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November 2024


#PlannedParenthood — even worse than you thought [Darleen Click]


Somehow I don’t think Leftist pro-aborts would ever tolerate this kind of behavior directed toward newborn puppies and kittens, and yet …

[D]oes Planned Parenthood regularly flout the federal ban on partial-birth abortion using loopholes? How do they get away with this? Do their patients—the women who apparently choose to donate the “fetal tissue”—know what’s going on in explicit terms?

Federal law prohibits partial-birth abortion, a gruesome procedure in which an unborn baby is intentionally turned to the breech position to ensure that delivery of the body happens before delivery of the head. Once the baby’s head is stuck in the birth canal, the abortionist punctures the skull, evacuates the contents, and the baby is dead.

There’s a good reason this practice is banned—it’s barbaric. Many Americans may not know that the term “partial-birth abortion” is not a medical one but a legal one. And, according to Planned Parenthood doctor Deborah Nucatola, some abortion providers don’t consider it with any seriousness. In her own words, “It’s not a medical term, it doesn’t exist in reality.” What?

It’s clear Nucatola thinks the law is irrelevant—or, as she says, up for “interpretation.” She explains how abortion providers get around the law by injecting a fatal quantity of digoxin, a cardiotoxic drug, into the baby’s heart before dismembering or delivering it. In Nucatola’s words, using the slang for digoxin, they “dig.” […]

She explains: “Providers who use digoxin use it for one of two reasons. There’s a group of people who just use it so they have no risk of violating the Federal Abortion Ban. Because if you induce a demise before the procedure, nobody’s going to say you did a ‘live’—whatever the federal government calls it. Partial-birth abortion.” […]

So, if you “dig,” you’re guaranteed a dead baby and a successful abortion without having to worry about the law. Moreover, you’ll find that a baby that has already died from a heart attack is apparently “softer” and easier to pull apart with metal instruments.

I wonder how candid Nucatola is with her patients about this process. […]

In the second video, we find out explicitly from Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Mary Gatter that abortions performed with feticides aren’t viable for fetal-tissue donation. If digoxin is used, it renders the fetal stem cells unusable. (See the footage and the transcript.) Knowing this, Nucatola’s graphic explanation of how to “crush” unborn babies to maximize organ retrieval requires a clarifier. These babies are being strategically maneuvered, crushed, and dismembered under ultrasound guidance—while still alive.

This poses an ethical question. Do the women consenting to fetal-tissue donation understand what’s happening during the procedure? Do they know that their babies are alive at the start of the butchering?

17 Replies to “#PlannedParenthood — even worse than you thought [Darleen Click]”

  1. bgbear says:

    I was trying to come up with a parody of a happyfeet comment but I can’t think that way.

  2. happyfeet says:

    this too shall pass

  3. happyfeet says:

    unlike the balrog

  4. happyfeet says:

    but all this fetal tissue stuff would be a lot easier to talk about if there were transcripts available of the long-form unedited videos i think

  5. McGehee says:

    this too shall pass

    The bill defunding PP? It better, especially since Obama is waffling on a veto.

  6. bgbear says:

    Lots of people on the pro abortion side try to frame this as just “anti-abortion” and miss the fact that by law people are not suppose to sell body parts of any kind because it can lead to exploitation of desperate people and compromised medical ethics. There is an obvious ethics problem here.

    The law has only kept the actual donor from profiting. The “fee loophole” has made many others rich in the body parts business rich.

  7. bgbear says:

    an extra “rich” seems appropriate. Now I can be called an free market hypocrite.

  8. happyfeet says:

    defunding PP is nice but you have to remember the bill doesn’t cut a single dollar of actual spendings so it’s nothing to get all too excited about from a fiscal responsibility standpoint which is sad for america

  9. dicentra says:

    Looks like PP abortionists hold the law in contempt because it limits their ability to do exactly what they want, when they want to do it. After all, the laws were enacted at the behest of unhinged, irrational “antis” who hate women and love Teh Patriarchy and want women to be slaves to reproduction, mere brood mares at the mercy of men’s vulgar desires.

    And because the laws are by-definition misogynistic, idiotic, and “right wing,” they feel free to finesse the language, the technicalities, and the perceptions to do what they want and still retain that fresh clean aroma of legality.

    Because they’re better and more moral than the haters, that’s why.

  10. cranky-d says:

    I wouldn’t waste any pixels on the hamster.

  11. This is who the Left is; this is what the Left does…

    …and has been doing at least since the French Revolution.

  12. Drumwaster says:

    But… but… but… DEAD LION!

    {/typical progressive}

  13. Darleen says:

    holy moly but Michael Ramirez just nailed it on both events … see newest posting…

    he captures of the whole smug, self-satisfied smirks of #PP

  14. palaeomerus says:

    Harry Reed dishes the dirt: Lion’s death ordered by Koch Brothers, operation overseen by Mitt “dog on the roof” Romney personally. Lion was about to spill the beans on Trump, needed to be taken out to send message to other would be trouble makers. US Navy tried to warn lion about food lures using H.A.A.R.P. array in Gakona Alaska but it was just a fucking lion so could not understand the warning. Dentist is deep cover persona for narco terrorist Carlos the Jackal widely but incorrectly thought to be serving a life sentence in France where he has to wear a striped sweater, ascot, & beret, ride a bike over hilly Parisian streets, smoke constantly, play the concertina, and carry a baguette wherever he goes. Honh honh but of course.

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