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September 2024


When “conservatives” attack (updated, with all-new Hitler references!)

“Conservative” pundit Andrew Sullivan, on the military’s recently completed investigation into allegations that US soldiers provided snuff photos to a porn site in exchange for free access.  (The investigation found that no felony crime had been committed and that the relative anonymity of online transactions make pinpointing point of origin very difficult):

Violation of the Geneva Conventions? Who cares? This is the Bush administration. The Geneva Conventions are a dead letter to them. Decisions like this send a further message to the troops. This stuff ain’t no thing. And we wonder why the allegations of abuse and torture keep coming […] just remember who ultimately sets the tone for the military: the Pentagon and the White House. And the message has gotten through loud and clear.

Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American Islamic Relations, on the very same subject:

It’s entirely inappropriate for the military to do such a cursory investigation of something that is really casting a very negative light on our nation’s military and can only serve to further damage America’s image and interests throughout the Islamic world.


Gay activist and champion of “outing” John Aravosis, on rumors yesterday that David Dreier might replace Tom Delay as House leader:

I wonder how the religious right is feeling just about now? They can kiss their anti-gay constitutional amendment goodbye, and much more. If the religious right doesn’t think we can pressure Dreier to stop their anti-gay crap, then they really haven’t been reading up on their gay agenda. grin

“Conservative” pundit Andrew Sullivan, on David Dreier being passed over as sole replacement for Tom Delay:

DREIER PUSHED ASIDE: Any bets that James Dobson and Karl Rove vetoed? Any bets why?

…Or for that matter, any bets on how long before Sullivan starts sporting Cardinal Red power suits and calling himself “the esteemed Congresswoman from California”…?


(More here)


update:  Okay. So maybe a cardinal red power suit with a pink triangle insignia…*

33 Replies to “When “conservatives” attack (updated, with all-new Hitler references!)”

  1. Thanks, Jeff, for reading Sully so we don’t have to.

  2. Mikey says:

    Man, they really do spend all their time naval gazing, don’t they?  Actually, gazing at a point just south of there.  It’s like it s the only thing in their lives, nothing else matters but the continuous worship of their private parts, and woe unto any who does worship his or her own private parts as often as the High Church of Private Part Self-Worship dictates.

    And they wonder why people find the so boring.

    N.B.  Now, the worship of another person’s, such as the inestimable young lady in the blue bikini, is a different matter.  That can’t be done often enough.

    Word: eyes.  “The young lady in the blue bikini is more than easy on the eyes.”

  3. Hmmm…pitures of dead guys, were they like drowned first cause that would make it suitable for television. Gotta love the grunts, free porn is hard to come by.

    TW “wrong” well maybe, maybe not

  4. Sean M. says:

    Who is this Dan Dreier you speak of?

  5. Major John says:

    Now, now everyone.  Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Hooper would know far more about this than any military stooge like me.  I fully believe that Sullivan and Hooper will be able to determine the authenticity of the photos, units involved (if any), time, place, and circumstances.  I mean, its not like an AR 15-6 investigation or commander’s inquiry is difficult

    Besides, if you cannot believe a Floridian who transmits porn through an Amsterdam website, who can you believe?

  6. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Who is this Dan Dreier you speak of?

    Beg pardon?

  7. Huh. I thought the problem of the armed forces was the raging hordes of evangelicals forcing everyone to become sexless teetotalers At least, that’s what I’m told. Somehow I don’t think these are the same folks.

  8. alppuccino says:

    Barney Hooper changes his first name to Ibrahim and now he’s a spokesman for CAIR?

    Get him on the Trump show.

  9. Sean M. says:

    His name is David Dreier.  At least that’s what he’ll admit to in public, anyway.

  10. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Isn’t that what I have in my post?

  11. Sean M. says:

    Gay activist and champion of “outing” John Aravosis, on rumors yesterday that Dan Dreier might replace Tom Delay as House leader:


  12. Eric Anondson says:

    It says Dan in one spot, and David in another…


  13. Jeff Goldstein says:

    You people are seeing things.

  14. Eric Anondson says:


  15. As to dressing up as a politician from California, I always pictured Andrew more as a Boxer than a Nancy boy.

    Turing word: each, as in to each his own.

  16. “Dan” Dreier is only when he’s covering up his true identity.

  17. Sean M. says:

    …Or for that matter, any bets on how long before Sullivan starts sporting Cardinal Red power suits and calling himself “the esteemed Congresswoman from California”…?


  18. I took Sullivan off my blogroll ages ago after he completed his transformation into just another rabid-anti Busher.  I see that hasn’t changed …

    BTW, enjoyed the Prism Warden link .. good stuff there and he was exactly right on Andrew.  It’s not about principles anymore to Andrew, but about slamming the President who wants to deny him the ‘right’ to get married.

  19. Farmer Joe says:


    Ooooooh, right, he’s the guy who got all up in arms about the gay marriage thing. I hear gay marriage is legal in his state. Is he married yet?

    TW: “Ready”. As in, oh, fuck it, it’s just too damn easy.

  20. Matt Esq. says:

    The whole “the right hates gays” memme continues to ring false.  I don’t agree with gay marriage- I believe it undermines the tradition and institutions of marriage- but I don’t in any way hate gays.  Christians don’t hate gays either- they think they’re wrong and misguided but they don’t hate them.  Its pathetic that disagreeing with somebody’s lifestyle choices is now almost universally interpreted to mean that you hate that person.

    I had a friend with a bad drug habit- I didn’t approve of his habit but I never once hated him as a person.  Why is it so hard for the left to see the distinction ?

  21. Brett says:

    So Andrew Sullivan continues to be a parody of a clutching-the-pearls drama queen who affects a “conservative” pose so that he can indulge in self-righteous moral preening.

    What else is new, now?

    TW: long, as in, it’s been a long time since I’ve bothered with that assclown.

  22. AWG says:

    <style choices is now almost universally interpreted to mean that you hate that person. </blockquote>

    It’s more than that, Matt.  The PoMo, politically-correct definition of “hate” now includes failing to celebrate, extravagantly praise, and overtly promote all lifestyle choices (apart from traditional ones, which are not only okay to denigrate, but it’s practically mandatory to do so).

  23. Patricia says:

    Right, Andrew, let’s send the Boy Scouts to war instead. 

    Oops, I guess that’s not politically correct either.

  24. benrand says:

    Are Andy and Rod Dreher (Dreier? hmmm) the same skirt wearing, napkin gnawing hissy wusses? I can see both of those nuts screaming “you brute, you brute, you brute!” at the horror of it all then collapsing in Gen. Honore’s arms (think: musical number, Blazing Saddles).

    I think Fred Dryer is the person Andy’s thinking about, as well as Sol Weeks and Mike Twice.

  25. Darth Rovian says:

    Heh. Gay people can be as fascist as their staunchest opponents: step out of line, and one will find a very uncomfortable boot up one’s rear.

    I once heard a gay Republican member of Congress speak in college. (For the life of me, I cannot recall which House he was in or even what his name was.) Now, a gay Republican can easily reveal the jackbooted goose-stepping nature of the so-called gay community. So much for tolerance and diversity.

  26. tongueboy says:

    Fred Dryer…dreamy, man, simply dreamy.

    On the other hand, Stepfanie Kramer’s blow-d fried hairdo was most mushroom-inducing.

  27. benrand says:

    I bet you didn’t know that Stepfanie Kramer used to be a man, which explains the spelling of her name, and that every male guest star on that show was gay.

    It’s true. I read it in the National Midnight Star.

  28. Tongueboy says:

    The thin hips, broad shoulders and husky smoker’s voice should have tipped me off.

    Great, now my mushroom has shrunk even further. But not as much as when I first saw Jennifer Grey’s nosejob. Just thought the world might like to know.

  29. slickdpdx says:

    Best part, a San Fransisco paper broke this ‘story’.  What’s the crime – not being a hipster or in the sex industry (or both) and trading in the depraved?

  30. michael moore's left tittie says:

    In all seriousness … seriously here … we really are witnessing the middle stages of an AIDS-related dementia vis-a-vis Mademoiselle Sullivan.  Seriously.

    Not to be the saltpeter at the Playboy Mansion here, but attacking Sullivan’s logic really is the functional equivalent of pickin’ on the retarded kid for not being able to spell.

  31. What amuses me about the hoo-haa over what is proclaimed as the Right’s “anti-gay constitutional amendment” is the profound ignorance of our constitutional process and the politics surrounding it all.

    The issue will never make it out of Congress. However, if it does, it will never be ratified by the states. And the President has absolutely nothing to do with any of it. But it’s all Bush’s fault, don’t ‘cha know.

    And if we can re-define marriage to include homosexual relationships, I wonder what Andrew thinks about polygamy.

    Geez: Is this a set-up or what? The code word I must submit to comment here is “boys”. Andrew, have you hacked Jeff’s place?

  32. john moulder says:

    I read Sullivan for awhile – then he started with the Bush-bashing on Katrina. Here’s our email exchange.


    Today’s post blaming Bush is unforgivable. I expected better from you. I will not read you again.[I regret that last sentence. I should have ended it with expecting better.]

    The Daily Dish:

    sorry to lose you as a reader. enjoy others. read the white house press releases or instapundit. you’ll feel much better,



    If the administration was at fault for Katrina or Katrina’s aftermath I would be in the front line of the condemnations. I read materials on the left, right & middle of the political spectrum. The Daily Howler is one of my favorites – there are others. I respect their viewpoint, even agree with a significant amount of what they have to say, as I’ve respected your opinions when I haven’t agreed with you. I don’t need to agree with every issue in order to find value in someone’s thoughts & ideas. You write that you are sorry to lose me as a reader yet you end your email with a snide remark. I’ve no illusions about the Whitehouse or Bush but I can see now that I was naïve in my high regard for your integrity. Indeed, I will “enjoy others.” Your books will be taken out with my trash.

    I also regret the too long last response. I should have kept it short & non-defensive. The last 2 sentences would have been more than enough.

    Sullivan’s email, although meant to be a put-down, was actually good advice. Instapundit is certainly an edifying blog & one really should read press releases for oneself instead of relying on the accounts of spin doctors, talking heads & elitists like Sullivan.

  33. MayBee says:

    Ahh, of course if Drier is gay, that would be the only reason he wouldn’t be elevated.  In fact, I’m pretty sure Blunt got the job because he’s the only non-gay Republican in congress.

    I long for the early 90’s, when the Dems were in charge and all the leadership roles were filled by gays and Clinton passed the gay marriage rights act.  THOSE were good times.  Stupid Republicans, ruining all that.

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