
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

September 2024


What I’ve been doing with my summer vacation — a McCain/Obama metaphor and OPEN THREAD!

In this short match against an opponent 50 pounds heavier, I break the leg scissors, pass the legs, feint like I’m going for the choke, and secure the cross face.

Yield: tap!

Discuss — particularly as it pertains to contemporary politics / theories of interpretation / the death and eventual resurrection of Anna Nicole / the overwrought prose of James Wolcott.

…Or else, just savor it.

174 Replies to “What I’ve been doing with my summer vacation — a McCain/Obama metaphor and OPEN THREAD!”

  1. happyfeet says:

    Gas prices. Jeez. They’re real proud of that stuff huh?

  2. JD says:

    Jeff G – I passed my Level 1 Krav Test last week.

  3. JD says:

    Now, I am qualified to injure myself.

  4. Jeff G. says:

    Congrats, JD!

    I never bothered to get tested, to be honest. Once you learn the basic moves of Krav, they pretty much translate out over the rest of the curriculum. I do, though, want to practice gun and knife disarms a bit more.

  5. daleyrocks says:

    Was that foreplay? Is David Ehrenstein commenting here now?

  6. Benedick says:

    I’ve been grappling quite a bit lately . . . with whether my recent indulgence in Pyrat XO Reserve instead of more typical fare, such as bourbon or vodka, connotes a need to undertake a deeper examination of my sexual identity. Or whether a man’s entitled to some Rum during these balmy, estivate months.

  7. JD says:

    The knife disarming is good. My forearms are sore for days after a session of practicing that, especially if you have a bony training partner.

  8. daleyrocks says:

    I’m just savoring the heavy breathing and “nice” comments is all.

  9. Jeff G. says:

    It’s an open signifier set demonstrated iconographically. So far as you know.

  10. Jeff G. says:

    I can recut it — maybe add some of that wokka wokka porn jazz.

  11. daleyrocks says:

    Some wikka wokka would be great, but don’t forget the beaded curtains.

  12. Ouroboros says:

    So do you guys have colored Krav belts or what? Cause everyone knows martial arts are ineffective unless you have a colored belt to back it up… and dojo tshirts.. as like a warning to people on the street that you’re a registered weapon..

  13. daleyrocks says:

    What with the reach arounds and all.

  14. Jeff G. says:

    Krav doesn’t really have belts. Nor does catch (which is what I’m using here).

    And that is a good thing, really, because if they did, I’d be wearing mine everywhere, oftentimes inappropriately. Like, over a thong or some such.

    The cool thing about the crossface (and you can’t see it on the tape, obviously) is that the knuckle of your bent thumb drags along the line beneath the nose and atop the upper tooth line, which turns the head of your opponent slightly. Then, the notch of your wrist applies the pressure when you lock in the hold and use your other arm to apply the compression.

    You have to do it lightly in training sessions (which this was) or else risk breaking your opponent’s teeth or disclocating the jaw, depending on where you concentrate the lock.

    As you can see, submission happens quickly.

  15. Clint says:

    Benedick, if the rum was good enough for the British navy and pirates, it’s good enough for me. Especially the clear stuff they call “overproof” (can’t take it on an airplane). My last trip to Central/North CA involved a silverback… Plus, I think this election season calls for lots of the rum (and maybe some pirates).

    Jeff, no real idea what you were doing entails, but you made it look easy. Which is probably a feat in-and-of itself.

  16. Log Cabin says:

    OK, I realize that is some serious sport there, but it looks an awful lot like me and my “other half” having some alone time.

    And I do spend many sleepless nights pondering how cool the resurrection of ANS would be.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  17. JD says:

    Ouroboros – No belts, as Jeff said. Much less formal and regimented. More real world practical applications. Plus, now I know how to poke out your eyes while kicking someone in the nads, from multiple positions.

  18. happyfeet says:

    Also no sleeves.

  19. David R. Block says:

    That’s gonna have to wait until I get home. Stupid internet blocking.

  20. Ouroboros says:

    Dang, I was looking for some Borat vs Azamat Nude Catch Wrestling video to link but apparently that’s beneath YouTube’s lofty standards of decency.. Guess I’ll just go watch some videoed bum fights or child abuse…

  21. daleyrocks says:

    Benedick – I wouldn’t advise overly obsessing about drink choice, but that’s just me. I drank beer for most of my 30 year drinking career and had one preferred brand for most of it. In the absence of that, which was rare, my favorite drink was whatever was available. I made different rules for myself about drinking. I swore off both ouzo and tequila for more than 20 years after particularly horrific incidents, don’t ask JD. I got into trouble not because I drank too much but because I couldn’t drink enough. When you’re drinking for effect, it really doesn’t matter a whole lot what you drink unless you are trying to time when you black out or pass out. Never caused me to question my sexuality though. Might want to talk to somebody about that.

  22. happyfeet says:

    you can just download that one locally Mr. Block. It’s just an .mov.

  23. Sdferr says:

    Besides being completely puzzled at the washington Democrats insistence on murdering our economy, I don’t understand why great white sharks would bite penguins, kill them and then spit them out. Just doesn’t seem practical, unless penguins really really taste bad.

  24. JD says:

    LC – If you and your better half’s alone time involves tapping out, then I want to party with you guys.

  25. EG the helpful says:

    Penguins are known gossips, they are the Perez Hiltons of the sea. Great White’s just can’t abide that.

  26. JD says:

    daleyrocks – After the first one, the rest were superfluous, no?

  27. SarahW says:

    Hey! I can do that cross-face one.

  28. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Oh man, I want to see this, but can’t. This file won’t play on windows media player. Or will it? If anyone knows how, please fill me in. Thanks in advance.

    JD, when’s the golf? Please do let us know if al is as funny in person as he is in here. I always thought that outside of Jeff, it was Al, Ric Locke and psycho who I would love to have blogs of their own. He’s from Ohio, no? It’s probably a defense mechanism.

  29. Mr. Pink says:

    How come there is a Great White but no Great Black? Seems to me the sea is not as diverse as it should be, affirmative action needs to be taken.

  30. happyfeet says:

    you need quicktime, which I think is forcefed still with iTunes

  31. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Mr. Pink. O! will take care of that. And because he’s O!, there will definitely be a great mulatto. Plus, there will be no more sick fish in the ocean.

  32. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Thanks, happyfeet.

  33. Clint says:

    Or Realplayer works too.

  34. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Thanks, Clint.

  35. JD says:

    Infidel – On my way there now. Tee time @ 2:00. Organizing the strippers, errrr, caddies is no small task. Will email pix to Dan.

  36. Pablo says:


  37. Jeff G. says:

    JD has a point, incidentally — which is why I often refer to the catch ground game as krav grappling. Had this been a real fight and not a training session, first, no tap would have been involved, and second, I probably would have torn off an ear from that position while applying the cross face. That’s what teeth are for.

    Of course, in the hierarchy of submissions, chokes win out, because an unconscious opponent can’t really do much. You can break his arm or leg while he’s taking a nap.

    But so many people these days guard against the choke (my partner here is a judo / aikido guy, and so he’s been conditioned to guard against chokes) that faking the choke and then chaining to the crossface is almost always going to work.

  38. wuzrobbd says:

    Watched the vid several times, just get the impression the RNC is open long before it’s exploited after the top man switches over to a left side attack. What then,is the purpose of the crossface, or am I just seeing it wrong?

    Awesome video.


  39. Sdferr says:

    I wondered how long you guys had been going at the match when the vid begins?

  40. wuzrobbd says:

    wish I had seen that post above b4 asking the ? i posted. that explains exactly what I was wondering and is a helluva good point to boot.


  41. Jeff G. says:

    We hadn’t been going long at all. It’s just that this was the third match or so. We had a one minute break in between 3-4 minute rounds.

    All you missed here was the pummeling, then the takedown, at which point the opponent grabbed body scissors (closed guard), and I hand fought him until I decided to pop up, break his foothold with my hips, and pass to the side. When he rolled away rather than into me, I went for his neck from behind.

    Had he rolled into me, I probably would have gone for a head and arm / scarf hold, then either a neck crank or a top wrist lock.

  42. Sdferr says:

    Sounds like doing triplet scales, octave scales, speed scales, thumbturns, etc at the piano. Do it repetitively so’s it gets ta be automatic, you always are where you need to be before the need arises.

  43. Jeff G. says:

    Incidentally, a little tip: Tony suggested I buy a weighted vest to work out in (40lbs, say) so I can get used to carrying the weight of the heavier opponents I’m always getting put up against.

    My strength is pretty good: in BJJ class, I hold my own against guys who are 220-240 — though my technical game sucks. And that’s because I’m learning catch, which, at this point, puts me at a disadvantage, because I don’t like to fight from my back. And nearly all submissions and movement taught in BJJ begins from the closed guard.

  44. dicentra says:

    So, this is the key to get Jeff talking anymore… make it about wrasslin’!

    I’ll dive in with the metaphor stuff: Wolcott has the VF gig, but Jeff is loved, man. And that breaks any leg scissors thing conquers all.

  45. Minister Jack X Klompus Africa-Muhammad Ali Shabazz says:

    JD – congrats! Took Krav for awhile in Philly and looking to get back into here in TX. I still have the voice of Bas Ruten in my head from those training CDs where he would call out your heavy bag routines.

  46. Mr. Pink says:

    So the McCain campaign chief that just said Obama is now playing the race card from the bottom of the deck would be considered a crossface or a guilotine?

  47. Wow, that seems like a lot of work. I just got a .44 special, shoot frequently and call it good.

    I wish there was someone around here offering classes in “gun grappling” because if I ever really had to use it those would probably be the circumstances under which it would occur, me going for the heater with some guy literally all over me. In gun grappling you don’t tap out, you double tap your opponent out.


  48. Minister Jack X Klompus Africa-Muhammad Ali Shabazz says:

    47. Nice purchase! I just got a Ruger .357 magnum and have been quite impressed with it the few times I’ve been out to the range.

  49. happyfeet says:

    Baracky plays the race card cause it’s his most specialest quality. It makes him specialer than McCain, who is a white person.

  50. Dave D says:

    Lord knows I have no problems with firearms, but if your only response to every physical confrontation is to put bullets downrange, you’re eventually going to wind up in a place where they take away your gun for good. And it’s chock-full of people who are more experienced in unarmed combat than yourself.

  51. Sdferr says:

    If Baracky keeps insisting, I will eventually agree with him that more than anything in the world, I’ll take note of his skin color. But really now, how lame is that?

  52. happyfeet says:

    Baracky is gonna cry like a little girl if McCain keeps calling him on his shit. He’s never been in a race like this before. It must be a very jarring experience for him.

  53. Clint says:

    But Baracky didn’t mean race, it meant that he doesn’t have all the years of experience in Washington. I mean, he’s just like Washington and Lincoln, his true spiritual mentors.

  54. Sdferr says:

    Amy Holmes commenting on the dollarbill followup Clint notes (perhaps the most incisive observer of BHO) at the otherwise pretty much egregious Corner:

    “This reminds me of that game one plays with children where you cover your face with your hands and tease, “You can’t see me! You can’t see me!” They will giggle and shriek, “Yes, I can! You’re right there!” Children love this game and will play for hours. Apparently, the Obama campaign believes we will, too.”

  55. urthshu says:

    I miss doing MAs. I was into the kung fus for alot of years but now I’m not able to it except as a solo practice kind of thing, mostly to work the flexibility on a badly broken elbow. I’d gotten to the point I could catch birds, which is pretty wicked fluid/quick. Now I just shoot ’em.

  56. bigbooner says:

    I have a sudden urge to watch a Steve Reeves movie.

  57. Clint says:

    Is it racist or sexist to want to see Baracky cry little a girl?

    Do I really care?

    Will I still enjoy the sight?

  58. SevenEleventy says:

    Thanks Ouroboros, I had quite a good chuckle. I certainly needed it. I’ll miss the humor here.

  59. Clint says:

    Let’s just put the two of ’em in a room and let Jeff take ’em both on.

    “If Barack Obama wants this so-called duel then why did he and his entourage run for the hills when John McCain challenged him to 10 town halls?” McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said.

  60. Great Mencken's Ghost! says:

    Sweaty, muscular men rolling around the floor, grunting and pounding each other on the back, their legs wrapped around each other’s faces…

    Totally Gay Fu, baby. Cue the cheezy jazz guitar…

  61. Clint says:

    62 – Do you mean Jeff’s video or the presidential race?

    Statistical tie, baby!

  62. Ouroboros says:

    Classic mixed martial arts catch wrestling/Krav Maga match..

  63. If I’m ever in a physical confrontation where ears are ripped off, bones are broken and choking is employed, well I dunno Dave D. But I’m not the type of person that finds himself in many physical confrontations, and doubt I would wind up in one with a wrestler per se.

    First, I’d like to be on equal footing with the attackers whom are armed with a knife or a gun themselves.

    Second, most confrontations where a gun is produced by the intended victim end abrubtly without any shots fired. Still, most street attacks occur with someone jumping their victim from behind (the number is like 85% for attacks on women BTW). I’d love to know how to escape a headlock and simultaneously stick my gun in my opponent’s mouth. From my POV as a husband and father of young children, when it comes to physical confrontations, it’s not about hurting someone, it’s all about not losing. I just have too much to lose.


  64. Ouroboros says:

    That would be Krav Master Azamat instructing his favorite student Sagdiyev..

  65. twolaneflash says:

    Karate is racist, black belts being the hardest to get; everybody gets a white belt. No belts is okay but the name “catch” is obviously racist, undoubtedly referring to “eeny, meeny, miney, mo…”. You will vote for Obama, or die.

  66. happyfeet says:

    too much to lose and too high a deductible makes for peacefulness I think. Oh. My wallet? I was just bringing it to you. You’re gonna love this one here just one more yogurt and you can get a free one. Ok then. Bye.

  67. dicentra says:

    I have a sudden urge to watch a Steve Reeves movie.

    As long as it’s the MST3K version, I’m in.

  68. TheGeezer says:

    I have a sudden urge to watch a Steve Reeves movie.

    As long as it’s the MST3K version, I’m in.

    Space Mutiny on MST3K is as bad and as funny as a no-talent muscular dude running around on a spacecraft with a concrete basement can get.

    Do NOT attempt watching it outside of MST3K. The emotional consequences are toxic.

  69. urthshu says:

    Peter – Don’t let that crap get to you. You’re defending yourself, who cares if other people pipe up and say you’re doing it wrong. The fact that you you’re on the right wavelength to begin with goes a long way.

    And anyway, is Dave gonna say the same to someone disabled? No, so the nagging is BS. Guns are the equalizer, MAs are designed to make people UNequal; people who can’t fight become adequate while natural fighters become superb, etc. – but they all go down when shot.

  70. SarahW says:

    You come in my house though, you are gettin’ a bullet or some Raid in the face. Unless are over for cocktails or something.

  71. SarahW says:

    Unless you

  72. SarahW says:

    And mostly the raccoon just leave on their own when they hear me heading for the kitchen.
    swish right out the cat door.

  73. SarahW says:

    I seem to be dropping a lot of letters.

  74. SarahW says:

    It’s the hydrophoby.

  75. Ouroboros says:

    “…right out the cat door.”

    Maybe you misread the packaging and mistakenly installed a ‘raccoon door ‘instead of ‘a cat door’ … a common mistake.

  76. Jeff G. says:

    Krav is good for those kinds of things, Peter. If you’re grabbed from the back, it’s usually via body lock (bear hug from behind); you need to learn to quickly adjust your base (to keep from being picked up: women are often hoisted into automobiles, eg.), then fire elbows perpendicular to your body, alternating sides, at the head of your attacker. Because when you are being grabbed from behind, generally the head of the grabber will be in a certain position in order to maintain strength.

    After striking the head, when the grip breaks, spin into the attacker and continue with your combatives. You may also stamp on the feet, and lift your heel directly into the groin of your attacker.

    Catch provides an alternate strategy. It begins, as with Krav, with adjusting your base (basically, lowering your hips and doing a modified squat to keep from being lifted off the ground). Then you’d hip in toward the attacker’s thigh with one leg while using your hands or knuckles to break the grip. From there, you can either spin in to the attacker, go for a hip toss, or — and this one is great if you can get it — keep hold of one of the hands when you break the grip and apply a standing double wristlock. This happens instantly, and the quick hoisting up of the arm will most definitely break it.

    In fact, Mark Schultz did this very thing in the Olympics (he turned more toward the front and took it to the ground) and was penalized for “unnecessary brutality.” Which, what can I say, I like that.

    Here, take a look.

  77. SarahW says:

    If you are bored, y’all can help me pick a car off of Richmond Craigslist. It should be cheap, clean, not too old, low miles, and be an SUV, a sedan, and and minivan and a sportscar. That’s what I have it narrowed down to, anyway.

    Not this one.

  78. happyfeet says:

    I like this one best so far. That is a good price, and those are good cars. Not depressing at all. Oh. It’s an 04 Toyota Matrix.

  79. SarahW says:

    Uh oh, HF, it was a superscam.

  80. Ouroboros says:

    Yo… Dat Caddy is sweet.. You roll up in dat slab an peeples know you mean bidness.

  81. happyfeet says:

    oh. That was a *really* good price. How did you figure out it was a scam? I should know these things.

  82. SarahW says:

    I never got to see it – it got flagged for removal; someone called shenanigans.

  83. BJTex says:

    Sarah: A little drinky, drinky this afternoon? :-)

  84. SarahW says:

    Yipe! Sis you see that bus story?

  85. SarahW says:

    did you, rather.

  86. McGehee says:

    I’ve never found a program that plays .mov files other than Quicktime, and I refuse to use Quicktime because it doesn’t play nice with file associations. Somebody steered me to something called Quicktime Emulator or some such, but it turned out to be … Quicktime.

    So, much as I’d love to view that video, Jeff — I can’t.

  87. SarahW says:

    BJT, probably sleep deprivation.

  88. McGehee says:

    …and RealPlayer doesn’t play nice with my system resources. It used to play nice, for a while, but then it went back to its bad old ways.

    Got any formats that’ll run in Winamp?

  89. B Moe says:

    BRANDON, Man. — Thirty-six passengers of a Greyhound bus travelling from Edmonton to Winnipeg Wednesday night watched in horror as a fellow passenger reportedly stabbed another man sleeping next to him, eventually decapitating him and waving the man’s severed head.

    “When we saw the head, we knew he was dead,” (Mr. Caton) said.

    Those Cannucks don’t miss a thing, eh?

  90. SevenEleventy says:

    See B Moe, you start linking a story about making a bong out of a skull, and next thing you know, everyone wants one!

  91. memomachine says:


    “In this short match against an opponent 50 pounds heavier, I break the leg scissors, pass the legs, feint like I’m going for the choke, and secure the cross face.”

    But it’s the fart from a lunch of Barvarian bratwurst that is the penultimate kill move!

    But sauerkraut? That’s just totally fucking -mean- man. Just mean.

  92. TmjUtah says:


    You touched a nerve, identifying as a dad.

    The two words that rule the civilian’s existence on the street are situational awareness. Muggers and sharks share a common MO – the ambush strike. The crucial difference is that the shark will strike from below without warning, then orbit and observe while figuring out if you taste good enough to confront for a meal or instead just wait until you bleed out. Your opportunistic mugger, if a pro, will dump you without warning, snatch the valuables, and be away without further fuss.

    That’s if he’s working alone and knows his stuff, and if you are alone. If he’s in a group larger than two and generates a confrontation, and you have family or companion(s), the odds of getting hurt, and badly, spiral right up. I was told by an LA deputy sheriff that if I was confronted by more than two ‘bangers on any South Central sidewalk I’d end up dead or in the hospital. They feed on each other and live in an adrenaline state foreign to most folks.

    Five years later, my honorary God son the San Diego cop told me the same thing.

    So don’t be surprised. Know where the other people are. Know where the blind spots are ahead of you. I cannot number how often I crossed a street between lights in LA. Spend little time looking down. – GOOD. People who don’t make eye contact are generally non-threats, and the people who cop an attitude (whatchoo looking at??!) are people you cross the street to avoid.

    I’ll just note that above you said –

    First, I’d like to be on equal footing with the attackers whom are armed with a knife or a gun themselves.

    – and then I will quote the immortal words of Yoda :

    “There is do, or do not. There is no try.”

    The above is mentioned in the spirit of they’d like ice water in Hades, too. If you can avoid being surprised, it is up to you to equip yourself with the skilz, tools, and proper combination of both to
    deal with the threat.

    I always carry a nondescript line knife with a four inch blade. I almost always (ALWAYS with the family) a firearm, all legal and concealed.

    In Utah, the rules are real simple: brandishing a knife and especially a firearm is a threat of deadly force so there’s not really a whole lot of profit in attempting to control escalation by giving up the knowledge that you are in fact heeled. But the nice thing about Utah is that there is no presumption of requirement to retreat on the part of a citizen going about their lawful business. So I always drill to make at least an effort to put distance between myself and a threat. You would be surprised how hard it is to make yourself sound off “I don’t want any trouble” when the time comes.

    So, you don’t let yourself be surprised. Your communication with a threat who closes you, as you cross the street, in traffic, with your family or friends moving purposefully away, is “I don’t want trouble” at a high volume. The same if you are confined to one side of the street – attempt safe retreat, all the time stating “I don’t want trouble”. Try to find a business with an open door, or at least a door way to cover your flanks. Your cellphone has a speedkey for 911, right? It’s already been pushed.

    Krav works really great for immediate action in response to chokes or other grapples. You’ll hospitalize a friend if you don’t invest the time to control the responses; it’s just like judo that way.

    You fight to end the threat. Then you choose your path away from the conflict. That means you assert control and think the situation through, even if you cut it up into one second chunks of OODA goodness. When the cops show up, you identify yourself, state that you or your party were in danger of grievous bodily harm, and you would like to consult a lawyer before answering any further questions. If your lawyer can’t provide you a twenty four hour contact number, find another lawyer.

    I am not Bruce Lee. As the days unfold it is becoming painfully clear I’m not even John Belushi. But I do what I can because I’m the dad, and it’s required. The tools I carry, coupled with the skills and discipline that still remain, are clearly last resorts.

    I’ll walk away a hundred times if it works. It’s about getting up the next day, never winning.

  93. bigbooner says:

    The stupid shit on the bus was prolly snoring too loud. He had it coming. Fucker.

  94. Jim in KC says:

    McGehee–I’m not absolutely sure, but ffmpeg might be able to play .mov files or convert to something friendlier, like divx or xvid. Use a front end like Super, and you should be able to get to behave somehow.

  95. Jim in KC says:

    …get it to behave…

    (Sheesh. It’s contagious, SarahW.)

  96. Jim in KC says:

    Here’s my nomination for your car, Sarah:

    White, so you don’t have to wash it all the time. Rear-wheel drive, like a sports car should be. Extended cab, so it’s sort of mini-van/sedan-ish. Full body on frame, so it’s what all SUVs wish they were, which is to say a truck.

  97. Dan Collins says:

    Meh, women like getting picked up.

  98. David R. Block says:

    22. Well feets, there’s this other problem. They have put the My Documents folder on a server, and you just about can’t download squat. Plus, they search the servers for those things and get real nasty about it. You get one folder on the machine in which to download stuff, and if it is verboten, you’re in trouble.

    It’s not a perfect job, but it’s a job. So I’ll still do that at home. Thanks for the info anyhow. Gotta have IE, cannot use Firefox (they uninstalled it for me at boot up Monday morning), picky about the version of Java you have installed, no streaming video or audio allowed, etc, ad nauseum.

    For being a programming shop, we have a strange set of rules.

  99. Jim in KC says:

    Depends on what you’re programming, I guess, David. It could be worse; two thirds of our users don’t have access to the internet at all.

  100. cranky-d says:

    No internet access? Primitives.

  101. JD says:

    Birdied 18 from the bunker. Watch out, Tiger.

  102. happyfeet says:

    That sucks. They blocked youtube but they really had no choice is why cause of the bandwidth. I’m now on a VLAN so they could check my internet use and all but I know that guy what does that. I expect my next job will be a lot more fascist about everything. It seems to be the future.

  103. JD says:

    Uh oh. Happy learned how to putt.

  104. cranky-d says:

    I was an intern at a government lab one summer. They monitored all traffic, but the only restriction they had was on pron. I imagine if you looked at terrorist sites they might have talked to you as well, but pure recreation sites were completely okay. You could even shop online if you wanted. The bandwidth used was not an issue.

    Apropos of not much, I guess. Just that the government doesn’t always act a fascist as you might think they would. Private companies are probably a lot worse.

  105. Jim in KC says:

    Yeah, even this isn’t as fascist as it seems. Most of those with no access probably wouldn’t have the opportunity to use it even if they did have it.

  106. leave barack ALONE! he’s human! he’s making america cool again. all you people care about is votes!


  107. Rusty says:

    Wa? Everybody still here? Shit! I just sublet my apartment.

  108. McGehee says:

    @ 97: As suggested, I looked at ffmpeg, but I couldn’t make heads or tails of the download page.

    For the heck of it I tried opening Jeff’s video with mplayerc (Media Player Classic) and despite claiming not to have to right CODEC it did actually show me the video. No sound, but unless Jeff’s dubbed the promised wocka-wocka-wow-wow I doubt I missed anything.

    When I was in junior high school one semester we had kind of a rotating set of different sports/activities we could sign up for, and I spent a couple of weeks I guess with wrestling. I’d forgotten why I didn’t stick with it, but being 13 and getting into those kinds of positions with other guys, in front of an audience no less…

  109. McGehee says:

    @ #107: My wife works for a federal agency and she says she can’t do hardly anything on her computer at work without involving the IT guys, because her permissions on her own computer are set so low. And she’s not even one of those “my retractable cupholder is broken” types — she actually writes programs at work. They just won’t let her install software, or change options in the software they do let her have.

  110. Dave D says:

    I wasn’t saying that deadly force is never justified, nor was I nagging. I’ve just heard the “I don’t need unarmed skills; I’ve got gun-fu” line many times, and it’s fallacious. It’s a bad way to think about physical confrontation. In a real fight, you should of course never fight fair. Always have a weapon. But once again, if your only reaction to danger is deadly force, you’re setting yourself up for failure. A little training in something unarmed, like Krav, groundfighting, or basic street thug ass-kicking goes a long way.

    I don’t know if Peter is disabled. urthshu might be, I don’t know. Rules of force are of course different when you’re faced with overwhelming violence, like a multiple attacker situation or if you’re disabled. I just think that the idea that a gun can solve all violent problems all the time is incorrect. There are going to be places where you can’t carry your gun. There are going to be situations where you can’t easily access your gun. If you’re really concerned about personal defense, acquire some unarmed skills so you can create a situation where you CAN get to your gun, if necessary. Otherwise, you’re just being negligent. Every problem looking like a nail, etc.

    And I say this as someone who both goes shooting and trains in combatives.

  111. Jeff G. says:

    Unfortunately, most fights end up on the ground. And let me tell you, I’d bite a man’s nutsack if I had to, so I’m not much worried about what certain positions look like.

    But yeah, catch guys don’t like to be on their backs. The “whore position,” Karl Gotch called it — commonly now referred to as the guard. Effective in sport if you are trying to set up certain submissions, but other than that, its only other use is to potentially subdue an opponent until help arrives.

  112. Barrett Brown says:

    “And let me tell you, I’d bite a man’s nutsack if I had to”

    You’d better make damn sure that the guy you’re fighting hasn’t been using dirty needles or having sex with South African health ministers.

  113. dicentra says:

    the government doesn’t always act a fascist as you might think they would. Private companies are probably a lot worse.

    It depends on how stupid the IT guys in the agency are, or how diligent the higher-ups are. IT guys who work for the gubmint are usually not as bright as those who can make it in the private sector. Either that, or the higher-ups aren’t paying attention to gubmint mandates about security and the like. They’re often still using IBM Selectrics and mimeograph machines.

  114. McGehee says:

    I’m not much worried about what certain positions look like.

    In a real fight, me either. Junior-high wrestling bore about as much resemblance to any of the real fights I’d ever been in up to that point, as foosball resembles underwater unicycle racing.

  115. Darleen says:


    If your life is on the line, you don’t stop and ask for id and medical reports.

    The one major hurtle that most women taking their first self-defense course have to get over is squimishness – we are drilled “don’t hit, don’t hurt”, fine in polite society, not so good while being mugged.

    When I was at the DA office, our Bureau of Investigation set up a defense course for us … We got to really “let go” against the heavily suited guy to give us a feel of not being hessitant in a dangerous situation.

  116. TmjUtah says:

    Dave D –

    “Every problem looking like a nail, etc.

    I understand where you are coming from, and agree wholeheartedly. Problem is, there will come a time when you need to know what a nail looks like, and know it before you need to reach for the hammer. Coin, two sides, etc. Most of us like our normal, non threatening world. That desire to feel like we are in the warm and safe against all external observed evidence transforms into an exploitable margin, redounding to the bad guy’s benefit.

    I do all my arguing with strangers via a keyboard. When on the move with the Team we are just a happy smiley little troop of sunshine scouts and no threat to anybody. We are a cliche, truly. Smile and move on, that’s the ticket.

    I’ve been on the receiving end of attempted targeted violence more than once. The lessons learned lo those times past were such that I’ve devoted quite a bit of thought to what and what doesn’t rate lethal response, and as a result have drilled appropriately.

    But I’m not inclined to do more than publish the intent not to confront. Running is never a good option – predator response and my creaky old knees, etc. Plus, you give up any chance of defining the battlefield. Smart guys would already recognize that something was wrong by my/our behaviour and most likely be heading elsewhere – as has happened.

    They choose their path. I already know that I’m having cornflakes the next morning.

  117. happyfeet says:

    This thinger that Mr. Reynolds found is very interesting.

    From here on out, we’re glad red-state rubes live in areas where guns are more powerful and more plentiful, cars are larger and faster, and people are fatter and slower and dumber,” The Stranger proclaimed. Given the editors’ uninhibited sense of superiority, they felt confident that in the emerging Darwinian struggle, the suburban and exurban Neanderthals would be forced to give way to the clear superiority of the urban Cro-Magnons.


    In recent months, the city-centered media such as CNN, The New York Times and National Public Radio have jumped on the urbanist bandwagon. They have promoted urban chauvinists’ contention that high gas prices and legislation to limit global warming would end the era of dispersion. This return to a more urbanized demography, some Democratic bloggers suggest, would assure a new liberal ascendancy.”

    This is very true. NPR is all about sneaking in gas tax endorsements all over the place. There you have it really. Democrats think there’s a huge advantage to them in keeping gas prices as high as they can. So duh they don’t want to drill. Creepy, the implications are.

  118. Damn Jeff, you look 50 pounds heavier than the last time I saw you, but in a good way.

  119. Sdferr says:

    The creepy, not the least of which is they seem not to understand how an economy runs better on its own (without them) and that the most likely outcome of their interventions will be to kill said economy and with it their political prospects.

  120. Jeff G. says:

    It’s the haircut, probably, Charles.

  121. B Moe says:

    They have promoted urban chauvinists’ contention that high gas prices and legislation to limit global warming would end the era of dispersion. This return to a more urbanized demography, some Democratic bloggers suggest, would assure a new liberal ascendancy.

    Yeah, because before gasoline people weren’t scattered about at all. These people are so fucking ignorant it makes my teeth hurt. How could a society with this much access to information be this clueless?

  122. Sdferr says:

    I like the “Why repeat the Bush tactic of dividing people from each other, this time based on where they choose to live, when the economic misery is so well-distributed…” —This “economic misery” is said about the wealthiest society in the history of the human species.


    “…With a strong showing in the other geographies as well as his inevitable landslide in cities, he could instead realize a historic triumph closer to Rooseveltian proportions.” Historic Triumph! Rooseveltian proportions! A-ha-ha-hahaha.

  123. happyfeet says:

    Yeah. I’m just flat out not feeling it. The debates will be very bubble bursting for our little Baracky I think.

  124. dorkafork says:

    I’ve just heard the “I don’t need unarmed skills; I’ve got gun-fu” line many times, and it’s fallacious.

    If you’re serious about self-defense, serious enough to carry, then you should be serious enough to be familiar with the full spectrum of self-defense. I’ve heard from cops I’ve known that they get shown videos of how a guy with a knife 50 feet away can stab them before they get their gun out of their holster. Besides that, though guns are pretty reliable, they can jam.

  125. B Moe says:

    Here is some more insanity from an esteemed educator

  126. dorkafork says:

    Here’s an example showing how having a gun is no guarantee of winning a fight.

  127. Sdferr says:

    Professor Emeritus may mean he’s old enough to have had J.K.Galbraith as an instructor at University. He never did buy into all that newfangled Chicago School stuff. He’s a tool.

  128. Ouroboros says:

    “Democrats think there’s a huge advantage to them in keeping gas prices as high as they can.”

    Feets, which Democrats are you referring to? All the Dems I know are middle class working Dems and they’re getting hammered by the high price of gas (and everything else that’s gone up with the price of gas) as much as I am… Maybe just some Democrats.. Elites.. Party Members.. that are rich and can afford to live with expensive gas as a means of manipulating the little people.. That’s the truly sad thing about our system.. We have two parties.. neither of which actually represent the best interest of the average working people.. We just get to vote as to whether we prefer to be ruled by greedy capitalist Republicans that value profit over all else or power crazed Democrats that want to micromanage our lives from cradle to grave under their Socialist boot… Some choice..

  129. TmjUtah says:

    “Democrats think…

    Well…there’s a point to argue right there.

  130. Ouroboros says:

    If you’re serious about self-defense, serious enough to carry, then you should be serious enough to be familiar with the full spectrum of self-defense

    I agree.. I’ve always wondered why I’ve never seen a business that combines a full gym (like 24 hour fitness) with Mixed Martial Arts.. no Gis or belts or crap.. just practical self defense skills.. and a full handgun range, preferably with a combat course.. maybe even a tire room.

    Throw in a beer and darts sports pub and that would be an excellent place to have a membership and hang out..

    Oh and aerobics to attract hot, pro-gun chicks.. can’t forget that.

  131. Sdferr says:

    Have you guys seen the tape of McConnell and Salazar on the senate floor today? Killer video, I think.
    McConnell is asking for unanimous consent for consideration of a bill to enable drilling the OCS, objected to by Salazar, then conditioned with triggers for enactment with gas prices at $4.50/gal, $5.00/gal, $7.50/gal, $10.00/gal sequentially, each object to by Salazar (likely acting on behalf of Reid).

  132. Aldo says:

    I probably would have torn off an ear from that position while applying the cross face. That’s what teeth are for.

    Unless he’s wearing a diaper over his head of course. Or a sheep suit.

  133. serr8d says:

    If these rumors we’re hearing (that John McCain is considering/choosing Joe Lieberman as VP, to ‘transform’ the Republican party) pan out as truth, I’ll vote Obama. Without a second’s hesitation. At least that way I won’t qualify as automatically ‘racist’.

    Who was it who decided McCain was the best possible Republican candidate? Oh, yeah, that’s right. The NYT and a coalition of party elites.

    At least Bobby Jindal will give the keynote address at the convention. That’ll be the high point. After that I’m switching the box to the Home & Garden Network.

  134. Ouroboros says:

    “…Or a sheep suit.”

    A sheep suit probably has plush balls you could sink your teeth into. Just sayin..

  135. happyfeet says:

    Here it is, Sdferr. That’s devastating. Scary devastating.

  136. happyfeet says:

    McCain won’t pick Lieberman. It’s Iraqularly redundant. He needs a person with breasts or with good economic sense.

  137. TmjUtah says:

    Ouroboros –

    I refer you back to the normal, non threatening world that most people grasp for. There is probably a customer base for that business model; whether or not it could be marketed to profitably is another thing entirely.

    The concept realized would instantly join incest, toothless banjo players, and NASCAR as a stereotypical redneck social marker, wouldn’t it?

    ” This return to a more urbanized demography, some Democratic bloggers suggest, would assure a new liberal ascendancy.”

    Mmmmmm. Don’t see it. I see a bunch of whiny unemployed metrosexuals getting their asses kicked at home by their feminist partners, then getting what’s left really thrashed by the even more desperately unemployed members of various minority grievance groups that are way more used to playing the collapsing urban wasteland political patronage game.

    Philly Detroit LA Gary St. Louis coming to your city SOON!

    Wow. Sign me up. Not.

  138. happyfeet says:

    Or both, of course. Preferably both.

  139. Sdferr says:

    I’ll nominate Anna Gilligan for VP. (except she’s a dem, I think. still, I could get used to four years of….her laugh.)

  140. happyfeet says:

    She seems nice. I didn’t know her.

  141. A different Steve M says:

    “resurrection of Anna Nicole”

    Has Greta attained OT LXVII already?

  142. Sdferr says:

    Yeah, that’s what I mean, very nice….laugh.

  143. B Moe says:

    McConnell is asking for unanimous consent for consideration of a bill to enable drilling the OCS, objected to by Salazar, then conditioned with triggers for enactment with gas prices at $4.50/gal, $5.00/gal, $7.50/gal, $10.00/gal sequentially, each object to by Salazar (likely acting on behalf of Reid).

    I am starting believe the Democrats are hell-bent to make a liar of H L Mencken.

  144. Darleen says:

    #127 dorkafork

    If you’re serious about self-defense, serious enough to carry, then you should be serious enough to be familiar with the full spectrum of self-defense.

    Dad was in the occupation Army in Japan after WWII. He told me that there were these matches between whatever Karate expert would volunteer against a trained Army boxer.

    The boxer always won.

  145. Sdferr says:

    But their abacus operators used to pound hell out of our adding machine people in speed tests.

  146. Ouroboros says:

    “whether or not it could be marketed to profitably is another thing entirely. “

    It’s in the marketing.. All the components are popular with a broad spectrum of people.. gyms & martial arts attract both attract middle and upper middle class clientele.. Sports bars , same same.. The handgun range I go to attracts mostly military and police types.. don’t see many hillbillies or gangbangers ..

    All of those things separately have strong non-redneck followings.. I’m just talking about combining them under one roof..

    Sure you could hire Joe Dirt as spokesman, park The General Lee out front and hire Elly May Clampet as a receptionist/aerobics instructor, but it doesn’t have to be that way.. it could be easily marketed to young professionals that are heath conscious, into sports and self defense.. I mean Jeff doesn’t quite fit the redneck stereotype does he?

    On a tangent though, I’d really rather have a beer and catch the game with a group of good ole redneck boys than a fern bar full of metrosexual dandies… That’s just me..

  147. Ouroboros says:

    On a redneck related note.. I just found out that you cant drive around Seattle with a shotgun in a rack in your pickup window..


    Guess I’ll have to lay it in the floorboard with my beers.

  148. […] Seems that they are getting a bit carried away by their own hubris. h/t ‘feets […]

  149. happyfeet says:

    Sdferr caught that at #134. I just googled for the youtube is all.

  150. serr8d says:

    Well, thanks to all then.

    This place is still a goldmine, it seems.

  151. TmjUtah says:


    Damn. I’m a victim of brand projection marketing*. At the regulated public ranges where I shoot, it is always mostly pros or at least solid citizens.

    Heck, even our cannon party outings are governed by mutually accepted rules and generally effective (yah, there’s a big, nebulous semantic hole right there) self policing. And the only time I’ve spent in martial arts gyms in the last few years was strangely lacking in the boy-on-boy posturing that outfits like SpikeTV assure me is all the rage in MMA…

    My youngest came in tonight and asked me out of the blue “Dad, does violence really ever solve anything?” Now I truly can swear on a bible that I didn’t railroad my daughter’s childhood.

    I referred her to the Carthaginians, the Nazis, and the Dodo. She’ll get back to me tomorrow.

    * fictitious marketing term in place of correct label describing “We changed Bubba to think our way”.

  152. EasyLiving1 says:

    Anna Gilligan.

    Anna Karenina.

    Jeff Goldstein.

  153. EasyLiving1 says:


    Sorry Mr. Protein Wisdom, I thought you were this guy

    There’s no germane Anna Karenina referece to be had with that fellow.

  154. Ouroboros says:

    Naw.. That’s the other Jeff G. from that one dinosaur park movie..

  155. EasyLiving1 says:

    Epistemological optimism.

  156. EasyLiving1 says:

    “to be had”


    I love quoting myself on Jeff’s blog.

  157. EasyLiving1 says:

    “Epistemological optimism.”


    I love to quote Buckley.

  158. geoffb says:

    #128 B Moe

    That guy is a riot. He disregards that the sub-prime mortgage crisis was mostly caused by political (Dem) pressure to give no or low down payment mortgages to those “less fortunate” and blames the banking industry for handing money to those who could never pay it back like that is a proper business strategy. Then he seems to think that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are “free market” enterprises.

    I needed a laugh, much of de stupid there. Socialism = good, Freedom = bad, Bah humbug.

  159. geoffb says:

    “Naw.. That’s the other Jeff G. from that one dinosaur park movie..”

    Mr. Frost?

  160. dorkafork says:

    The boxer always won.

    That’s not terribly surprising.

    Of course, that’s a Japanese art, not a Korean one. As you could see from the effectiveness of the Sinanju self-defense video I posted earlier, KOREAN is the most perfect creature ever to sanctify the earth with the imprint of its foot. Karate, Kung Fu, Ninjitsu – they are but shadows. Sinanju is the Sun.

  161. Semanticleo says:


  162. quellcrist falconer says:

    At least Bobby Jindal will give the keynote address at the convention.

    do u suppose he’ll talk about chemical castration of sex offenders or demonic exorcism?

  163. happyfeet says:

    But… the optics.

  164. quellcrist falconer says:

    oh yah feets, jindal is brown and relatively tasty but crazier than a bedbug i thinks ;)

  165. quellcrist falconer says:

    seriously, feets, serr8D, the guy fuckin’ wrote a paper on demonic exorcism!
    good luck with that.

  166. happyfeet says:

    oh. He was 23 when he wrote that. It was accepted for publication, and a bunch of nice jobs followed, so it can’t be all that wacky. Unless it is. Which would be sort of off-putting I think, but if he were running against someone, I’m not sure really… but demonizing actual for real demons vs. demonizing carbon dioxide, that would still be an easy call I think. For me anyway.

  167. B Moe says:

    do u suppose he’ll talk about chemical castration

    LOL! You still haven’t figured that out?

  168. Blitz says:

    does anyone mind that I’m old school as far as self defense goes? close up is a .38 bulldog, and my personal preference? a .257 roberts in Ruger m77 at about 400 yards. I’m too small for that krav stuff. (5’8″ 142 lbs)Learned to shoot (while clinging to my guns and Heinlein) in a dump in Pueblo CO at the age of 6…learned I couldn’t fight about the same time

  169. Jeff G. says:

    Krav is perfect for those who are smaller. I’d look into it were I you, Blitz.

  170. […] will debate the exact moment it started taking on water but I would submit that it began with this post causing people to start acting like they had just walked in on their grandparents having sex. […]

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