
Jeff's Wish List

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March 2005

Johnnie Cochran dead at 67

No cause of death given in the earliest reports. **** update:  “Cochran died of a brain disorder in Los Angeles, said law partner Randy McMurray” (thanks Allah).

You can’t spell Barack Obama without KKK.  Okay, so maybe you can.  But still.

Ace points to the following fundraising letter, signed by Illinois Senator Barack Obama, asking support for former KKK Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd (D-WV): Dear MoveOn member, I’m writing today about a senator who needs your urgent support. Senator Robert Byrd was one of the first senators I met with when I came to the Senate 3 months ago. Senator Byrd understands the history, the importance and the role Senate

9 indications that you might just be a godless “Christophobe” and certified DEATH MERCHANT whose goal it is to promote a pagan liberal agenda*

While viewing Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, you find yourself giggling uncontrollably whenever Jim Caviezel makes that one grimacy face. For many people, Good Friday is a day of somber remembrance; for you:  time to make s’mores! Stephen Hawking?  Shoulda been put down years ago. During the Christmas season you like to file formal complaints about publically-displayed nativity scenes, then festoon your own lawn with life-sized cardboard cutouts

Everything that rises must converge, redux

From the AP: An autopsy will be performed after Terri Schiavo dies to show the extent of her brain damage, her husband’s attorney says. On Monday, Schiavo’s 11th day without food or water, supporters of prolonging the woman’s life carried their protests to the White House, while the husband’s attorney said she looked “peaceful” and had a stuffed toy cat under her arm. George Felos, the attorney for husband and

Former teen idol Leif Garrett comments on the much-anticipated release of the Volcker oil-for-food scandal interim report

Garrett:  “One lesson I learned a long time ago?  Always, always throw a raincoat on your jimmy—no matter what line the lady feeds you about pills or sponges or the like.  Because trust me:  there will come a time when you’re gonna want that gorgeous layer of ribbed deniability.  And with a hat on your bat, it’s just her word against yours, brother…”*

More Iraqi Kidnappings

The Jawa Report sends this along: Three Romanian Journalists have been kidnapped in Iraq. The three victims are Marie Jeanne Ion, Sorin Dumitru Miscoci, and Ovidiu Ohanesian. As we have noted many times before, paying the ransom demands of hostage takers often leads to more hostage taking…eh, Giuliana Sgrena? In December, a pro-American President was elected in Romania. Even more importantly, President Traian Basescu was elected publicly proclaiming his support

…you know, the minister?  Always moralizing in front of a camera?  Is down in Florida right now, glomming onto the Schiavo case—THAT Jesse Jackson?  C’mon, I know you know who I’m talking about…”

Jesse who’s this now?  Sorry, never heard of the guy.*

No Reason

Jon Henke and the gents at QandO have launched a new journal they’re hopeful will one day do for neo-libertarianism what Bill Buckley’s National Review did for conservatism. The premier volume of The New Libertarian: a Journal of Neolibertarian Thought—which introduces neolibertarianism, and which includes original articles, excerpts from around the blogosphere, and contributions from writers and bloggers—is now available here (in pdf format).  The password is tnlv1i1

If instead of going On The Road, famed Beat writer Jack Kerouac spent the early 1950s pitching Cold War-inspired screenplays disguised as grade Z monster movies

Kerouac:  “…And then the giant irradiated lizard smokes the enormous marijuana cigarette, has himself a big bowl of Wheaties, and takes a little nap —at which point the army corp of engineers ties him up and releases him back into the ocean. “Which you gotta admit is like, wonderfully O. Henry-esque, man…”

The next time you hear a group of anti-war hand-wringers attempting to criticize the war on terror by asking, portentously, “why haven’t we caught Usama bin Laden…?”

…refer them to this Richard Miniter piece: A lone U.S. ambassador compromised America’s hunt for Osama bin Laden in Pakistan for more than two years, The New York Sun has learned. Ambassador Nancy Powell, America’s representative in Pakistan, refused to allow the distribution in Pakistan of wanted posters, matchbooks, and other items advertising America’s $25 million reward for information leading to the capture of Mr. bin Laden and other Al