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October 2024


Proportionality [Dan Collins]

I know, I know. I make too big a deal about Greenwald(s), and I like these kerfuffles, and they’re all “inside baseball.” Still, my hypocrisy doesn’t, I think, bar me from pointing out the strange paucity of linking sites to this important story, compared to this, per Memeorandum.

Outside the Wire with more not news: Beauchamp’s unit in a firefight (h/t Reynolds)

Zeitgeist Alert: Toddler Dies in Hot Car While Mom Works at Hooters.  Forget Poe.

Clearly, I am a masochist.

13 Replies to “Proportionality [Dan Collins]”

  1. John Lynch says:

    Personal, Web-based log. Web-log. blog.

    I guess you’re right Dan, the personal part of blog is gone. We’re all obligated to become part of the mass consciousness. No longer whither your interests go so you write.

  2. CraigC says:

    And oddly enough, he was identified in the news story as a “Republican lawmaker.” Go figure.

  3. Slartibartfast says:

    Memeorandum, Dan.

    I am kind of unhappy that it’s a more serious offense, socially, to be an unattractive, overweight, middle-aged male cross-dresser than it is to appear in public wearing an upside-down-and-backward visor (from your second link).

    I mean, at least the cross-dresser isn’t exposing the rest of us to any untoward visuals. Bad fashion choices should carry much lighter penalties if they’re covert.

  4. Rob Crawford says:

    I am kind of unhappy that it’s a more serious offense, socially, to be an unattractive, overweight, middle-aged male cross-dresser

    I think you limited the scope of that too much.

    (Bitter? I’m soaking in it!)

  5. The Lost Dog says:

    Jeebus, Dan!

    It’s 8:00 AM, and I have to gag over this stuff?

    God bless America!

  6. The Lost Dog says:

    Oh, yeah.

    Happy F’ing Hallowen!

  7. Slartibartfast says:

    …and after having seen all of the news video, it does look like the guy likes him a little man-sex from time to time.

    Which doesn’t make it not blackmail, of course. Still, what is it about Congress that’s a magnet for guys that like scoring some strange-squared on the side? Or am I just wierder than I’d thought, not having ever gone that way?

  8. brian says:

    Slart – As more and more of the remaining sane and capable individuals in America find their way in the private sector, only the terminally broken will be left to hold office.

    It’s going to get worse. Much worse.

  9. brian says:

    Rob: FYP

    I am kind of unhappy that it’s a more serious offense, socially, to be an unattractive, overweight, middle-aged malecross-dresser

  10. Karl says:

    I don’t think the link variage should be surprising. The second story is more directly related to politics, which is what Memeorandum tracks. Plus, there is the whole “OOOOOh, a ghey Republican” thing I’m guessing is what attracts Lefty blogs.

    Because of the HYPOCRISY!!! By which I mean the hypocrisy of Lefties about the whole ghey angle, not that they acknowledge it.

  11. JD says:

    Hypocrisy? You mean how teh ghey become a perjorative when it refers to anyone not in the Leftist tribe?

  12. happyfeet says:

    Malaysia is retarded. Robert Samuelson has a piece today about how some countries are just willfully fucking retarded and there’s not a whole hell of a lot we can do about it.

  13. dittybopper says:

    For a total slap down of Greenwald by Col Boylan check this out from Grim’s Hall – priceless- Third post down (at this time) by Cassandra. Sorry, cant get a link to paste.

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