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September 2024


Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) visits the Burger King drive thru

Reid: “One Whopper with cheese, an order of onion rings, and a Diet Coke, please.”

BK drive-thru girl:  “What size on the onion rings and the Diet Coke?”

Reid: “Oh, may as well go ahead and make them both larges.  I mean, it’s not like I’m going to pay for the stuff—not when I plan on studying the effects of deep-fried onion and cheese-draped flame-broiled beef on the average white man’s colon.  For a bill I’m considering.  That would, you know, affect the fast food industry.”

BK drive-thru girl:  “I beg your pardon sir –?”

Reid: “Skip it.  It doesn’t concern you.  I’ll take it up with your manager.  Just make sure you throw a bunch of extra ketchups in the bag, okay, honey?”*

33 Replies to “Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) visits the Burger King drive thru”

  1. kelly says:

    Next thing you know, CBS will begin reporting that Reid is a Republican Senator.

  2. Jim in Chicago says:

    Yes, but is a cheeseburger a “text”?

    I say yes, as long as it isn’t made by a three-year old of course—b/c that seems to make a difference for some expert philosophy undergrads and their sycophant junior college English instructor/blogger friends.

  3. Good Lt. says:

    Jim in Chicago

    A cheeseburger is an expression of an idea – the aesthetic and gustatory manifestation of a desire and intent to affect the taste mechanisms of the human body with various simultaneous sensations. That expression makes it a “text” as much as a sculpture of a cheeseburger is a “text.” They are represenatations and manifestations of various ideas.

    Food can be art, right?

    If I’ve been following this correcly… gulp

  4. Pablo says:

    Just this morning, my Alpha Bits outed a CIA agent. You should have seen the look on my face!

    tw: art

  5. 6Gun says:

    Reid argued that the prime tickets were part of his Senate work, saying that he was only trying to learn how the proposed bill would affect the “boxing industry,” big in Nevada.

    Funny how when you give Dingy Harry another day to write the story it switches from “but as a former boxer and ref, I love the [free] fights” to “it’s in the public’s best interest.”

    tw: Never the same answer from this public servant.

  6. alppuccino says:

    Reid a former boxer?

    I had Murtha as a over-one-shoulder-singlet guy in the vein of Bobo Brasil, or Pampero Firpo.

  7. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Just another example of the Democrats “puerile puffery of prostituted pugnaciousness”.

  8. Diana says:

    Reid a former boxer?

    The mind boggles … backflips … whatever.

  9. Diana says:

    … but of the clebberest man the world ever saw. …

    …Having dispatched my bacon and eggs, tea and ale, I fell into deep meditation. …

  10. 6Gun says:


    He defended the gifts, saying they would never influence his position on the bill and was simply trying to learn how his legislation might affect an important home state industry. “Anyone from Nevada would say I’m glad he is there taking care of the state’s No. 1 businesses,” he told The Associated Press.

    “I love the fights anyways, so it wasn’t like being punished,” added the senator, a former boxer and boxing judge.

  11. Scape-Goat Trainee says:

    As Edie on Foxnews this morning pointed out: “Reid taking free tickets to study Fights is like any other Senator getting Free Airline tickets to study the Airline industry. Does that make sense? No!”

    Face it, they’re all crooks, the political affiliation really doesn’t matter.

  12. Darleen says:

    I’m sure the tickets were handed to him in his Congressional Office…so it’s all

    Olly Olly Oxen, free free free

  13. Carrick says:

    You might want to let Harry know that the correct word usage is

    that would, you know, affect the fast food industry.

    and not

    that would, you know, effect the fast food industry.

    You can effect a maneuver, but you affect an industry.

  14. Diana says:

    Picky, picky.  We know what he meant.

  15. Tudalu says:

    Reid just cost the Dumbocrats the election..

  16. Just this morning, my Alpha Bits outed a CIA agent. You should have seen the look on my face!

    You’re lucky. My morning cereal has ingredients the manufacturers admit are “twigs”.

  17. Mike Schmidt says:

    This blog just gets lamer and lamer.  And it will continue to do so.

  18. JD says:

    Reid argued that the prime tickets were part of his Senate work, saying that he was only trying to learn how the proposed bill would affect the “boxing industry,” big in Nevada.

    Ahh, insight!

    Does that mean that the bribe money given to Rep. Jefferson (and captured on video) was part of his House work, as such a bribe would affect the “bribing industry?” After all, I hear that’s big bidness in Louisiana.

    TW:  thinking

  19. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Hey Mike —

    Don’t know if people have told you this about the internet, but you don’t have to read every site.

    For instance, you can skip this one.  There is no penalty.  And because I’ve never seen you comment here before, I’m not too worried about your concerns over the decline in quality.

    I tend to go in fits and starts.

  20. Robert says:

    I tend to go in shits and farts, myself, but that’s just me. That’s why Jeff’s an A-lister!

  21. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:


    Perhaps the eclectic mixture of humor, insight, social & political commentary so well regarded at this sight that it’s drawn over 4.6m viewers is lost on you.

    That’s fine. Stick to Daily Kos and other sights that reinforce your narrow view of the world and you’ll be OK.

    PW is for folks that have a broader view and appreciate perspective, debate and informed opinion.

    Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

  22. capt joe says:

    Mike is one of those guys who is afraid of tearing the tags off matresses because of that prison thing. 

    Hey Mike, you can leave, we won’t tell the Man.


  23. KM says:

    Well that’s a relief. I thought you were leading up to a strong-arm robbery. We just can’t have that sort of thing in the Senate.

  24. weenie says:

    Lets see now – how many of you bothered to notice that the donator of the tickets was in fact a governemnt agency?  No one – how surprising.  SThe Senate rules allow for such a situtation – he did nothing wrong there.

    And how many of you blithering idjits bothered to check on what Harry did after accepting those tickets? No one – how surprising.  He voted AGAINST the donating agency’s proposition.

    Yep, that old scumbag Harry – he’s just as corrupt as, say, Tom Delay or Duke Cunningham or David Safavian or Bob Ney or …..

    What a buncha wankers you are.

  25. capt joe says:

    Weenie, yep, but what looks bad is that the other two recipients of those tickets turned them down.  McCain paid 1,600 for his own. 

    Reid and Lawrence Jefferson, nice bookends for your party.  Yep culture of corruption will play quite well in Novemeber.

  26. utron says:

    T/W:  courtesy of Harry Reid:  “As a student of the pugilistic arts, particularly in the unique context of Nevada, with its rich cultural heritage of of gambling and adult entertainment, it was my responsibility as a conscientious public servant to accept those tickets…”

    Oh, blow it out your average white man’s colon, Senator.  Incidentally, if I ever start a blog, I plan on calling it “Average White Man’s Colon.”

  27. weenie says:

    So Cap’n, let me get this straight – the appearance to you of impropriety, said appearance present only in relation to what others did, despite the complete legality and compliance with the ethics rules, counts for nothing.  While the incontrovertible corruption that is GOP SOP, even that fact can’t shake your stolid party loyalty.  Yep, that seems to be the straight skinny, you don’t care what your (generic you) party actually does, you only care about the appearances it creates and that you maintain loyalty to the party in spite of it all.

    And by the way, I was a Republican for many years and even now I’m not a Democrat.  You know what happens when you assume, yes?  No, I now see it’s obvious you don’t so let me put it in simple terms so you can understand it:  Loyalty to the PARTY can also mean loyalty to corruption, loyalty to illegality, loyalty to slander, loyalty to vileness.  When the party embraces those things, when the individual “leaders” by their very actions are sullying the party – you want to stay loyal to that? 

    Criminy, you’ll defend the people who violate the STATED ideals of the party?  Pathetic. That’s exactly what drives people away, dummy.  It’s wankers like you that will destroy the GOP – you’re an enemy within your own party. A pox on you all.

  28. OHNOES says:

    While the incontrovertible corruption that is GOP SOP

    And by the way, I was a Republican for many years and even now I’m not a Democrat.


  29. 6Gun says:

    weenie explains why weenie:

    So Cap’n, let me get this straight – the appearance to you of impropriety, said appearance present only in relation to what others did, despite the complete legality and compliance with the ethics rules, counts for nothing. 

    Wha?  I think you mean to accuse the inestimable Cap’n of appearances-centrism, that old Leftard standby for reason.  You sir, have only confused yourself.

    Nevertheless, the issue with Dingy Harry isn’t only those chronic lackluster appearances, at this and every other turn, it’s the shameless irrationality (read: likely intellectual fraud, as the man almost certainly means to be misunderstood) of flaunting his enjoyment of a series of fights—that following his proud lifelong experience with the sport and his selfless sacrifice for the greater good of all Nevada’s little boys and girls—as a sudden new powerful learning experience for such an avid champion of the sport as he then proclaims himself to be.

    Read:  I’m a boxer.  I love the fights; always have.  I used to judge ‘em.  I admit attending the fights for free.  As a public official, I rule on boxing regulation.  But I had to attend to learn.

    I live here, weenie; I hear the bullshit spin covering Dingy’s ass all day long.  We haven’t had so much fun since the man had the audacity to call the VAWA a men’s protection bill.  Which he did in a letter from his office to, you guessed it, all Nevada’s little boys and girls.

    While the incontrovertible corruption that is GOP SOP, even that fact can’t shake your stolid party loyalty.  Yep, that seems to be the straight skinny, you don’t care what your (generic you) party actually does, you only care about the appearances it creates and that you maintain loyalty to the party in spite of it all.

    Au contraire.  The Party blows; it’s the Left’s equally chronic strawman bullshit that has conservative and NeoCon alike haranging said hysterical stereotypes as a matter of daily entertainment.  See, it ain’t about bein’ a Pubbie. 

    It’s about not being a lying moonbat.

    tw:  Taken a pill.

  30. scalefree says:

    I for one am outraged that Senator Reid thinks he can obey the law & get away with it.  He should have followed John McCain’s lead & made up a ridiculously high price for the non-transferable credentials & force the Nevada Gaming Commission to give the proceeds to charity because they’re prohibited by law from receiving money in exchange for credentials.  Instead of honorably breaking the law like the ethical McCain, Reid selfishly & corruptly obeyed the law.  Who does he think he is, a citizen just like everybody else?

    See for details.

  31. SPQR says:

    Weenie, Hi Moby!

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