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November 2024


Are You a TWiPe? [Dan Collins]

(Typical White Person?)


16 Replies to “Are You a TWiPe? [Dan Collins]”

  1. cranky-d says:

    I probably am. I can get a sunburn lickity-split. “What’s that, the sun? Owwwww.”

    I blind people with my reflection in the few seconds I have outside before my skin burns.

  2. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    I wonder if a typical white person is considered one of the “rich white people” by Jeremiah Wright?

  3. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    I wouldn’t be worried about Michael Steel or Shelby Steel or Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell or John McWhorter or Bill Cosby or hell, Barack Obama in an alley, dark or not. They’re black, right? But a couple of hooldums, black or white? Yes. The left has completely abandoned their old friend…nuance.

  4. happyfeet says:

    Some of Obama’s best friends are rich white people.

  5. TomH says:

    Could that work for Mccain in an ad? Not your typical white person!!!

  6. McGehee says:

    “Typical”? In stereo!

  7. JD says:

    Let’s be honest here, this “typical” thing might be one of the single most defining moments for the media. It, beyond a shadow of a doubt, proves how in the bag they are for Baracky, not that we needed any more proof.

    If Baracky said something, and in response, Sen. McCain said “Oh, BO is just a typical black man”, his candidacy would be over before the jackals in the media could press send on their stories.

    Baracky says it, no ramifications whatsoever, except some loonwaffles calling people racist for pointing out the glaring double standard.

  8. Rusty says:

    I’,m often used as a nightlight.

  9. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Oh and for the longest time, I really thought that bitches were nothing but tricks and ho’s. But I am white. Is that typical?

  10. B Moe says:

    That picture is seriously freaking me out.

  11. Lisa says:

    JD you never know what direction the media clown car is going to go in. I think they have just decided that they don’t care about militant pastors or (Freudian) slips of the tongue. They are waiting for someone to get caught having “teh sex”. Someone with a “wide stance” would be preferable.

  12. Carin says:

    Or, JD, if McCain referred to someone as “niggardly.” Oye.

  13. Lisa says:

    Oh Carin. LMAO!!!! Remember that poor, beleaguered employee of the idiot and coward Anthony Williams whose only crime was having an excellent vocabulary? That was a sad, sad day for humanity.

    Have you ever read the book “The Human Stain” by Philip Roth? A similar absurdity launches the plot.

  14. true story… I had this U.S. history prof in college (two different semesters) that started each semester off with the usual get to know you questionnaire thinger. so the next class he’d come in a rant about how stupid people had filled out the “Nationality” space with stupid answers. anything other than American or U.S. Citizen (unless of course you were from some other country) was unacceptable. So, he’s rambling, “White is not a nationality! besides, most people are more of a peachy color” then he paused and looked at me, held his hand up next to my face and said, “well, except you, you are white”

    anyhoo, is that Enoch? the face just looks so familiar….. trying to place it….

  15. Rob Crawford says:

    JD you never know what direction the media clown car is going to go in.

    Odd. It always seems to lurch to the left.

  16. Enoch_Root says:

    Rob – again… very nicely done sir! #15

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