
Jeff's Wish List

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May 2006


May 2006

in which I spend my morning correcting a number of remarkably self-satisfied “academics” who, quite frankly, have no idea what they are talking about

Not really what I wanted to be doing this morning—and I only have 25 minutes to do it, because I’ve just taken my Gaspari SuperPump 250, and that powdered supplement is a tough taskmaster, demanding of me a certain timeliness to my workouts—so this will be rather quick (though not short). First, let me point out that for someone whom they supposedly believe to be a paste-eating idiot, there are

Former teen idol Leif Garrett comments on a new UCLA study that finds marijuana smoking, rather than increasing the risks of lung cancer, may actually guard against it

Garrett:  “Bitchin’.  Now if some geek can whip together a study showing that firing the ack ack gun is a boon to prostate health, maybe I can buy myself a quiet pardon from Conan and get back to making people happy with my music.”* **** (h/t Terry Hastings)

Emotivational Speakers

Q: What do you get when you cross Glenn Greenwald and Andrew Sullivan? A: I’m not quite sure, really.  But whatever it is, somebody needs to get it a Midol and a history book.  I touched on this in a brief reply to Greenwald yesterday (in his post, he calls me “one of the most intense enemies of American values,” which is true, if by “American values” Greenwald means “preening

I think SOMEBODY needs a little more frozen strawberry and a little less rum… (UPDATED BELOW THE FOLD)

To this point, I’ve been kind to Thersites, whose flabby attempts at engaging my intentionalist arguments have been both lazy and, quite honestly, embarrassing. In fact, I’ve treated those who’ve come over from his site seriously, and attempted to answer their questions, because it seems at least they are interested in having a substantive discussion on these issues. Which, unfortunately, is a different tack than that taken by Thersites, who


Lest anyone accuse me of, you know, getting out in front of the news cycle.*

“More like ‘Operation Iraqi Slaughter‘“:  Ends, means, and the anti-war left (UPDATED & UPDATED AGAIN)

For those of you who have yet to see it, the internet is buzzing over this interview with former Army Ranger Jessie [in some accounts, “Jesse”] MacBeth, who—like a modern day Winter Soldier—spins the familiar anti-war tale of an idealistic young man who goes into service proudly and eagerly, only to become disillusioned by the way his own comrades-in-arms are directed to behave by a brutish US military command, who

“Butter Nostalgia”:  a haiku

Remember spreading yourself across my toast…? Like lovers, our tongues met…

Another moment of unabashed pragmatism

Sometimes, when the remote control is that close to you, you just, you know, pick it up and use it. Sorry, but that’s just the way it goes. Fear not, though.  We’ll likely talk later.

“Saudi Men Who Rode School Bus Arrested” (UPDATED)

Via the Tampa Tribune and AIR: Two Saudi men were arrested Friday after they boarded a school bus and rode to Wharton High School in New Tampa. Students on the bus became alarmed, as did the bus driver, who called ahead. Hillsborough County sheriff’s deputies met the bus at the school and detained the men. No one was injured and nothing out of line occurred on the bus, deputies said.

Cultural Determinism

From Terry Hastings, via email: The Duke Lacrosse saga continues to play out in the media.  When guilt or innocence is finally established, will the media examine its own roll in shaping the direction the story has taken?  Thomas Sowell asks some hard questions.  With respect to the mindset that some blacks have re guilt innocence of the Lacrosse players — According to Newsweek, the young man at NCCU said