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September 2024


Hoist the Black Flag again, neocon

Please tune in today to “Hoist the Black Flag” on Rightalk. The show begins at 4:05 pm EST, 1:05 pacific.

Today’s guests are TKS’s Jim Geraghty and Jawa Report Rusty Shackleford

Oh.  And sadly, I STILL don’t have the broadcast equipment, so I’ll be doing the show from a telephone.  Again.  Which explains my tinny, nasally voice.  And of course my failure to respect the online identities of certain community college instructors who, for the most noble of reasons, have turned their attentions and considerable critical skills to continuing adult education programs.

Anyway please call in with any questions:  866-884-TALK (8255). And spread the word!

Today’s topics: Should Republicans stay home this November?  Will the fall bring a rhetorical bloodbath?  And what of the MSM’s role in providing us with unrefracted information?  Can they be trusted?  At all?

Plus, I ate a lot of hotdogs this weekend.  So maybe we can talk about nitrates.


update:  If you miss the show live, you can catch it at 5 after the hour every hour for the next 23 hours after the live broadcast.  Just go to Rightalk and click on the show’s icon.  You can also download it in podcast format.

33 Replies to “Hoist the Black Flag again, neocon”

  1. Wickedpinto says:

    OH! OH! OH!

    Since you don’t have the EQ yet, how about a catchphrase?  Test out a new catch-phrase of some sort so you can build up an identity.

  2. BumperStickerist says:

    in point of fact, Rusty Shackleford’s real name is Jimmy ‘Hog Lips’ O’Brien and he’s an adjunct professor of Polital History at the College of the Pine Barrens in Central New Jersey east of Trenton.  And he doesn’t like Star Wars.

    His home phone number spells out TOM TUG TAKO and Jimmy likes Nathan’s Hot Dogs (hence the’Hog Lips&#8217wink with onions, relish, and mustard.

    You might want to ask ‘Rusty’ about that.

  3. BumperStickerist says:

    sorry, that last four is TAKL, as in football tackle .. TOM TUG TAKL.

  4. Major John says:

    And when my Windows Media Player says it cannot open the selected file…DARN IT!

  5. albo says:

    no, the GOP won’t lose the House.  plenty of pork and bacon have come home, and the tendency is to hate congress and want them out but to love your own congressman because he’s okay.

  6. albo says:

    excellent discussion–white guys getting cranky and cracking bad jokes and commercials for special deals at Branson Mo.  it’s pretty clear what demographic you’re shooting for

  7. spurringirl says:

    Geeze Jeff, can you add the broadcast equipment to your wish list or something?  This whole tinny, nasally nose thing is getting old!  wink

  8. john pike says:

    the whole “tinny, nasally” thing is a coded reference to some jewish blogging cabal, isn’t it? 

    I’m freakin’ on to you, man!!

  9. And when my Windows Media Player says it cannot open the selected file…DARN IT

    ha! guess it was your turn this week.  ;P

  10. mojo says:

    I ate a lot of hotdogs this weekend.

    With paste?

    SB: passed

    it’s a gas gas gas

  11. actus says:

    And of course my failure to respect the online identities of certain community college instructors who, for the most noble of reasons, have turned their attentions and considerable critical skills to continuing adult education programs.

    Some of us raise children. Others, adults. Its all good.

  12. Hans-Georg Gadamer says:

    continuing adult education programs.

    Really, Jeff, you need continuing elementary education, since you appear unable to stop shitting in the sandpit.

  13. tood says:

    If you are not a leftist, get cheered up with this : 

    Why the US will still be the only superpower in 2030. 

  14. noah says:

    After your over the top pledge week couldn’t you spare a few bucks for the equipment?

  15. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I do a show for Rightalk. They own equipment.  They should provide it to me. 

    I have equipment to do digital stuff.  But they use a mixing board.  I don’t have a headset with an XLR jack that connects to a remote phone console, which I also don’t have.

  16. Paul Zrimsek says:

    Though I still wish Thersites’ info had remained kinda-sorta-private, I have to admit it would totally rock my world if someone were to dig up FuturistLinkWhore’s home phone and send it to every telemarketer in existence.

  17. stoo says:

    Can the media be trusted?

    Well, just today Newsday is reporting that Roger Clemens has signed with the Astros:,0,6890705.story

    But they also link to a story that says the fellow has not yet signed with the Astros, though the Astros remain hopeful:,0,5600992.story?coll=sns-ap-sports-headlines

    Riding the fence a sign of trustworthiness?

  18. Vinnie says:

    “I do a show for Rightalk. They own equipment.  They should provide it to me.

    I have equipment to do digital stuff.  But they use a mixing board.  I don’t have a headset with an XLR jack that connects to a remote phone console, which I also don’t have. “

    I’m sure they’ll get right on that once the hire someone TO ACTUALLY ANSWER THE FREAKIN’ PHONE.

    I feel better now.

  19. rls says:

    Plus, I ate a lot of hotdogs this weekend.  So maybe we can talk about nitrates.

    You do know that the slang for hot dogs is “Lips and Assholes” for a reason, don’t you?

  20. ed says:


    @ Jeff

    So what exactly do you need?

  21. Bob says:

    Protein Wisdom? Is that one of those Khazar Phallic Pharisee Jew things? You Know like the blood of the Dick from a Christian at ESTHER?

    Yeh I got your protein nasaly tinny boy.

  22. BoZ Acoustic Wave says:

    I don’t have a headset with an XLR jack that connects to a remote phone console, which I also don’t have.

    That’s massive overkill. The streamed sound Rightalk feeds out is like a Teddy Ruxpin held up to an answering machine. Just mumble out the window.

    Did anyone else here not know that almost everyone is deaf until digital sound-data compression went universal? Internet streams and satellite radio and DirecTV and almost all MP3s have halos of data-banshees screaming around them that apparently are above the range of 99+% of human hearing. The other <1% of us are all bitchy and have constant headaches now.

    And we’ll rise up and smite you all shortly.

  23. meddling kids says:


    Do you mind listing the private college you worked at between 1995 and 2004? I have friends in Colorado Higher Education and I want to see if they know you.


  24. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Yeh I got your protein nasaly tinny boy.

    Did you sneak into your sister’s bedroom again after shaving your ass so that it felt like a brazilian waxed hotbox? 

    Because if not, you never got my protein, I can assure you.

  25. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Who are your friends in Colorado Higher Education, meddling kids?

  26. meddling kids says:

    I went to school with Ann Dobyns. I think she is currently at U Denver. I also have a friend in the Eng Dept at Boulder.

  27. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Is this a working email you are using?  If so, let me know.  If not, email me and we can talk privately.

  28. Sortelli says:

    And we’ll rise up and smite you all shortly.

    Don’t try it!  We will defeat you with our poor quality broadcasts.  It’ll be like the end of Mars Attacks.

  29. Carl W. Goss says:

    Yeah, the GOP should stay home this November.  Do the country a favor…

    For once.








    May 30 2006

    TRAVERSE CITY, Mich.  — A double-amputee Iraq-war vet is suing Michael Moore for $85 million, claiming he recycled an old interview and used it out of context to make him appear anti-war in “Fahrenheit 9/11.”

    Sgt. Peter Damon, 33, who strongly supports America’s invasion of Iraq, said he never agreed to be in the 2004 movie, which trashes President Bush. In the 2003 interview, which he did at Walter Reed Army Hospital for NBC News, he discussed only a new painkiller the military was using on wounded vets.”They took the clip because it was a gut-wrenching scene,” Damon said Tuesday. “They sandwiched it in. [Moore] was using me as ammunition.”Damon seems to “voice complaint about the war effort” in the movie, according to the lawsuit.

    But what the father of two from Middleborough, Mass., was really talking about was the “excruciating” pain he felt after he lost his arms when a Black Hawk helicopter exploded in front of him.Damon wasn’t expressing any opinion about the war, the suit charges, but rather extolling the drug.

    “I just want everybody to know what kind of a guy Michael Moore is, and what kind of film this is,” said Damon. He has appeared in two films attacking “Fahrenheit”—“Michael Moore Hates America” and “Fahrenhype 9/11.” In “Fahrenheit 9/11,” the bandaged National Guardsman is shown laying on a gurney complaining that he feels like he’s “being crushed in a vise. But they [the drugs] do a lot to help it and they take a lot of the edge off it.” His image appears seconds after Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) says, “You know, they say they’re not leaving any veterans behind, but they’re leaving all kinds of veterans behind.”Damon—the dad of an 8-year-old girl and a 4-year-old boy—doesn’t come close to feeling that way.”He couldn’t have picked the worst guy to say that about,” he told The Post.

    “I’m the most fortunate disabled guy. I’ve even had a house built for me [by a nonprofit group, Home for Our Troops].”Particularly outrageous to Damon is the fact that Moore never interviewed him or asked his permission to use the old clip.”I was complaining about the pain I would’ve been having [if it weren’t for the painkiller],” he said.

    NBC is named in the suit—which was filed in Suffolk County, Mass., on Friday—along with Harvey and Robert Weinstein, Miramax Corp., Lions Gate Films and other production companies involved with the picture.Newsman Brian Williams ends the NBC clip by adding, “These men, with catastrophic wounds are … completely behind the war effort,” according to the lawsuit.That part, which wasn’t shown in the Moore movie, is a far more accurate depiction of Damon’s feelings, he said.Lawyer Dennis Lynch said he took the case last year and they held off filing the lawsuit in a bid to settle the matter.

    “We attempted to resolve the situation amicably with Mr. Moore [for a year] but he refused,” he said.

    Damon is asking for up to $75 million because of “loss of reputation, emotional distress, embarrassment, and personal humiliation.” In addition, his wife is suing for another $10 million because of the “mental distress and anguish suffered by her spouse.”Spokeswomen for NBC and Harvey and Robert Weinstein would not comment because they haven’t seen the suit. Lions Gate doesn’t comment on pending litigation, a rep said.

    Michael Moore and Miramax reps didn’t return calls for comment.

    GEE I WONDER WHY,2933,197637,00.html

  31. Pablo says:

    Do the country a favor…


  32. tips says:

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