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September 2024


a very short conversation with my ninth pint of Guinness

me: “So, I’m thinking about giving my ex-girlfriend a call –”

Guinness: “Bad idea.”

me: “Yeah?”

me: “…Eh, you’re probably right.  Maybe I’ll just make a sandwich instead.”

49 Replies to “a very short conversation with my ninth pint of Guinness”

  1. Chrees says:

    Trust me… making a sandwich is much better than making an ass out of yourself.

    Or admitting anything positive to an ex-girlfriend.

  2. Jeff Goldstein says:

    That’s why I drink Guinness. 

    Some sort of wussy Pale Ale microbrew?  It would have hung me out to dry.

  3. Dog (Lost) says:

    old girlfriends/boyfriends are always quite attractive after a few Guinesses. The trouble is, old girlfriends/boyfriends are also like old bubblegum. If you pick it up and play with it, it almost always gets stuck in your hair.

  4. ahem says:

    …a kinda special turkey sandwich, a high pile of ultra-thin, tender slices of earthy dark thigh and delicate white breast meats, stuffed into an ample, luxuriant, pillowy bun–still hot from the oven–split down the center, almost dripping with an abundance of fresh, creamy mayonnaise, buried deep under tender leaves of wet, juicy romaine and topped with a salty slice of perfectly-ripe, red tomato.

  5. Sean M. says:


  6. ahem, that is so wrong. i’m gonna cry now.

  7. hb says:

    Has anyone ever gotten any prize besides the squirt gun in a Guinness?  In Cracker Jacks you get whistles sometimes, little boats that you put baking soda in and they propel themselves, glow-in-the-dark toe rings, and other cool stuff.  All I’ve ever found at the bottom of Guinness’ was squirt guns, and a used condom one time.

  8. Jeff Goldstein says:

    This is the kind of shit that pisses me off most about blogging.

    Christ. I need to take some time off.

  9. TonyGuitar says:

    There’s an hilarious movie called When the net goes down at:

    Also an item about making money. 73s TG

    Posted by TonyGuitar at September 30, 2005 03:18 AM

  10. Major John says:

    Oh no you don’t Goldstein!  No time off for you!  Some of us need the boost we get from a little dose of Protein Wisdom. I’m too damn tired from all my deployments to do even the slightest amount of the good you do every day on this blog.

    Try some Red Bull if you get too tired.  Heh.

  11. Just get a hooker.  You’ll get more satisfaction than your ex would probably throw your way.

  12. Matt Esq. says:

    *…a kinda special turkey sandwich, a high pile of ultra-thin, tender slices of earthy dark thigh and delicate white breast meats, stuffed into an ample, luxuriant, pillowy bun–still hot from the oven–split down the center, almost dripping with an abundance of fresh, creamy mayonnaise, buried deep under tender leaves of wet, juicy romaine and topped with a salty slice of perfectly-ripe, red tomato.*

    Fat Grams : 112

    Carbs :  345

    Calories; 3000

    Still healthier then calling up an ex.  Trust me on this one. 

    TW :  Woman- I kid you not.  GENIUS !

  13. B Moe says:

    This is the kind of shit that pisses me off most about blogging.

    But weren’t you impressed with Lucky Pierre living up to his French heritage by boldly attacking an almost dead thread way down the site.

  14. Lew Clark says:

    I’ve gotten food poisoning a couple of times.  But from some other food, never from a sandwitch.  So, so far my relationships with sandwitches have always been positive.

    The same can NOT be said for ex’s.  Most a the really great pain in my life has come from ex’s.  So from my perspective, the sandwitch option was a very wise choice.

  15. Razor says:

    Good thing you don’t drink Yuengling. It does the dialing for you…

  16. Charlie (Colorado) says:

    Smart beer.

  17. AWG says:


    Don’t let nitwits like Pierre “le Fou” get you down.  He’s specifically trying to weaken your resolve by stirring up crap in old threads, hoping all the while that his sarcasm, hysterical tone, and claims of personal experience will scare away anyone who might attempt to apply reason and facts to his specious, ill-informed arguments.  Trust me, the only one he’s making look like an asshole is himself.

    TW: indeed.

  18. me says:

    What did the sandwich have to say for itself? Sounds like maybe the beer had it in for the BLT.

  19. Now, don’t you go making threats again.

    I was getting upset with some of my moonbat commenters and then I remembered what you told me about my blog being my blog and I could do what I wanted with it and how you sometimes had fun changing the moonbat’s comments.

    Well, I had a couple of really bad, crude (in a bad way, not your way..wink and rude commenters. So I changed their comments. OH BOY! You would have thought I burned an ACLU card in front of them or outlawed abortion or something. They yelled, they hollared, they e-mailed!!! It seems I broke some sacred online blogging rule that is written by God on a cyber tablet somewhere and brought down by Mohammad and found by Joseph Smith. 

    Anyway, it was fun. Thanks for the advice Jeff. See? You can’t quit. What would I do without you?

  20. gail says:

    Am I just being frivolous, or does Pierre LeGrande sound like a porn star name? Kinda like Long Dong Silver?

  21. To think that Protein Wisdom has been on my blogroll for years. A place that declares it’s belief in dignity and truth in journalism advocates changing the words of comments that bother them. Wow! Impressive. Sort of like airbrushing out of the picture those inconvenient persons in the politburo, hey if thats what it takes to win have at it. Should make for interesting reading on my humble blog.

    That same place responds to challenges to its ideas with personal attacks…more impressive. Y’all are just a bundle of impressive people. I believe I might be able to stand your childish foot-stomping reactions to counterarguments.

    Now on to laughing at your pitiful attempts to answer some of my questions.

    Shep Smith was in touch with an entire NEWS ORGANIZATION.  They could have told him in his ear whose role was what, etc.  So please, knock it off.  You’re making a fool of yourself.  The very problem with the press wanting to “light a fire” and get somebody to “do something”—when they engage in those activities in advance of the facts—is that we get, after the fact, feds making overtures about altering Posse Comitatus, taking over control from sovereign states, etc.  All because Shep Smith felt so much.

    Shep was standing on an overpass in 90+ heat with people that had no food or water, whilst you were sunning that ego of yours in Colorado’s fierce summer.

    Worrying about whose responsibility it was to get food and water to those people was not very important to me either. You sound like a bureaucrat worrying about whose job it was to do it. Matter of fact he did in fact corner a representative of the LA State Highway patrol…but like the rest of us in LA Shep probably came to the same conclusion we did prior to the hurricane. If the FEDS didn’t step in a lot of us were going to die. And I say us because my Mother in Law was actually inside the Dome at the time.

    So he wasn’t in “advance” of any facts, the facts he had were sufficient…thousands of people behind him in desperate need of food and water. Thousands of people inside of the Dome in desperate need of food and water. Those are facts. If you are quibbling about whose responsibility it was to get that food and water to them then you simply prove you have zero idea of the conditions down there.

    Kiss my ass.  I for one know what a major US city looks like when there is complete and total anarchy.  I for one sir, lived through the LA riots in the early 90’s.  Stop your f’ng sobbing…….. Posted by TODD | permalink

    on 09/30 at 11:18 AM

    Holy Smokes the LA Riots…wow exactly how long was your power out? How long did you do without water and food? What percentage of your city was under water? Were nearly 175,000 buildings destroyed? How many died there again? Was it over 50? You ain’t all that.


  22. Am I just being frivolous, or does Pierre LeGrande sound like a porn star name? Kinda like Long Dong Silver?

    hehe…Purty darn funny. Did you come up with that all by yourself or did a couple of you rub your heads together for a few minutes?

    Pierre Legrand

  23. Pierre,

    And you are aware that the thousands of people in need of food and water were denied that by the LOCAL Govt.? You are aware that the Red Cross and Salvation Army had the water and food but the La National Guard said no?

    Just want to make sure you know who to be mad at. Because if it was my mother-in-law in that Superdome I would be royally ticked at Nagin for not getting her out in time (Amtrak and school buses, that kind of thing) and royally ticked that water and food was not brought in because it “might serve as a magnet” for more of those “people.” And finally I would be royally ticked at Blanco for not asking for Federal help or letting them take over in the first place.

  24. Jeff Goldstein says:

    A solution to all your problems, Pierre, would be to take me off your blogroll and stop reading my site.  But your sanctimonious accusations aren’t likely to persuade many people here, who I suspect have read me enough to trust in my integrity. 

    Your take on the matter is simply wrong.  No one has minimized the suffering of those on that overpass; instead, we’ve criticized the press for fetishizing the suffering rather than doing the real job of reporting. Why were they on the overpass?  How, in a decimated infrastructure, was “the government” supposed to get food to these people?  Etc.

    That you’ve decided to come in here and label me some kind of Bush apologist and Stalinist is a testament to how incredibly unserious you are.  Calling me a “bureaucrat” for asking non-emotional questions at a time, it turns out, we would have done well to be asking such questions, is a testament to your desire to pat yourself on the back for your own compassion.

    You are a self-righteous fraud. And now you’ve pissed me off.

  25. AWG says:

    Shep was standing on an overpass in 90+ heat with people that had no food or water, whilst you were sunning that ego of yours in Colorado’s fierce summer.

    And what precisely was Shep doing, other than fanning the flames of hysteria?  It’s not like he was actually doing anything to relieve the suffering of those people.  Rather, he was using them as a backdrop for his self-aggrandizing “epic narrative”.  “Being there” is not the same thing as being useful there.

    If the FEDS didn’t step in a lot of us were going to die. And I say us because my Mother in Law was actually inside the Dome at the time.

    So in other words, damn state sovereignty and damn observing jurisdictional protocols?  Yeah, that’s the sort of precedent we want to be setting.

    And what were you doing to insure your Mother in Law’s safety?  It’s all fine and dandy to whinge on about the Feds not doing enough to protect her, though rather cold-hearted and hypocritical if you weren’t willing to do everything you could to do the same.

    So he wasn’t in “advance” of any facts, the facts he had were sufficient…thousands of people behind him in desperate need of food and water. Thousands of people inside of the Dome in desperate need of food and water. Those are facts.

    And it was oh so very big-hearted of him to broadcast those images… and then not do anything substantive to contextualize those images.  Rather than merely describing conditions, Shep took a bad situation in a limited area and portrayed it as a microcosm of the entire situation.  Further, he attributed the terrible images he presented to failures on the federal level, rather than the mismanagement of state and local officials (as the facts now confirm).  As such, his reports were misleading, at best.

    If you are quibbling about whose responsibility it was to get that food and water to them then you simply prove you have zero idea of the conditions down there.

    I can only presume from your aversion to discussing the failures of local and state government in exacerbating the situation in New Orleans that you’re more enamored with dwelling on sensationalistic images than you are seriously discussing the issue.  As such, you “simply prove you have zero idea” what really went wrong down there.

  26. me says:

    I’m thinking: “A sandwich and a beer sound mighty good right about now!”

    Do I get kudos for staying on topic?

  27. gail says:

    No Pete, I make up my own witticisms. But your comebacks could definitely use some work. Have you tried “I know you are but what am I?”

  28. Major John says:

    Facts, bah.  I refuse to report any of them to my Task Force commander.  I prefer to emote at him…I wonder why he looks so pained?

  29. Major John says:

    Good thing you don’t drink Yuengling. It does the dialing for you…

    Razor, I’ve had Yuengling and must agree with you.  It is the Devil’s Own Brew.

  30. Facts, bah.  I refuse to report any of them to my Task Force commander.  I prefer to emote at him…I wonder why he looks so pained?

    like he’d be able to process what you told him anyway?  tongue wink

  31. B Moe says:

    You know if you pour Pabst Blue Ribbon on your Rice Krispies in the morning, instead of


    they say:

    *go*back*to bed*

    and to Big Peter:  when is your Mother in Law coming out with her book about where the bodies are hidden?

  32. Dear Jeff,

    The move is afoot to minimize the suffering amongst the right side of the blogsphere. The new narrative being that because there wasn’t 10,000 dead that things weren’t so bad. That because we didn’t find any 7 Year olds with their throats slashed that the Dome was a safe place.

    The world isnt a binary switch…just because I don’t believe that Shep Smith deserved to be laughed at doesn’t mean that I am attacking Bush. Though some of your commentators seem to think so…this partisan crap has finally irritated me beyond words. When it matters we are all Americans and making points against the other side shouldn’t be the end all.

    No one has minimized the suffering of those on that overpass; instead, we’ve criticized the press for fetishizing the suffering rather than doing the real job of reporting.

    And yet reporting about those folks on the Overpass was crucial because no one else was there. You simply don’t like it because it might affect the way President Bush is percieved, I don’t care, even though I gave Bush hundreds of dollars in campaign contributions. It was more important to bring the plight of those people to the forefront than it was to make sure that President Bush was not damaged however unjust it might be.

    Why were they on the overpass?  How, in a decimated infrastructure, was “the government” supposed to get food to these people?  Etc.

    He did in fact describe why those people were on the overpass and he got it exactly right. Different organisations were bringing those people to the overpass and they were walking there as well based on advice they recieved from mulitiple Government outfits. It is not the reporters first job to figure out how to fix a problem, but only to report the problem. If he has intelligent solutions to fixing the problem its lagniappe. But in that instance Sheps primary job was to report the problem and why it was happening and he did both extremely well. Notice that after he did that, action followed. That it took away from other very important tasks was not the problem of the reporter but the problem of the command structure. In New Orleans we had a bunch of chiefs and no indians and at the time that Shep was reporting there was no way to understand that problem.

    In the end it was the fact that the indians knew what they had to do that saved so many from dying. Not the chiefs and the command structure, which failed miserably. At that point reporters like Shep did a service because they pointed out to the average citizens who were doing the actual saving of lives where help was needed. People were dying on that overpass and they needed water…he was partially responsible for fixing that situation by highlighting it and making a fuss.

    That you’ve decided to come in here and label me some kind of Bush apologist and Stalinist is a testament to how incredibly unserious you are.

    You do seem to be very concerned about the unjust attacks on President Bush…perhaps its just me. Regards to the Stalinist assumption, that was driven by one of your buddies who claimed that you recommended changing the text of comments made by people you disagree with. You may call it what you wish but that does indeed resemble Stalinism. Perhaps a bit of a memory jog is in order?

    I was getting upset with some of my moonbat commenters and then I remembered what you told me about my blog being my blog and I could do what I wanted with it and how you sometimes had fun changing the moonbat’s comments


    Calling me a “bureaucrat” for asking non-emotional questions at a time, it turns out, we would have done well to be asking such questions, is a testament to your desire to pat yourself on the back for your own compassion


    Well yea! Duh! Asking who was responsible for getting water to those people was a bureaucratic question…it was exactly the sort of questions that were getting people killed in the days following Katrina. First report that there are people in dire need of water…then in a follow up report whose fault it was that they they were there. Hey thats EXACTLY what Shepard Smith did…holy smokes. Was he perfect, nope. Are you perfect? Only in your mind Jeff.

    You are a self-righteous fraud. And now you’ve pissed me off.

    Well now I am worried. You are such a tough guy when you are PISSED off what are you going to do call me a moron? Oops already did that didn’t you. I have been threatened by children who were more intimidating.


    Dear Rightwing,

    Involuntary Manslaughter charges brought against Mayor Nagin and Gov Blanco….err oops.

    That answer your question?

    And you are aware that the thousands of people in need of food and water were denied that by the LOCAL Govt.? You are aware that the Red Cross and Salvation Army had the water and food but the La National Guard said no?


    Dear AWG,

    And what precisely was Shep doing, other than fanning the flames of hysteria?  It’s not like he was actually doing anything to relieve the suffering of those people.  Rather, he was using them as a backdrop for his self-aggrandizing “epic narrative”.  “Being there” is not the same thing as being useful there.

    Merely by reporting the suffering of those people was enough, but he also described why they were suffereing because idiot officials had sent them there in the promise of food and water.

    <blockquote>If the FEDS didn’t step in a lot of us were going to die. And I say us because my Mother in Law was actually inside the Dome at the time.


    So in other words, damn state sovereignty and damn observing jurisdictional protocols?  Yeah, that’s the sort of precedent we want to be setting.

    The Constitution and our laws are not some sort of suicide pact. I suspect that if you were the one standing on the overpass you would be a lot less impressed with your argument. Or maybe not, maybe you would be explaining to your children that the federal government cannot help us until the incompetent local officials decide we need it. To me we are all Americans and I would be glad for those worried about such things to work it out afterwards.

    And what were you doing to insure your Mother in Law’s safety?  It’s all fine and dandy to whinge on about the Feds not doing enough to protect her, though rather cold-hearted and hypocritical if you weren’t willing to do everything you could to do the same.

    Perhaps you might point me to where in any of my comments I have complained about the federal response? I simply wished that they would have ignored the incompetent local officials. You are projecting your image of some angry leftist onto me which is about the funniest thing I have read in sometime.

    Regards to rescuing the MiL, yes at first I berated myself for not at least attempting to get past the State Police that were guarding the entrances into New Orleans. But then had I managed to get by I would have been faced with trying to find her in the chaos of New Orleans where she was being shuttled from building to building (Superdome, Arena then Hyatt) to insure her safety, buildings that contained upwards of 25,000 people. In addition that would have crimped our searches of the shelters around Baton Rouge and Lafeyette where she was reported to have been sent several times. No doubt that my wife would not have been able to drive to Houston then Dallas where we ultimately found her thanks to the help of Michelle Malkin, and a terrific friend who put me in touch with his Brother. His brother was a commander in the National Gaurd at the Superdome and I believe he ultimately got her and the other doctors onto buses. But you have a point there is a lot I can see I might have done, looking back is always easy. I am sure that my 3 children could have been left with the housekeeper…

    I can only presume from your aversion to discussing the failures of local and state government in exacerbating the situation in New Orleans that you’re more enamored with dwelling on sensationalistic images than you are seriously discussing the issue.  As such, you “simply prove you have zero idea” what really went wrong down there.

    Presumptions are dangerous things…I simply took issue with the mindless attacks on the press. However richly they deserve it from time to time, the press was absolutely not the issue in Katrina. The issue in Katrina was the bloody incompetent government officials who murdered hundreds, perhaps thousands by the time the counting is done. That is the main issue, that is the issue that seems to scare people so badly that they avoid it. Attacking the press while fun most of the time avoids the main issue, in a major US City incompetent government officials managed through their incompetence to murder thousands.

    Many of you decry the reporting of 10,000 dead, babies raped and wholesale mayhem by reporters saying that they should have checked their sources. Don’t any of you find it a bit strange that we cannot trust a Mayor and Police Chief in a major US City in a time of crisis? Isn’t that where the real story lies? Exactly who had more authority that Shep could have asked besides the Mayor and Chief of police? Were reporters checking the stories of Guiliani and Kerik?

    Pierre Legrand

    PS Notice how I didn’t call anyone names…wow imagine that a moron who doesnt call others names when challenged to defend his ideas.

  33. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Dear Pierre —

    You have so mischaracterized what I’ve done—and in some many needless words and with such empty sanctimony—that I’m just going to respond this way:  uh, if you say so.

  34. MayBee says:

    Emotion is the new logic.

    Whether it’s because Bennett shouldn’t have said what he said because someone might feel it is racist.  OR That reporters didn’t need to find and report facts in NO because there were tired, hungry people and they were outraged OR that Jeff entertains the idea of calling an ex girlfriend.

    All these thread share the same theme.

    Emotion (or Guiness) trumps actual thinking.

    Cool, cause I can make myself cry.

  35. TonyGuitar says:

    Jeff, Jeff, This is your blogsite .. eh? When Pierre’s comment came in on my Email, I have a post near the top about an excellent thesis/book… free download], so comments bulk up my Email and I enjoy scanning through. 

    Nice feature.  brings more people in for sure.

    Now with my vast experience, I’ve been on the Net for about eight months, I have to compliment your laid back rubuttal, and I’ve been in blogs oh, for about six months.  That’s a good move jeff.

    Now I’m not taking sides here but Pierre went to some trouble in that labour intensive piece.

    He brought me flying back to check it out.  Probably brought others back too, so right or wrong we all owe  That’s Canadian for nest Pas?

    Anyhow don’t miss downloading Jame’s book.  Mark my words, it’s no ordinary work.  Everybody wins with this Blogworld effort.

    Thanks for all that you said Pierre. It’s not always who is right or wrong so much as it is someone who fills out the overall picture and you did that in spades. 73s TG

  36. B Moe says:

    Many of you decry the reporting of 10,000 dead, babies raped and wholesale mayhem by reporters saying that they should have checked their sources. Don’t any of you find it a bit strange that we cannot trust a Mayor and Police Chief in a major US City in a time of crisis? Isn’t that where the real story lies?

    Read this over and over and over and over, Pierre, it may eventually sink in. 

    Now I need some more coffee, watching you chase your tail like that made me dizzy.

  37. TonyGuitar says:

    Back now to glance over, all these many hours later on a sober Saturday morning.  The smell of stale beer hangs in the now, smoke free atmosphere. The scribblings on the dart score board evoke emotion, all right, but humour too.

    We ants who occupy a tiny area of the land mass dwarfed by the expanses of ocean on this small globe in the middle of infinity, sure take our lives 73s TG

  38. TODD says:

    OOOOHHH Peirre!!!

    So smart so compassionate. So typing from his computer head buried in TIME magazine looking for intelligent things to say from MONTREAL…. Twerp

  39. TODD,

    Sadly for you I live in Baton Rouge, I make no secret of it. Though you must have been thrilled to have posted what you thought was a tremendously snappy reply.


    B Moe,

    Please explain to this moron exactly what you are talking about? Were there higher authorities that Shep could have checked with to verify the stories of both the Mayor and Chief of Police? Please name those authorities. Keep in mind that at the time there was no indication that the numerous predictions by many different outfits of massive death due to flooding were not coming true. For years thousands of deaths had been predicted for New Orleans. Indeed the National Weather Service themselves the night prior to Katrina had predicted massive casualties…naturally I suspect that all of you knew better.

    hehe…Y’all are kind of fun.

    Pierre Legrand

    PS Especially Jeff who gets so indignant when challenged.

  40. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I get indignant when annoyed, actually. And I get annoyed when someone writes 5000 words in my comments and doesn’t manage to challenge me at all.

    No one here takes you seriously, Pierre. Isn’t that obvious by now?  I mean, you’re arguing that a guy who’s talking to his studio live has no recourse to understand the broader context.  Funny, Major Garrett on the same network managed to do it and I praised him for it.

    Emotionalism, hyperbole, sensationalism—all these things contributed to what turned out to be bad reporting.  It is the job of the press to corroborate the statements made by the Mayor and the Police Chief.  If they cannot, it is there job to make it clear that the reports are uncorroborated.  Smith standing on an overpass screaming “where are the MREs?  Poor people are starving to death!” on day 2 is obscene.  Did he report that these people were told to bring 3 days worth of food with them when they evacuated? Did he report that local officials were blocking aid to the Superdome?  Did he note that the storm moved inland, and had to pass there, too, before convoys could start moving toward NO, and that the road and such were littered with debris?  Did he make any attempt at all to understand and report on the logistical challenges that would have put things into perspective?

    No.  No he did not.  And so he failed.

    You can keep right on calling me Hugh Hewitt’s puppet or a Bush apologist, and people who read me regularly will giggle at how uninformed you are.  Or I should say, giggle more at how uninformed you are.

    You want to act as an apologist for a news media that is part of the problem?  Fine.  But I won’t. 

    You have a blog, right?  Go.  Put it to use.

  41. John Cole says:

    All this for someone named Pierre?

    God, I hate the fucking French.

  42. techno says:

    Guiness is good, but there are several Microbrew IPAs I like better: Stone from San Diego, Anderson Valley from Boonville CA, and River Horse Hop Hazzard from Lambertville New Jersey.

  43. TonyGuitar says:

    There are two good beers to be had in Nova Scotia, among others. They are Moose Head and White horse ale.

    When you say at the bar, *I’ll just have a beer please.* The standard Barkeeper’s reply is, *is that Horse piss or Moose piss, eh?*

    Lately, there is a new beer out.  It’s called Cougar Beer.  Well, you can just imagine how barkeepers are gonna love that.. eh?

    ‘3s TG

  44. techno says:

    The great part of the microbrew thing is that there are good beers everywhere.  I like to try different brews. American beer before microbrews was standardized and awful. Now there are so many great beers brewed here, I will never be able to try them all.

  45. JD says:

    Too bad you didn’t have Mickey’s instead – you could have taken the little green grenade bottles and shoved them up Pepe LePew’s arse.

    Have you done a URL comparison of Gandhi and Pepe?

  46. Dear Jeffery,

    No one here takes you seriously, Pierre. Isn’t that obvious by now


    Jeff you have the corner on the must be loved market. Its obvious based on how upset you are when anyone has the audacity to say you are wrong.

    It would be a bit worrisome if some of the more vocal commenters you have running around here had a kind view towards me. After all I am not sure I can stand the friendship or respect of those whose idea of a snappy comeback is Pepe Le Pew, but then they are taking their cue’s from the leader of this “blog” who finds the time to label readers “Morons”.

    I mean, you’re arguing that a guy who’s talking to his studio live has no recourse to understand the broader context.  Funny, Major Garrett on the same network managed to do it and I praised him for it.

    Yes Major Garrett did some terrific work. Course he wasn’t able to point out that crowd standing around on the Overpass….had to be there for that. Remember these dates Jeffery they will be helpful for our discussion. September 8 and August 31…hehe this is fun.

    It is the job of the press to corroborate the statements made by the Mayor and the Police Chief.  If they cannot, it is there job to make it clear that the reports are uncorroborated.

    Ah you mean he should have gone out and counted the dead bodies to make sure the Mayor wasn’t pulling his leg about the possibility of 10,000 dying? This is supposing that what the Mayor was claiming the death toll could be was that far fetched. Perhaps Shep should have checked with the National Weather Service eh to see how possible it was that 10,000 people might die? Oh gee they were kinda worried to eh? Maybe those studies about a Cat 5 hurricane could have alerted him to the lies of the Mayor? Oops looks like even the Times-Picayune thought upwards of 25,000 people could die in a scenario like Katrina. Course someone as careful as you would have dismissed the Mayor of a US City until it was proved…

    Smith standing on an overpass screaming “where are the MREs?  Poor people are starving to death!” on day 2 is obscene.  Did he report that these people were told to bring 3 days worth of food with them when they evacuated?

    hehe…Whats hilarious is you actually believe you qualify as someone able to critizize journalists. Sitting on your ass in Colorado uttering brave bullshit like “well we told them to bring food and water” (said in that nasal tone you probably have). Jeff Goldstein says, “Bastards were too dumb to bring food and water LET THEM EAT CAKE”. Here are a couple of clues for you clueless one…

    1. Many of those who were on the overpass were not evacuated prior to the storm and so didn’t have that same ability to carry three days food and water. Besides there Jeffery, ever carry food and water for three days? Not just for you, though I know you live in the center of the universe, but for your family? Lets see 3 gallons for Jeffery, 3 gallons for Jeffery’s mom, 3 gallons for Jeffery’s dad, hey thats getting sort of heavy. eh? How long

    2. Many on the overpass were dropped there by National Guard Helicopters and other rescue operations. Due to the absolutely shitty command and control they believed that there was food and water there. Many of those dropped there were picked up off the tops of roofs. Probably not as clever as you and weren’t able to get all the required food and water up on the roof. Maybe you could make a video to show them how.

    3. Knowing how tough you are Jeffery I can understand how you would scoff at anyone getting a bit thirsty after a mere 48 hours on an overpass in 90+ heat…but sadly children don’t have the benefit of your steely glare. Lets see in good weather how long can a person go without food and water? Hey you might be getting a bit thristy by the end of the first day!

    4. Telling poor people to gather up food and water for 3 days happens to be one of the most assinine orders of many assinine orders given by Nagin. Even those who could walk to the Superdome couldn’t or didn’t bring them. And those orders were directed at those people planning on spending some quality time at the Refuge of Last Resort, that corner of heaven according to conservative bloggers the Superdome.

    Did he report that local officials were blocking aid to the Superdome?

    Well gee Jeffery if Shep had done that, it would have meant that he was able to see into the future and I’m guessing that even you can’t do that! See Major Garrett wasnt able to put that story together until Sept 8, 2005. That was a few days after dear old Shep was on the overpass.

    You are a funny guy, you demand that the press be careful lest they ruin reputations and you are not careful yourself. You accuse Shepard (hey is that two p’s?) of making all sorts of claims he didn’t make, you claim that he should have known stuff that no one knew and you sit on your ass in Colorado calling people morons who disagree with you. Funny guy.

    Did he note that the storm moved inland, and had to pass there, too, before convoys could start moving toward NO, and that the road and such were littered with debris?  Did he make any attempt at all to understand and report on the logistical challenges that would have put things into perspective?

    You know if we keep having this discussion can you start using smaller words, I get so confused when you use those big words.

    Did he note that the storm moved inland…wow you do weather as well? Color me impressed. While I was watching he did in fact note one commonsense observation, those same helicopters flying overhead could be dropping off water. He wasn’t so bold as to suggest this but I would have, when the President flew overhead waving to the throngs he might have dropped off a few cases of water. See it is very tough, nay not tough actually life threatening to sit out on an overpass for days without food and water.

    And in regards to logistical challenges, that was’t the problem there Jeffery. The problem was, everyone thought everyone else was taking care of the people on the overpass. It took an obnoxious reporter to let all the chiefs know that we had a desperate need for more indians carrying stuff instead of making excuses.

    Finally you ask why I bother and it is simple enough, you pissed me off. Calling people names for disagreeing with you is not very helpful to your desire for the peace and quiet you and your syncopants need.

    Pierre Legrand

  47. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Jeff you have the corner on the must be loved market. Its obvious based on how upset you are when anyone has the audacity to say you are wrong.

    Yes, Pierre. You’ve looked into my psyche and found me out—this is your gift.

    Actually, I don’t care.  Which is why I stopped reading your overly long comment right after that.

    As far as I’m concerned, the rest of your defensive screed could be about bunnies.  Who cares? 

    Not me.

  48. TonyGuitar says:

    Hey, jest a minootie there,

    Jeff, Bunnies are very important and I do care.  It fits in with our professional breast inspection interests and training.

    Yes, Hef’s Bunnies are very important to us in the trade.  We use the long departed Miss M. Munroe as our classic comparison standard. We refer also to Miss Jane Russell, and Sophia Loren for questions of pert uplift value and potential cleavage factors.

    Yes, bunnies are very important to us in the trade and there is no way we would hold and uplift them in a reckless or disrespectful manner.

    73S tg

  49. TonyGuitar says:

    PS You will see a reference to the profession in the short profile, right corner on:

    73s TG

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