figure on the left. What I’ve done is so unforgivable that Jon Swift is waving my balls around his head like a bolo. When I point this out, I am special pleading.
Excellent point. He also sends threatening emails and tells me he’s illegally violating their privacy by using our intelligence agencies and his contacts on the “inside”…and didn’t he post a picture of his neighbors mailbox in a threatening manner – neighbor was a journalist?
Why don’t you lay out for me the innate, the unforgiveable evil of what I did, Diana? Perhaps I don’t appreciate it enough, yet.
tells “them” he’s, tells me he’s
Sure, gfw, I’ll continue to answer all your questions, just as soon as everyone who thinks I endangered this person explains why they felt it so important to publicize it so much further.
Also Diana you hurt my feelings cause you make it sound like you want me and thor and JD to just go away.
Let’s be friends instead.
gee whiz – 3rd times a charm?
tells “them†he’s, NOT tells me he’s
Oh, man. You’ve really lost it.
I see. Well, that really explains it for me, gfw. Thanks.
I asked you a simple question. What’s the answer?
So true. And Dan delivers the laughs. He scoures the net to provide PW’ers with abundant free humor and sniggles. Tireless is the devil. Most Dan knit-pickers want to bring Danny down to the level of not-as-funny-as-Dan-is-funny. Dan is a riot, even caused a 1000-post riot of snarling autism over at tbogg’s slog.
I don’t know. I am not one of these bloggers you are talking about. My guess is that they thought they were shaming you into doing the right thing– remove the post where you 1) out your former girlfriend as bisexual, 23 years after the fact, when she may or may not still be bisexual, 2) accuse her of being a drunk, 3) take a public record that no one knows about, and broadcast it on a well read blog to strangers, 4) refer to her is stacked, and available to date.
Did I miss anything? Oh yeah, refuse to fix the problem, act bitchily when you are called out on it, and pretend like you are the victim here. You claim that you know this women well enough that she would take your blog post as a “hand up” or something. I’m wondering how well you know her if you refuse to answer the question: when was the last time you spoke?
and just stop with this moral equivalency stuff. This is about you and your actions.
gfw – all that is answered in the previous comment threads and also at Mr. TBogg’s blog. I promise.
PETA is going to be upset about the horse is what I’m afraid of.
Wait, accuse her of being a drunk? She did drink too much. So did I.
What’s the big deal about her bisexuality? She was always out about it.
Refer to her as stacked? So she is. Available? I don’t know. Is that an insult?
Post it on a blog where people see things that otherwise they might not see? Well.
Answer my question. Or you’re a poseur.
Why won’t you answer my question, gwf? Why should I believe anything you say if you won’t answer my question?
Answer my fucking question! You seem to think it’s terrible that I reveal things about myself pertaining to this woman. Why should I tell you anything?
I did answer: the shaming. now answer mine. Your turn!
Oh, the shaming was more important than the victim? For shame!
I want Greenwald to admit to his sockpuppetry! I demand he admit it!
–and just stop with this moral equivalency stuff. This is about you and your actions.–
Oh BS, no one at all cared a poop about this:
Nope, the left still licks this looser bully balls and never said a word about the evil internet stalking and threats.
Until he admits it, he has no moral authority! After he admits it, he should be ashamed forever!
Larry Johnson! Restraining order! Civility! Lawsuit!
I don’t understand, is her bisexuality out to her current friends and family?
Well, certainly her family. As for her friends . . . unless she’s gone into some closet, which seems unlikely, I think it more than likely.
Dan, you seem to think I am one of the ‘lefty’ people who blogged about your original blog post. I am not. I am just trying to understand what the hell you were thinking. I am not defending TBogg, et al. I do have certain questions that relate to your post and your defense of yourself. The answers to those questions help me understand whether to take you seriously as a moral being.
None of those things is liable to be a cause for judgment here, where it’s widely conceded that most of us are jerry-rigged.
I’ve said a million times what it was about: “I know who you are. It doesn’t matter.”
So you don’t know her well at all, then. You have no idea whether she’s out, whether she’ll take your post well or badly, think “stacked” is funny, etc. You don’t have any idea.
There, again, you’re absolutely wrong, gfw.
When I saw that document, I felt appalled for what she must have gone through, but it just seemed so much of a piece with who she is . . . I should have been judgmental, I suppose, but I couldn’t be.
I would explain to you why I’ve not been in contact with her for all this time, but THAT might actually cause her real pain.
Okay, I give up. Dan Collins can be written off. Good bye and good riddance.
Oh, of course. I’d forgotten. But YOU do.
By the way, gfw–Where do you spend your time?
#22 You’ll forgive me, Dan … you might not quite get it (maybe what you did was a guy thing), but, as I claim status as one of the fairer sex, I saw what you wrote … possibly from her perspective.
What I saw, and have seen elsewhere, was the equivalent of the writing on a bathroom wall. It wasn’t pretty, nor did it “read” of your empathy. Were I her, I wouldn’t have appreciated the nuance of your post. Take that as you will.
happyfeet … my apologies. Just that y’all seem to think this is hillar!ous. It didn’t strike me as funny.
If this were usenet, I’d say it’s time to take this to email.
At any rate, Diana, I’ve managed to absorb her transgression in mine. That is a happy result for me.
And, I hope, for her.
Dan, please don’t threaten me.
Bye, everyone! Can’t say it was fun.
Uh, where did I threaten you? I know that your IP is San Francisco. I just wanted to judge for myself whether you weren’t one of those lefties.
If you’ve lied, then I’m sorry, but I’m not surprised.
Google “comment by gfw”
Unqualified Offerings
Ezra Klein
Lee Siegel is God
All good Diana – and also not hilarious I don’t think. Mostly I kind of just thought the atmosphere was darker and more lynchmobby than was really warranted, mostly because I don’t think any harm was meant at all. The diacritical white knight was kind of funny though because I hadn’t realized he had already appeared over at TBogg’s, which I just kind of skimmed this morning.
It’s been hours and hours since D apologized for a judgment call he regrets, and gfw in particular is I think kind of unattractively doing the rub the puppy’s nose in it thing. Also Jon Swift I thought was pretty unctuous in laying this at Jeff’s doorstep in a way that was really kind of vicious.
That’s it mostly, but also I appreciate how much Dan has put into the site, and this is as good a place as any to recognize that he has really, as a blogger, evolved over time – grown and improved, meaning, and his trajectory suggests that he will continue to. So yeah, when he has his stumbles he has them on a big stage, but one of the things I hope can remain different about blogging as a medium is that it need not be as unforgiving as the media it’s supposed to be an alternative to.
Am I the only regular reader who’d rather see this matter slip into “older posts” obscurity and get back to the business provoking gin-soaked chlamyphorinae?
Dan you are one strange dude.
You know, gfw, when people keep accusing one of lying, eventually one begins not to trust them.
Where did I say I wasn’t a lefty? I said I wasn’t one of the ‘lefty’ bloggers who posted on your original post? Please dan, just stop before you post my personal information.
Where did I threaten you? Let’s call it a tie.
Bet you have nice tits, though.
I have also never accused you of lying. I wanted context for your assertion of knowing your target. I don’t think you do, however, you may think you do.
And I think I know a great deal more about this person than you do. Call it a crazy hunch.
swift Reactions 6
That attacking one’s ex-girlfriend and linking to her private information is considered stalking and that referring to another blogger and not providing a link is bad manners are taught in the first year of blogging Kindergarten.
Sorry Dan, wrong sex. I can see you’re still classy though.
When you hostilely ask people where they are, they get suspicious.
Have fun.
*slams head on table*
Dan, I never blogged about her, or claimed to know anything. I’m having dinner now.
Well, if I catch you in my internet territory, gfw, where you hang out, you’d better have your posse with you.
“Dan, I never blogged about her, or claimed to know anything. I’m having dinner now.”
I’m having a meatball hoagie. Sunday is fat day.
People need this
Dan, you’re convincing me more and more that you’re a troll. I thought it before you started guest blogging when you were a poster here, and for a while you straightened up, but now you’re trolling again, and it seems like you’re determined to take PW down with you.
There is no reason for you to be posting anyone’s personal information here, including what city their IP address is registering from. Or information about an ex who you can’t for sure say would approve of any of the information you posted being public knowledge. If you wanted to offer her condolences and support, an email or phone call would have been appropriate, not posting it here. And you have NO IDEA whether she would appreciate any of the comments you made – it’s possible she now has kids that she’d rather not have finding this stuff about her distant past. If you cared about her at all, you would have thought about that before posting.
This isn’t your house, Dan – last I heard you were still a guest blogger here. Act like a guest and quit shitting in the living room.
Not that I’ve been a model of dietary restraint on weekdays, mind you. But it just feels good to put Sunday officially in charge, without reservation, of acquiring superfluous calories. Especially when the Steelers lose to the goddamn Jets.
That sounds really good, B. I’m trying that plain yogurt instead of sour cream on a potato thing for the first time. What a farce. I’ve got some lasagna as a fallback.
Actually I can’t eat this.
I’m sorry to have offended you, Alice. But for this bit of your contribution? Fuck off.
It’s Sunday, happy. Put down the yogurt and load up that potato with deep-fried pork gravy.
I used to know someone who has since been listed on the sex-offender registry in a state where I used to live. When I read he’d been arrested, and what for, I was appalled and hoped the case would turn out to be a misunderstanding. Recently I discovered he’d been convicted and, as I said above, is an RSO.
When I first encountered this person, something about him sent up a warning flag in the back of my mind but I couldn’t figure out why. I wonder now whether there was something inherently creepy about him that I sensed, or if it was just coincidence.
I could add a little more detail about this guy and make it possible that someone with a prurient interest would be able to identify him. Certainly his name and offense are public record and his family can’t help but be more acquainted with it all than I am (all I know about it is what I read in the paper and on the internet). But that all happened years ago.
I’d hate to think something I said somewhere on a website would result in reopening that wound. While I might not be all that concerned for his peace of mind, his family certainly doesn’t deserve to relive it.
I think the hooting and gibbering from the usual suspects over this “invasion of privacy” by Dan, is pure opportunism from people who wouldn’t care a whit about his ex-girlfriend if it hadn’t been Dan who posted about her, or if it hadn’t been on PW. The fact there are still links to the site Dan originally linked despite his having removed his link, is enough to persuade me of that.
In Dan’s place I wouldn’t have posted that piece in the first place. But those from off-site who are attacking him for doing so are just so many poo-flinging macaques.
I’m gonna do the “Chicken Sausage Polenta Lasagna,” which sounds kind of dubious cause polenta is I think just cornmeal with oil or something, but I did the go to Trader Joe’s and buy two of everything thing, and I haven’t tried that one yet.
That’s so true McGeehee, how when you register someone as a sex offender you’re pretty much de facto registering the whole family. I think that sucks.
Dan, people who care about someone take pains to not publicly embarrass that person, in case it might hurt them. You went out of your way to embarrass your ex, or at the very least acted with disregard to how your post might affect her, whether it be her feelings or her current life. What does that mean? Quit with the male bluster and think next time before you post personal information about someone, whether it’s your ex-girlfriend or a poster here you disagree with.
And BTW, posting someone’s city of origin for their IP address is way past rude – that may be more information than that person wants released. Are you going to start posting whatever info you can derive on anyone who disagrees with you here? If so, it might be wise to put a notice somewhere prominent so people are aware before they start posting here.
Just curious: how many times is gfw going to try the “declare victory and run away” gambit? Without, you know, actually leaving?
McGeehee: But those from off-site who are attacking him for doing so are just so many poo-flinging macaques.
I’m going to doctor up the second half of the meatball hoagie with some oregano, thyme, and extra sauce before re-toasting it. Freethinker that I am.
I’m sorry. You’ve just called me a liar, and you’ve got a problem with my putting people on notice here that I’m not going to let them misrepresent themselves in order to call me a liar?
don’t forget the cheese
Extra mozz? Ooh, I like the way you think. Fucking subversive.
Alice, I’d like to offer you my condolences and support. When Dan told you to “fuck off” he was out of line. I think Dan’s intention was more down the line of “get stuffed”. I believe Dan is tired and wouldn’t have told you to “fuck off” if he was well rested and admiring the tanned complexion of his incredibly handsome face. If I was choosing Dan’s words for him I would have opted for a phrase less curt, possibly calling you out as a “bitter hen” followed by then acronym “STFU”. Were I want to shit in your living room that would, of course, be impossible because I do not know where you reside. However, to defecate in your living room in the figurative I eblieve would almost be as funny. To mumble your PW nickname tomorrow after my coffee and morning bagel, perhaps, might accomplish my emotive goal all while allowing me to offer my condolences and support for Dan unfairly telling you to “fuck off.”
Alice: Dan, people who care about someone take pains to not publicly embarrass that person, in case it might hurt them.
My wife is bisexual. She’s comfortable about that and wouldn’t be “embarrassed” at all if someone else mentioned it (she’s stacked, too, as it happens… she’s not Dan’s ex, though).
Why do you (who don’t even know this woman) get to pontificate about her “embarrassment”, while Dan (who does know her) isn’t even entitled to an opinion on the subject?
Either you didn’t care about how it was going to affect her, or you’re so callous that you didn’t bother thinking about how it would affect her. Or you were trying to be malicious. I’ve been trying to keep the faith that you’re not that awful of a human being, but I’m thinking a person who regretted the damage they might have caused someone would have expressed some contrition by now.
So are you saying you’re going to put up that notice, Dan? I think it’d look best on the front page, make sure it’s close to the logo and make sure your name’s there so people will know exactly who’s dragging PW into the sewer.
I’m not going to let you bully me into accepting the proposition that you’ve enunciated my motives, Alice, because it’s a despicable lie. So again, fuck off and take your egregious schoolmarm ass elsewhere. I’d certainly post an apology to that person, if what I said causes her any distress, but then Nurse Ratcheds like you would say that the reason was that you’d made me see how ugly I am inside. Bite me.
You know, I think you might be a troll.
Of course, I’m now wondering whether, having finished about two thirds of a bottle of Appleton Estates, I shouldn’t just finish the job. And damn those pesky friends and family and all their bombastic talk of a “problem.”
I think gfw “exited” the thread five times. Not exactly a record, but certainly a pattern. A well-known pattern.
I can’t say I’m entirely on Dan’s side here, but it’s kind of amazing how great a job the “opposition” is doing at minimizing his faux pas with their persisting in maintaining the links he’s closed, the exaggerated accusations, the repeated accusations, the sheer volume of complaints, the amazing assumption of authority of how a stranger must be presumed to react, etc.
I may think Dan mistook his audience, and did something on the careless side (afterwards apologizing and correcting), but what Dan did is peanuts next to Larry Johnson or what happened to MM. The comparison is laughable.
It does not surprise me in the least that Dan should show his concern for someone in an unsual, public and somewhat disturbing fashion. This can hardly be a surprise.
It also doesn’t escape my imagination that Dan might well be doing this to make a controversial point, as he has done in the past, by drawing lightning to himself that has somehow mystically failed to strike worse offenders.
If that’s the case, the only thing that surprises me is that Dan would think his targets, in defiance of all historical evidence, would show any ability to enlighten themselves on the subject.
I guess that’s my long-winded way of saying that this whole thing is a waste of time. Ironic, that.
It’s almost as if they want to make sure she’s embarrassed, and that it’s Dan’s fault.
I wouldn’t have done the post and I think it was a faux pas. But the reaction has backfired on the outraged and exposed them for what they are.
I’m a regular member of the commentariat since before you showed up … you’re ex-post was a bit of douchebaggery.
The balance of the exercise consists of how much you’re basking in the trolls’s glow. Which is considerable.
Better you should just find the next thing to post about.
The movie ‘The Soldier’ starring Ken Wahl would be a good choice – imo.
Your obt svnt &c
Wow. Dan, this is very good stuff. You really should do all your ex-girlfriends, as well as your audience, a favor by Googling all of them and then helpfully summarizing in one place all the public information that you find on them: home addresses, court filings, arrest records, rumors about drug abuse, photos of them with former lovers, etc.
Don’t be selective, Dan. Why only offer a compassionate “hand-up” to one ex in distress when you could help them all?
Stay classy, Dan. It’s the way you roll, dude.
I once sold Ken Wahl an assload of CD’s, though he was more of “Wiseguy” fame (with a nod to The Wanderers) at the time. Still, Platinum AmEx card, back when that meant something.
Good call.
The Soldier…
Myself I feel badly for that Ken Wahl person… kind of. His first wife was a Penthouse Pet of the Year. I don’t know what that means exactly, but maybe that’s a not good judgment thing. Either way after that his life has been pretty downhill, looks like.
I love how people feel they have the right to control Dan’s content because he is a “guest blogger”.
There is a little “x” in the top right corner of your browser. Use it.
And if you get all your friends to reproduce the links while shrieking in horror, how cool will that be? Community-based rape kit cool, that’s how cool.
Dan, when I’m trolling you’ll know it. Because I’ll sound a lot like you at your most bombastic.
Hey, dude has some great CD’s! OK, some of them suck, but some of them don’t.
Music is the best.
Yes. It was the Golden Globe he got that made me sort of cringe.
But how weird is this? His current wife is starring in … that’s just too synchronicityy … no way.
oh – Shane Barbi is his current wife, so that makes sense
meaning so that synchronicityy link makes sense
… to whoever clicks it
Dan, here’s what you did wrong. You took a blog that is known for amusingly original, incisive and iconoclastic posting from a right-of-center point–where my politics broadly lie–and you brought in your deep, personal stuff. In all its ugly, confusing and heart-wrenching glory that only you could possibly get.
We all have deep, personal stuff. We’ve all said and done things with out hands, hearts, mouth, and genitals that would stop traffic were it to be told. And to a man and woman, only we could possibly explain why or what happened.
SO no one knows what she is about, or what happened…or anything. She shows up, in her down-at-the-bottom misery and it looks for all the world–at least that part of the world that really has an intellectual and political beef with you–are just taking advantage of someone who’s on the skids.
Were you really? I doubt it. I have a picture of you as a good guy. But If I didnt know you, or care, Id say you were a perfectly cruel ass.
all of this is a long-winded way of saying it just doesnt belong here. Some personal stuff is fine–Nuance, you know–but this isn’t that place as I see it.
Sometimes you make it too easy for the other side. Which is fine, but the indignation then is semi-out of place.
Because, like, all his ex’s, I hope, didn’t pose such a threat to the public at large that they’d be all found guilty of sexually abusing the the medically in-need public at large.
Lest we forget why these public records are bantied about by authorities who think as large an audience as possible should view them.
Again, if public disgrace is the “greater punishment” for those who do far more damage to society than, say, a high school drop-out who boosts an automobile and in-turn sits in jail for 5-years, then so be the Scarlet Letter punishment. Stand by the system, or change it, either way, Dan’s merely a messenger of information we should all know and recognize for what it is – information that warrants public notification, moreover, information released for the sole purpose of public condemnation and public protection.
Dan Collin’s victimized no one. That she’s “stacked” is no cursed nugget of information so taboo we dare not mention it publicly when being descriptive. That she was sexually active in her college years might shock her Victorian acquaintances, assuming they hit ten-millionth off-chance jackpot and log-on to PW. That she is might be bi-sexually adventurous – that’s interpretive by many measures of galactic nuance. That she drank much in her college years – cast the first stone, people, I’m double-dutch daring ya.
All rather innocent banter, aside from the tragic not-so-innocent decisions made by the good doctor and the suffereing of her victim(s). And where some felt Dan nudged his big toe over the line, has not Dan already fully addressed their concerns and adjusted things to their likability standards?
Gee, I skip a day and all Hell breaks loose.
Well, maybe not all Hell, just the neighborhood where the Left immediately assumes that mentioning a person’s sexuality must embarrass that person, all the while mumbling “not that there’s anything wrong with that” to themselves.
Like school on Sundays…. no class
#120 answers this question.
Come on Dan, people have told you over and over that it was linking to someone’s contact information and telling people to look her up that constitutes stalking. You conveniently leave the 2nd part out.
And isn’t this thread pretty strong evidence that Dan really is a narcissist who doesn’t differentiate between good and bad attention as long as people are giving him as much as possible? He has basically turned one dumb post into his whole life for a weekend, soaking up attention wherever he can get it (mainly with several hundred posts on the TBogg thread).
That’s dumb. Stalking is a word with a for real meaning.
What? No threats of slapping gfw with your cock?
Dan is nothing like John McCain. That’s just mean.
The pedantic among us might suggest that’s simply one more reason not to be, y’know… a sex offender.
Oh, that’s right. That post was part of Dan’s “public service” series, in which he posts as a warning to citizens at large on sexual predators he once knew and, presumably, loved.
Well, let me, for one, offer Dan my thanks for his concern about my safety.
Though I admit, I am a bit confused about the part where Dan invites those of his readers who want friendship (and maybe more, wink wink) from a stacked bisexual to look her up, since she’s a single gal. Seems irresponsible to offer to hook a reader up with a dangerous sexual predator, but heck! Maybe Dan was just thinking of his readers who get off on that sort of thing? Who knows!
Glorify and embiggen for all of us Dan. Say “hi” to thor for me.
Karl, home of the non-sequitor. thanks for your erudition at 121. That is EXACTLY what happened…
somewhere else, at some other time and in your imagination.
Methinks, Mssr. Collins needs better defenders.
Never underestimate the giver that is Dan Collins. Like an eagle he soars. Like an eagle he gifts from just out of range.
Dan feeds the babies
Who don’t have enough to eat
He shoes the children
With no shoes on their feet
He drops the names of ex’s
Livin’ in the street
Oh, oh, there’s a solution
It sucks when you use the word erudition and misspell non sequitur in the same sentence.
Gosh, Dan/thor, this was suggested as an appropriate poster for you. I’m not sure, since I think your should pursue your dreams.
I’ve been a quiet reader and tip-jar supporter for over 2 years. I just want to say that Dan has no class and that I have no interest in reading Protein Wisdom any longer if Dan is the primary poster.
Jeff, my donations were for a quality blog. That, in my opinion, is in the past.
Wanker. Jeff doesn’t post on weekends hardly ever. Your little tantrum makes no goddamn sense. And also you’re a wanker.
So tired and quaint is tip-jar leveraging. Neither Jeff nor Dan huff tunes from a sax on a busy street corner so save your precious coins of influence, you penny-lobbyist Neanderthal.
If I give Jeff anything it’s a hard time.
What kind of response is that? Whoever said I was refering to the weekend only? How could you take my statement as a tantrum?
This place feels like middle school. If Dan and happyfeet’s goal is to annoy and purge anyone who isn’t at their level – congratulations.
I guess you did have some interest in reading PW a little longer after all. Lying wanker.
Just for the benefit of any new readers, Dan is not and has never been the “primary poster” here.
Just for the benefit of any new readers, Dan has posted well over 50% of the posts for the past several months. However, somehow this does not constitute “primary poster” status.
I thought I purged you. You are so not on my level.
DEAR LORD, Happyfeet, I just always assumed you never read other posts given the diarrhea proclivity for inanity you have been demonstrating. You mean, you’re a real person? Hitting the refresh button every 10 seconds AND spell-checking? And, all for Karl’s benefit? Is that reflexive defense or are you and Karl pals?
No matter, I still can’t believe you’re real, I thought you were a random word generator. Turns out you’re a clown with no life, sitting by a computer with a dictionary and a Dan Collins embossed pillow. How sweet for you.
So Dan, now that you’ve hatched the ridiculous notion that the liberal blogosphere is to blame for your actions, has this woman contacted you yet? Since your purpose in writing about her and linking to her in the first place was to get her attention I’m sure you’re hanging by the phone. (Be careful, you don’t want Thor answering.)
(Demented Dan of Little Balls really needs to hook up with Ann Althouse, who has also perfected the narcissistic personality. Those two are made for each other.)
my, my, it looks like Thor has morphed into happyfeet. The overwhelming lack of support has driven Dan to his sockpuppet drawer.
Happy, you mean you also have an DC embossed pillow? Spooky.
Well, yeah – the comforter would look pretty silly if the pillows didn’t match.
really? cause I missed that bit. I honestly don’t understand the outrage here. yeah, his original post was kinda off to me (in the usual, “is DC for reals here or trying to be funny?), but it’s not like she was named IN THE POST. how is she going to find it? or is that some new intarwebs feature, I can look up posts about me that don’t actually have my name in them?
Hi, Dan. Sockpuppet for each hand? I thought it was lame, but if you do it it must be OK.
1985? Good vibes; I remember it like it was yesterday.
Maggie, I’m not sure when you saw the post, but in his original post – which has since been edited (largely at the urging of readers here and elsewhere) – Dan LINKED to a page that had her name and address and information about how she’d been penalized for misconduct in her profession. You also might want to read Dan’s comments over at TBogg’s place from last night. Dan claimed over and over that he wrote the post to get her attention because he had no other way of reaching her. He claimed he was worried about her, that she might have done herself harm etc. The background of all this and Dan’s motives is in those comments.
I know he LINKED to a page. but is linking to a page enough?
Linking is the same as rape, maggie.
You know, when I’m thinking fondly of a woman from my past and want to let her know I care about her and wish her the best, it never has occurred to me to provide a link to her name, address, profession, and failings in a post. All with the intention that when she “self-googles” she’ll find out how much I am thinking of her. I guess it is because that when she “self-googles” how is she supposed to find my caring post through a link in my post? How does that work, Dan? I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was being hateful or spiteful, but to recognize what a compassionate and empathetic person I was.
She got her license to practice medicine ripped out of her hands because she sexually abused her patient(s).
When Chris Hansen of MSNBC’s Dateline catches a well-paid accountant trying to hook-up with thirteen year-olds, I don’t worry for the future or privacy of that particular titan of industry, I feel creeped out and grateful nobody was sexually abused, then again I’m no empty-headed tart stuck in a hand-on-up-lifted-hip pose.
oh God! I’ll be more careful about it from now on.
Old friendships fade away, love falls apart
And you’ve not spent a single day outside my heart
But, there’s just one more dream that I have left for you
I hope you’re smiling when he
turns around and says I do…
Do you have any other old friends you’re concerned about, Dan? Got any links you can post about them to show you really care?
oh, ya know I was recently involved in some thing where this Cher impersonator found out we were talking about her (don’t ask) because I linked to her gigmasters page. and she said she found it because the management co informs her of inbound links. do public records keepers also do that?
*sniff* I’m overcome with your attempt to let an old friend you care, Dan.
Wow, still flogging this puppy for all its worth, hey Dan? For your PW fanclub, here’s the thread that Dan was on for about 9 hours yesterday. I think he and his alter-ego, Thor, contributed about 300 of the posts. Of particular interest are the comments from Michael Berube – he apparently knew both Dan and his ex-girlfriend/victim back in their college days. Mr. Berube is of the opinion that she would not have appreaciated Dan’s helping hand(s). But seeing that Dan’s a liberated male conservative who transcends the limiting boundary’s of compassion and good taste, anything goes! Plus, I’m betting Dan the Googlemeister has a window open, tracking webhits on his name…he’s getting famous now, and there’s really no such thing as bad publicity when your trying to differentiate yourself from a bazillion other bloggers on the net. Who knows? This might even lead to a paying gig in one of those RWnut welfare writing mills. You are the NPD Man, Dan!
“Do you have any other old friends you’re concerned about, Dan? Got any links you can post about them to show you really care?”
Do you not realize what a creepy fucking voyeur you look like right now?
“Mr. Berube is of the opinion that she would not have appreaciated Dan’s helping hand(s).”
Odd how the passage of time hasn’t affected Mr. Berube like the rest of us mortals, even odder that he won’t share the secret of this gift with us.
Do you not realize what a creepy fucking voyeur you look like right now?
By following the links to Dan’s dear friends that he is so concerned about? How droll. Surely you didn’t mean anyone to be a voyeur, did you Dan?
First, this contradicts your earlier statement that he didn’t reveal her identity in his original entry.
Second, his post encouraged male readers to look her up i.e. “for a good time, call…” I’m assuming Dan should know better than to reveal the identify of a person he knew or knows (standard etiquette); and why would he identify an ex-girlfriend he claims he cares for?
Maybe it’s not enough for you, but it’s enough for me.
His entire original post was bogus. Obviously he has feelings for this person, but he was completely disingenuous in how he expressed them.
Put yourself in her shoes. A bunch of low-life hecklers are supplied with your name, address and measurements. Tip: you drink too much and you’re a loser professionally. With any luck you’ll open the door drunk in your lingerie.
(It stuns me that this has to be explained.)
It’s like The Night of the Long Knives except with a brownie troop. And without, like, knives.
I said he didn’t name her IN THE POST, you had to follow the link to find it. that’s my question. is anyone going to google her name and find that particular post? as for the rest of it. eh, that’s Dan. whatevs.
“Surely you didn’t mean anyone to be a voyeur, did you Dan?”
Does it matter what he meant? If you think he meant for you to do it, that makes it okay?
One’s as good as the other or are you too dense for school? Christ, some of you folks are complete fucking morons. Yeah, and nobody clicked the link. Jesus!
Best keep an eye on this one. She’s sharp.
It amazes me that some people are pretending to take the “look her up” thing literally and seriously.
I didn’t care much for the post. But come on. That was no more a serious suggestion than Keith Olbermann is a serious journalist.
Or he, I guess.
My wife says sexy lingerie makes a girl feel pretty.
I bet if Keith had some diacriticals you wouldn’t say that.
Where the fuck did these pinheads come up with thor and happyfeet being Dan’s sockpuppets? It really takes all the starch out of their little tight-fisted, purple-faced tantrums when they start up with that silliness.
Thanks, B Moe. I was getting to where I was afraid to turn off my monitor for fear of going poof.
Dan, it’s really sad that you employ sockpuppets to speak for you. You have a serious problem dude, and if you’re not careful you’re liable to end up in this particular wastebin.
Ok I’ve had better word choice.
That’s it. I’ve had it, Dan. I’m out of here.
No, really: out of here.
…and I won’t be back.
Where the fuck did these pinheads come up with thor and happyfeet being Dan’s sockpuppets?
Maybe it’s time for a hearty round of “I’m Spartacus!”
Not even to tell you how much I so won’t be back.
Golly, Dan, what was your intention in including the link? What was your intention in redacting the link?
Actually, Dan is one of my sockpuppets. But he’s done it now, so…later.
“Dan, it’s really sad that you employ sockpuppets to speak for you.”
I know, but I can’t help myself, you see. This is why I hate headshrinkers, they won’t talk to all my friends, they only want to talk to Dan.
exactly. I guess that’s why I’m not sooooo offended, I recognized Dan’s, um, style (is that the right word? my brain says not quite, but it hasn’t recovered from 2 hours of “Be Our Guest” yet) and I’m guessing anyone familiar with him would see it as well.
Hey, pinheads, I’m the one that doesn’t believe in God and has a checkered past filled with many, many fallen women. Dan is God! In other words, I’m the wool, fuzzy sock on the left.
But I never figured out even close what your name meant is all.
Dan’s using sockpuppets to evade my question. Here, let me repeat the post.
Ok Dan, but what you’ve written here completely contradicts your alleged reason for writing what you did in the first place. This here suggests you think she got what she deserves. It suggests you wanted to broadcast her demise and received some satisfaction from doing so.
And yet, just last night you were all about caring for her and worrying she might have lost friends and harmed herself. You can’t have it both ways. Either you hate the bitch and want to get back at her (which seems obvious to 99.9% of the commenting blogosphere) or you care. You don’t sound caring now just like you didn’t sound caring when you recommended her to PW’s male lowlifes.
sounds like you hate her to me. sounded that way from the post to 99.9% of the people who read it. you’ve confirmed your hate.
so tell me, where’s the love?
Slartibartfast is one of my sockpuppets (which makes Dan my meta-sockpuppet, for those keeping score at home). B. Moe is Dan’s sockpuppet. Thor is B. Moe’s sockpuppet. happyfeet is Thor’s sockpuppet. I am happyfeet’s sockpuppet. It’s a infinitely regressive recursive hierarchy of sockpuppetry! It make my head asplode, it do!
“Golly, Dan, what was your intention in including the link? What was your intention in redacting the link?”
What is you intention in asking me, I mean Dan, these same fucking questions over and over after we, I mean he, has already answered them repeatedly? Don’t you think your name is enough of a tip that you are a bit of a dull boy?
Now go away, before I, I mean Dan, will taunt you again!
But I wanted to be happyfeet’s sockpuppet.
Or, in an alternative explanation of a form ascribed to William of Ockham, Lesley simply needs to take her medication every day, not just when she feels “bad”.
Your pick.
“…sounded that way from the post to 99.9% of the people who read it.”
I would like to see the methodology involved with that survey.
You can’t be your own sockpuppet, happyfeet. That would be analogous to a collision of matter and anti-matter galaxies. It would inevitably result in TEH END OF TEH UNAVIRSE!!1!!!1!!!
Oh crap. TEH END OF TEH UNAVIRSE!!1!!!1!!! is the same as rape.
Stay classy, Dan. You know we all care about you. Goodnight.
Yep. Unless the rape is perpetrated by lacrosse players. The rape is worse, in that case.
imagine being a person whose life is supported by sockpuppets and Internet low-lifes.
One thing’s certain. This woman will never call you and that’s guaranteed a thousand times over if she ever happens to stumble upon your whinefest.
Don’t talk to me; I’m gone. OUT OF HERE, I say!
No, he’s using rare isotopes of Neon to evade your question. Give the man a little credit. After all, he’s me.
Stay dull-witted and repetitive, K. Ron. You know we don’t give a shit about you. Good night.
You may say I’m a dreamer.
Lesley, honey? People are laughing at you.
Time to join “K. Ron” for a nice nap. Don’t forget your Stelazine nightcap, huh?
I’m glad you’re back, Slart.
Yeah, happyfeet, simplier put, there’s a big, big difference between Danny Wuerffel and Danny Marino. One had an incredible arm and the other none at all. Nobody is going to believe that you’re both dudes.
usually, dreamy is more the word that comes to mind…
probably because of the bunny castle.
Really…I won’t be back. Ever. And I take back all of those hits to the tipjar, too.
“imagine being a person whose life is supported by sockpuppets and Internet low-lifes.
One thing’s certain. This woman will never call you and that’s guaranteed a thousand times over if she ever happens to stumble upon your whinefest.”
You know, Lesley, I could pull myself up out of this cesspool with just a little scratch for seed money. How about letting me in on the lottery next week? Pick 6 even, just use that magnificent clairvoyance of yours for the powers of good rather than just making us all feel bad.
I think Lesley is K. Ron’s sockpuppet.
Wait…wasn’t I gone? Dang.
The bunny castle is the one good thing some days.
Lesley was really trying hard.
Danny Zuko said that’s my name, don’t wear it out.
There’s wisdom in that.
She deserves an H for hard.
This is so pointless as to be one of the purest forms of comedy. I can’t actually believe that this is still an issue; one that utilised internet-based data to comment on someone the guy knew ages ago. It’s not like Dan posted friggin’ Google map directions to this lady’s place, or even nudie pics (which, from the description, might be quite pleasant). My question is such; who ACTUALLY cares if Dan writes about old flames? If you don’t like it, read the next post.
I miss teh funny, and wish this little spat would end accordingly so that this brilliant blog can get back on track.
“imagine being a person whose life is supported by sockpuppets and Internet low-lifes.
Hey, Leslie … we’re not laughing with you. I have an idea, why doesn’t one of these enlightened bloggers LINK the story again? I mean, it’s been since friday (or so) … we may need to refresh the outrage.
And, Old Iron — if Jeff’s post from last night isn’t comedy gold, I don’t know what is.
I’ve often thought of sockpuppeting myself to goad Jeff into one of his smackdowns. They’re so delicious. And, slightly arousing, but don’t tell his wife.
Is this the site with the guy that eats paste?
Where the hell did all of these random people come from ?
I’m not sure whats going on but what I do know is most of the nics I don’t know are proving themselves annoying.
I doubt that anyone who does business with Dan, or shares any kind of intimate relationship with him is willing to share information with him that they want kept confidential. In other words, Dan cannot be trusted. As as consequence, any opinions he has are always going to be based upon superficial information available to anyone who can read.
Which is why I hide behind a pseudonym, and deny responsibility.
Clearly, you all need to drink more. Shit I want a drink just from reading it.
Or that could be the Monday at work.
Dan,I for one buy your explanation that concern was your motivation.
Please demonstrate your similar concern by sharing some details about your present partner,in particular her drug and alcohol history,sexual likes and dislikes(please be specific about any bisexual encounters,as well as her feelings regarding anal and oral sex,as both donor and recipient,and any noises or phrases she may utter if and when she comes).It also might be helpful if you were to offer information pertaining to her employment history,including her disciplinary record and her current work address,hours of employment,and parking location.
Thank you for rewriting the rules of gentlemanly behavior for the new century.
I think Dan Collins just pulled off one of the greatest experiments in human behavior ever. Looking forward to the forthcoming scholarly paper: “Teh Intarweb and Victim Mentality.”
That’s really pretty spot-on I think, C. It’s like Victimhood: Potential or Kinetic, And Does It Matter?
Ok, Dan, now you’re really pissing me off. We’re quits, I tell you.
Slarti, what’s the problem?
Pining for the fjords, are we? :-)
Pining for the fjords, are we? :-)
He won an award for them, after all.
Nah, just going with teh flow.
Well, Slart, I think we can say definitively that when it comes to Dan Collins….
You can’t quit him.
If it helps, I’m my own sock-puppet, pretending to be myself, using my own name, all over the place.
That’s just how I roll, of course.
Yes, Dan, it’s me, Heather. I think you know why I hate you still. What was it you said, “if you just keep your eyes closed and your fists clenched you won’t ever get pregnant.” That yours wasn’t the lucky bullet doesn’t relieve your culpability. I believed you, Dan Collins. I trusted you with my ovaries. And so it was the next guy I slept who treated my ovaries like the back-splash over a kitchen sink, who knocked me up, who I never saw again, who me owes just shy of $312-thousand bucks in back child support. But I kept my hands clenched and eyes closed, just like you, Dan, said to do.
Yes, Dan, I felt pain when I had to breastfeed when my nipples were sore, but that’s not the worst type of pain a woman feels. Remember when you held me tight and French-kissed me through the entire guitar solo of Stairway To Heaven on prom night? Remember telling me you thought I was cute? Taking me home and going all the way in your playroom?
Everlasting Pain is finding out that Dan Collins didn’t even wait two-days before he told all his friends that Heather is a yucky kisser. You sick, twisted bastard! You didn’t even call me after I got my braces off. If you’re man enough, Dan, call me after 9 this Saturday. Wear a tux and bring another bottle of sweet vermouth. I’m am not yucky!
The only things I learned from this whole affair:
1) Some people on the internet can be huge, incredibly arrogant assholes.
2) Those people are usually not aware they are huge, incredibly arrogant assholes.
I guess I shouldn’t say “learned” because I knew these things already (Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter or whoever posted those kids’ phone numbers comes to mind), so maybe “re-affirmed” would be a better choice of words.
Wow, R you sure are the judgemental arrogant little prick. So only on conservative sites do truly incredible arrogant assholes lurk? Me thinks you are the pot calling the kettle black.
From Kos to TBogg to Huff to DU to St. Mandy to any number of other left wing icons one can find arrogance in all of its assholiness along with the usual, conservative suspects. If it is your idea to isolate arrogance to ideology then you should add “idiot” to arrogant and asshole for your own moniker.
Now that everybody has sated their outrage over Dan’s peccadillo you can all go back to to calling Bush a fascist, our soldiers war criminals and our country an imperialistic empire killer of babies.
Piss off!
I have yet to find my outrage.
Dan is colored sprinkles on cupcakes.
I find 139 and 227 tied for Best Irony. The exquisite exquisitely balanced.
Who will win?
I don’t know but despite having read this far I find I have no time for this.
AND #243!
Dan’s bitterest X:
Excellent rant. And try to stay away from the rail liquor. That shit gives the worst hangovers.
“If someone did something like that who was on “your side,†you’d call it reporting.”
Obviously you aren’t familiar with Michelle Malkin’s work.