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September 2024


My tenth brief conversation with the 2mg regimen of Klonopin (clonazepam) prescribed me by my GP

me: “Wow.  I feel really great all of a sudden.”

Klonopin:  “You’re welcome.  Say, by way of thanks, howsabout you introduce me to some of those Flintstone’s vitamins of yours?  I’ve always had a bit of crush on that Betty Rubble, and from what I’ve been hearing around the medicine cabinet, I don’t think she’s all that happy with Barney anymore.  And Wilma…well, she’s always been the experimenting type.  If you catch my meaning.”

71 Replies to “My tenth brief conversation with the 2mg regimen of Klonopin (clonazepam) prescribed me by my GP”

  1. dario says:

    Does Wilma have a chain on her wallet?

    …or have a high bowling average?

  2. Bobonthebellbuoy says:

    So does Klonopin taste like paste? A million lefties would like to know.

  3. Nick says:

    Kind of puts all new meaning into the word “growing” from “10,000 strong and growing” doesn’t it?

  4. Hamster Brain says:




    Its just a fecking tranquilizer. Basically it’s man made Valerian root, which people have used for a long time as a herbal remedy.

    WTF Goldstein?

    Limbaugh eats poor mans Heroin like it’s candy. Bush ‘s heart and brain are damaged by all the drugs hes done,[BTW thats a Heart thing Bush wears, not a wire for Rove to talk to him]

    Is their a point here? Or are you just a Apologist Dopehead?

  5. Hamster Brain says:

    [comment removed because it was threatening to march on Poland]

  6. Can’t imagine why you might need it…..

  7. McGehee says:

    Having now compared the farts in church to the farts in detox, I have to say, the farts in detox smell much worse.

    Hamster Brain owes an apology to hamsters everywhere.

  8. Hamster Brain owes an apology to hamsters everywhere.

    And to brains everywhere.

  9. TODD says:

    “Is their a point here? Or are you just a Apologist Dopehead?”

    Wow, just plain wow……

    Time to run on the wheel Hamster Vein…..

  10. Rex O'Herlihan says:

    re:  Valerian Root

    Hamster brain, don’t make me shoot you in the hand.

    Rex O’Herlihan

    Confident Heterosexual

  11. Beck says:

    One word: psilocybin

  12. James Swaggert says:

    Having now compared the farts in church to the farts in detox…

    “He who farts in church, sits in own pew.”

  13. DeepTrope says:

    WTF, yourself HB.

    Got to have a level head and an eased mind to take on a steamed dumpling or a Bolton mustache, among others.

    I say, better living through whatever works, Jeff.

  14. Who Hefner says:

    I always figgered Betty for the sort who’d hit a couple shots of the old Prehistoric Punch at the block party and wind up under the bearskins on the bed in the back room with the wrong husband before she really figgered out what was going on…

  15. Attila Girl says:

    Oh, yeah: the confusion ploy. Barnie ain’t buyin’ it any more.

  16. WilmaLovr says:

    Red Dwarf – Season 3 – “Backwards”

    Lister: D’ya think Wilma’s sexy?

    Cat: Wilma Flintstone?

    Lister: Maybe we’ve been alone in deep space too long, but every time I see that body, it drives me crazy. Is it me?

    Cat: Well, I think in all probability, Wilma Flintstone is the most desirable woman that ever lived.

    Lister: That’s good. I thought I was going strange.

    Cat: She’s incredible!

    Lister: What d’ya think of Betty?

    Cat: Betty Rubble? Well, I would go with Betty… but I’d be thinking of Wilma.

    Lister: This is crazy. Why are we talking about going to bed with Wilma Flintstone?

    Cat: You’re right. We’re nuts. This is an insane conversation.

    Lister: She’ll never leave Fred, and we know it.

  17. Scott P says:

    BAM BAM!!!  BAM BAM BAM!!!

  18. Joel says:

    I hate to get pedantic here, but wasn’t Betty the only main character who was never actually depicted in a vitamin?

  19. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Perhaps.  But would Klonopin know that?

    That’s the real question…

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