
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

September 2024


Oh, my!

Seems that sometime during the night, while Mr Mom slept (my being tired from a holiday weekend spent haus frauing and eating Nathan’s hot dogs coated with paste), a couple of folks posted some “private” information about the esteemed and inveterately civil “Thersites,” who—like many of his leftwing blogger friends—uses his internet anonymity to hurl epithets at others without fear of any kind of damage to his own public reputation.

And who can blame him, really?  After all, he has several small children, and he’d probably blanch at the thought of their one day, when they are old enough, doing a Google search for dear old frumpy Dad, only to find things like “[THERSITES’ REAL NAME HERE] is a Dick” / Moron” / ACADEMIC FAILURE,” etc.  Because that would be hurtful, one imagines, and so is precisely the kind of thing any parent would try to avoid.  If he could control such a thing, that is.

Anyway, unlike the leftosphere (who ridiculed the idea), I signed the Online Integrity Pledge, so I have found the comments that proferred the information about “Thersites” and his wife, “NYMary,” and I have redacted the info that is personal, carefully separating out the info that is pertinent to our recent debates, which is not private but rather is descriptive.

So you will not hear me refer to “Thersites” or “NYMary” by their real names.  And I won’t refer to the name (or city) of the NY Community College where he teaches and where his wife is an adjunct instructor.

Do I expect any reciprocal courtesies from “professors” Thersites and NYMary?  Of course I don’t.  For instance, recently Thersites put up a post titled “Protein Wisdom and Civility,” in which he detailed a comment from someone (not me) that made vulgar and inappropriate comments about one of his children. 

For some reason—and before I’d seen his post (I don’t, as a rule, read his site, though he seems to have a special fondness for poring over mine)—he wrote a comment in one of the threads here demanding that I “distance myself” from the comment.  Which, of course, I did—though why he asked me to distance myself from it remains a mystery.  I had nothing to do with it, and I even offered to take a look at the IP address of the person who posted it to see if it matched the IP address of any of my regular commenters.

That offer was ignored.

Later, when someone alerted me to the Thersites post that attached my blog name to invocations of pubescent fellatio, I wrote “Thersites” and asked him to change the title of his post.  He responded that he “doesn’t change titles.” Which, oh well.  At least I asked.

Which brings us to the present.  I woke to several comments this morning demanding that I take down Thersites’ personal info (which I did not myself post, and which it now appears was posted late last evening)—and in typical style, these demands were peppered with personal insults, risible threats of lawsuits, and faux outrage over some violation of online ethics.  Which begs the question, what did these people expect from a paste-eating dickhead fucktard wanker moron idiot haus frau?

But I’ve learned to take such things—including the death threats I’ve been receiving, which are likely not at all incited by people like Thersites or Atrios or Hamsher or any of the other lefty smear sites who’ve been trying for some time to drag me through sewers larded with their own fecal output—in stride.  After all, rhetorical bullying is about the only weapon left in the “progressive” arsenal, and I’m not one to be easily threatened by words. 

All of which leads me to note that Thersites himself emailed me personally to ask that I please take down his personal information.  Which I have now done.  And that completes my obligation to the insufferable prick.  That the info is out there now has to do with the vagaries of time zones and my own morning routine.  And Google.  Which is itself an irony I hope people will come to enjoy. 

I won’t spend the rest of my days redacting his name if it appears here, but I will ask of my commenters who have the information to please refrain from using it on this site. 

Which, all things considered, is probably more than Thersites and his wife, the equally bitter NYMary, could have hoped for, especially given my odious idiotic paste-eating moronic dickish womanly character.

BECAUSE OF THE—eh, you know the rest.


update: “Some asshole changed my mind”—Kelly Leak

100 Replies to “Oh, my!”

  1. Phil Smith says:

    “Gentle Ben” Thersites it is.

  2. Pablo says:

    Which begs the question, what did these people expect from a paste-eating dickhead fucktard wanker moron idiot haus frau?

    I think pie would be nice.

  3. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I’d still like to know Thersites’ and NYMary’s academic specialization—and their dissertation topics.

  4. Jeff,

    I was out shotgunning doctors all morning and just got back and cleaned off.  I think you did more than you had to.  I didn’t think you had any responsibility for the comment, I just didn’t think it was “nice”.  Even though the information was public already.  Now I’ve got to make some bombs and get to church.

  5. JohnAnnArbor says:

    Amusing–and par for the course–that he wouldn’t alter anything, no matter how nasty, at your polite request, but expects instant responses to his rude threats over comments you don’t control posted while you’re asleep.

  6. mojo says:

    And I’d like to have this whole damn objectivist/intentionalist argument go away. Besides making my frontal lobes shudder with exestential pain, it’s boring. Sorry, Jeff, but it is.

    But since I have no control, being just a commenter/gadfly, I guess I’ll suffer through.

    Suffering is good for the soul, they say.

    Just look at those moral muscles bulge, baby…

    SB: note

  7. 6Gun says:

    BECAUSE OF THE—eh, you know the rest.

    Yep, because of self-justifiable rage at such idiots as do not populate the Socialist Democrat Party.

    The primary preemptive Leftard trick in their one-trick playbook is to establish all dissent as lower-level, quasi-amoebic, red-state mouth-breathing by, well, red-state mouth-breathers so as to go batshit crazy with faux outrage against the sheer Neanderthalism of the Neanderthal Right.

    It’s strawman central, Jeff.

    Thus erected, it’s a small step to it’s-for-their-own-goodism, where every other trick in the book is good to go.  Preferably peppered with as much obscenity as possible hence really showing rage at all the fucking asshole fascists in the fucking asshole fascist, shrivel-up-and-die party.

    And so on.

    It’s because of the cause.  It’s all because of The Cause, whatever the hell that may be.

  8. beetroot says:

    I’m with Mojo – – this whole JG – Theresites debate is the most boring fucking thing ever.

    Get back to yelping about creeping totalitarianism. You’re good at it.

  9. Slartibartfast says:

    Jeff?  Maybe it’s time to lay off the pâtè.

  10. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Mojo and beetroot —

    Feel free to skip the intentionalism debate.  But because it informs a lot of my political thinking—and because there are others here who enjoy it—I don’t think we’ll see an end to it any time soon.

    Though I would like to spend more time writing about drug abuse.

  11. The primary preemptive Leftard trick in their one-trick playbook is to establish all dissent as lower-level, quasi-amoebic, red-state mouth-breathing by, well, red-state mouth-breathers so as to go batshit crazy with faux outrage against the sheer Neanderthalism of the Neanderthal Right.

    It’s “partisan tolerance”. They refuse to tolerate opinions other than their own, while demaning tolerance for their opinions. The idea is to make differing opinions go away by making theirs the only ones acceptable in polite company.

  12. beetbrain – Is it tacitly or otherwise possible for a moonbat to get through one complete post without working in a Libtard talking point? Just wondering.

    – In the mean time, as per usual, your side has been afforded a civility you’d rather be caught dead wrapped in an Amrican flag than extend the same courtesy to us, though you’ll never admit it because…. well…. that would just be so “un-nuanced”…

  13. But I’ve learned to take such things—including the death threats I’ve been receiving

    The hell?

  14. 6Gun says:

    Get back to yelping about creeping totalitarianism. You’re good at it.

    Actually, beeter, it’s ”fucking yelping about creeping Socialist Values and Principles, you fascist”.  Totalitarianism sounds so ugly.

    Try and not let the side down, okay?

  15. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I just usually delete the death threats in the comments and save the ones that I’ve received from real email addresses.

    Off topic, but here in Colorado we have the “make my day” law.

  16. capt joe says:

    Carry on Jeff, I find the subject matter mind altering.  Coming from a hard science background, I always been prejudiced against the softer sciences. The Chompskites ruined it for me.

    Nice to see there is real meat there.  Or at least when you describe it.

  17. – I used to do the same thing Jeff, but I would post a replacement line with: Redacted in-appropriate comment by <email addy under the perps handle here>

    – I figure anyone that is that vicious, and intentionally rapaciously doesn’t deserve anonymity.

  18. Jim in KC says:

    I find it informative, if for no other reason than it’s a window into someone else’s (well, Jeff’s) rather systematic development of a personal body of political thought. 

    I know how I reasoned my way into my political leanings; it’s kind of fun to see how someone else did it, too.

    One of the biggest problems with so many who call themselves “progressives” is their utter lack of a basis for their beliefs.  Given the inconsistencies, it’s impossible to reason backwards to some or indeed any notion of universal truth based on their positions.

  19. 6Gun says:

    It’s “partisan tolerance”. They refuse to tolerate opinions other than their own, while demaning tolerance for their opinions. The idea is to make differing opinions go away by making theirs the only ones acceptable in polite company.

    Robert, I’m 100% convinced that the entire Leftist dogma hinges on first seeing the opposition is a lesser entity—principly, intellectually, morally, culturally, socially.  Doing so evokes a semi-conscious nod at the seven or so levels of awareness, the least non-sociopathic one of which is the Left’s blind, self-unaware “conservative.”

    The Left is science and light; the Right is impacted baser instincts like religion and bigotry.  The Left has racial tolerance as it’s most holy of holies; the Right has its shotguns, as lost my cookies just satirized.  And so on. 

    From this presumption flow any number of outcomes, not the least of which, as beetroot amply shows, is a veiled implied rage at having to be bothered to respond at all.  The superiority should, after all, be self-evident.

    There can be no reason, no “compassion”, and no intellect on the Right because; well, just because.

    Jonah Goldberg regularly posts his hate mail.  The common thread, ironically, is simultaneous combo of chronic illiteracy and charges of idiocy.  Against a writer of Goldberg’s certainly adequate caliber, no less.

    My link includes a comment from an American leader evidently incredulous that anyone could possibly imagine that socialism simply wasn’t a de facto assumption from sea to shining American sea.  Contrary to their holy rage at an ignorant Right, the Left has never once introspected that little essential belief…

    tw:  Schools.

  20. TODD says:

    When does Thersites find time to teach? It seems he spends most of his time hating THE EVIL GOLDSTEIN!!!

    For christ sakes man, let it go……

  21. jdm says:

    And I’d like to have this whole damn objectivist/intentionalist argument go away.

    Objectivist? Is that some sort of lame-ass admission of ignorance and/or comprehension issues cloaked as a clever remark? Because if it is, it soooo worked for me and I can only hope to aspire to such witty rejoinders.

    Besides making my frontal lobes shudder with exestential pain, it’s boring. Sorry, Jeff, but it is.

    Where’s Witheld when you need him/her/it? Oh, silly me, the real thing is always better than the parody.

  22. 6Gun says:

    One of the biggest problems with so many who call themselves “progressives” is their utter lack of a basis for their beliefs.  Given the inconsistencies, it’s impossible to reason backwards to some or indeed any notion of universal truth based on their positions.

    The Left insists on the most simplistic views and stereotypes of the Right with which to establish its platform.  The Left then predictably bases its own dogma on the simplest of preconceptions:  That social inequality can be equalized, that history is no guide, that social centralization is liberating if the Left does it but not so much so if the Right does, that ends justify means, that power is benevolent (with that same Left/Right predetermination) and that pure principle is embodied only in such things.

    Their internal dichotomy is hilarious.

  23. Later, when someone alerted me to the Thersites post that attached my blog name to invocations of pubescent fellatio, I wrote “Thersites” and asked him to change the title of his post.  He responded that he “doesn’t change titles.”

    I don’t know the man’s site. I’m one who’s bored with this topic, and usually can’t finish your posts on it (I got through this one only because it’s short), so the last thing I want to do is go to his site and read more on it.

    But depending on what technology he’s using, he may not be able to change titles without breaking links and messing up the archives. With some blog engines, for example, the title or part of the title is included in the permalink for the post.

    Of course, if that’s the case for him (and again, I don’t know if it is), then he has some responsibility to choose his titles a little more carefully.

  24. M.Scott says:

    Part of the reason I frequent this site is to expose myself to people who are actually smarter than I am, as opposed to people who simply believe they are smarter than I am.

    Jeff – I frankly have to admire you for, among other things, persisting in this endeavor at the cost of having to endure the beetroots/actuses (actii?)/Thersites etc. of the world.  Thanks, and all the best.

    TW: best I’m not even surprised anymore.

  25. NTodd says:

    Bravo!  So good of you to recognize the moral equivalency of calling somebody a paste-eater and digging up personal information.  Thank Kali you’re hear to edumacate us.

  26. shank says:

    Though I understand the basic prinicples and tend to agree with our host; I’ll admit the recent intentionalism thing is a bit over my head.

    But that’s nothing a little Klonopin won’t fix, right Jeff?  Or, in my case, I’m partial to this brick of stellar Thai hash I picked up through a buddy just returning from a post-collegiate jaunt around the pacific rim that makes the Cheech and Chong flicks look like a series of PSA’s on healthy living.

    Turing:  Students.

  27. Slartibartfast says:

    Well, when someone commits an act of Hate, it’s axiomatic that that person is a Republican.

    And therefore one of Jeff’s minions.

    Ok, I’m guessing.  I have no idea why this absurd assumption (that Jeff, or even someone who has ever commented over here, posted the offensive comment in question) has gotten any traction at all.  Sure, I’d be pissed.  But then I’d do a little sleuthing with the IP number (not that that’s always effective) first, some pointed questions later, and conflation right around last place, right after going out and teepeeing the White House.

    In this, as in all things, YMMV.  TW: just saying.

  28. NTodd appears to be one of those people who frequently hears whooshing noises as points fly past their heads.

  29. jdm says:

    digging up personal information

    That personal information that freely available to anyone who has mastered How To Use A Search Engine 101?

  30. Slartibartfast says:

    NTodd appears to be one of those people who frequently hears whooshing noises as points fly past their heads.

    It’s the ketamine.  That shit’ll mess you up bad.

  31. Phil Smith says:

    Dagnabit, wrong stupid TV show involving tame bears.

    “Grizzly Adams” = Thersites.

  32. Vercingetorix says:


    You said ‘dick-otomy’. Heh.

    No, but seriously, did junior college man Thirsty and his crazy ass wife sign the agreement? Every contract requires reciprocal behavior; I give you something, you give me something.

    Thirsty and whackbag did not act civilly at any point in time and do not purport to follow that contract or oath.

    They are not covered and so are free range mutton.

  33. NTodd says:

    NTodd appears to be one of those people who frequently hears whooshing noises as points fly past their heads.

    I stand chastened.  Thanks for setting me straight.

    That personal information that freely available to anyone who has mastered How To Use A Search Engine 101?

    Yes, yes, the common retort.  Because the work-factor is not 100% impossible, Thers should’ve known that people would breech his anonymity because that, of course, wins the argument with Jeff.  What’s the fucking point?

  34. Jeff Goldstein says:

    NTodd —

    I didn’t dig up any personal information.  I simply removed said information as a courtesy.  Whereas “Thersites” has added, with a repetition that borders on the obsessive, the descriptive epithets to my real, actual name and reputation.

    Now, I don’t expect a handjob from you for doing what I think is right, but a thank you sure wouldn’t be out of line.

  35. Just Passing Through says:

    Thirsty and whackbag did not act civilly at any point in time and do not purport to follow that contract or oath.

    Poseurs by both nature and nuture.

  36. NTodd says:

    No, but seriously, did junior college man Thirsty and his crazy ass wife sign the agreement? Every contract requires reciprocal behavior; I give you something, you give me something.

    No, but seriously, the Onlinge Pledge of Integritude says signatories will not out somebody NO MATTER WHAT.  It doesn’t matter if Thers pledged or not.

    And really, is calling somebody a paste-eater really bad?  Hell, I call Thers a fucking drunk Mick with 136 filthy children all the time.

  37. dario says:

    Jeff, I hope you forgive my indiscretion but this name is hardly a secret. Thersites doesn’t change titles and Chris Klein don’t placate.  The verbal idiosyncrasies are obvious.

    I must say Chris that you were brilliant in Hear on Earth.  How DO you choose from the hundreds of scripts that must cross your desk?  What is it about “A rich college kid is taught a lesson after a joy ride ends up destroying a country restaurant.” that grabs you?  How do you become these characters that are so far removed from your own personae?  But I digress…

    Anyway, CHRIS, who are you?  Are you really the West coast playboy or a professor role-playing bloviater from the East coast?  The many layers of your make believe life are simply fascinating.  DON’T PLACATE BROTHER!

  38. NTodd says:

    I didn’t dig up any personal information.  I simply removed said information as a courtesy.  Whereas “Thersites” has added, with a repetition that borders on the obsessive, the descriptive epithets to my real, actual name and reputation.

    Golly, it’s so harsh of Thers to say nasty things to you whilst also arguing rationally.  How horrid!  And certainly justifies your commenters actions.

    No, I’m not blaming you for that.  As we know, you’re not liable for what you fuckwit commenters do.  That said, you put them into the same context.  Oh, perhaps you didn’t *intend* to, but you’ve effectively put the actions on the same level.

    No fucking way I’m going to thank you for doing the right goddamned thing, any more than I’d apologize to you when you shoot me in the face.  Jesus.

  39. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Maybe if I type this slowly, NTodd will get it.

    Let’s give it a go:


    did not



    I redacted the personal information when I woke this morning and booted up the computer, and then composed this post, hoping to put this whole affair to rest.

    But people like you are too fucking stupid to let things go, aren’t you? 

    Let it go.  Seriously.

  40. kelly says:

    Yes, yes, the common retort.  Because the work-factor is not 100% impossible, Thers should’ve known that people would breech his anonymity because that, of course, wins the argument with Jeff.  What’s the fucking point?

    Oh, dear. I seem to have lost my hyperbole sensor this morning. Can anyone help me out?

  41. No, but seriously, the Onlinge Pledge of Integritude says signatories will not out somebody NO MATTER WHAT.  It doesn’t matter if Thers pledged or not.

    Jeff didn’t. And Jeff removed the information once he became aware of it.

    So I don’t get what your beef is.

  42. No fucking way I’m going to thank you for doing the right goddamned thing, any more than I’d apologize to you when you shoot me in the face.  Jesus.

    – S’ok… People would never expect any show of aknowledgement from amoral collectivists, its simply not in your oh-so-caring nature.

  43. Paul Zrimsek says:

    I see that Mr. Integrity is now explicitly making the charge– originally implicit, subsequently withdrawn– that it was a commenter from here who posted that vile remark about his kid. I will await the evidence with much interest.

  44. Ah. I think I understand.

    NTodd is beefed that Jeff wasn’t sitting at his PC 24/7, policing what was said so as to avoid the “outing” of “Thersites”.

    Also, he’s a little miffed that Jeff dare compare that “outing” with the constant personal attacks leveled by “Thersites” and his lickspittle minions.

    Because, as we all know, temporarily hosting someone’s real name is a hundred times worse than accusing them of pedophilia.

  45. alppuccino says:

    ….any more than I’d apologize to you when you shoot me in the face.

    Can ya just stop with the fellatio analagies, Todd!  Kali!

  46. Slartibartfast says:

    NTodd’s goalposts must have the reflexes of a gnat.  No WAY are you going to score on that shit.

  47. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Paul —

    Is he?  Can I have a link?  Because if this is his act of gracious follow-up, I think I’m going to rethink my own civility.

  48. dario says:


    “NO MATTER WHAT” means that under no circumstance ever will anything ever be on Jeffs site that could “out” someone.  It doesn’t matter if he didn’t do it or that he made an immediate effort to correct it.  It’s a 3rd grade debate, he said NO MATTER WHAT so how come it happened? As you know, Bush also LIED that there were WMDs in Iraq.  It’s a debate that can’t be won when the target of your rebuttles can’t be intellectually honest in said debate.

  49. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I’m going for a run.  Let’s hope that brings back my circumspection and social deference.

  50. Slartibartfast says:

    Upon final thought I do think it was one of his commenters who said it, but that’s not reflective of anything or anyone beyond the fact that whoever said it is a sick little bastard who deserves scorn. And I have no desire to think about this any further.

  51. Paul Zrimsek says:

    His commenters out my identity, AND my wife’s (which is how they found out mine), and make a horrible comment about my child.


  52. jdm says:

    I’m going for a run.

    Typical wingnut… running away when things get too hot.

  53. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Wonder why he wouldn’t provide the IP address?

    Maybe, upon final thought, he did it himself and used it as a prop to further slur me and my site.

    Which, of course, is not reflective of anything or anyone beyond the pretensions of a community college teacher to try to deflect some heat from himself and play the wounded victim card.

    Now, do I think this is what happened?  Doubtful. But who knows? And besides, I’m only speculating, in writing, on a public forum.

  54. BoZ (overqualified) says:

    Feel free to skip the intentionalism debate.

    Reasonable default response. But listen—

    The uninteresting thing about this to someone who’s interested in the subject (me, I mean) is that it’s not a debate. From here, it looks like this:

    Jeff: [responds to insult with simple logic, refutes errors resulting from illiteracy, shows kindness to dumb strangers]

    Idiots: Can you believe that shit? I told y’all he’s a crackbaby! I drive a DODGE STRATUS!

    Jeff: [repeats self at greater length, calls self crackbaby]

    That’s its own kind of entertainment, but nothing moves. And it can’t be otherwise. Your foils are dragging you down.

    To community college.

    Phew. They almost got me, too.

  55. mojo says:

    <blockquote)Objectivist? Is that some sort of lame-ass admission of ignorance and/or comprehension issues cloaked as a clever remark?</i>

    No, it’s much, much simpler than that. Hence the incomprehension on your part, I guess. Them big brains tripping over themselves or something.

    Go ahead and tell me what I meant to say, would ya? I’m keen to find out…

    SB: science

    vs art

  56. actus says:

    a couple of folks posted some “private” information

    Can you explain your use of the quotes here? As part your big push for intentionalism? Is it an unattribute quotation to someone else, or what?

  57. actus says:

    Robert, I’m 100% convinced that the entire Leftist dogma hinges on first seeing the opposition is a lesser entity—principly, intellectually, morally, culturally, socially.

    100%! the entire domgma! convinced! Do we also see the opposition as inferior becuase they are prone to maximalism and totalism?

  58. OHNOES says:

    Guys, leave NTodd alone. He’s the perfect example of 6Gun’s characterization of Leftists. The morally dogmatic liberal whose entire system of beliefs… nay, their entire WORLD revolves around clinging tightly to the pleasant assumption that all Rethuglikkkans are idiots, contemptible mouth-breathing shotgun-toting Christian (A vicious epithet in itself to the Left) hicks, thus nothing they do is right, and nothing he does is wrong. He will never, EVER give this idea up because it is the lynchpin, the very FOUNDATION, of his childish world view.

    In essence, he is a child. Let him flail wildly. It only makes him look dumber.

  59. Mau Mau says:

    NTodd: Your site is absolutely littered with their personal information. Why the hell would you post all of that if you were concerned with their anonymity.

    NTODD + NYMary = no anonymity for Thersites.

    Yes, yes, the common retort.  Because the work-factor is not 100% impossible, Thers should’ve known that people would breech his anonymity because that, of course, wins the argument with Jeff.  What’s the fucking point?

    Because in this case it’s 100% probable – it could likely be discovered inadvertently. Once someone associates their name with an email address a/o moniker and then proceeds to post using these, anonymity is lost. The effort involved is less than that required to post to this thread.

    try it.

  60. actus says:

    The Left insists on the most simplistic views and stereotypes of the Right with which to establish its platform.

    They also bark at mirrors.

  61. Inspector Callahan says:

    Can you explain your use of the quotes here? As part your big push for intentionalism? Is it an unattribute quotation to someone else, or what?

    Aw, cut the crap, Actus.  You know damn well why the quotes are there.  Because the information wasn’t private.  If the information is easily attainable, it’s NOT private.  If it’s NOT easily attainable (such as the only way to get it is to hack into the state’s DMV database to get it), then it IS private.  If the professors wanted to remain private, they could have been much more discreet about their own personal information.

    TV (Harry)

  62. David R. Block says:

    If you do decide to remove your name from that agreement, let it be known that it is because of the treatment received at the hands of the leftist nut jobs, including Hamster, Batrios, and Thirsty.

    Therefore, it has been decided that if the payback for civility is continued incivility on their part that the cost does not equal the benefits and it is fruitless to continue what amounts to unilateral disarmament.

    Thirsty’s psychophants be damned.

  63. Pablo says:

    I wonder if NTodd has been by metacomments to suggest that Thirsty have Mrs’ Thirsty learn shut her prodigious piehole if his anonimity is so dear to him. Oh,. and stop going to moonbat conferences using both your real and assumed names, kids!

    That seems to be the source of Thirsty’s dilemma.

    Paul Z. sez:

    I see that Mr. Integrity is now explicitly making the charge– originally implicit, subsequently withdrawn– that it was a commenter from here who posted that vile remark about his kid. I will await the evidence with much interest.

    On the contrary, his refusal to provide Jeff with the offending IP is evidence that Thirsty himself posted it, manufacturing a fresh batch of that old faux outrage.

  64. Inspector Callahan says:

    sorry RC, I posted too quickly.

    TV (Harry)

  65. Good Lt. says:

    I, for one, love the intentionalist arm-wrestling. Grad schoolish -brain food. Its a nice diversion from the main blogs in the blogosphere, which tend to be straight political blogs.

    Besides – watching JG parry T’s half-cocked chicanery is priceless, not to mention esoteric to most people I know.

    Great stuff. Thersites is TEH SUXOR.  cool smile

  66. actus says:

    Aw, cut the crap, Actus.  You know damn well why the quotes are there.  Because the information wasn’t private.  If the information is easily attainable, it’s NOT private.  If it’s NOT easily attainable (such as the only way to get it is to hack into the state’s DMV database to get it), then it IS private.

    Did the post say the information was easily attainable? I googled theresites and didn’t get his name. The post did say that Theresites used his “internet anonymity.” Which makes me think the guys real name isn’t really out there.

    I suppose the correct words to use then is “personal” or “personally identifying” information.

  67. TheNewGuy says:

    Be careful on the run, Jeff… the “make my day” law in Colorado doesn’t apply outside your home.

    How about posting some of your death threats?  I’ll bet they’re a hilarious showcase of hormonally-poisoned adolescent progressive rage.

  68. David R. Block says:

    The linguistic posts are of much interest to me, but you don’t need to go to the lengths of linking to nutjob’s site to continue to do them. There is probably enough material in the Rocky Mountain News to keep you supplied for days, if not months.

    TW: Think Progress. NO, not THAT one, real progress.

  69. Slartibartfast says:

    I googled theresites and didn’t get his name. The post did say that Theresites used his “internet anonymity.” Which makes me think the guys real name isn’t really out there.

    Jaysus.  Either that, or it’s your inability to spot even the most obvious of spelling errors.

  70. Just Passing Through says:

    His commenters out my identity, AND my wife’s (which is how they found out mine), and make a horrible comment about my child.

    Thersites wife’s indentity was outed after a paricularly foul round of online assaults against Althouse and Thersites knows this. So that’s bullshit. Althouse by the way took some of NYMary’s spewings quite seriously. Seriously enough to bring up the subject of harassment.

    Thersites also keeps alive reference to a rephrehensible comment about his daughter. It mystifies me that he would leave up and want to continue to draw attention to something that anyone else in a similar position would have removed.

    Thersites is an adult and responsible for his public deportment as is his wife. They have hidden behind the anonymity of pseudonyms to express themselves in ways unacceptable in public discourse. They have done this not just in comments sections, but in front page posts. His wife had her anonymity stripped away after her lunacy at the Althouse blog. Instead of learning the lesson, that personal assaults are never going to be taken lightly, Thersites continued along the same path. He had his anonymity stripped away in turn in 3 mins of googling.

    These are stupid people and display it dramatically in their wounded surprise that they should be held even marginally accountable for their public utterances.

  71. actus says:

    Jaysus.  Either that, or it’s your inability to spot even the most obvious of spelling errors.

    Well, I cut and pasted for my search.

  72. Brian says:

    Just spent some time leaving comments at his site under a nom de plume.  The guy’s commentariat reminds me of Cole’s over on BJ.

    I hope he takes the advice of his commenters and drops the subject.  I admire Jeff’s persistence on this, although it’s generated some of the longest posts of PW’s history.  It’s obviously a subject Jeff doesn’t like being challenged on, because it’s a subject he has much knowledge of.  I certanly enjoy picking on those who challenge me about topics they know little or nothing about, yet do so with a ferocity reveals something of a dementia at work.  It’s at this point that it’s best to feel sorry for the opponent, and recommend them to get some help.

  73. capt joe says:

    Jeff, That was my thought yesterday.  That he or someone he knew made that comment so he could derail the conversation with you backpedalling to distance yourself from the accusation.  Now that others see it also, I do believe that that is exactly what he did.  Nice.

    Oh, and NTodd, if you don’t want Thersites anonymity opened then stop posting it!!  That is how “WhoisThersites” got it.  He linked directly to your site with a D’uh search engine.  Jeez, what a retard.

    TW: average as in intelligence

  74. Slartibartfast says:

    Well, I cut and pasted for my search.

    Damn.  I blame cut and paste, then.

  75. NTodd says:

    Because, as we all know, temporarily hosting someone’s real name is a hundred times worse than accusing them of pedophilia.

    You are a stupid fucking twit.  Thers never accused Jeff of pedophilia.  Ever.  And he updated his post when Jeff requested it.

    And I’m not miffed about anything, ‘cept that you guys keep trying to justify the outing.  I don’t give a rat’s ass who did it, and I certainly don’t give a flying fuck that Jeff is so goddamned Noble® and Integritousificesque™ and removed the info.  But please do keep bragging about how much better you all are because you never once called Thers a poopyhead, and demanding thanks for doing the right thing.


  76. Brian says:

    And really, is calling somebody a paste-eater really bad?  Hell, I call Thers a fucking drunk Mick with 136 filthy children all the time.

    Well, you’re one classy muthafucka, aren’t you?  As classy and sophisticated as drunk Mick.

  77. Brian says:

    And I’m not miffed about anything

    I’m very relieved to see this.  I don’t want you to go away mad, just go away.

  78. Slartibartfast says:


    Very angry, indeed.

  79. actus – As usual you missed the bus. Hes plastered all over the net, in profiles, and several different rantblogs. The idea hes wishing to remain anonymous is just laughable, as is this contrived BS dustup over his “outing”.

    – Whats not laughable is this tendentious, and seemingly manufactured post, over his child. If hes using that as a pony trick to siddle out of the pit hes dug himself into, hes a real low life. I don’t give a damn HOW emotional your politics, you don’t EVER expose your kids to this crap.

    – Since he won’t provide the IP addy, coupled with the countless times that moonbats have been caught in lies, MacBeth the most recent that comes to mind, its not looking good.

  80. And I’m not miffed about anything, ‘cept that you guys keep trying to justify the outing.

    I certainly didn’t do any such thing. I think anonymous posting/blogging is a child’s game, but I won’t out people.

    In that light, it’s nice to see you signing your comments.

  81. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    His commenters out my identity, AND my wife’s (which is how they found out mine)

    And his wife was an undercover instructor!  And she worked on nuclear proliferation in Iran!

    Your case for intentionalism is built on lies!  Who was your Scooter Libby?!?!!?!

    Frog-march Jeff! Frog MARCHCCHCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!11!11one!!eleven1!!

    tw: Bring on another Fitzmas!

  82. GWPDA says:

    I’d still like to know Thersites’ and NYMary’s academic specialization—and their dissertation topics.

    Posted by Jeff Goldstein

    Why?  What’s it to you, bubba?

  83. David R. Block says:

    NTodd has banner ads on his site about Blog Integrity saying “do not sign the pledge,” so I would follow his lead and withdraw.

  84. David R. Block says:

    NTodd’s an ass.

    I’m through reading his shit.

  85. tena says:

    My, aren’t you a gracious gentleman.

    I just adore your self-justification for overstepping the bounds of online ethics.

    Have a bunch of those, I’m thinking.  Self-justifications.  You remind me of Ted Rall, the cartoonist, who thinks nothing of posting information about people whether it is correct or not.

    crackpots, both of you.

  86. capt joe says:

    Hey NTodd, you supplied the info!!  WhoisThersites just linked it. 

    You are an angry little cuss aren’t ya.  And having lefties angry at you is like dealing with angry chihuahuas, noisy but easily solved with duct tape.

    Wow, talk about king of the dipshits.  So did you appologize to the Thirsty Bear.  Well, get over there.  hmmm

  87. capt joe says:

    crackpots, both of you.

    same to you tena or twenty

    Please, get off your high horse.  There was anything private.  NTodd has a ton of stuff on NYMary and Thersites and that is where it all came from which I won’t relink out of respect for Jeff’s wishes. 

    The whole faux outrage is a distraction from the cardinal fact that Jeff whopped your fat asses big deal in an argument.  Let’s not pretend your commentary is anything else.

  88. capt joe says:

    wasn’t, dang that quick finger

  89. topsecretk9 says:

    Ah yes! The left-o-sphere has sooooooooo much to be proud of. Pillars of respect. Top drawer really, google “Liberal Avenger” and “Googlebomb assignment”

  90. My, aren’t you a gracious gentleman.

    – Leave it to a asshat Lib’rul to ridicule civility. tena sweety, you were “outed” last night, when you claimed legal standing and nattered about “actionable”. Crawl back under your synchophant rock where you belong, not seen and not heard.

  91. 6Gun says:

    The morally dogmatic liberal whose entire system of beliefs… nay, their entire WORLD revolves around clinging tightly to the pleasant assumption that all Rethuglikkkans are idiots, contemptible mouth-breathing shotgun-toting Christian (A vicious epithet in itself to the Left) hicks, thus nothing they do is right, and nothing he does is wrong. He will never, EVER give this idea up because it is the lynchpin, the very FOUNDATION, of his childish world view.

    Bingo; symptoms of political narcistic borderline personality disorder?  Just coined by moi as “PNPD”.

    Some symptoms of PNPD (roughly paraphrased from the from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, 1994, commonly referred to as DSM-IV, of the American Psychiatric Association [as borrowed from this site.] European countries use the diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization.

    An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectation of the individual’s culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment [sounds like inappropriate Che-love already!]


    3. Believes he is “special” and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions [agendas, ideologies, parties?])

    Translation: Narcissists think that everyone who is not special and superior [or a Democrat Socialist] is worthless. By definition, normal, ordinary, [conservative?] and average aren’t special and superior, and so, to narcissists, they are [politically] worthless.


    5. Has a sense of [social, economic, political?] entitlement

    Translation: They expect automatic compliance with their wishes or especially favorable treatment, such as thinking that they should always be able to go first and that other people should stop whatever they’re doing to do what the narcissists want, and may react with hurt or rage when these expectations are frustrated [or not legislated?].

    6. Selfishly takes advantage of others to achieve his own ends [politically, socially, economically, verbally?]

    Translation: Narcissists use other people to get what they want without caring about the [social] cost[s] to the other people.

    7. Lacks empathy [and political tolerance, dissent, etc.?]

    Translation: They are unwilling to recognize or sympathize with other people’s feelings and needs. They “tune out” when other people want to talk about their own problems.


    9. Shows arrogant, haughty, patronizing, or contemptuous behaviors or attitudes [by preemptively categorizing “conservatives” as their natural inferiors?]

    Translation: They treat other people like dirt.

    tw: Soviet.

  92. actus says:

    The idea hes wishing to remain anonymous is just laughable, as is this contrived BS dustup over his “outing”.

    If you say so. I didn’t find his identity after searching his pseudonym, but did get 147K hits for “thersites.” I see publicity as a spectrum, however. Rather than a binary out/not out. For example: Malkin’s home is ‘out’ in the sense that she goes to it every day. But its not ok to post her address where people are going to send her hate mail.

  93. BumperStickerist says:

    Quick question:

    Is it still okay to refer to Thersites as “Lord of the Learning Annex?”

    thanx in advance

  94. GWPDA says:

    I can’t quite figure out to whom you people imagine you’re speaking? 

    ‘Outing’ Thersites?  What on earth are you going on about?  Why is this occupying your time, your energies or even the briefest train of thought?

    Very odd.  Presumably your ad revenue is increased in some fashion.

  95. Defense Guy says:

    You have to wonder exactly what action would please tena.  She demands the information be removed, while throwing insults around.  When information is removed, she returns to insult again.  I would have to guess that she doesn’t really care much about the situation itself, she just likes to rage against that which is not her ‘group’.

  96. Paul Zrimsek says:

    On the contrary, his refusal to provide Jeff with the offending IP is evidence that Thirsty himself posted it, manufacturing a fresh batch of that old faux outrage.

    This is one of those theories I’d rather not accept until I’ve been forced to reject all the others, including the ones involving space aliens. On the available evidence I’m not ready to call Thersites a sicko– only a jerk.

  97. Sigivald says:

    Speaking of which, are Eco’s “Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language” and “Theory Of Semiotics” worth buying?

  98. Jeff Goldstein says:

    NTodd has now trackbacked twice to this post, the latest being this.

    Now, given that NTodd has Thersites’ and NYMary’s personal info all over the site, one might be inclined to see this as some passive agressive attack on Thersites and NYMary—a way of outing them all over again while blaming someone else for doing so.

    Or—and I’m going with this—NTodd is just as fucking stupid as Thersites and NYMary are.

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